

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did 10 minutes of the Tummy Toner DVD, held my plank for 2 min 45 sec, and then did an hour of Jari Love's Revved to the Max DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Peak 10 Cardio with Michelle Dozios DVD that I downloaded.

    Selena - I have lots of extra cushioning, I'd be glad to share!

    Went in the pool then went to WalMart to get a new coverup for when I'm in the pool, then back in the pool to do some of my exercises. I made something that I haven't made in at least 15 years. Actually, I used to make it when the kids were little and they really loved it. You take a 32 oz container of plain yogurt (back when my kids were little they didn't have Greek yogurt but I tried it this time and found I like it much better) and a 12oz can of orange juice concentrate. Thaw the concentrate but do not reconstitute it. Mix the two together and pour into pop molds. Freeze. Unfortunately, the only Greek yogurt they had was whole milk (I would have liked low fat yogurt) but even so each pop only came to 71 calories.

    While we were in PA Vince had an attack of tachycardia. He had another today. Actually, he had 3 attacks, but two of them didn't last too long. He's scheduled to see the cardiologist July 6 but he's going to call tomorrow to see if he can come in earlier. I know he's afraid he'll have to go for an ablation again. He's been doing research and it seems that the best hosp for it is John Hopkins. But he couldn't (so far) find anything about a doctor who is really good

    - welcome! So sorry to hear about your husband. Now is the best time to join this group. You'll find lots of writers on this forum, too

    Heather - your post really made me feel sad for you and your hubby

    barbara - most of us have only met each other on this thread. Of course, a few lucky people got to meet each other in person, but most of us just on this thread. Happy early birthday

    pip - Have a wonderful, fantastic, superb day. Do the little diamonds go all around the ring or just half way? what are the compression ankle sleeves supposed to do? I have some compression stockings but they're for when I need help with circulation

    Joan in Alabama
    - congrats on your great choices. WTG hosting that tea! I just have no desire for bread and if I must have it, I take just a little bit.

    terri - I don't even TRY to read the posts on my cell, it's just too difficult

    Mary from MN - I KNEW something better would come along for you -- and it did!

    Cindy in MD - when Jessica went to Australia a few years ago, Richard Simmons was on her flight to the West coast. How long will your son be there?

    becca - how sweet of you and dh!

    bearwood - welcome to a great place! Tell us more about yourself and what you'd like us to call you.

    katla - some people in Newcomers have questioned what exactly "heavy" appetizers were. What did you have? So happy things are looking up for you

    Sylvia - I hope you find a suitable vehicle for you pretty soon. Some salesmen! Well, they're working on commission so I guess that's their excuse. I remember when we were looking for a car, there was a definite different feeling when Vince was there versus when I was just there.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Forgot to post the pic of the Christmas tree skirt I made. I'm working on another one right now. These are the dishtowels that I made. I made two of each design, one for each of the kids for Christmas and one for us.aspk5gfk4wkf.jpg
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    Katla and pipcd it was in the low 80s and I have this problem whenever I ride. I have a hybrid and am five foot two so the bike frame is small. I am the right height for the seat but I always feel like my arms should be in a different position as they need to be really straight to reach the bars and Also as it is not a touring bike I am not hunched over and placing my limited upper body strength right on the bars. I have nice stubby arms and legs. I have the tingly/numb feeling on the elliptical also on my feet after about 35 minutes or so. I read to keep the shoelaces really loose and that helps somewhat. I feel like there is not a bike made for my frame. I love riding though as there is so much more to see on a bike! Way more fun than going to the gym. I will mention it to the doc next month. PS I do not use toe clips or bicycling shoes, just flexible sneakers.

    I would take you and your bike to a bike store where that spa all they do and see if your bike is a measured for you right
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    Thanks to all for the bday wishes. And the diamonds don't go all around the band, just half way. It would have bee too expensive to go all the way around and I'm cheap
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member

    After reading 200 posts, I'm not able to individually comment ... Sorry.

    Just a couple things...
    Happy birthday Pip!
    Kim ... I laughed at the Nemo story!
    Mary... Glad you found another place so quickly!
    Heather... Hope husband's surgery is uneventful!

    Where is YannieJannie?
    Are you out there lurking? Thinking of you!

    It's been a busy time here. Opened our pool today ... Have repairs to make to heater and spa blower. The landscaping is trashed from the winter. So much to do! Taught a class for the pastor this weekend. Not many around due to the holiday. Took a picnic lunch to my son's house for he and his housemates and aides. Went over well. Having a garage sale with friends next Saturday at their house, so doing some decluttering.

    I'm quite disappointed... Clothes I bought last summer are snug ... So really need to refocus. Both husband and son are fed up with their weight too, so everyone is on the same page. Son joined MFP!

    Welcome to the new ladies. Hugs to those who need them and high fives to those with victories.

    Beth in WNY

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Again, just a quick pop in to save my place. I'm in Dallas after a fairly uneventful trip. Got a free upgrade to my room--it's enormous! I've been ready to go to bed for two hours but am trying to reset to the timezone change. No rain in the forecast for the next couple of days but I definitely saw examples of the flooding on the way in.

    Happy birthday, Pip!

    Carol from NC but in TX
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    A quiet day. Remembering the brave men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

    Thanks for the show of concern and all the good advice. I'm feeling more like myself today. Had a great gym workout, followed by some deep water exercises in our pool. The weather today was the best we've had in a week, so I extended my time outside by puttering around on our deck with plants and transplants. Mars the cat got two long walks on his leash.

    Heather: Hoping all goes easily for your DH's op.

    Pip: Happy birthday! May your day be as bright and festive as your nails.

    Barbara: I've had the pleasure of meeting a few ladies in this community who either live in Colorado, or have traveled here. I'm eager to continue to meet up with others. My June trips will take me to Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, New York and Louisville. Message me if are anywhere near these areas and might be able to grab a coffee.

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    edited May 2015
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    19,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
    almost an hour on the exercise bike
    a wonderful long nap

    smiley-bounce015.gif Michele, your tree skirt and towels are wonderful....you are very talented and persistent to complete them.

    smiley-bounce015.gif Mary, congrats on finding the right house just when you needed it.....moving is exhausting but when the work is done, it's very satisfying...I've learned that from experience.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone! Thanks for your support through our house ups and downs. Still going through our stored containers for moving sale. Now both my DH and I have colds. Hopefully we will be ready by Thursday.

    Michele - can I be one of your kids? I love your tree skirt!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hello my wonderful friends. Uneventful Memorial Day today. We went out for supper tonight with Michelle, but we go out every evening so that was nothing special. Charlie knows that his girls may be wanting to pay their own way so that he 'can afford' to get treatment for his ulcerative colitis. The truth is we have the money anyway. We are far from broke and with our pensions and social security we are doing OK. But it's just the point of it. So he accepted a gift card she had been given for Christmas to this place we went. But the UC is sure roaring it's ugly head. I'm just glad there is no bleeding with it. Again today he went out to get in the car to go for a walk and had to immediately come back inside. Well I had prayed that God would work in his heart and brain that he would accept some kind of treatment. Watch out what you pray for. His UC got worse.

    Mary, so glad you got a better house. I hope it continues to go through and you actually et to move in.

    Naomi, what is the world is a semicolon drive????

    Jules, welcome. so sorry about your husband having cancer but you seem like a well grounded couple fighting this together. Writing will be good for you.

    Heather, could you do your nails at the hospital while waiting for your husband? I know it sounds a little weird but you are forced to have down time.

    Pip, happy birthday

    Sylvia, I think you are allergic to country music!!!!! Those salesmen must have taken a course on how to rope a customer in.

    Again, I have a terrible, terrible headache. Its my left side, front and back. I have taken 3 Advil and then 2 Aleve and it's a little better.

    I pray so for the ones in Texas and Oklahoma right now. I can't imagine that amount of flooding and it's not over yet. Back in 1937 Evansville had a huge flood and it guess it would have flooded where we live but I'm glad we live a bit away from the Ohio River. The river was our liveliness at one time.

    Nighty night, Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Bought new Asics running shoes for my walks. My KwSiss have bit the dust
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Hello all.
    Lillian - Let 's hope the inhaler works.

    Mary- Glad you got your home. It does sound spectacular and perfect.

    Pip - Happy , happy Birthday.

    Michele - I hope Vince gets in to the cardiologisthe soon. I am so sorry that you are going through so much. You are so talented , the tree skirt and towels are great.

    Day started with a specialist appointment. The ultrasound showed a nodule on my right kidney so now there will be a CT scan. Tomorrow is endoscopy.
    Went for lunch at Mocha Cabaname with Dr and DGD. It was delightful. We all got pedicures after. It waso a good day.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello all!

    Soon the taxi will be arriving to take us to the hospital. I have some reading matter, some writing materials and a snack to take with me. If there is any time while DH is under I will nip out to town for some bits and pieces. We woke up very early so had everything done by 8.50, including 1 hr 45 mins exercise!

    DSIL rang to wish him luck. She will arrive around 11 pm tonight. Must get a small snack ready for her as she is driving for two hours straight from work. :love:

    Michele - hope Vince's heart rhythms get sorted. :flowerforyou:

    Mary - the new house sounds fab!

    Dreamwriter - hope the kidneys etc turn out ok. My ex had the same thing, but it was ok.

    Joyce - I've managed to put some colourless varnish on my nails. Better than nothing!

    I've kept my weight at target through the holiday and family visit, but I've put back my two safety pounds. I can't complain, but I will have to be careful in York with my girlfriends. I expect we will walk a lot and the hotel has a small pool. I really can hardly believe my weight has stayed down, but I do 600 cals exercise every morning. The two days the DGC were here I couldn't do that, but I ran around after them and went for a walk. I am relieved, I must say. Still, I would like my safety pounds back! :laugh:

    Love to all. I will check back in this evening.

    Heather, in Hampshire, UK

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Read everything and wishing everybody the best. Still more or less underwater with the bronchitis (Lillian, how are you?). Will post more soon.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies~
    slept well... Heather~ keeping your DH in my prayers..
    well I have about 15 packages in the freezer which is nice.. going to be upper 80s today will close the house up.. the day after a holiday is crazy at a dentist office so it will be like that today working 9:30-6 so long day.. seems that we worked all weekend long.. guess that is a good thing, but I want to be with my DSIL and Faith up at the lake.. or with my DB at Hampton at the cottage.. but alas I have to work..
    I am hoping once the kitchen gets done that we can take a break from all this craziness..
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    I love the idea of unbecoming someone to become who you are meant to be!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone

    I think I slept better. Used the inhaler last night when I got home. I think it is working, coughing up the phlegm. Which is good according to the doctor. Still home from work for a couple days. It isn't bronchitis it is a viral chest infection.

    Stopped at a greenhouse on the way home and picked up plants to plant 3 of my planters. So will try and get them planted today. It is still supposed to be hot and windy today - forecasting thunderstorms for this afternoon. I must remember to take it slow and easy so that my coughing doesn't flare up.

    Sharon - (((hugs))) thinking of you,

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Lillian in Sask - hope the inhaler continues working...
    Heather - best wishes for the DH...
    Mary - so glad the house situation got sorted!

    Started trying out a flex/weight lifting hack (to try to get myself to do it) don't know if it will be useful for any but the unforgivably geeky. One of my May goals was to start adding my resistance/flexibility work in before my runs, as I hate doing it.

    So I added it into my Outlook calendar. My morning routine is writing from about 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. I ordinarily run at about 8:30 or 9. So, at 6, 7 and 8 a.m., I set my calendar to chime at me and tell me to do a couple of lifts or flex moves - lifting on MWF, flex on TuThSat, then chime at me to do my run at 8:30 every morning. I can "snooze" it one time only to finish the thought that I'm writing. Each of the moves only takes five minutes or so, then I can get back on the computer.

    It worked today. See if it works tomorrow. :wink: Whoops, the system just told me it's time to get ready to go run... :) gotta go!
  • ma5y
    ma5y Posts: 47 Member
    Just wanted to say hi. I had a great weekend.

    Is there a way to "bookmark" this thread so that I can easily find it? My concern is that I will lose track of it and never find it again.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bkrimpet: Are there any good bike shops in your area? REI would be a possibility if you don’t have other bike shops because they have a fairly good stock of bikes. It would be great for you if you could find a bike that fits you properly or have your own bike adjusted to fit.

    Joyce: I’m sorry your DH is having such a difficult time. Prayer is valuable and can help. The thing is, the results are not always as speedy as we would like, and the answer is sometimes not the one we hoped for. Sending hugs.

    Dreamwriter: Sending good thoughts for your endoscopy results. I hope you are able to sort things out & feel better. Congratulations on the nice lunch and pedicures. That sounds like fun.

    Lillian: A viral chest infection sounds nasty. I hope you get the rest you need and feel better soon.

    Heather: I’m keeping you & your DH in my prayers. I hope the surgery goes perfectly and he heals quickly. My weight has been bouncing up & down a bit too. I’m under my goal but a bit above my preferred safety margin.

    We have a cool morning so far but the weather forecast shows sunshine and clouds with a temperature in the low 70’s. That sounds good to me. I just heard from my neighbor, so my day will start with spin class.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
