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  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Annr: Thanks for sharing your inspirational thoughts.. I like the idea of having them on your chalk boards.

    Sharon: It's good that the endoscopy is finally scheduled and so soon.

    Janet: Love your thought for the day Wonder Woman!

    Naiomi: I too am wondering what a "semicolon drive" is

    Pip: Love the ring, thanks for the close up.

    Joan in Alabama: You're welcome hope you enjoy :smile:

    Heather: Your DGD is so sweet. I'd be missing her too...

    Thought for the day: It's easy to get negative because you get beat down. You go through a few disappointments and it's easy to stay in that negative frame of mind. Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is a whole cliche, but your attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life. - Joel Osteen

    Plans for today, recover from visitors..lots of work but I had lots of fun too. Ride the bike.. 30 minutes, make out shopping list for tomorrow. I have great left overs for supper, bbq salmon, lemony quinoa, baby carrots and cesear salad. Woo hoo ...I get a night off from cooking..

    Welcome to all the newbies and may the sun shine brightly on your endeavors today,

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Mary, glad you got another house. It sounds like a great place.

    Heather, what a cutie. Know why you are missing her.

    Cindy, floating in the creek sounds so peaceful. I don't think I would like the muddy water, though.

    I am so proud of myself. My hobby is selling vintage jewelry online. Sales have been so slow that I haven't been listing anything lately. So yesterday I got my behind in gear and listed 5 things and 5 more today.

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Checking in here and caught up on your posts. Im going for the big SQUEEZE on Wednesday! I don't mind mammograms and the technicians are always very nice here. Had my 1st colonoscopy last year and I didn't think that was bad either. The prep drink and what followed was the worst part.

    A few more hours and I'll be leaving LA for home in San Diego. If traffic is good we can make it by about 5 pm. DD has danced so beautifully and full out this weekend. Just waiting for Awards and then interstate 5 here we come!

    Pip- Happy Birthday and love the nails and ring!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Pip, forget the nails, I want to see more of that rock on your finger! It's beautiful! Mine is 1/8th of a carat, but I love it.

    Here is a cute picture of two people on a bike. It was on Facebook tonight. I hope it can get past the MFP sensors.


    Good day here, except that it rained all day. I took DGS to get a haircut this afternoon. He looks so cute, but a fresh haircut makes him look so young! Then I stayed at their apartment for a while and put together his bed frame. I bought the darned thing weeks ago but my son couldn't manage to put it together. He was a pretty happy camper, having a real bed for the first time. And there is room underneath to store plastic tubs of toys. Bonus!

    We took the dogs walking with umbrellas. We used the umbrellas, not the dogs. Just thought I should clarify that a little. Spot was in heaven, walking through all the puddles. We had to wipe him down when we got back as he was covered in mud. Neither of us wanted to put him in the tub, as the last time I tried that he bit me. The dogs were in an unusually wild and nutty mood today for some reason. Molly tried to play, but the other two were suspicious. She just does not play! So they didn't know what to do. Poor Molly.

    Well, I'm sleepy and going to bed early. Good night everyone!


    Um Sylvia I HAVE DONE THAT...well with my kids mind you. The resort had a path around the lake. Too cute!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    The chalkboard thing was just some picture frames that I took out the pictures and glass, then just spray painted the glass, and re-assembled it all back into the frame. Every time I step into my kitchen I make it a point to read all my sayings. Kind of a forced mantra kind of thing. I made my son read them this morning... :-) ALOUD! hahaha.... Have gotten in the habit with my husband to end each and every day in his arms. Sometimes I do fall asleep, other nights we part and go to our own sides, but the important thing is the cuddling. I do appreciate him more and will spend my life showing him. Amazing what a health scare can do for a marriage eh? Peace and health to you all. Thanks to all the servicemen and women who have given their ultimate sacrifice, and to those who are serving currently to keep us all safe.
  • Bearwood41
    Bearwood41 Posts: 3 Member
    Am new to MFP, well, have tried to get myself disciplined to keep going but never seem to last longer than a couple of weeks, so I am hoping that a bit of like minded support will help me stick at it. If anybody can help with motivation, please add me.....
    Thanks, here's to success this time!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    welcome @Bearwood41 its great to go down this road with supporters. A place that validates and makes you accountable. Logging onto MFP is just one more thing I do that keeps me living an honest life. Add me if you wish to :-) Becca
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    It sounds like there are some bicyclists in this group, (not counting this people in the buff I just saw. LOL). Went for a 14 mile ride today and tried out some new gel gloves. Still got the tingly feeling in my hands; also my feet get tingly after about an hour. Does anyone know why this is? I had been hoping the gel pads would help. They did cushion the bone-shaker effect. I would love to be able to ride more than an hour or so and still feel good.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Happy Birthday Pip, that is why you got your nails done!! :)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    So got in at the walk in clinic and hour away from home. Antibiotics and an inhaler for 7 days and note to stay home for three. So... while in the city may as well go to the scrapbooking store... oh dear... maybe no money left for a greenhouse trip!!! But I went to Wal-Mart and picked up a couple things anyway.

    And just sitting at DS's waiting for DGD to wake up so we can have a visit. DS is on a conference call about work so I am supposed to entertain Emma until he is finished. But she is still sleeping !! :(

    And so I thought I would just check in with everyone to see how it is going today.

    Yes I have seen the pictures of the flooding in the US. My goodness my heart goes out to all those people affected, such personal loss.

    Best go... I hear my little sweetie waking up.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    It sounds like there are some bicyclists in this group, (not counting this people in the buff I just saw. LOL). Went for a 14 mile ride today and tried out some new gel gloves. Still got the tingly feeling in my hands; also my feet get tingly after about an hour. Does anyone know why this is? I had been hoping the gel pads would help. They did cushion the bone-shaker effect. I would love to be able to ride more than an hour or so and still feel good.

    i am a year round rider and i've never had that issue... have you tried googling it for potential causes?.. is it weather related? is it cold when you ride?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member

    Happy Birthday to Pip and to Barbara
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    thanks!!!!! barbie and everyone else!!!
    stats for the day:
    rope pull- 30min, 85ftpmin, 2888ft = 108c
    jacobs ladder- 31min, 1745ft = 221c
    skip/jump/scissors, etc..- 45min = 250c
    other- stretch = 22c
    total cal 601

    i bought me some compression ankle sleeves. been working my calves hard for the last 3 days. gonna see how these puppies work! a bday present to myself. was gonna go have a free bday dinner but they are closed today being a holiday n all.. :0(
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: You are wise to recognize that there are things over which you have no power, and to let it go. I hope you enjoyed your company. I love your advice to Rori. Rest, walking, daily gratitude & time is just right. I hope you enjoyed your study group.

    Lilymay: Your rain barrels sound very productive. I hope you get enough rain to keep things going and not so much that it makes life dreary. I hope your cough goes away pronto.

    Carol: Congratulations of having a grand time with your family AND holding the line at one hamburger and ear of corn. WTG!

    Sue: Good luck moving your kitty. What does your vet recommend? If you respect the vet, take their advice. I only moved a cat twice, and it wasn’t awful but it was also long ago, and I may have forgotten some of the less pleasant aspects. Our moves were also accomplished in one day. Since you’re travelling and stopping for the night a few times I’d be sure to have my kitty in a crate or on a leash so that it couldn’t escape in some strange place.

    Pip: The color match between your nails and bike is stunning! Enjoy. Happy Birthday!!!

    Sylvia: I love the cyclists! I saw the photo on facebook, too, and I’m glad to see it again here. Thanks for posting. I like the heaven and hell jokes, too.

    Selena: I see your point about the delicate bits on a bike. My “bike” is a terra-trike and has a seat similar to that in a lawn chair with a lovely backrest. I could sit in the seat and ride for hours without injuring my delicate bits. The potential sunburn is a problem that will definitely keep everyone safe from seeing too much of me. :bigsmile:

    Jules Atkinson: Welcome to a supportive group of women.

    Mary from MN: Congratulations on your new home. It sounds perfect for you.

    Heather: Your DGD is charming. I’ll be sending good thoughts for an easy surgery & quick recovery for your DH.

    Bjkrimpet: I think that tingling comes from restricted blood flow. Check your hand and foot placement to be sure they are getting consistent blood supply. You may need to adjust seat and handle bar positions. If that doesn’t work, go to a good bike shop for help &/or get medical advice.

    We arrived at Martin Island Lagoon and found two of our sailing friends rafted together, so we joined them. We shared appetizers that I’d describe as “heavy” or “hearty,” and had a wonderful evening. This morning we visited a little while before breaking up our raft and heading for home. I enjoyed every bit of it, including taking the dog ashore for “rest” breaks. This is the first time in a year that DH has been willing to spend time on our sailboat and I am thrilled about it. Things are improving in my world.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sorry I cannot respond to people, my Internet time is regulated.
    Tuesday here.
    Food = 1648 (yes even with fish and chip lunch)
    Training + 658 cals: Wii Boxing, JJ Cardio kickboxing, walking
    Pensions in bank so grocery shopping today
    House, wash clothes, iron dry clothes, tidy bedroom
    I continue to lose total weight, happy dance
    Lesley in Tasmmania
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Katla I like your poppy for Memorial Day!

    I worked in the veggie garden today. Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day!

    Barbara Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pip, that ring is beautiful.

    Happy birthday to those celebrating today.

    Ann, I was thinking of you when I saw that picture. Are the bikes you use at the nudist camp yours, or are they loaners? I would worry it wasn't sanitary. :s

    Good evening everyone! It's been a crazy day here. We drove over to Joplin to look at mini-vans, counting on the fact that the dealerships would be closed. Some were, some weren't. Still, it was discouraging because I couldn't find what I want. I have a Chrysler town and country now, and love the fold down seats which is handy for transporting pots to craft fairs. But it seems that there are only two brands that make those seats, Chrysler/dodge and Kia. I was surprised that Kias are priced so high. I thought Kia was a cut rate outfit. Apparently not anymore.

    Then we came back home and hubby went up to his office. I decided to go have a look at the local Dodge dealer, hoping they weren't open, but they were. One of the salesmen cornered me and managed to wrangle me into an office "just for a second so I can check on something". I was in there for an hour and thirty minutes! And he was joined by another salesman who was standing in the door, blocking my exit. PLUS, they were playing country music LOUDLY on the speakers in the ceiling. I told them, " You have no idea how much I HATE country music." But they just laughed.

    And to top it off, they did not offer much of a discount (because I'm a woman?) and they kept pushing models off on me that were not what I wanted or had extra features I wasn't interested in. I wanted a white van with beige seats (which are supposed to be available according to their own literature) but they said only black seats are available. Can you imagine black seats with three white dogs? So, I guess I don't have to tell you that I won't be doing business there.

    I'm feeling a little puny too. My throat is getting sore and I have the beginning of a fever blister. Maybe I caught something on the plane.

    Hubby is outside playing with the dogs. It's not raining at the moment. We have flood warnings in our area and more rain predicted every day this week. Shame we can't share it with those who need it.

    Well, I hope you are all having a great day!

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    Katla and pipcd it was in the low 80s and I have this problem whenever I ride. I have a hybrid and am five foot two so the bike frame is small. I am the right height for the seat but I always feel like my arms should be in a different position as they need to be really straight to reach the bars and Also as it is not a touring bike I am not hunched over and placing my limited upper body strength right on the bars. I have nice stubby arms and legs. I have the tingly/numb feeling on the elliptical also on my feet after about 35 minutes or so. I read to keep the shoelaces really loose and that helps somewhat. I feel like there is not a bike made for my frame. I love riding though as there is so much more to see on a bike! Way more fun than going to the gym. I will mention it to the doc next month. PS I do not use toe clips or bicycling shoes, just flexible sneakers.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited May 2015
    Sylvia-most people would use their own bikes, but some resorts do rent. The proper protocol is to always carry a small towel with you, you sit on anything you place it first. Especially at the restaurant, (yep eating whilest nude is a hoot...ooopsy I dripped some sauce...no worries hahaha), and at the clubhouse at the dances. Most people tape a towel to their bikes to save their bums being tired. My sons would ride around nude, and I was forever putting lotion on them...thinking a "lotion shower" would be great for them to create! But they never got sunburned so I guess me being the "helicopter nudist mom" helped.