Carbs after lunch?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    adamitri wrote: »
    adamitri wrote: »
    adamitri wrote: »
    adamitri wrote: »
    adamitri wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    adamitri wrote: »
    Diet is why you lose weight, exercise is for health. You cannot out run a bad diet no matter how much exercise you do.

    all i have been saying is to get a good diet and not a junk food diet looking only for calories.

    That's far from what you've been saying.


    Many people here keep just counting calories, people you don't even know for sure How many calories you burn, you can estimate but will never know.

    And a calorie is not just a calorie, protein, different carbs, fat, fiber all changes the way you gain or lose weight.

    1st you need to remember that fiber is counted as 4 calories, and your body cannot use most of fiber....

    2nd there are hormones in our body, and the most important to "control" to lose weight is insulin..
    If you eat carbs, especially sugars, you will get an alarm inside your body to produce insulin, insulin will then be present in your body for some hours and the only thing that insulin does is keeping saving all calories, can be as glycogen to the muscles or FATTTT.

    Thats why most people cut down they carbs and get good results, but people remember there are complex carbs like oatmeal, that have one king of fiber that can control your insulin levels during hours, so try to go to complex carbs, and you should even lose more weight. About calories, your body needs energy to burn more energy, it means the more you can eat and stay lean, the fastest will be you metabolism and you can eat more and lose more weight.

    Count your calories but always remember from where they come from..

    I agree man. I think the disagreement is with the peeps here - they believe you can eat white rice all day and lose FAT - you might lose WEIGHT, but WEIGHT loss != FAT loss. It's a lot more muscle.

    Why didn't the schmo who lost weight with a Twinkie diet report his DEXA scan? Hmmm? Possibly because he knew (and admitted as such in interviews) that what he did was not nutritionally sound at all - even if he lost "weight".

    That's the point - you can't outrun a bad diet. Maybe you can before the age of 40, good luck after it. Life begins at 40. I know.

    Wait, who said to eat white rice all day. Please go back and point out the person that said that.

    no one said that rice example, but when someone says that all it counts is calories in and out, so they are saying if you eat all your calories from rice is fine to lose weight and is not.

    was just an example

    Because it's true, a calorie is a calorie plain in simple. But you want to get into nutritional values of those calories and that is different than what you're saying.

    no losing weight and fat is different

    No it is not, nutritionally is different but I will lose weight no matter what I eat as long as I'm in a deficit. You are talking health wise. Is a person eating nothing but Mcdonalds healthy no but if they're in a deficit the weight loss will continue. CICO is what matters for weight loss but not in terms of actual nutrition.

    you are right, but what i'm saying is that you can have a larger calorie out just for managing your macros, and your exercise.

    and that you can lose even more weight using the same macros you are now if you eat well, if you chose to eat your carbs from complex carbs and avoid insulin spikes, and for many people on diet it really helps. the hardest part of dieting for almost everyone is been hungry, if you base your nutrition on cokies even if it fits your macros will you fell satisfied? will you have energy during the day? i would not have

    But not everyone needs to eat more calories and there is nothing wrong with a treat after you meet your macro. Not everyone needs to jump up and expand their calorie intake, not everyone needs that and no one bases their nutrition specifically on one item alone but if I have a healthy lunch and dinner and I'd like to have a half cup of ice cream to finish the day then their is nothing nutritional wrong with that. I am satisfied I don't need to stuff my face, I exercise I log and I'm happy where I am. Not everyone wants to be you.

    once again, i posted saying what i think about this topic, was not directed to you, i didn't even know you.
    you started to quote me i just replied, nothing more.

    so i don't understand why you think that is about you or your diet.

    Because you keep saying if people do this than this will happen!

    no no no no, i said 1 thing, people told me i was wrong and made me many questions i just keep on replying.

    They will keep you replying until you fall over from exhaustion. Don't feed the trolls. You know and I know, what you're saying is accurate, and the results will speak for themselves regardless of all the trolling and deliberately obtuse questioning. Especially after 40. ;)

    There is only one troll in this thread....
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    wesaud wrote: »
    I agree the the OP. I dropped 30 pounds last fall with this same approach. I did no carbs after 2pm. The only carbs I would allow were dark leafy, kale, chard, greens, and Brussel sprouts. The results I gathered came from the reduction of insulin spikes caused by the carbs and their conversion to glucose. In a carb depleted state my body would use fat stores as energy. It worked for my body, glad to he someone else preaching it worked for them.

    LOL, why don't you run a little experiment on yourself. Eat no carbs after two pm, but eat in a 500 per day calorie surplus, and report back with what happens. I will go with 100% certainty that you gain weight.

    If they ate enough protein, their metabolism would increase due to the use of calories to digest it. I would bet that 500 is achievable for anyone under the age of 40 if they ate a very sound diet devoid of added sugars.

    NOPE. I'll offer up my N=1. I was in my 30's. Ate old school paleo. That was from the Neanderthin book. Meat, non-starchy veg, nuts, eggs, berries, expeller pressed olive oil. No calorie restriction. No calorie counting.

    I gained 5 pounds when I ate a lot. I lost weight when my daughter went through a clinging phase and I wasn't eating much as well. Calories matter, not the food.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    adamitri wrote: »
    Diet is why you lose weight, exercise is for health. You cannot out run a bad diet no matter how much exercise you do.

    all i have been saying is to get a good diet and not a junk food diet looking only for calories.

    That's far from what you've been saying.


    Many people here keep just counting calories, people you don't even know for sure How many calories you burn, you can estimate but will never know.

    And a calorie is not just a calorie, protein, different carbs, fat, fiber all changes the way you gain or lose weight.

    1st you need to remember that fiber is counted as 4 calories, and your body cannot use most of fiber....

    2nd there are hormones in our body, and the most important to "control" to lose weight is insulin..
    If you eat carbs, especially sugars, you will get an alarm inside your body to produce insulin, insulin will then be present in your body for some hours and the only thing that insulin does is keeping saving all calories, can be as glycogen to the muscles or FATTTT.

    Thats why most people cut down they carbs and get good results, but people remember there are complex carbs like oatmeal, that have one king of fiber that can control your insulin levels during hours, so try to go to complex carbs, and you should even lose more weight. About calories, your body needs energy to burn more energy, it means the more you can eat and stay lean, the fastest will be you metabolism and you can eat more and lose more weight.

    Count your calories but always remember from where they come from..

    I agree man. I think the disagreement is with the peeps here - they believe you can eat white rice all day and lose FAT - you might lose WEIGHT, but WEIGHT loss != FAT loss. It's a lot more muscle.

    Why didn't the schmo who lost weight with a Twinkie diet report his DEXA scan? Hmmm? Possibly because he knew (and admitted as such in interviews) that what he did was not nutritionally sound at all - even if he lost "weight".

    That's the point - you can't outrun a bad diet. Maybe you can before the age of 40, good luck after it. Life begins at 40. I know.

    Who said anything about eating white rice all day? Holy straw man, Batman!

  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,217 MFP Moderator
    Well this was fun -

    I'm just going to leave this here:

    Aaaand obligatory form letter:

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    And for your enjoyment, I leave you this gif, which made me laugh this morning.
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