

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    My, how quickly DH loses his enthusiasm. Already today - no work-out or weight lifting, just pizza and early to bed. I will make DS do a few body-strength in the living room with me. Must bulk-up that boy ! More tomorrow. Hugs ! ! !
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I spent the day walking around town. I had breakfast at a New York deli :smiley: , then walked to the Sixth Floor Museum for the JFK assassination museum (old Texas Schoolbook Depository), walked on to Klyde Warner Park and had lunch from a food truck (unique experience for me), crossed the street to the Dallas Museum of Art and walked the whole place; went back to the park to get ice cream from a good truck but it was already closed :frowning: , so checked out Google Maps and founda really cool bookstore that had triple Oreo ice cream, then started back to the hotel. I walked some sort of big circuitous route I guess, because nothing was the same on the way back! However, I did find a CVS and bought some hand lotion (sample tube for the airplane) and some healthy snacks. By the time I got back to the hotel I had hit 11,000 steps. I am pretty certain I had walked more than that but my fitbit doesn't pick up my "soft" steps like I was doing in the museum. I've set my boss goal to 1/2 lb while I'm gone so it looks like I still have enough calories left for a decent dinner. I was on my feet almost non-stop from 9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

    Sylvia - I thought of you while I was looking at some of the pottery in the museum.

    I'm all checked in for my conference and the opening event is at 6:30 so I am resting my feet until then. Because of the odd timing, I may end up with room service for dinner--I am NOT heading out at 8:30 p.m. to find a restaurant! I think a nice salad is calling my name but I'm going to eat few almonds while I wait so that I don't get overly hungry and make bad choices later.

    Hoe everyone has a good evening! And, please excuse the typos; I'm using my tablet.

    Carol from NC but in TX

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Carol from NC - sounds like a wonderful adventure!

    Heather - Glad all went well with your hubby's surgery and you made fun use of the extra time.

    Mary - the new house sounds wonderful.

    I am trying to arrange with a friend to go to school to pick up an old cabinet I left with a teacher. I can use it in the garage. Well - we are predicted to have rain every day this week so not sure how that will get done. I can't remember if I posted about it. It is an old wooden cabinet my husband's grandmother built in the 20's or before. It is 6+ft tall, 3 ft wide, & 18 inches deep (very rough, painted wood). Hubby wanted to just let school chuck it but I said NOOOO! I am way too sentimental plus it will be good garage storage.

    Did a water class today and a Silver Sneaker strength class. Still need to walk a little more to get in my 6,000 steps. I'll play with the cat and have her chase me around a bit and that should get it done.
    Tomorrow only doing Yoga Stretch at the neighborhood Y, grocery shopping, and a haircut.

    Had a very blue, pouty, overeating kind of day yesterday. DS and family too busy. Hubby at work. Friend backed out of going to a movie. Missing my dad (who designed hydraulic systems for bombers during the war) and my childhood with so many from his generation- neighborhood dads, etc. I had the most wonderful Latin teacher who lost her true love in WWI and never married. She devoted her whole life to teaching all of us Kansans Latin. I always thought that was so tragic, but very romantic, too. What do we know about life at 13?

    I'm back on track now! (smile)

    Have a great night!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    My, how quickly DH loses his enthusiasm. Already today - no work-out or weight lifting, just pizza and early to bed. I will make DS do a few body-strength in the living room with me. Must bulk-up that boy ! More tomorrow. Hugs ! ! !

    woah, that was quick
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    Mary from MN, where in MN is the house near the bike trail? We lived in the Cities for 3 years back in the 70s and one time we did the lakes tour by bicycle. The park system is so wonderful there! I loved the area but January and February were a wee bit too chilly for me.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday here and rain all night and skies overcast now
    My food logged at 1987 cals
    Training: Wii Boxing, JJ's Kick-box boot-camp, JM's Shred and 1 hour dog walk ~889 cals
    House: Clean bedroom, vac carpets, iron clothes
    Trying out my new Asics shoes this afternoon with doggy Blaize

    Everyone in Southern States Ameroca please keep safe with all the floods. World gone mad
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Kim, we bought a rain barrel today...first we went to our local hardware store where the people are friendly and the service is awesome but the rain barrels were icky....then we went to Home Depot where all the employees seemed to be brand new, but we found the perfect rain barrel and Jake will set it up in the next few days.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    22,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
    over an hour on the exercise bike
    20 minutes strength training

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi Ladies. Long day as it was the funeral of Omaha Police Officer Kerrie Orozco. There were about 7,000 in attendance. The funeral procession for the 20 minute drive from the church to the cemetery took over 2 ½ hours…there were 534 marked police cars. Many didn’t get to the cemetery until the service was ending. They were going to wait for everyone to get there, but I guess after waiting that long, they needed to get it done.

    Michele: you do sound exhausted! I hope all this work gets done soon!

    Mary: you didn’t ask, but a dual agency realtor is bad news

    DeeDee: I’m glad I’m not the only scary gramma! 

    Sue: I’ve moved three times with cats and they did fine on their own except one cat in one move. My suggestion is to keep him in a kennel/cage while you move and when you get to your new house, put him in a small room with food, water, litter box, and bed and keep the door shut. When all the hoopla has died down, let him explore slowly. Nothing worse than worrying about the cat as people come and go all day.

    Pip: great nails! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Pretty ring!

    Sylvia: how did you get my picture LOL!

    Joyce: we have that same preceptorship in our school…196 hours what ever shift your preceptor works! It is quite the eye-opener!

    Sharon: hugs to you for putting up with DH! 

    Cynthia AND Lilian: get well soon!

    Heather: you ARE lucky to have your cleaner. Ours is fine, but she only surface cleans and will not do anything extra. She claims her fibromyalgia keeps her from doing anything else. She’s inexpensive and I trust her (she’s been coming for years) AND we are the only house she does anymore (she used to have a full fledged cleaning business but has slowed way down over the years) so I keep her and just realize that it’s only surface cleaning. Darling picture. Best wishes to hubby and his operation

    Barbaraedmo: several people here have met each other in person and it always seems fun. I have met people twice and I am glad I did! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you too!

    Bearwood: welcome!

    Well there are too many posts to reply to….amazing how chatty we all are. I need to get back on the wagon. I feel like the entire month of May has been a bust. OK I’m off. Take care, Meg from sad Omaha

    RIP Kerri Orozco
    Kerrie on sister!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
    took it easy today: healing the calves, i kinda pushed them these last 3 days
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.03min, 13.5amph, 2.9mi = 72c
    lateral machine- 35min, 60floors, 57aw, 3800strices, 3.40mi = 193c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.20nin, 12.8amph, 1.3mi = 38c
    ride dome 2 hm - 17.15min, 9.1amph, 2.6mi = 146c
    total cal 449

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    You guys are all doing so well with your exercising! I commend you all. For those that are struggling, join the Becca house...ugh....I am so not a morning person, so Tues and Thurs we go to the pool, and I grumble most of the way there. Thank goodness my husband just shakes his head and says get in the car... Once I get in the water I am fine though.
    It was in the upper 60's here, so I laid out and got some Vitamins... Tonight is our "Marriage Therapy" shows we watch. One is called, "Arranged" and the other is "Married At First Sight". We pause the shows alot and discuss how loony they are, and what things they aren't doing. Its great to see all the things wrong a couple can do, so you can do things right!
    Taping "Extreme Makeover" just because it modivates me with the transformations they go thru. Would love to go to a Fat Camp and eat healthy and just exercise and cry alot. I think that would be awesome! Alot of their changes happen too fast and they seem to be playing catchup mentally, plus they have alot of sagging skin.

    Well tonight is just simple rice and chicken.. Enjoy the evening! Becca
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri - have your DS look up strong lift 5X5 and start that program. I love it. If it works for me as well as it does he should really excel.

    Joan-great job on the 1 inch piece of poundcake! You have great willpower.

    She - I know what you are going through! I still have four weeks before we move and hopefully this stuff will stop coming out of the woodwork. The problem is I look at the stuff and I still want to keep it LOL I guess I am a packrat at heart. They may put me on the show hoarders!

    Heather-glad to hear everything went well with DH. It's nice that his sister will be there while you are away.

    Kim-sorry to hear about the drought you're going through! It is very difficult I am sure to cut back that drastically.. We will keep your state in our prayers.

    Vicki - We are finding lots of things and doubles and triples of them. At least we will not be bringing all that extra with us. I think you had the right idea, clean now!

    Carol - it sounds like you are having a great time! That ice cream sounds good!

    TNToni - the old cabinet definitely needs rescuing! I went to the pool and swam. Love the water it really makes my body feel good.

    bkrimpet - we will be on the trail right by Leech Lake. It does go around a lot of the lakes up here. You're right about the frigid winters.

    Katla - I have to agree with you. I don't feel we were treated impartiality.

    Got to go back out and keep setting up our sale.
    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did 1 hr of Peak 10 Cardio DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do some rebounding.

    Carol from NC (in TX now) - how did you get the upgrade? Sounds like you had a great day in Dallas

    Went to the orthopedist today, then to get bloodwork done, then to Bi-Lo, then CVS to get a prescription of Vince's. Went in the pool then painted (lightly) the blocks we have for Christmas. We put the extension cords on them so that the cord isn't sitting in water if it rains and we don't have to tape the connection.

    Mary from MN
    - a friend has already asked "can you adopt me?"

    dreamwriter - Vince has an appt with the cardiologist this Friday. Truthfully, he's thinking they just may say that he needs to go for the ablation again. If that's so, from what he's read on the Internet, Johns Hopkins is the place to go. But we shall see what they say Friday. See, the medication he's on doesn't prevent tachycardia, just when he has it it isn't as severe. So upping the dosage really wouldn't do anything. Hope that nodule isn't anything serious

    - take care of yourself. We need you!

    We brought in the blocks that I spray painted, put them away and realized that on one of them I didn't spray one side. Well, Vince thinks that we'll need more this year, so he's going to get another piece of wood and cut it down When I paint those I'll touch up the one that I missed

    leal - congrats on the pounds lost. Small goals are the best. Guarantees much more success.

    Carol/Peach - I heard about that recall about the airbags. Seems it isn't just one car manufacturer, it was the manufacturer of the airbag which went into lots of different cars

    Joyce - charlie is ever so lucky to have you in his corner. I'm so sorry his UC is really acting up

    Heather - so glad dh is doing well. I love my seafood, too

    Kim - a boob squeeze is a mammogram. We call it that because they squeeze your boobs so much

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,
    I have been having computer problems again so ended up way behind. My notes are on the other computer so won't be responding to anyone.
    Carol, I will say that I'm glad you arent getting rain and are having a good adventure.
    Heather, glad things went well.

    All with health issues, I wish you speedy recoveries. Those with other problems, I wish you quick resolutions. Those with victoies, I give you a big congrats!!

    Welcome to all the Newbies. We are happy to have you with us.

    I was out most of the day helping stuff envelopes. Then did a little shopping and went to the bank. I don't think I told you that I got a ticket on the way to Charleston for the cruise. :'( The officer gave me a choice of a ticket for $80 that would put two points on my driver's license or another ticket for $135 that would have no points. I never heard of that, but many cities set up traffic traps just to make money for the town. Anyway, I took the $135 and no points because figured auto insurance would go up more than that if I got 2 points. So today I went to the bank to get a certified check to send them. Now that' s done.

    Sorry I can't respond to you all. My thoughts are with you.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Checking in and checking out.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Marking my spot.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    JoanMichelle, we have also been to Disney numerous times, just not as often as you. Our first time was out in California to Disney Land. That was our first vacation as a married couple. All the other times have been to Florida. I guess the most fun time was the last time we went and took everyone with us. Our grand daughters are Disney Princes nuts so they really enjoyed it. Plus we stayed in one of the resorts which was a first, Charlie usually doesn't open his billfold that wide. But it does have financial benefits. I rented a motorized scooter and it was delivered to the resort before we got there. The resorts are neat. We stayed in the value resort and I don't see a need to ever go up to a more expensive. But the next time we go, 2016, mu daughter's family will be grown up and I can't put the two grand daughters in the living room with my other daughter on the pull out sofa. I have to pay for a separate room but i fear it will be needed. Also with Charlie's Parkinson's disease and heart disease he will need a scooter also. He says no but by next year it may be a different story.

    Heather, you just made me sing Winchester Cathedral. Glad your husband came through surgery OK. Have fun on your trip.

    Kim in California, no, I didn't call. I had the phone book out to look up the number since it is a different place now and my sister called. We don't talk that often and both have trouble finding words and with sentence structure that our conversations take a long time!!! I need to look the number up tonight!

    Sylvia, I loved the picture. And it is so true. When my MIL was alive, I really wanted to make a quilt for her nursing home room. She loves a deep maroon so I wanted a nice one. Went to Micheals and started pricing things and saw how much it was going to be so we bought a much better quilt for less.

    TNToni, I think we all need those reflective days. I fear our whole world is in trouble right now and there may be some dark days ahead so we need to remember those wonderful days of the past to help us remember what we most want in life.

    Barbie, there is a lady down the street that watches DIY to much. She has way to many things in her yard for it to still be attractive. But she does have two of the cutest rain barrels. They are painted like a lady bug, without the face. They really stand out and lately I have noticed a hose connected to one so she is using it to water her many flowers.

    Annr, I watch those weight loss shows also. Like you I watch them for the motivation. I love to hear the stories, how they work in the psychology of why we are overweight. I don't agree with how fast they ask them to lose the weight but to them it is full time, nothing else.

    I think I have figured out the cause of my headaches. I woke up feeling fine and refreshed today. No headache at all until I came into my office after hte 10 PM news which is my usual schedule. I had a ceiling fan/light but when the light bulb burned out something happened when I took the light bulb out so it is broke. So I jsut use the closet light and one of those touch lights that have a small and I mean small watt bulb in it. So I think the room is to dark. Now it has just recently started doing that so I may be due a vision check also. But it has been over a year since my last one.

    I'm trying to make a tough decision. You know I have MS and sometimes my leg coordination is pretty awful. 2 years ago when we took our usual day to go up to our local amusement park, Holiday World, it was awful getting out of the water rides. They have this neatest water roller coaster and you are basically sitting in this 6 people round inner raft as you are going down this coaster. Well when you are getting off, the conveyer line is still slowly moving so the next people can get on as soon as you have gotten out. I couldn't get my legs to lift me up and my son in law and the teenage boy who was working the ride has to get this elephant out. It was humiliating, embarassing, and just plain awful. Last year I could do it by myself, not easily but I did it. Well I have gained some weight back. I know how I was last week just getting up and out fo the bleacher seats at my nephews son's graduation. So I know these wonderful water rides are going to be even worse. Plus the heat of the summer makes a person with MS weak. Tickets for 7 people will run us about $300, then our lunch and maybe a snack. They have free drinks. We do this to celebrate my husbands and oldest grand daughter's birthday. my son in law, youngest daughter and the 2 grand daughters love this park and they look forward so much to this. But I am thinking I want to give up the water park part of it and just stay in the amusement park section. We could take in the music shows which are in air conditioned buildings and would have Charlie and Joyce time. The rest of the family hate the music shows so we NEVER go to them. Or we could stay at home and take in some local places. Charlie hates doing these things but enjoys watching his girls, young and old have fun. Plus both my girls are saying that they are not going to accept us paying for them to go to the amusement park because Charlie is saying he is not going to pay $600 or more for his treatment of the UC. So I am in a pickle here.But the end of July is a long time away and have plenty of time to decide. I mainly am having a hard time telling myself that I'm not going to on these rides I love so much. Sigh. I love having a free psychiatrist couch here!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • kal900
    kal900 Posts: 69 Member
    Good grief! Isn't is remarkable how you miss one day, and it suddenly is 10??? How does that happen?
    Being busy and time starved hasn't helped, as with the bank hol in the uk last weekend and son home from school....
    That said, because I've been so busy, and spent 3 days moving shop furniture/ stock, I did lose a massive 4lbs last week!! Woohoo! Proof that I do really need to get back to mt workouts in the mornings. Might be possible now the physio has helped the healing in my arm... easy steps.
    You all look like you're being super busy too, how on earth do you get time to read all the posts... first day I missed was @ 100, by this morning it was nearer 500... so shall just have to skim...
    and sneak on later if I can

    Have a great day,
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    The story of my life.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Morning Ladies
    Boy is everyone busy...
    Yesterday was very busy at work, and I only work 5.5 hrs today..but that will be busy too..
    I have been horrible eating and not getting any exercise.just my usual and under 10,000.. have to get the motivation back.... I think hitting the gym is best for me but dont have the money for it right now,,,
    will talk with Tom maybe for my birthday....
    going to be hot here today.. so will close the house up soon...