

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »

    Heather: York sounds fantastic.. I've had so much fish in the last few days that I'm beginning to look like you. :smile:


    Carey, did you miss type something or did you mean to say that Heather looks like a fish??? I just couldn't pass this up. ROFL
    Always ready for a good laugh.[/quote]

    Janet not really what I had in mind... ROFL... oh yeah...you're supposed to think before you type..:laugh:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, that was quite a 70's house you had there!!!

    Michele, having to be out and on his back was one of the reasons I didn't take a job with the cardiologists lab that does those kind of procedures! I knew they could be up to 6 hours and I would be standing on my feet that whole time. I loved electrophysiology and i really wanted to work in the lab but common sense ruled out. I knew I could be just as effective taking care of them on the cardiac unit. I was one of just a few that was fascinated with it. Tell him good luck for me.

    Janet, MB, I have never lived in a planned community that has rules. Can you have your yard sale there???? I'm sure to some planned communities that are gated, they may think that a yard sale disrupts the peacefullness and unity.

    Tere, I PLAY mini golf but I love to watch pro golf. We have one of the guys on tour from here in Evansville, Jeff Overton but he isn't doing well. He had a wonderful year in 2010 but not since then. He has never won :'(

    Allison, I saw your pictures on facebook. It looked like your Dad was having a good time with the grand kids. Your dogs are precious.

    Terri Milwaukee, I sleep so much better after I had a sleep study done and got my CPAP machine. I was having jerking motions in the night. I suppose it was because I wasn't breathing and my body jerked to wake myself up. But my neurologist needed to make sure it wasn't a seizure so she ordered it. I actually stopped using the CPAP after i lost my weight and some one on here told me that I should have stopped using it. So I gave it a try and it helps me a lot now even though I lost all the weight I did. I didn't like the strap marks it made on my face but my face has slimmed down enough that it doesn't make any marks. Is that an NSV??? I do find myself sleeping on my back now so I do like that.

    Annr, you sang YMCA and I sang Winchester Cathedral after Heather wrote about the lovely cathedral in Winchester. I guess we are showing our age???

    Lonemaple, do it one step at a time and don't give up on yourself if you miss a day. Some people set and alarm yo get up and do anything. Some people make a goal to get up and move during any commercial on TV. some one else said a pedometer. You can go expensive and get a fit bit or one like it or you can go to Walgreens and get a simple pedometer. If you haven't already switched to water only, start doing that either slowly if you need it or cold turkey like others. Mainly, just stay here with us, let us know how you are doing and we will encourage you. I mentioned earlier in my post that I had a NSV. That is a non scale victory. Some times the scale doesn't show our victories. It may be successfuly walking down the candy aisle in the store and not buying anything. Good luck, we are here for you. Oh, it also helps to get a partner in crime to exercise.

    Barbie, men have a way of saying things like that don't they. But yet so do we.

    Have the headache back tonight, not as bad. I need to go to a local thrift store and look for a low profile desk lamp for cheapo. I have some tall ones in my storage room but I want a desk lamp. But I love the touch amps. It's like a tiffany lamp, so pretty. We have gotten rain every day this week but it's during my sleep so that's fine with me. Charlie waited until well after supper to mow the lawn tonight. He still was soaked and it took a good while for his heart rate to go down. We haven't had any main cardiac event yet this year, I feel like I am sitting on a time bomb with him. One in 2013 and 2014, what is going to happen this year??? My daughter posted my grand daughter's 8th grade graduation pictures on face book. They pretty much get all their clothes given to them so Trinity was so pleases to have this dress given to her. This girl is 13 and the gown, although was beautiful was strapless. Now my daughter would never have worn that when she was at home. I just think if a girl is wearing a strapless at 13, what it she going to be wearing at 18? I guess it's just my strict upbringing coming out, plus the grandma.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Good morning!

    Not quite so early this morning. :) I will be going down to breakfast shortly. I enjoyed yesterday's, but hated the music. They turned it down a little, but they couldn't do any more. The wsitress asked us to complain in the comment form.

    The Minster (cathedral) was wonderful yesterday. Unfortunately the Great East Window is being restored, but they had a good exhibition on it. The Undercroft tells you all about the history, from the originsl Romam garrison, through the small Anglo Saxon wooden church, to the Norman cathedrsl and to the present Gothic one. All the remains and artefacts are there in situ.
    Before thst we looked at a mock up of my friend's apartment. She can choose from 3 fit outs - dsrk, medium and light. Trouble is, she wants the light with the medium floor. She has a fight on her hands.

    Lots of walking. I had to eat something at 11.45 becsuse I can't go long without food. The others were fine. Then we had a very small meal of starter portion mussels at 2pm. It all worked out and I swam lengths for 30 mins at the hotel. I got through over 800 cals in all. We walked out for our curry. The alcohol was responsible for the slip up with the biscuits before bed! ! ! Never mind, it will be back to normal today as I journey home. G and I are having a last lunch together. I might walk round the walls if the weather is ok or the castle gardens. Otherwise it might be a museum. Lovely city, set on two rivers. The tiny pedestrian shopping streets are old and charming. One called The Shambles is very photogenic.

    Got to wash my hair. Love Heather, in York, UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    How do I do this to myself? Get so darn busy that a day or two goes by and 100+ posts accumulate? We are one darn chatty group!!!

    So it is almost 11pm and I am going to read, but not respond to everyone… sorry..but just want to get caught up.

    Michele – I am not sure how I worded what I said, but I did know a boob squeeze was a mammogram, but was trying to remind JOYCE to get her’s scheduled…. Later – JOYCE I am so proud of you!!!!!

    Joyce – end of july is far enough away that you could lose some weight, would doing the rides you love be enough motivation? That is a pricy trip, but might be good to do it with the kids paying their way, they might appreciate how much you have done in the past in a different way…. Hmmmm

    Katla – yes Nestle is selling water labeled Arrowhead; and they pay $524 per YEAR for all the water they can pump no limits. They have a lease that expired in 1988 and no one has ever gotten around to re-negotiating it so it is just a profit center for them.. and then folks like us are are supposed to skip showers… grrrr can make you crazy!

    You figured out rain barrels exactly! I am putting mine between 2 downspouts and routing with piping the 2 spouts into the barrels.

    Terri – You did such a great job making such a great memory for your 10 year old and his grandmom!

    Lisa – beautiful quilt

    YannieJannie – welcome home!!! To the forum, glad you had the vacation you needed and even more glad to have you back.

    Katiebug – thoughts are with you, sad you had to make that decision, but it sounds like the right one.

    On buying vechiles… so I have a system that has worked very well so far… so I do my online research and stop by CLOSED dealerships looking at vehicles until I have it down to 3-4 choices… then I test drive the vehicle in the middle of the day, telling the sales staff I will have to come back with my husband later (I don’t have a husband – but they lie all the time and this makes it so they don’t push to hard) . So at that point I know which vehicle I want. Now I get on the phone and call all the dealers within the area I am willing to drive to get the best deal I can – NO financing, no trade in, no repair package, just the best deal on the vehicle. I take that best deal (often they’ll email it to you) into my home town dealer and tell them that I would like to buy from my home town dealer but they have to make me a better deal than the best deal I got or I’ll just go there. Once they have agreed on a car price that is better, then we talk trade in and financing… Last time I got a brand new 2006 CRV, with tinted windows, extended warranty, a special back end liner that works for protecting the carpet, - window sticker said $25,000 and I got $17,000 – $3000 trade in for a truck with 300,000 miles and zero percent financing. I always park off lot and only give them an extra car key so I can get up and walk away. Which I have done more than once, they usually chase you offering a better deal.

    Sylvia = my thrift store is full of bowling shoes for $2-3 per pair… might be worth checking.
    Oh my looked at the clock and it is tomorrow! Off to bed I go.

    May goals:
    Walk every day
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – had a friend visit for a couple of days – went to our big second hand store (Savers) and for $23 got 3 pair of walking shoes and a pair of hiking boots – all very gently used. Score!

    Week 2 – had Mom for a 4 day visit, tried some new recipes, salmon, shrimp and clams…. Yummy. Did a new walk with the dog that had a long tough hill, and we made it!

    Week 3 – reconnected with my hiking friends and hiked Brushy Peak. Also made divinity as a test run for a candy class I am teaching this summer, excellent, and even better gave most of it away.

    Week 4 – finished one more portion of my front yard “re-model”

    Kim from N. California
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    I'm still not caught up reading posts but since my forehead wants to touch the key board it is time to call it quits.

    Kalona - A 4 lb. loss! Definite win for you.

    Lillian - I'm so glad you are feeling better. Was it a mountain or a mole hill waiting for you at work?

    Janet - 11lbs. down. One day I hope to achieve this. Today I am down .6 in a month.

    Terri- Yes, and exercise partner does help keep us accountable. I miss mine.

    lhannon - The quilt is gorgeous. I haven't taken on any kind of project outside of my plants in a very long time.

    DH had his appointment and is healing well. He was dismayed to discover that he will have to have some sort of enema test and then a scope to make sure that the resection is healed properly. The tests will be in about a month's time and then they will do the reversal if all is good. He omitted to tell the Dr. what he is really up to and talked over me when I tried to chime in. Mr. the rules don't apply to me.
    They took 3 biopsies from my stomach when they did the endoscopy. The good news is that both my ovaries and my esophagus look good. CT scan on Monday and then wait on the results.
    It was very smoky here this morning. They say this morning's smoke was from the big fire burning at Slave Lake. Northern Alberta has so many wild fires burning. I was so glad it rained here this morning, we could have used even more.
    Weight loss nurse gave me a new blood sugar monitor. I went to test my blood and realized that it didn't come with strips. Oh well. The old one crapped out on me completely.
    DGD cried because I can't come and watch her swim lessons so I have a date for a swim next week, date and time yet to be determined.
    DH has convinced me to accompany him to Vermilion to pick up an engine. We will stay tomorrow night at my sister's then Sat either at my nephew's or back to her house. I am really looking forward to seeing our nephew and his family. He is an RCMP and has one of the best sense of humour. I guess you have to in his line of work.
    Best wishes to all in all things that matter.
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Still raining! :ohwell:
    We will head out for Fairfax House, a Georgian town house.
    I gave my friends their presents of a wine stopper with engraving. Each one says, "For . . . . One of THE GIRLS." I hope it will encourage us to put the stopper on the wine bottle, though most are screw tops these days. :laugh:

    I'm a bit baggy eyed this morning from the alcohol. Looking forward to getting back into my routine at home. Don't think I have put on any weight apart from sodium. Will weigh on Sunday.

    I do love my old friends. We are trying to arrange a time to meet in November. London is the favourite. A show? An exhibition? A nice meal? Done! ! ! ! One of us has an apartment there so I don't think she is so keen. But we could all squeeze in to hers. She didn't make it here this time as she has a house in France and had to be there. (How the rich live! ! ! !)

    Much love, Heather, listening to the rain in York, UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everybody,

    for those looking at bifocal contacts and similar: I've had them for years. They basically do work. My objection is that it's apparently technically impossible to get two perfect focal points in one contact lens, so neither the "far" nor the reading is perfect. (We can go to Mars, but we can't get perfect contact lenses.) Anyway, for me that means getting lenses that are as good as possible for distance, and then adding the "strong" reading part, and using extra reading glasses if I need to read longer or really small print. But I really only see perfectly using my other glasses (gradient multifocal). I wear my glasses a lot and use the contacts for going to the gym etc.

    I was feeling well enough to go to the farewell reception for my old job last night. Some of you may remember that the layoff process...did not go well. Since I have a good new job it wasn't too hard for me to hold my head high and be friendly and gracious to everyone. It would have been a lot harder if I hadn't gotten a new job already, and I wonder whether I would even have attended.

    Trying to "finish" a small cemetery near here between now and Sunday, because it will be closed from Monday and I won't be able to take photos anymore. They're going to "move" it and build homes there. Pretty strange, and not pleasant for the families.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member

    Prayers. :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lesley: Sending good thoughts for your daughter’s health situation. I hope things go well and she is healed. :flowerforyou:

    Sondre in South Fork PA: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Exercise tips: start with something you can do easily and often, such as walking or riding a bike. Some people carry pedometers, some buy gadgets like a fit bit. I simply keep track of time at the activity. I also started yoga a few years ago because I had pain and stiffness. It has become a mainstay for me because I enjoy it and feel better afterwards. If you can find an exercise that is also fun, it is a huge bonus. My fun exercise is horseback riding lessons. Barbie’s fun is dancing, and Pip’s is riding a bike. Log all your food and exercise, and try to stay within the calorie goals set by MFP. This is a very effective process, but it is also slow so patience and perseverance are necessary.

    Janet: The floating homes are about 25 to 30 miles from where they’ll end up plus or minus 10. The journey is through well-protected waters. It would be fun to tag along and watch the process for a little while. I likely wouldn’t go the whole way. Right now they’re in a well-protected bay where the worst roughness is caused by wakes from fishermen. Re Begging: some people make a very good living as beggars. Others are feeding a drug habit. :noway:

    Mary from MN: I’m Katla, not Karla. It is a made up name and I like it. There are WAAAAY to many Kathy’s. :laugh: Thanks for the motorhome advice. I agree with you about travel trailers and I’ll pass your wisdom on to DH when I decide it is safe to follow through. He can be such a nag when he wants something, and he is disabled so I’ll end up with most of the hard work. I think a flotilla of boats (3) is plenty of recreational vehicles. I’m glad your sale went well.

    Kim: Your auto purchasing strategy is brilliant!

    Sharon in Lethbridge: I’m sending good thoughts for your husband’s medical situation. I hope the two of you enjoy your trip to Vermillion.

    Heather: Someone with an apartment in London and house in France certainly sounds rich to me. I hope that you and your friends make a tradition of get-togethers.

    Cynthia: My glasses are also gradient multifocal and I love them. I bend the frames slightly so that I can simply scan down to read and don’t have to move my head.

    I’m up way too early this morning due to DH’s snoring. I’ll have to try to make up for it with a nap later on if possible. Getting adequate sleep is one of my health goals. Fatigue does bad things to my mental faculties. I’m looking forward to yoga and horseback riding today. I’m still a little sore from last week’s ride but I won’t saddle the horse unless my teacher brings the light English saddle so that will help.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!

    Got to work yesterday and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. One project that needed to be done by June 1st isn't going to be done. But a couple of emails and hopefully the information will be in my inbox on Monday when I get back to work.

    FROST last night. Covered my tomatoes and corn, closed up the greenhouse. So hopefully everything will be saved. won't know until the sun warms up everything.

    Off to check on DM. She had a slight fall last Friday, x-rays yesterday were sent out to be looked at. She is 80 and her bones are black. There maybe a fractured rib. They gave her pain meds and sent her home. She doesn't want to move because it hurts so will have to force her..... unfortunately if she doesn't pneumonia may set in. Hopefully her live-in caregiver has been able to demand she move. She is a very nice woman but lets mom run over her!!

    Will catch up later
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love seeing other people happy and succeeding.[/b

    Carey, I certainly did not mean to incenuate that we think before we type. OMG that would leave me out in the cold. Isn't it great that we can laugh together as well as cry. I just love you guys so much!!

    Mary, so glad your sale went well and yes I am always amazed at the things that sale and the one's that don't. Did you get rid of most of it or will you do another sale? They are so much work to prepare for, but once that's done, its not so hard to do it again. When DD moved across country and left most of her house hold items with us, we had a sale 3 weeks in a row. I'll admit, I was over it by then. LOL

    , I do live in a neighborhood with an HOA and lots of rules, but we can have a garage sale. This one is actually put on by the Neighborhood and anyone and everyone that wants to participate just puts their things out for sale. It brings in lots of traffic so is normally a good time to do it. And we aren't a gated community so no problelm for the buyers to get here. Of course no marks on your skinny face is a NSV so Congrats! I love all the side effects we find from weight loss other than becomming sexy seinors. I don't have any grandchildren *whine, whine* but I feel like you do. Strapless on a 13 year old is just a bit much. They are just so mature in some ways and so childlike in others.

    Heather, I just love hearing about your travels. I hope I wasn't reading "an excuse" about having the biscuit? Just enjoy it. We have to plan for a bit different eating when we travel. You will burn it off, I have no fear. Just enjoy yourself!!! I thought your gift of the wine stoppers was to encourage them to drink? LOL It was a great gift.

    Sharon, I was very happy to lose the 11 poounds, but most of it was water weight from the cruise. I go for a month with barely any loss at all, but every little bit counts. You will get there, so just keep on keeping on!!

    Lillian, sorry for your Mom's accident. I hope she is feeling better real soon. I never heard of black bones?

    Welcome to any Newbies I missed. We are happy to have you with us. Come often and join right in.

    I'm on my little laptop because I still can't get online with desktop. I'll stop complaining and take it in once this yard sale is behind me. I am using pre-priced stickers that they sell at the Dollar Tree. It goes so much faster and easier than the old days. Anyway, they have a varity of prricces on the stickers and only so many of each. Yesterday I was pricing some things and ran out of $2 price stickers so priced some of the same items that weren't in quite as good shape at $1. DH said, "well that's a great way to price things..not what they are worth, but what you have price stickers for. After all, the package of stickers costed a whole $1." He is such a help. Well when I was out getting more signs yesterday, I bought another package of the price stickers and made sure I let DH know. I'd better get busy or it will be tomorrow before I know it.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day. <3

    Words I live by:

    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Sondre – Welcome. I rarely exercise for more than 10-15 minutes per stretch, and attempt to do that 2-3 times per day (because I have RA, and that’s all the longer I can tolerate the pain). I hope you have the opportunity to try several different types and styles of exercise, so you can choose what works best for you. If you go to some of the “free” websites you might be able to find yourself a free pedometer (but keep in mind that sometimes you get what you pay for, so a free one may only work for a few weeks).

    Barbie – congrats on seeing the sprouts in your garden. Enjoy lunch with Jake.

    Pip and Michele – sometimes I sneak out of the house to grocery shop without DH. He buys way too much junk food, and I don’t like to even have it in the house. Last night I ate as soon as I got home (DS and DH were doing other things separately at the time), so I said “no” when they called about Burger King. I better get more Life Insurance on him, so I can mourn longer in Maui.

    Meg – You can do it. Get out of bed and get to those classes. Wish I could go with you.

    Janet – It’s not too likely that I will behave. My youngest sister and I rarely get together, and this will be almost an entire week of Country Concerts. She will be drinking and I will be the driver, so I can act as crazy as everyone else, and no one will know I’m still sober. I LOVE that situation.

    Joyce – I had a CPAP for awhile, but I found that I removed it during a hot flash, then fell asleep without it, so what’s the point. I mentioned the jerking to DH before he went to sleep last night, and he tried his best to NOT sleep on his far right side, and I never noticed him stop snoring and start jerking. He tried a sleep study, but was unable to sleep at all with all the stuff attached to him, so he just assumes he is fine. I will probably go back to mine if/when the hot flashes finally end.

    Lillian – Hugs for your mom, and your plants. A Greenhouse? I wish I had ½ that much energy. I still didn’t even cut down my rhubarb yet, and it is almost up to my waist.

    I am still able to do the mono-vision contacts. My right eye is for distance and my left eye is for computer or reading. We will see what the Optometrist says next month when I go back again.

    This weekend is LOTS of baseball. Then basketball starts again next Wednesday. DS e-mailed the coach that cut him this past year, and he is going to try-out again this upcoming year. When are we going to find time to get him to the bowling alleys to keep him ready for the Junior Gold Tournament in July? Plus he wants to be a pinboy at his friend’s Grandpa’s bowling alley. It is called Holler House, and apparently is the oldest bowling alley in the US, and nothing is automated. // I think my day only has 18 hours, but his has 48. I get exhausted just thinking about it.

    The scumbags that have that scam hacker situation got into my laptop earlier this week, and I am no longer able to kick them out myself, so my dad’s computer-geek friend will be working on it for awhile. I wonder if this guy will take payment out in trade? I’m pretty sure I can get a Miller employee to take me “shopping” for beer in the next week or two. Plus I need to get lanyards for my sister and myself, for all our Country USA tickets and pins and buttons and such. I lose things, so it is best for me to keep everything together in 1 place, and we can buy non-beer items at the beer store for very cheap (can only buy beer with a Miller Employee, and I’m a QuadMed employee, confusing, I know.)

    Still not losing any weight, so I need to figure out what needs to change. I switched back to eggs for breakfast, since I heard protein in the morning is best. I did take the time to weigh the edible part of my mango yesterday, and I was inputting 3 times more calories than it should be. I wonder if I’m doing that a lot? I really need to buy a food scale for home, and keep saying no to the fast food. It’s so hard when DS brings 4 chocolate Honey Buns out of the gas station, and starts eating them in the car. I wish I had a few days in a row that I could do something like a juice cleanse, but the need to run to the bathroom while at a baseball game really worries me.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!

    I really feel refreshed after my vacation. I’ve only worked 3 days this week but I have not felt stressed nor have I wanted to reach out and punch any of my coworkers. I realized how much I am sick and tired of working for a government agency and constantly dealing with the politics of wanna-bees. :# The vacation made me realize that I need to serve out my remaining time to retirement on this job doing what I do best professionally and to the best of my ability. Then I need to be planning to do something else. The something else would be an eclectic gift shop. I started thinking about this a few years back and even have a name for the shop – Tiamo Regali. <3 Back then I even designed a logo for the shop. In a nutshell I would love to have a gift shop catering to romantic gifts and custom filled baskets. So I think I’ll put my MBA to use to start writing a business plan and get my thoughts in order. I think I can start the custom filled baskets on the internet to provide financial support for the start-up.

    :) Would love to hear any insights you might have!

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!

    I really feel refreshed after my vacation. I’ve only worked 3 days this week but I have not felt stressed nor have I wanted to reach out and punch any of my coworkers. I realized how much I am sick and tired of working for a government agency and constantly dealing with the politics of wanna-bees. :# The vacation made me realize that I need to serve out my remaining time to retirement on this job doing what I do best professionally and to the best of my ability. Then I need to be planning to do something else. The something else would be an eclectic gift shop. I started thinking about this a few years back and even have a name for the shop – Tiamo Regali. <3 Back then I even designed a logo for the shop. In a nutshell I would love to have a gift shop catering to romantic gifts and custom filled baskets. So I think I’ll put my MBA to use to start writing a business plan and get my thoughts in order. I think I can start the custom filled baskets on the internet to provide financial support for the start-up.

    :) Would love to hear any insights you might have!

    Tere in Richmond VA

    I like your resolve to make the best of things until retirement and then start your own business. I've no experience with owning a business so will not offer advice other than support for the internet idea. Renting shop space can be expensive.When we moved here there was an antique business not far from my house. The owner's sales came primarily from the internet, but the retail space was so cheap that she used it mainly to store her stock. That doesn't happen every day.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Mary: Glad the garage sale went well.

    Joyce: I don't know if they have an Ikea near you, but they have some wonderful lamps for a great price.. less than some of the thrift shops here.

    Heather: Your trip sounds so lovely, thank you for the great descriptions!

    Kim: What a great strategy to use when buying a vehicle.

    Sharon: I can't believe that you are getting the smoke from Slave Lake all the way into Lethbridge. Have fun on the trip sound like your nephew is fun to be around.

    Lillian: Hope your mom heals quickly and that there isn't any fractured ribs. Fractured ribs are so painful and take forever to heal. What are black bones?

    Janet: Love the fact that there are people here that I can laugh with!

    Tere: You might appreciate this quote from Michael Landon:

    Thought for the day: “Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows.” – Michael Landon

    Went to a movie with DS#1 last night, ending up eating out before the movie. Of course I'm up 2 lbs this morning! Now I'll have to fight for the next 3 weeks (if not longer) to try and lose those 2 lbs. Not a happy camper today. I need a new strategy, what I'm doing is NOT working. I'm taking the weekend off and going out of town.

    Have a nice weekend everyone.

    Carey - Edmonton
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Friday, all... Thank you to everyone who commented on the quilt... it's a work in progress, for sure, but at least I'm on the right track, and I really appreciate the feedback!

    On another note, the week's been quite successful for me at getting myself to do those things I'm not fond of--resistance and flexibility. So far, setting my computer to chime at me has worked. Here's the routine... see if I can get a groove going over the next few months.

    • Crunches - 30 - 10 knees bent, feet on floor, 10 feet up, knees bent, 10 feet up, legs straight up
    • Triangle pushups - three sets/10 reps, knees on floor
    • Back extensions - superman style - both hands, both feet up, stomach flat on floor, hold for count of ten, ten reps
    • Back extensions - opposite hand and foot, stomach flat on floor, count of ten, ten reps
    • Side leg raises - leg lifts, three sets/10 reps, five toe flexed, five toe pointed
    • Side under leg raises - top leg placed over the bottom leg with foot flat on the floor, bottom leg raised as high as possible, three sets/10 reps, five flexed, five pointed
    • Super plie's - gently to modified plie', raise heels, raise body, lower body, lower heels, raise body, total six count move. Two sets, 10 repetitions each, feet in four different positions (so a total of 80), do at an aerobic pace to music.

    Tues/Thurs/Saturday - 3 sets/10 repetitions of each
    • Bicep curls seated - 5 pound barbell each hand
    • Bicep curls standing - same
    • Barbell row/kickback - lean at 90 degree angle, stabilized, lift 5 pound barbell up
    • Barbell kickbacks - when barbell is extended down, move it to parallel with ground while back is at 90 degree angle
    • Barbell chest press - lay on floor, press barbells up at chest level
    • Barbell press - extend elbows out on floor, press barbells up
    • Barbell fly - extend arms all the way out on floor, bring barbells together above body.

    I do two or three off the day's list each hour at 6, 7 and 8 a.m., and then at 8:30 or 9 a.m., I run for an hour--my pedometer tells me that I'm running somewhere between 2.5 and 3 miles, according to what day it is and what kind of mood it's in!

    The only exception on the exercises is the super plie's, which have to wait until I get back from my run--those hit my quads so hard they have to wait until after I run, or I'll never make it up the first hill!

    Once I get back, I sweat a lot. Oh, sorry, I forgot, I'm supposed to be a Southern girl, right? I glow. Like the sun. And drip. Like honey dripping off a hive in the hot summer sun. :sweat_smile:

    Anyway, once I cool down, I shower, and then get on with the rest of the day. May's almost over, and I'm really happy with my progress. I'll see my nurse practitioner on Tuesday next week. See what she's got to say...

    The hubby got me a FitBit for our June anniversary, because he is a peach... :) Looking forward to playing with that because I am a big geeky girl.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Sharon... sorry there I go typing with out putting down the whole thought. I do believe you are getting the smoke from Slave Lake, I'm just sorry that it is travelling all the way to Lethbridge, if the danged wind would die down maybe they'd be able to get the fire under control more quickly. :s
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    Yes, yard work is one of the hardest exercises I do but in all my years of doing it I cannot credit it with losing any weight whatsoever, plus it never seems to get me any muscles, only make the ones I forgot about hurt! LOL. Just like chasing small children around was supposed to help. OTOH, maybe I would be even worse off than I am now.
    I agree about the government job -- just trying to keep my cool till retirement, then I no longer want to work for anyone else but do something creative to bring in a small supplement. Office politics is not for me.
    And the tales of York bring to mind my wonderful memories of a visit there back in 1972 -- how could it have been so long ago?
    Have a great weekend!!!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    Yes, yard work is one of the hardest exercises I do but in all my years of doing it I cannot credit it with losing any weight whatsoever, plus it never seems to get me any muscles, only make the ones I forgot about hurt! LOL. Just like chasing small children around was supposed to help. OTOH, maybe I would be even worse off than I am now.
    I agree about the government job -- just trying to keep my cool till retirement, then I no longer want to work for anyone else but do something creative to bring in a small supplement. Office politics is not for me.
    And the tales of York bring to mind my wonderful memories of a visit there back in 1972 -- how could it have been so long ago?
    Have a great weekend!!!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    OK, here's a question. Does anyone here use a juicer? We just got one of those "slow juicers". Any ideas about how to record the juice? For example, we used (for two people) a beet, a big carrot, a piece of fennel and a bit of lime and ginger. Would you just basically count half of that, or what? You get some pulp in the juice, but there's a lot of "residue" you don't get, too.

    Black bones: I was wondering about that, too.
