

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Just checking in. DH is raring to go on a semicolon drive. I always enjoy them too. No time to write more or respond to posts.

    Naiomi2015 in 70F and sunny Southern Maine.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Naiomi ~ what the heck is a semicolon drive?

    Janet ~ I have worn progressive lenses for years and I have had a couple with the transition lenses. I just hope when I get the new ones I can see better and not worse.

    Hoping all who have doc appts will get good results all around.

    Quiet day here but that's nice!

  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi, all. I am new to this thread, but no to MFP. I have gained and lost the same amount of weight several times, always kicking myself in the rear for "falling off the wagon". I will be fifty in a few weeks, and although my age has never bothered me before, it feels as I'm subconsciously noting every ache and pain I have. I am significantly overweight, have been since the birth of my second child, but have never had any health problems but GERD (thanks to my weight gain) and gall bladder removal (thanks to my weight loss). Having a mainly sedentary job doesn't help. I just find myself contemplating more and more what I really expect 50 to feel like (if that makes sense) and know I don't want it to feel like THIS. No or low energy, no drive, creaky knees and back.
    I'm really trying to turn things around, mainly for me, but partly because I have a husband who's been fighting stage iv metastatic cancer for some time and I need to be healthy and strong in order help care for him.
    So, I'm looking for ladies my own age I can relate to, and it seems this may be it. :)
    I know May is almost done and I just got back on MFP, but I do have goals and I'll post them now for the remainder of May and June.
    *Faithfully log every mouthful every day.
    *Remain positive in the face of negativity.
    *Walk at least 10,000 steps every day.
    *Take more day trips on Saturdays.
    *Drink at least 8 glasses of water.
    *Get back to writing, as it is a passion of mine I've long neglected.
    Jules, from the great state of South Carolina.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Hi all!
    Just heading off to take a nap! The house is so quiet and I keep seeing ghostly little figures disappearing round doorways and hearing the patter of little feet. Miss them. <3

    We went out to buy food for DSIL and for when I am away. DH has cooked some apricots and is cutting the grass. I have watered the garden and made garlic butter for our fillet steak tonight. Haven't had that in ages! Just broccoli with it for me. DH has a couple of microwaveable meals for Thurs and Fri and I got something really easy for tomorrow when we get back from the hospital. The cleaner came at 9 am as DS etc was leaving and blitzed the house, changed all the beds, towels etc for DSIL. I am madly laundering a HUGE pile. I feel as if I am running a hotel. This morning it was porridge, fresh fruit, eggs and bacon for the family. I feel so lucky to be able to afford a cleaner and that she would do an extra session for me. :happy:

    DH misses his little friend so much. He really lights up his life and he didn't think about his operation once! Watching them going on "adventures" together in their adventuring hats with their bags and torches to hide in cupboards is a joy to behold. They never stop talking!

    Got to think at some point of what I am taking to York with me. I have had some wine stoppers engraved with my friends' names on so must remember those - I forgot them last time. I feel far from prepared and not at all beautified. My nails are a disgrace - not like Pip's! ! ! ! :laugh: Will think about it all when I have had a rest. We did our exercises this morning which felt good if hard work!

    Love to all. Heather UK. (Falling asleep)
  • barbaraedmo
    barbaraedmo Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm trying to keep up with the thread here, everyone seems very friendly and seems to know each other , I'm wondering if any of you have met each other. Hopefully I will 'get to know' you all soon and comment on your posts
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
  • barbaraedmo
    barbaraedmo Posts: 14 Member
    Haha happy birthday Pip, it's mine on Sunday, have a lovely day
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    (((Pip))) Happy Birthday!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member

    The rock that everyone is talking about is really pebbles. This square one is made up of four little diamonds. it a bigger appearance I guess. Then you have little diamonds around it.

    I've never been a big stone wedding ring kind of a person. the two rings on either side of it are friendship rings that we had soddered around it. My husband's ring is silver in the middle and cold on the edges, so they kind of match.
  • JoanMichelleAmena
    JoanMichelleAmena Posts: 13 Member
    Back from the off internet lake visit with parents. 81 year old health conscious Dad was almost totally off the wagon! His food choices weren't healthy! Apparently, he was practicing his "portion control" philosophy instead of his usual healthy foods mantra! (((BTW - Love my parents dearly and cherish the time I have with them at their happy place.))) During a late night movie break, he opened the freezer and pulled out a frozen chocolate cake with 1/2 think icing (homemade by me prior to my MFP conversion)! I bravely declined, and opted for cantaloupe! The man also cooked a full course Southern breakfast which I also avoided. Geeez! We weren't entirely on the same page, but I was able to resist. My Dad and I did make some awesome grilled chicken and vegetables though! Did a 30 min walk, and won a Super Scrabble game with Mama and DH! Simple pleasures. Spent yesterday afternoon hosting a tea, and declined the goodies until I got home with some leftover petit fours, etc. (Note to self: Don't take home food that I know is not healthy.) Fortunately, I made it through the day eating only one petit four, and was under my calorie goal.
    Not enough time to respond to your posts today, but planning to spend more time here later in the week. Going to DSIL and DD house for Memorial Day family cookout. I plan to resist the bun, and eat grilled turkey burger. During this last 9 days, I have eaten almost no bread and have been able to move without usual stiffness, so I am starting to think I may benefit from low to no gluten diet. Will check on that soon.
    Planning a trip to NY, Boston, and Maine for later in June! Exciting!

    Carey in Edmonton - Thank you for sending the Shepherd’s Pie recipe! Sounds like just the perfect Father’s Day lunch since DH has childhood memories surrounding it. I know I’ll love it! Since I started all this healthy eating, he has been secretly longing for mashed potatoes (subtle hints have been dropped), so he’ll think he has died and gone to heaven when they finally appear on his plate.

    Jules - I think this will be the perfect group for you! Lots of women in similar situations here!

    Good luck everyone! Just reading these posts helps us and encourages us, even if we don't have time to respond to each person individually! Sending good vibes to everyone, and prayers for those facing stressful times!

    May goals revisited:
    Need to work in those 5 exercise sessions each week
    Need to gulp those 8 glasses of water down each day

    Joan in Alabama
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    I find it hard to read the posts on my cell, so just a quick check-in, then I will catch up at work on Tuesday. The full 60 seconds planks was too tough on my back, so I dropped back down to 40 seconds and did them all twice Saturday and Sunday. I will do the same today, then try to increase my time on Tuesday. DH and I got some good shopping in, and my cell said I did a decent amount of walking. After a full day of rain today, we have 72 degrees and sunshine, so I plan to apply sunscreen and get out to walk as much as possible today, depending on my RA flare in my left knee (yes, right knee is back to normal and flare is in left knee now).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! Good news, we purchased another house. We love it, or at least I do. We are no longer downsizing. But the cost is significantly less. We have a four bedroom with a guest cabin and are located on the heartland biking and snowmobiling trail. We are right in the city of Walker. We have 1 1/4 acre of land. So now we have the potential for income by renting out the cabin and house when we retire.

    PIP-happy birthday! I hope you have a great day celebrating!

    Lots of work to do packing and cleaning. I have read everybody's post but have no time to respond personally. Just know that I am praying for those that are in need and rejoicing with those that have had success and happy experiences. Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi all, way too many posts since I last posted to respond to individually... but have been reading. Just busy/busy, quilting, getting my second book's final proof uploaded, writing on the blogs... saw a new chum @JulesAtkinson1 post that you're a writer, there are a number of us that write, including me, @cityjaneLondon, and a few more whose usernames escape me at the moment, so you're in good company! Welcome to you and the rest of the new ones--this is a good place.

    It's been a sunny, beautiful two days of the weekend yesterday and today... Texas' 10-year drought has definitely broken, and more rain to come this next week. S'posed to be in Dallas area on the 4th/5th of June for my favorite niece's graduation, but my sister, the mother of the graduate, is totally nerved up about whether they're going to be underwater by then, bless her heart. The desert, where we live, is just madly in bloom, and completely green, instead of scorching and dusty as it usually is headed into June.

    Pip - happy birthday - those nails alone are worth a celebration, as are the rocks you're wearing on your fingers! Hope it's a lovely birthday.

    Off to the showers, got my three miles in this morning, after a day of rest (read, quilting all day and didn't run... :wink: yesterday). Back soon...

    Lisa H in West Texas
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Memorial Day everyone, and thanks to everyone who has served and given for us.

    Pat said yesterday: "let’s not make this into a food get together"
    Good words for lots of days like this!

    My sister (who lives next door), her DH and mine spent a little time floating on air mattresses on our creek yesterday (this is Chespeake Bay, creeks are not trickly streams, but fairly large bodies of tidal water). An early Memorial Day and a late spring meant the water was still cold. But the sun had warmed the surface so floating was time. We always talk about what we want to do in retirement (we are all mid 50’s)… but floating on the creek seems like a decent retirement to me! It’s too bad the water is so dirty tho. We live in a rural area, but too much nutrients and sediment in the Bay mean algal blooms and muddy water.

    My son left for a trip to Australia yesterday. He bought cheap tix online thru Webjet, on a mix or airlines – Virgin America and Fiji. He’s 21 and doesn’t have much travel experience on his own. He got to LAX yesterday and found his flight to Fiji (on the way to Sydney) had been cancelled. No one contacted him, and Fiji didn’t post any notices online, or open a counter at LAX. We finally got thru to Fiji on the phone and they said that Webjet hadn’t passed them any contact info for my son. They did rebook him on a direct Qantas flight to Sydney, so it worked out, but he was a bit freaked out.

    After my initial drop when I started dieting in late Jan, I’ve been losing about a pound a week. Which is lovely, but is creeping down. I need to remind myself that just 250 net cal a day mean 0.5 pounds per week. So my goal for now is to get that extra 250 net cals per day gone – just a wee bit more working out, or a wee bit less food.

    My sister and I are doing a 2 lb mini-challenge this week; which will get me past 25 lbs. LOL. Only 110 to go then.

    Sylvia – the sandals and socks on the man makes that bike pic!

    Ann- thanks for the quotes.

    Cynthia, Lillian – feel better!

    Jules – Welcome. I started reading/participating in this thread a few months ago, but there are some ladies who’ve been here a long time and have had great long-term success. Everyone is kind and positive, it’s so nice, so helpful. I like your idea of more day trips on Saturdays!

    Off to do groceries, gardening etc. Getting hot here on the east coast.

    Cindy in SoMD

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    edited May 2015
    Well ladies, I think every get together should be a food occasion - just the right kind of food! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Today my DH is in ecstasy about my fillet steak. Let me say it was heaven! I feel I am stocking him up on iron for his op! ! ! :laugh:
    I follow Heston Blumenthal for my steak cookery. Oh my yum! Even with the garlic butter it was 300 cals. Masses of broccoli.

    Very happy tonight. England won the Test. (Cricket) DH is watching it on the TV now and is blissful. Not a bad state for a man who is having an op tomorrow! :love:

    I had a lovely nap. :happy:
    Welcome new people, Jules etc. This thread and wonderful women has kept me at maintenance for 18 months. Happy days. But you do NOT have to give up enjoying food. Just change the way you eat and exercise a lot. :laugh:

    Off to the hospital tomorrow, but we will get in our exercise quotient first! It will be nice to see DSIL, who will be arriving near midnight. I hope DH will be well asleep by then. :love:

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    Pip ~ Happy Birthday my dear and many many many more xoxoxo love ya lots <3
    today has been busy, told DH we didn't need to go to the ocean.. would have been nice.. but trying to get stuff done around here..
    I am pulling a crazy cooking session and freezing alot.. so that when it does come time for the kitchen redo- which I think he now starts on June 8th.. will have stuff to pull out for DH to heat up..
    made mac and cheese... taco pasta which right now is cooking in the crock pot.... bacon cheeseburger meatloaf.. letting that cool and will freeze 2-3 slices together...have chicken thighs cooking in the oven and mashed potatoes for DH.. his lunch is all set for tomorrow and laundry done for today..
    did go down and feed DFIL his breakfast.. he is so funny sometime.. he was glad to see his son. as we are usually the only ones that go down to see him..
    I did grill some real nice steaks last night and they were yummy
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Happy birthday, Pip.

    I'll describe the birthday card I got for my DS and you can let it apply to you, too. If showed a nice ripe banana with "yesterday" underneath, then a brown banana with "today" underneath. On the inside it said, "another day older only matters when you're a banana."
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Pip, pip, pip, pip, pip, pip, ..................... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :drinker:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Here is the little girl who would not go down for a nap once her mother had come back from her weekend break. She is saying Noooooooo!


    Missing them so much. :love:

    Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Mary congrats on the house. Sounds like a good fit.

    Hip hip Hooray for your Birthday Pip! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: MNMargaret