

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @exermom well, I have to admit, he is a handsome thing, especially when he wears his Scottish Tam, but he IS a Retired Navy Chief, so he admires ladies in general. He always gets a gleam in his eye when summer starts, but I don't mind that his eyes wander, just as long as he settles his gaze on me :-) Oh and Pipcd34 called you Exterminate....hahahaha....spellchecker strikes again!
    @cory17 I shall :-) Since having his liver transplant (1 yr anniver was this Month) I think he has done a wonderful 180' in his thinking and how he views life. I personally think his liver must have come from quite a Romantic.
    @barbiecat So you are telling me my obsessive thinking is normal? Awesome Sauce!!! Tonight it was put to the test when I ordered smoked salmon (it was in a wrap). I asked for the cream cheese on the side, and coleslaw as a side. For the most part I ate the salmon as I dismantled it from the wrap. I dipped my fork in the herb cream cheese now and then. I ate half the sandwich, and a quarter of the coleslaw. I watched my husband have a chocolate shake (no husband you may not spread the calories this is over many days...hahaha). I didn't eat any of his fries so I was a winner in my book!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    You all are such winners! I just love reading every day. And yes, sometimes it is comforting to know that I can just read and not feel pushed to respond.

    Cynthia, Yes, Mr. Holland's Opus is a movie. It's about a musician who needs to make extra money but also have time to write his 'Opus' or symphony so he quits his band job and teaches music in high school. He gets a rude awakening when he finds out that high school kids have no interest in learning music theory and finds out that he has to see music on their level. So he shows them how the different classics are in the contempory music now, just at a different cadence and some filler music added in. He becomes a very beloved teacher. He and wife have a deaf son and he has to find a way to show his son the love of music. He works 30 years in this school. You'll have to find the rest yourself!! But it is a very motivational story for all teachers to learn from. You don't jsut 'teach' your students. You need to help them find their own way.

    Allison, I have gained 22 pounds. :#:D:(:s I am kind of glad they no longer have the weight loss stickers here. I would feel like so much of a hypocrite posting and helping. I still show 60 pounds lost on the sticker though. I don't have the heart to change it. I feel if I changed it I would be giving up. I leave it there as a kick in the butt for me to see where I once was, remember how it made me feel inside and out.

    Jenn Santa Fe, you are exactly where you need to be, you are at your starting point with us here as cheerleaders. We need you to be our cheerleaders to, sigh.

    Pip, congrats on raising that much money for MS and for getting the shirts. Maybe someday they will find a cure for this awful disease. Well first they have to find out what causes it!

    Pat, that Irish Open looked wicked. I don't know how many times I have bought, sold and rebought things for cross stitching. I love it, get all enthused then burned out and quit, swear I will never do it again and sell it. I have a quilt that hasn't been finished for about 6 years.

    Welcome to all the newbies here, and all the ones finding their way back. JanetMMcC, that is one weird eye!

    Barbie, go out there and give him some smooching and he will come in for lunch!!!

    Meg, I can't stop laughing. Good old whole wheat nursing, that's what e need more of. Will it be covered under Obamacare?

    Vicki, I absolutely despise those old yard sale signs, especially the ones that just say 'next Saturday'. I have been known to go to their house, ask them where the yard sale is, if the sign isn't down the next week, I will send DD#1 and the next week DD#2. They drive me crazy.

    Had an interesting day today. I usually don't go to any of my husbands Karaoke gigs. But his good friend does a lot of DJ work for charities and nursing homes. So they were doing it this afternoon at a nursing home right down the street from me and I went. I always enjoy myself when I go, don't know why I do't go to all the nursing homes with him. It was a prom night with the theme of The great Gatsby. One of our local catholic high schools that does community service in their curriculum had about a dozen kids come out, did ladies hair, provided dresses, served them punch and just chatted with them. i have never been to a nursing home that had as many residents that wanted to sing. Some didn't do it well but they all enjoyed themselves. DJ guy always makes sure he has a lot of church music if I want to sing. I told him I wasn't but eventually just couldn't stand it anymore and sang The old rugged cross. I knew a lot of them would know it and sing with me. My husband always tries to make sure he sings songs of their era. Some of the other guys sang some songs I thought were inappropriate for the generation. The DJ's wife and I talked a lot. Apparently Charlie really gets mad when one of them give him a warning when he has been there a long time and is doing one of his dances. He does some clogging to one of his songs. They warn him about his heart. They have learned not to say anything if he is eating the wrong thing for his or his colon. He lets me say it but not them at all. He also got mad that the nursing home started 1/2 hour late and shut down 1/2 hour early. They started late because there was a fire in a resident's room. He also didn't like it that the residents were taking up HIS singing time and one of the residents sang Hey Jude which is a very long song and he couldn't remember it so he just kept on singing na na na na na until the song finished. The poor guy was a younger guy who had a traumatic brain injury and was in a nursing home! He wanted to sing a song from his era. He was dressed up in a tux and top hat for the prom.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • M3lodica
    M3lodica Posts: 8 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Lisa - welcome!

    Michele in NC
    Thank you so much!!! I lived in coastal NC for about 16 years before I moved to Los Angeles. It is absolutely beautiful there.

    Los Angeles
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Heather – I did a review for Windows and for Herbert, but they would not post my review for Herbert – don’t know why!

    Meg – Whole wheat!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

    Lilymay - My previous dog (probably 10 ish years ago) came with me to a friends ranch for Christmas, it was a dress up event, and somewhere there are pictures of me on Christmas afternoon, in heels, in a light dusting of snow, washing some kind of poop out of the dog’s coat…. And I got to do it not just once that evening; but twice! I could not believe that dog!

    Barbie – Jake and his slug joke are just too much!!! I am regularly doing in the snails here!

    Newbies – welcome one and all….

    Tired tonight for no good reason, just am so read the posts but did not do a through job of replying…

    May goals:
    Walk every day
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – had a friend visit for a couple of days – went to our big second hand store (Savers) and for $23 got 3 pair of walking shoes and a pair of hiking boots – all very gently used. Score!

    Week 2 – had Mom for a 4 day visit, tried some new recipes, salmon, shrimp and clams…. Yummy. Did a new walk with the dog that had a long tough hill, and we made it!

    Week 3 – reconnected with my hiking friends and hiked Brushy Peak. Also made divinity as a test run for a candy class I am teaching this summer, excellent, and even better gave most of it away.

    Week 4 – finished one more portion of my front yard “re-model”, went on a walking tour of North Beach area of san Francisco
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Annr - I STILL weigh and measure after 3 years.!

    Carol - your DGS looks just like you! ! ! Beautiful!

    Breakfast coming! Heather x x x x x x
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just saying hi. Messed up my ankle at the cemetery yesterday. Spent the whole last two weeks in bed with bronchitis and I'm back in bed with the ankle. Have let a few choice words fly. >:)

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Oh dear Cynthia! Rest up and get well soon!

    Well ladies, my news is that I LOST a few ounces on my visit to York! ! ! ! :D Am I happy! ! ! ! ! All that walking about and the swimming compensated for the drinking! :blush: I must say I feel much better today after getting back to my normal regime yesterday. As I get older almost any drinking doesn't really agree with me. Let alone the calories. But I never learn.

    DH still has his cold, but is feeling a bit better this morning. Bad timing for him. I don't know if he will get to the cricket as we have had a lot of rain and it is gloomy and cold right now. He can't wait to feel himself again.

    The garden party on Tuesday is looking damp, if not actually raining. We can go inside, but that spoils the point somehow of all the hats etc. I will enjoy dressing up, whatever the weather! I wear a dress about twice a year!

    DSIL brought us presents of plants for the garden so they are sitting outside making me feel guilty. I wish she wouldn't do that as I have nowhere to put them and I wouldn't choose those plants. She means well, but a garden is a personal choice. I will find a corner for them, but it is a nuisance. Do I sound ungrateful??? I am. :laugh:

    Going to make a curry today with left over roast lamb, chick peas, sweet potato, butternut squash and spinach from the garden.

    Love from Heather in Hampshire in the south of England, UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    There is research that shows that among the characteristics of people who are successful at losing weight and keeping it off are all the counting and keeping track behaviours that we obsessive people having been doing for years on MFP....weighing and measuring food and logging it, wearing a pedometer, keeping track of exercise, keeping track of progress.....being open minded and learning from others, having a support system and staying away from the "dream stealers"
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Heather - just set the plants - in their pots - into an area in your garden. You can dig a hole and set the pot in it if you want. And oh oh.... if they die in a month - oh well - they must not have liked where you put them. I am pretty picky about what comes into my yard.... some greenhouse plants have brought white flies. When we first moved to our yard people brought me perennials, I, being new to this, accepted and planted everything. BIG Mistake!!! I have some pretty invasive stuff moving around my yard. And if people think that Roundup kills everything ...NO it does not!!! I have Mother of Thyme growing in way too many places.

    Cynthia - I hope you get better.

    May has been a really good month for me. Even after the week of the sore throat. I still moved, maybe not at high speed, but I moved... so far 125 miles ( 14 days over 10,000 steps.) And staying around the 176 pounds. My goal at TOPS is 170. The last pounds seem to be the hardest!! Really have to avoid added sugar and make good protein choices. Will have to add something to spice it up - maybe more weights.

    Today I am off to DM's house again.... finish planting her garden and pick up carrots from the cooler. I really thought I should be doing a round of golf while I am there. DSIL is sick so she can't golf :/ There is a really nice course there and the clubhouse makes food that fits my diet plan.

    Take care everyone and have a pleasant Sunday
    Lillian in VERY DRY West Central Saskatchewan
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    edited May 2015
    Barbie - I absolutely agree with your last post. It does seem to me that the really successful maintainers are those who have found an activity they can stick to that burns enough calories so they don't have to starve themselves. Today's food temptations can sabotage the best of intentions all too easily unless you have a reserve of burnt calories. You have your walking and dancing, I have my home gym, Pip has her cycling, Katla her riding, spinning and cycling. It helps if it is part of our routine and readily available. It is not a licence to eat badly, but it means you can eat "well".

    Heather UK
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    edited May 2015
    Annr, way to go with Restaurant Restraint!

    Joyce, I'm recovering from a 61-pound gain. Or it may have been 66 (I can't remember whether my WW goal was 150 or 145). Took me a, um, while to start losing again. When you're ready, you will, too.
    By no way at all, I went to college in Bloomington, the school with the world's silliest alma mater. I loved my years there, but "Gloriana, frangipana, e're to thee be true" is matchless. :)

    Cynthia - sending waves of sympathy and virtual chicken soup.

    Heather in Hampshire - Wow! Way to go on the walking, swimming and ounces!

    Lilian - WOW! on the miles.

    Edited to add

    Joyce - the eye is a toad's, in Mississippi's Petrified Forest. If I look closely enough, I can see a fuzzy reflection of myself.

    Lilian - the poop thing is that cow poop disguises the carnivore smell. :)

    Janet in SC - thanks for the welcome!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited May 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NMMargaret, the fashion show sounds like loads of fun. Some of the history behind fashion is fascinating

    Annr, you just tell your hubby he is now on probation and close to being fired as the voice of reason. What are you even doing shopping in a place that sells such decadent items? It sounds divine. Just savor every morsel!

    Pip, I missed something??? How did you get a free meal? Hope you enjoyed it. Oh, for that birthday that I missed. :#

    Ohiomom, welcome back to where you belong. Isn’t it strange how a few days away from here lead to more and more. I hope you stay with us and can get back on track.

    Lily, I do hope you survived the dog bath. I’m sure it was worse on you than the dog. Lol

    , all I can say about your weather is, “better you than me”. Not that I wish it on you, but that is why we moved from Milwaukee 35 years ago. Bless your heart. I did giggle at your statement, “The chainsaw is now our "pruner."” I’ve had a dismal May as well so here’s to us both getting back on track. We can do this!!

    Barbie, so sorry something ate your lil babies. I hope they enjoyed their snack. I like your quote about “obsessed”. You always have the best things to say. Just one of the many reasons I love you! (((Hugs)))

    Lisa, welcome to this forum. Congrats on reading the 47 pages!! I’m impressed. Congrats also on your Fit Bits and having hubby involved. This is absolutely the best place for motivation so I hope you come often. Tell us a bit more about yourself. Your weight sounds pretty good for your height, so are you on maintenance or wanting to lose more? Good luck whatever your goals.

    Mary, great going. Too bad there aren’t a lot of us closer so we could come over and have a packing party. I hope you are getting excited about the move?

    Michele, maybe Vince is like a friend of mine and thinks “talking about” exercise is as good as doing it?

    Joyce, I hate Garage sale signs that stay up forever, also. I am happy to report that all of ours were down by 4:00 yesterday, thanks to my wonderful hubby. I was so tired, not sure I could have done it if he didn’t volunteer.

    Lisa, wow, you moved all the way across the country. How long have you been in CA?

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Today’s agenda includes boxing up the things left over from the garage sale. Some will go to charity and some we will keep for the fall garage sale. If I don’t have enough to participate in the fall, then the rest will all go to charity at that time. I did sneak away, leaving DH in charge, to go scout out some of the other garage sales yesterday. I had been wanting some new every day china, which DH thinks is a waist, because the ones we have still hold food and are only 20 years old. Lol But I found a set with 12 place settings of everything for only $8. It wasn’t a color I would have picked, but who could turn that down??? So also on today’s list is getting those washed and boxing up the old set. The sad thing is that I have about 6 or 7 serving pieces to my old set, but truthfully rarely use them.

    I hope you wonderful ladies have a fantastic day and let’s all have the best June ever! <3

    Thought for the day:

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
    - Winston Churchill

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Performance against my May goals... I'll spare y'all the big honking graphics... :wink:

    1. Get on the scale once a week on Sundays: Whistle.gif Fail, I'm still on it three times a day, minimum. Am trying not to freak out about water weight gains, however, with varying success.
    2. Don't obsess: Whistle.gif (see Goal #1).

    They get better, I promise.

    3. Weigh less than I did in April: Yaisse.gif Weighed 195 April 30, weigh185 today.
    4. Run farther than April: Yaisse.gif Started at 2 miles got up to 2.75 miles, in April. Consistently ran 3 miles, 6 days per week in May.
    5. Calories at 1000+ daily. Yaisse.gif Have consistently stayed between 1200 and 1400 calories daily for the last week. Took me a while.
    6. Keep protein at 64+ grams daily. Yaisse.gif. No sweat.
    7. Add flex/core/weights before running. Yaisse.gif Added them five days this past week only.
    8. Write. Yaisse.gif

    June goals (will transfer to new thread when it opens up)
    • Weigh less than I did at the end of May
    • Run farther than I did at the end of May
    • Move running to early mornings, now the heat's beginning in earnest
    • Don't let travel bump me off the routine, keep the calories steady, exercise anyway
    • Maintain calorie levels between 1200 and 1400 daily, protein at 64+
    • Add flex/core/ free weight work five to six days a week every week in June
    • Reroute obsession with numbers on the scale into how many pages I can write in June
    See y'all on the June thread!

    Lisa from West Texas
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    [Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Pip, I didn’t actually forget our birthday. I typed the Happy BD early on the right day but then with computer problems, it took me two days to get to post it. What can I say??? Slow but sure. And I knew you were kidding, just didn’t know what about. :*

    Fast, congrats on the losses. Keep up the good work.

    Pip, such good advice about comparing one’s self to others.

    , you are right that it takes a village! And sometimes two or three. I'm just not a village people fan, so I hope you don’t mind that I don’t sing along on YMCA. Lol

    Terri, it sounds like a really fun time, but are you going to behave in front of Eric Church and Tim McGraw?? Don’t make us come chaperone you, now.  >:)

    Vicki, so sorry things are so stressful at work. That can make life so unpleasant. I hope you get the meeting and things will improve. (((hugs)))

    Katla, how cool that you saw them building the floating houses. How far do they have to transport them when they are ready? I’d love to see that.

    Joan, I also hate to think that all the homeless people are impostors. I knew a lady that kept cans of Spam in her car and whenever she saw someone begging, she would offer them some. She said that 9 out of 10 would refuse it. I guarantee you that I would take it if I were hungry or had kids to feed. It is sad to think that so many people would rather beg than work, if that is the case. A Big Congrats on your loss. Way to go!!!

    Sondre, welcome to this group of wonderful women. Come here often and you will find lots of support and great information as well. If you haven’t exercised, like many of us, I suggest starting out slowly. I started doing push ups against the wall and I think I did 10 to start. I built that up to 30 then moved from the wall to the dresser. There are lots of exercises you can find on You Tube. Some people do better going to a gym if that is an option for you. Good luck in your journey.
    Thank you so much. I am grateful to be included with such nice ladies.
    Barbie, glad you figured out that Jake needed a lunch partner and that you are going with him. I know you prefer not to eat out. That is exciting to see something grow from a seed. It still amazes me after all these years.

    Bkrimpet, I don’t know about you, but when I do yard work, I work up a sweat. When I work up a sweat, I consider it exercise. Some days our exercise just looks different. Give yourself credit, lady. :D

    I continued to price things for the garage sale and had to stop to go to HOA Board meeting. I stopped on the way to buy more signs for the sale. We feel that you can never put up too many signs. Tomorrow is my day to finish getting everything ready and as much out to the garage as possible. I've slowly gotten to where I don't get up normally until around 7:00 and the garage sale starts at 7:00. Of course that means people will be here t shop around 6:00, do I want as much set up as I can. Going to bed early since I didn't slow down today.

    I love you ladies and wish you all a happy and healthy day tomorrow. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Lesley: Sending good thoughts for your daughter’s health situation. I hope things go well and she is healed. :flowerforyou:

    Sondre in South Fork PA: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Exercise tips: start with something you can do easily and often, such as walking or riding a bike. Some people carry pedometers, some buy gadgets like a fit bit. I simply keep track of time at the activity. I also started yoga a few years ago because I had pain and stiffness. It has become a mainstay for me because I enjoy it and feel better afterwards. If you can find an exercise that is also fun, it is a huge bonus. My fun exercise is horseback riding lessons. Barbie’s fun is dancing, and Pip’s is riding a bike. Log all your food and exercise, and try to stay within the calorie goals set by MFP. This is a very effective process, but it is also slow so patience and perseverance are necessary.
    Kayla...I appreciate your insight on exercise. Yoga is something I tried and and really enjoyed. I have access to YouTube and could following someone there. Do you have any recommendations?
    Janet: The floating homes are about 25 to 30 miles from where they’ll end up plus or minus 10. The journey is through well-protected waters. It would be fun to tag along and watch the process for a little while. I likely wouldn’t go the whole way. Right now they’re in a well-protected bay where the worst roughness is caused by wakes from fishermen. Re Begging: some people make a very good living as beggars. Others are feeding a drug habit. :noway:

    Mary from MN: I’m Katla, not Karla. It is a made up name and I like it. There are WAAAAY to many Kathy’s. :laugh: Thanks for the motorhome advice. I agree with you about travel trailers and I’ll pass your wisdom on to DH when I decide it is safe to follow through. He can be such a nag when he wants something, and he is disabled so I’ll end up with most of the hard work. I think a flotilla of boats (3) is plenty of recreational vehicles. I’m glad your sale went well.

    Kim: Your auto purchasing strategy is brilliant!

    Sharon in Lethbridge: I’m sending good thoughts for your husband’s medical situation. I hope the two of you enjoy your trip to Vermillion.

    Heather: Someone with an apartment in London and house in France certainly sounds rich to me. I hope that you and your friends make a tradition of get-togethers.

    Cynthia: My glasses are also gradient multifocal and I love them. I bend the frames slightly so that I can simply scan down to read and don’t have to move my head.

    I’m up way too early this morning due to DH’s snoring. I’ll have to try to make up for it with a nap later on if possible. Getting adequate sleep is one of my health goals. Fatigue does bad things to my mental faculties. I’m looking forward to yoga and horseback riding today. I’m still a little sore from last week’s ride but I won’t saddle the horse unless my teacher brings the light English saddle so that will help.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    pipcd34 wrote: »
    stats for the day, nice weather going to wk & going hm:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.13min, 14.4amph, 2.9mi = 80c
    stairclimber- 20min, 75stepspmin, 163aw, 4.7floorspmin, 853ft, 91floors, higher than Transamerica bldg. in SF = 141c
    ride gym 2 wk- 53min, 12.8amph, 11.3mi = 394c
    ride wk 2 tan- 52.19min, 11.6amph, 10.1mi = 442c
    total cal 1178
    Performance against my May goals... I'll spare y'all the big honking graphics... :wink:

    1. Get on the scale once a week on Sundays: Whistle.gif Fail, I'm still on it three times a day, minimum. Am trying not to freak out about water weight gains, however, with varying success.
    2. Don't obsess: Whistle.gif (see Goal #1).

    They get better, I promise.

    3. Weigh less than I did in April: Yaisse.gif Weighed 195 April 30, weigh185 today.
    4. Run farther than April: Yaisse.gif Started at 2 miles got up to 2.75 miles, in April. Consistently ran 3 miles, 6 days per week in May.
    5. Calories at 1000+ daily. Yaisse.gif Have consistently stayed between 1200 and 1400 calories daily for the last week. Took me a while.
    6. Keep protein at 64+ grams daily. Yaisse.gif. No sweat.
    7. Add flex/core/weights before running. Yaisse.gif Added them five days this past week only.
    8. Write. Yaisse.gif

    June goals (will transfer to new thread when it opens up)
    • Weigh less than I did at the end of May
    • Run farther than I did at the end of May
    • Move running to early mornings, now the heat's beginning in earnest
    • Don't let travel bump me off the routine, keep the calories steady, exercise anyway
    • Maintain calorie levels between 1200 and 1400 daily, protein at 64+
    • Add flex/core/ free weight work five to six days a week every week in June
    • Reroute obsession with numbers on the scale into how many pages I can write in June
    See y'all on the June thread!

    Lisa from West Texas

  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    Lisa, you make me laugh! I weigh in on Sunday ONLY....if I did weigh more often I would probably quit trying to lose
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    GIRLS.....Please forgive any mix up in the way I respond, I know nothing about communicating through threads!!!!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I will do my exercises then pack up the moving sale items. Both my DH and I have a very bad cold so we are moving very slowly. We will just keep plugging away at going through drawers and closets. I am glad that we have 3 weeks to pack and 2 weeks to move things in early. We get to move things into the garage and cabin starting on the 19th. That will make it a lot easier to move it ourselves.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great day :smile: hoping to have an hour or two to myself today to get some sewing done.

    Sondre: Welcome

    Lisa: I have that same habit of checking the scale a little more often than I probably should. I have heard it said both ways...only once a week or you get discouraged, and also everyday so you stay on track...I guess it's pretty much whatever works for each person

    Janet in SC.....awesome deal on the dinnerware. I love finding good bargains like that. And for the record we love Myrtle Beach. We try to go every year eve of for just a weekend. We usually stay in the Cherry Grove section of N. Myrtle

    Patceoh: interesting article. I definitely exercise and walk for the health benefits. Having several chronic medical conditions I have found that sticking to my walking makes a big difference in the way I feel.

    Heather: I understand what you're saying about your garden. It's nice that she thought of you, but maybe a nice gift certificate to go pick out some plants would have been better, or a house plant. My son usually takes me to the garden center as a treat and asks what I'm in need of or what I would like to have in the garden.

    Barbie: I totally agree with your theory on weight loss. I know that I have been much more successful on my journey this time and I attribute my success to becoming a bit obsessive in regards to food choices and portions and sticking with an exercise routine. Talking with other like minded people on here has made a huge impact. Having supportive non judgmental people is great. The things I do are all things I can live with for the rest of my life.

    Guess I better get moving. Have to run out to the store in a bit, now that my lazy DIL has decided to awaken and help with her sick son....oh did I just say that out loud :neutral:

    Make it a good one❤️

    Linda (Fredericksburg , VA)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    morning peeps.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    morning ladies~
    finally getting a little bit of rain...
    went down to feed DFIL with the DH,he kept telling me youve gained weight, yes Buddy I know, well I went to get his pills,and I was walking back in and he said here comes fatty..
    : :s:'( ok well this has just made me feel awful.. I am constantly starving and I dont know what to do..
    will try and find more protein that keeps me full, and complex carbs, and talk the DH into a gym membership