

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    well got Dad down here and wouldnt tell him whats going on so we visited for about an hour, then Tracy,Kyle and Taliah showed up... Dad was beyond thrilled.. we all visited for an hour or so and Tal is comming back to stay overnight tonight even though I have to work in the morning... any time with her is fine with me, plus she gets to see grandpa... and Lowes delivered the boxes, our living room is covered in boxes
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Terri, Yes, I signed up for the two free games per kid per day, plus paid a little extra for a family pass, which includes two games for each adult. I wish I had thought to add the step-grandson's name to the family pass. That would have saved me some $$$ yesterday. With the daily couplons I only have to pay for the shoe rental (still a lot of money!) and any drinks/snacks they can talk me into. It came to $20 yesterday and we didn't even have snacks or drinks. So, doing it daily is out of the question. Once a week, maybe. If they had their own bowling shoes we would be there every day.

    Hubby and I went to the Y this morning to switch the kids swim lessons from the first session to the second, because the two girls were signed up for girl scout camp that first week. They let us switch it without any hassle though. I noticed there weren't very many kids signed up in either session.

    It's been raining all morning. I called hubby and told him "My new van is getting wet!". He laughed. A friend and I are going to Kansas Cty on Saturday to do some shopping, and I'm driving the van, so I hope the weather clears up.

    I'm going to try to find some fun activities to do this summer. There are several things I can get them into in Joplin, now that I have a new van. The old one wasn't safe on the highway, so I didn't want to take the kids anywhere but in town. And our town doesn't have anything but the Y for kids activities.

    Well, I have things to do. Talk again later.


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I never tire of hearing about the foods you try. You are far more adventurous than I.

    Janet: "You are so right that it takes some time and effort to get comfy with retirement when we lose that routine we’ve had for so long. I was shocked at how much I enjoy it, but that’s partly because I’m lazy."

    I agree! I’m surprised at how much I’m enjoying retirement too, but it has taken awhile to find enjoyable things to fill my time and I was a bit bored and lonely at first. I seriously doubt that you are lazy.

    Tere: I love the notion of enjoying a funk. I’ve never tried that before. I’m usually totally miserable in a funk and don’t want to have anything to do with them if they can be avoided. My mom spent the majority of her lifetime in a funk as near as I can tell. Not pretty.

    I need to get about business and am currently inside when I should be getting things done outside. I hope everyone finds a way to have fun today, even if it is a simple pleasure that lasts only a short time.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    clocked in 30 minutes of hard lap swimming. How do people normally keep track of their laps? I lose count, or my mind wanders, then I just swim. I think I did at lease 18 laps, so I was happy about that. I normally just swim until my husbnad comes out of the exercise room looking like of like a zombie. He works so hard, bless his heart. He is doing really well though.
    Well my rice is done for lunch. Put alot of spices in it! I am on this ceyanne pepper, black pepper, alspice, tumeric kick, and seem to put it in everything I saute'.... My husband is blowing his nose, because I think all the spices went into the air...lol.
    TOPS is mainly a support group, and you can do whatever program works for you, and TOPS has more of an exchange system for their own plan, if you don't have any guidelines to draw from. Thats why this site is so much fun. I can get my act together with my foods from here, and then get all the support one on one from them, (and you all). It takes a village people...(ok my brain just sang YMCA)....
    Going to the garden after lunch, then off to the Food Bank for some free veggies and fruit. We are retired, and qualifying for this has really been a blessing.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member

    Heather: York sounds fantastic.. I've had so much fish in the last few days that I'm beginning to look like you. :smile:


    Carey, did you miss type something or did you mean to say that Heather looks like a fish??? I just couldn't pass this up. ROFL
    Always ready for a good laugh.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I made a huge decision (and maxed out my credit card in the process). I purchased an additional night in the Hotel in June for Coutry USA, because I don't want to drive 2+ hours home after 1:00am. I also paid for a "Country Club" pass. It gets us into a special section on the side of the stage, where the stars do interviews, and meet & greet, and such. Also, since Sister and I are both pale skin redheads (ok, mine comes out of a bottle, but hers is natural), it is a covered section, so we can get out of the sun. Most importantly, private bathrooms only for the people who purchased these passes! Now, to really power off a few pounds before my "meeting" with Eric Church and Tim McGraw. >:)o:)
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Happy Thursday! This is my long day at work. Things are getting worse at work. I told our big boss this morning we need to have a meeting with everyone and get things out in the open. So will see if that happens anytime soon. I just know I am sick of coming to work and ending up with a headache before I have been here an hour.
    We didn't go riding last evening. The weather just didn't look like something I wanted to get out in. We did go to the store and pickup a few things. I had started taking weight watchers for lunch. They upped the prices here 36%. This always will let me know the calorie count.

    Cynthia--I looked up sumo squats and think that is more the kind I am doing. Sure can feel it in my legs.

    Yanniejannie--Glad to see you back. Sending HUGS!

    DrKatiebug--So sorry for your loss, Sending HUGS!

    Joyce--Congrates on getting your appointment made.

    Allison--Great news that DD and DGD get to visit, what a nice surprise for your dad.

    Well hoping to get out and walk after work and release some stress. Gotta love life.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Lost my post. :'(

    Good day. Slightly over maintenance calories, but within maintenance. I had prawn curry. Then ate the complementary biscuits in my hotel room. :sad:

    Good night. Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2015
    Annr: I’m not a swimmer but I walk and ride bikes & horses. I count minutes spent at the activity. Today I had an hour on the spin cycle and used the calorie burn number I got for my diary. I typed lap swimming into the exercise list to see what is in the database here at MFP for swimming and got “swimming laps, freestyle, fast vigorous effort and another choice for light moderate effort. The next screen is minutes performed, and then it gives you a calorie number. This system may not be perfect but has worked well enough for me with the things I do.

    I went to the gym with my neighbor today and there were not many people there. One of the spinners joined Zumba for the day. There weren’t enough people to do both. I just sat on the spin cycle and rode at a constant pace because I can’t do Zumba without hurting my knee. I gave myself credit for riding a bike at a moderate pace, not for a spin class.

    Later DH and I took the fishing boat out for a ride. On our way into a county park and marina called Scappoose Bay, we spotted a construction site where they are building three floating houses that are destined to go to the Selwood floating home community in Portland. It was fun to see them and chat with one of the carpenters.

    I still have sailboat bumpers to clean, but they can wait. I'm tired and want to rest.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • JoanMichelleAmena
    JoanMichelleAmena Posts: 13 Member
    Joyce - I like your logic about giving away clothes that are too big! I need to be more confident that I won’t ever need them again. I’ve lost 30 pounds and regained it (plus more!) 3 times, so I think it’s time to adopt your strategy! Thanks!

    Carey - That was a good idea to check menus before a trip. I’ll do that too.

    Heather - Sorry you lost your post! I can’t bear it when I lose even a paragraph of writing! I type my posts in a second window, then cut and paste it into the reply box. It helps me to read the MFP in one window and type responses in the other window.

    Had a nice day! Delivered some supplies to an older adult daycare center that were donated by my women’s church circle. Felt good to see that such a worthwhile program is flourishing in an old church building. Sad when a graying congregation eventually abandons a building, but the church conference is making good use of the old church building by providing space and resources for the older adult daycare, a crisis center, and a mental health office. Can't believe I passed a homeless person begging by the interstate and didn’t take time to stop and give him any money! I’m going to have to get some envelopes with fast food gift certificates ready to give out to people on the roadside at a moments notice. I just can’t assume these people are all impostors or dangerous, when most of them are probably in need. I may have to go across town tomorrow and hope to catch that homeless man there again. He looks physically and possibly mentally impaired too.....Went walking 45 min. with my daughter, and she also showed me how to use the health app on my phone to count steps. 10,000 steps might be a good start? I’m learning little by little about fitness ideas the new fitness lingo from you all too! I've lost 8 pounds since I started here!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday here and food logged at 1641 cals. Have done Wii Boxing and MUST do more training and walk Blaize this afternoon
    Rained HARD all day yesterday, dog refused to go out and went back to bed. I only did Wii Boxing and decided on a mini rest day and watched History TV, interesting doco on Treblinka so sad
    Stan decided FAR too windy for fishing and is still in bed at 9.30 am
    Thinking of daugher as she goes into hospital today, so hard as we are interstate. She is a boxing trainer and is strong, hope so
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    stats for the day, nice weather going to wk & going hm:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.13min, 14.4amph, 2.9mi = 80c
    stairclimber- 20min, 75stepspmin, 163aw, 4.7floorspmin, 853ft, 91floors, higher than Transamerica bldg. in SF = 141c
    ride gym 2 wk- 53min, 12.8amph, 11.3mi = 394c
    ride wk 2 tan- 52.19min, 11.6amph, 10.1mi = 442c
    total cal 1178
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    So I got on the scale this morning and am up 3lbs...given my life since March- no real schedule, weekends away with DD, end of school year, etc. I'm okay with that. Have to be! Walked 2 miles today and did CS video. Going to walk more this evening, aiming for 10k steps.
    Carey, sorry your neck is bothering you. Try folding a towel and putting it under your head to support your neck and keep it stable, no arching back. Hope that helps.
    Will catch up on reading all your posts later. Have to work now.
    Sending prayers for those with health struggles. Congrats to those that are maintaining and losing. And a we can do this
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I don't know quite how this works, posting/responding, etc.

    I am looking for some ladies to communicate with on my weight loss journey. I've been logging for over 2 months and am losing slowly....which I feel is good. Thus far, I haven't set any exercise goals....afraid I won't follow through. Does anyone have any tips on how to get started with exercise goals?

    Sondre, South Fork, PA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    26,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking in beautiful spring weather
    two hour line dance class
    two hour line dance practice for the performance
    15 minutes puttering in the garden

    smiley-happy110.gif Absolutely, it is so important to not compare ourselves with others and just try to improve on our own accomplishments---not letting the perfect be the enemy of the best. It is also important to look at one's entire range of daily accomplishments and not just focus on one item. I am older than many of you, but I don't have the responsibility of family or job so I have more time for walking and dancing. Each of us has to look at the whole picture.

    469367makfzcur9b.gif I am very excited today.....I planted seeds a week or so ago and today I saw evidence that four of them are growing.

    smiley-cool05.gif Today Jake asked me if I wanted to go out to lunch tomorrow after I teach my line dance class and I said "No", and then I realized that what he meant was that he wanted to go out to lunch and would I go with him, so I went back and changed my answer

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Just add me to the list of people sad about the loss of the kitty. It is really hard to let go of them.
    Too much yard work and regular work so could not fit in exercise today...
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 45 minutes of Personal Training with Jackie DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to take my aluminum to the Humane society then go to deep water class then on the way home stop at Bi-Lo.

    drkatiebug - (((hugs)))) for you. It's so hard to lose a beloved pet. Even when you know that you're doing the right thing, it still hurts. I will swear that when we had to put Sadie down, he looked at me as if to say "it's OK". Sebastian reminds me so much of Sadie - jet black

    - congrats on the loss. What incentives at your TOPS meeting!

    katla - so glad you had such a wonderful visit with your friends

    - ever so glad you have your boob squeezed scheduled. You CAN do this. I have two or three pairs of pants in a larger size -- but they are in another closet. They are there "just in case". Before my mother died she made this bedspread (she x-stitched it). You can see how as she was getting sicker the stitches got a little bit "sloppier". Then my aunt took it, she had to wash the pieces because my mother had gotten ketchup and other things on it, and quilted it. I have it to this day. I have a feeling that my kids won't care for it. I think the word you were looking for was "template"

    CynthiaT - I don't think you ever get "over" the loss of a pet, it just doesn't hurt as much.

    Janet - I don't know if they can keep Vince knocked out for a few hours or not. I would suspect that if they did, they'd have to have an anesthesologist on hand. Last time he got the maximum amount of morpheine that you can get, and it did absolutely nothing. So I guess we shall see. Who knows? Maybe I'm making more of this than there is. He goes to the cardiologist tomorrow. Jessica is suposed to be here (with the new bf, Colby). I do hope the weather this weekend is nice so they can "try out" the slide -- since we haven't had a chance to....lol (what an excuse)

    tere - you must tan easily. I've been in the sun just about every day (don't worry, DeeDee, I'm keeping Coppertone in business) and just tonight I was commenting to Vince that my legs still look white. Your vacation sounds heavenly

    Alison - so happy for you that dd and gd are coming! Update: how wonderful for your dad!

    Carey - my biggest problem with buying a new car is that I want a smaller car but I want a lot of the extras like in dash navigation, heated seats (heated steering wheel wouldn't be bad either) and that sort of thing. You usually can only get those things on larger vehicles and I don't want a big vehicle. Right now I have a Mazda 3 which has most of what I want. I'll probably run it into the ground

    pip - how do you get your husband to go shopping with you? When I broke the bone in my foot a few years ago and Vince had to take me shopping, he'd let me off at the front of the store, go park and read a book or his email, then when I was finished I'd call him to come pick me up

    terri - good for you not having that McDonald's. Oh, today this guy came to the Green Room selling one of those cards where you can use it at different places. I looked at the places where you can use it, and for the money, I only occasionally go to Subway so it really wouldn't be worth it for me. It was some sort of fundraiser. That banana, tofu, and cocoa mix sounds great. I many times have just tofu and cocoa but I have had banana and cocoa. Gives the cocoa just enough sweetener. Eric Church is from the town over from us, not far away at all.

    Lesley - sending good thoughts to your daughter

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi friends. Boy am I boring! The excitement for the day was grocery shopping. Woo hoo. I just can’t make myself accomplish anything else! Starting Monday I’m planning on going to a water aerobics class on Monday and Friday morning; we’ll see if I can get my butt out of bed. We had to order sheets from the college for DD#2 because all their beds are a “special size”. sounds like a scam to me!

    Michele: I wish I had half your energy!

    DrKatie: I’m so sorry about Sebastian. What a gorgeous cat. I have become an expert on the subcutaneous fluids for cats in renal failure. Every cat I’ve had eventually got it except one. It is still hard though. About a year ago, we lost our 19 year old cat. Amazingly enough, this cat was the one who always had totally normal renal function.

    Sylvia; great joke! I bet those kids did wear you down. I’m laughing about the groovy kitchen!

    Annr: I agree! All good!

    Katla: hooray for home grown tomatoes!

    Joan: great dedication!

    Heather: sounds like you are having a grand time

    Joyce; hooray for a headache free night!

    Beth: sorry you didn’t feel well last night!

    Janet: I love garage sales, but as my parents moved and scaled down, I got everything. At one point, our 5-car garage with 25 foot ceilings was so full I could barely get my car in! we have had multiple sales and at one, we were still opening boxes at the end of the fourth and last day! Now I’m kind of tired of them LOL

    Tere: so glad you had a wonderful vacation!

    Carey: good job at the restaurant. I always look up the menu before I go out.

    Fastforlife: congrats on the nsv!

    Terri and Pip: thanks for the info on the compression sleeves!

    Terri: I like agave nectar; it has a lower glycemic index than honey.

    Alison: so glad the visit went well and dad was happy

    Vicki: I am sorry you are having such troubles at work. (((hugs)))

    Italy: I’ m sure that weight will come off quickly!

    Sondre: welcome aboard! Come back often and post. My tip would be to get a fitbit or some other type of step
    tracker. Wear it for a week, average your steps and add 500 as a goal for the next week. Very doable! I started at less than 2000 a day and now my goal is 8000 and I usually make it.

    Does anyone know anything about how Suebdew is doing? She lives in Texas and I wonder if she is having flood problems.

    Well I’m about to head to bed. Sleep well and take care my pals. Meg from Omaha
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    [Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Pip, I didn’t actually forget our birthday. I typed the Happy BD early on the right day but then with computer problems, it took me two days to get to post it. What can I say??? Slow but sure. And I knew you were kidding, just didn’t know what about. :*

    Fast, congrats on the losses. Keep up the good work.

    Pip, such good advice about comparing one’s self to others.

    , you are right that it takes a village! And sometimes two or three. I'm just not a village people fan, so I hope you don’t mind that I don’t sing along on YMCA. Lol

    Terri, it sounds like a really fun time, but are you going to behave in front of Eric Church and Tim McGraw?? Don’t make us come chaperone you, now.  >:)

    Vicki, so sorry things are so stressful at work. That can make life so unpleasant. I hope you get the meeting and things will improve. (((hugs)))

    Katla, how cool that you saw them building the floating houses. How far do they have to transport them when they are ready? I’d love to see that.

    Joan, I also hate to think that all the homeless people are impostors. I knew a lady that kept cans of Spam in her car and whenever she saw someone begging, she would offer them some. She said that 9 out of 10 would refuse it. I guarantee you that I would take it if I were hungry or had kids to feed. It is sad to think that so many people would rather beg than work, if that is the case. A Big Congrats on your loss. Way to go!!!

    Sondre, welcome to this group of wonderful women. Come here often and you will find lots of support and great information as well. If you haven’t exercised, like many of us, I suggest starting out slowly. I started doing push ups against the wall and I think I did 10 to start. I built that up to 30 then moved from the wall to the dresser. There are lots of exercises you can find on You Tube. Some people do better going to a gym if that is an option for you. Good luck in your journey.

    Barbie, glad you figured out that Jake needed a lunch partner and that you are going with him. I know you prefer not to eat out. That is exciting to see something grow from a seed. It still amazes me after all these years.

    Bkrimpet, I don’t know about you, but when I do yard work, I work up a sweat. When I work up a sweat, I consider it exercise. Some days our exercise just looks different. Give yourself credit, lady. :D

    I continued to price things for the garage sale and had to stop to go to HOA Board meeting. I stopped on the way to buy more signs for the sale. We feel that you can never put up too many signs. Tomorrow is my day to finish getting everything ready and as much out to the garage as possible. I've slowly gotten to where I don't get up normally until around 7:00 and the garage sale starts at 7:00. Of course that means people will be here t shop around 6:00, do I want as much set up as I can. Going to bed early since I didn't slow down today.

    I love you ladies and wish you all a happy and healthy day tomorrow. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Sorry I forgot to post this!

    Good morning ladies! I am all set for my sale today. I have to go to the bank and get change. Then I will pick up my DS IL and on the way home put the signs up.

    Barbie - I think that squats are one of the best exercises. Good for you doing 60!

    Lesley - I hope everything goes well for your daughter. Keep us updated.

    Meg - yes, I would like the name of the contacts that are bifocal. My eye doctor never mentioned them. He is trying monovision. It is just not working for me.

    Michele - I think I may try making a tree skirt. After I move. I may ask you about the rubber stuff then.

    Drkatiebug- I am so sorry to hear about Sebastian. (((Hugs)))

    Anne - have you thought about making your granola bars with dark chocolate? It is supposed to be a power food. According to Dr. Oz.

    Karla - I had a couple different motor homes. I did like them but if we are going to be traveling for six months at a time it would be better to be able to leave the trailer at a campsite and take off in the truck. I didn't plant any vegetables this year because we are moving. I never heard of that type of tomato plant.

    Joan - it sounds like you enjoyed the time with your daughters. Window shopping is what I like to do. Great job on the pie. Enough to savor the flavor. Like Janet says.

    Heather- you do sound like you are enjoying the food you are eating. I'm sure you feel better knowing that your DH is being taken care of.

    Janet - good luck with your garage sale! They will be lined up early!!!

    We did really well with our sale! Really weird though things we thought would sell didn't and things we never thought would sell did!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota