If I eat an ice-cream everyday, but stay under the calorie limit, will it still work?



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I eat ice cream every night. I also lift weights and try to get a good balance of nutrients.


    @MamaBirdBoss the body shaming isn't necessary. You can debunk the idea that a person has to eat "clean" without putting down someone else's body.

  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Ive eaten ice cream every day, or cake or cookies. As long as your eating at a deficit, you'll lose weight.
    Ive read so many ridiculous comments in this thread . You will not look flabby from eating ice cream. You will look toned if you do the things necessary, having a serving of ice cream daily won't hurt. Meet your macros , enjoy treats in moderation.
    The comment about malnutrition made me laugh . Why would someone be malnourished if they ate a serving of ice cream ? Come on now.....
    Actions speak louder then words though~ ive eaten all the treats i love in moderation all through my weight loss and still do, do i look flabby or malnourished? ? No !!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Kayra42 wrote: »
    Sure, you will lose weight but end up with malnutrition and avitaminosis

    Lmao..., no ....
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Kayra42 wrote: »
    Sure, you will lose weight but end up with malnutrition and avitaminosis

    Lolwhat? How would 100-200 calories of ice cream a day (assuming a goal of 1600 calories) make you end up with malnutrition if you have a more balanced diet otherwise?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    culver531 wrote: »
    wow lots of comments dont know if you'll see this but WOW really people eat icecream everyday is ok, not at all. I think that the first step to losing weight is acceptance, accept that you have to change your way of eating to maintain your weight loss. Junk food is junk why waste your time trying to lose weight if you keep putting junk in your body. Once in a while is understandable but it shouldn't be just about calorie count but the food itself. veggies vs processed food with ingredients you cant even recognize! I say no! your only setting yourself up for failure if you continue to eat bad food!
    I guess you skipped right over all of the success stories in order to post this bit of misinformation.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    culver531 wrote: »
    wow lots of comments dont know if you'll see this but WOW really people eat icecream everyday is ok, not at all. I think that the first step to losing weight is acceptance, accept that you have to change your way of eating to maintain your weight loss. Junk food is junk why waste your time trying to lose weight if you keep putting junk in your body. Once in a while is understandable but it shouldn't be just about calorie count but the food itself. veggies vs processed food with ingredients you cant even recognize! I say no! your only setting yourself up for failure if you continue to eat bad food!

    I don't personally believe in bad foods or in fearing what I don't understand. There are foods that have less nutrients and they shouldn't make up the bulk of a person's diet, but that doesn't make them bad. I try for balance in all things, and that includes creating a way of eating that I can maintain forever. I've been in maintenance for more than 2 years now and still happy with my lifestyle. I'd be a lot more likely to fail if I set unreasonable expectations for myself. It's a pretty large (and incorrect) assumption that if a person still works a small amount of ice cream into their diet every day that they haven't really changed the way they eat.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    culver531 wrote: »
    LdyJedi wrote: »
    You may lose weight, but you will most likely not have a healthy body otherwise. While a caloric deficit will help you shed pounds, you also need to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients to keep your heart and other muscles functioning properly.
    Why, exactly, does having ice cream most likely mean you won't maintain a healthy balance of nutrients?

    Well first think what all that sugar does to your body, The minute it kicks in all that sugar it cant process it and turns it into fat. There are alternative like blended frowzn bananas with choc chips. Very yummy. Dairy with sugar at that level is not healthy. bottom line. You want to be fit eat fit.

    No. Frozen bananas and chocolate chips have similar calorie and sugar counts to regular ice cream. Most people process sugar just fine. And I'm at sub-20% body fat despite my habit of eating one serving of ice cream per day, so it's pretty clear that it doesn't turn straight into fat.

  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    culver531 wrote: »
    LdyJedi wrote: »
    You may lose weight, but you will most likely not have a healthy body otherwise. While a caloric deficit will help you shed pounds, you also need to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients to keep your heart and other muscles functioning properly.
    Why, exactly, does having ice cream most likely mean you won't maintain a healthy balance of nutrients?

    Well first think what all that sugar does to your body, The minute it kicks in all that sugar it cant process it and turns it into fat. There are alternative like blended frowzn bananas with choc chips. Very yummy. Dairy with sugar at that level is not healthy. bottom line. You want to be fit eat fit.
    This has to be due to a documentary watched.... what was it called.... never mind.

    You can eat sugar.....it does not go directly to fat.....your body CAN process sugar.... sugar is sugar...banana,choc chips, ice cream..Diary sugar is fine...(unless a medical reason).
    I would hate to go through life never eating sugar again.

  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    culver531 wrote: »
    LdyJedi wrote: »
    You may lose weight, but you will most likely not have a healthy body otherwise. While a caloric deficit will help you shed pounds, you also need to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients to keep your heart and other muscles functioning properly.
    Why, exactly, does having ice cream most likely mean you won't maintain a healthy balance of nutrients?

    Well first think what all that sugar does to your body, The minute it kicks in all that sugar it cant process it and turns it into fat. There are alternative like blended frowzn bananas with choc chips. Very yummy. Dairy with sugar at that level is not healthy. bottom line. You want to be fit eat fit.

    Oh honey....no.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    culver531 wrote: »
    wow lots of comments dont know if you'll see this but WOW really people eat icecream everyday is ok, not at all. I think that the first step to losing weight is acceptance, accept that you have to change your way of eating to maintain your weight loss. Junk food is junk why waste your time trying to lose weight if you keep putting junk in your body. Once in a while is understandable but it shouldn't be just about calorie count but the food itself. veggies vs processed food with ingredients you cant even recognize! I say no! your only setting yourself up for failure if you continue to eat bad food!

    so if you eat ice cream daily that makes one "unhealthy", really? Then why is my blood work nearly perfect and I somehow manage to maintain 13 to 15% body fat?

    You really need to go back to the drawing board and think about how you are viewing food. there are no "Junk" foods, just junk diets.

    what matters is that ones micro and macro needs are being met.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I eat ice cream every night. I also lift weights and try to get a good balance of nutrients.


    @MamaBirdBoss the body shaming isn't necessary. You can debunk the idea that a person has to eat "clean" without putting down someone else's body.

    I've said it elsewhere and I'll say it again... DAYUM!!!!

    Also cosigning everything you said.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    culver531 wrote: »
    LdyJedi wrote: »
    You may lose weight, but you will most likely not have a healthy body otherwise. While a caloric deficit will help you shed pounds, you also need to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients to keep your heart and other muscles functioning properly.
    Why, exactly, does having ice cream most likely mean you won't maintain a healthy balance of nutrients?

    Well first think what all that sugar does to your body, The minute it kicks in all that sugar it cant process it and turns it into fat. There are alternative like blended frowzn bananas with choc chips. Very yummy. Dairy with sugar at that level is not healthy. bottom line. You want to be fit eat fit.


    please go back and do some research on this topic, and by research I don't mean google "sugar"…

    you do realize that banana has sugar in it, right?
  • taentea
    taentea Posts: 91 Member
    culver531 wrote: »
    wow lots of comments dont know if you'll see this but WOW really people eat icecream everyday is ok, not at all. I think that the first step to losing weight is acceptance, accept that you have to change your way of eating to maintain your weight loss. Junk food is junk why waste your time trying to lose weight if you keep putting junk in your body. Once in a while is understandable but it shouldn't be just about calorie count but the food itself. veggies vs processed food with ingredients you cant even recognize! I say no! your only setting yourself up for failure if you continue to eat bad food!
    Well, I have accepted that and made changes to include ice-cream into my diet. I felt too guilty to have it regularly before.

    I have lost plenty of weight 'the proper way' few years ago. I had to take a break from that diet after a while as I was not ready to refuse some foods for the rest of my life. You can guess how that ended – I gained. I have began this WL journey with something very close to Paleo. It was alright but I'd have to take a break from that at some point as well. Also I was eating plenty of eggs, meat, fish, veggies and fruits and failing to meet a 1200 calorie goal by few hundreds on most days. My previous experience tells me that eating under 1000 for a prolonged amount of time is a generally bad idea. So I threw in some ice-cream and now both meet my calorie goals and enjoy life. I keep losing weight and I don't feel deprived. In fact, I feel slightly spoiled and over-indulging. Something tells me my chances to maintain weight I currently lose have skyrocketed once I brought some 'evil' treats into my diet.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    culver531 wrote: »
    LdyJedi wrote: »
    You may lose weight, but you will most likely not have a healthy body otherwise. While a caloric deficit will help you shed pounds, you also need to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients to keep your heart and other muscles functioning properly.
    Why, exactly, does having ice cream most likely mean you won't maintain a healthy balance of nutrients?

    Well first think what all that sugar does to your body, The minute it kicks in all that sugar it cant process it and turns it into fat. There are alternative like blended frowzn bananas with choc chips. Very yummy. Dairy with sugar at that level is not healthy. bottom line. You want to be fit eat fit.


    please go back and do some research on this topic, and by research I don't mean google "sugar"…

    you do realize that banana has sugar in it, right?
    "But fiber," amirite? It makes sugar not sugar or something.

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    culver531 wrote: »
    LdyJedi wrote: »
    You may lose weight, but you will most likely not have a healthy body otherwise. While a caloric deficit will help you shed pounds, you also need to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients to keep your heart and other muscles functioning properly.
    Why, exactly, does having ice cream most likely mean you won't maintain a healthy balance of nutrients?

    Well first think what all that sugar does to your body, The minute it kicks in all that sugar it cant process it and turns it into fat. There are alternative like blended frowzn bananas with choc chips. Very yummy. Dairy with sugar at that level is not healthy. bottom line. You want to be fit eat fit.


    please go back and do some research on this topic, and by research I don't mean google "sugar"

    OK, this made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that!

    Add me to those who love ice cream...and chocolate...and wine.....and haven't eliminated any of these "evils" from my diet.

    I guess I'm doomed.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    culver531 wrote: »
    LdyJedi wrote: »
    You may lose weight, but you will most likely not have a healthy body otherwise. While a caloric deficit will help you shed pounds, you also need to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients to keep your heart and other muscles functioning properly.
    Why, exactly, does having ice cream most likely mean you won't maintain a healthy balance of nutrients?

    Well first think what all that sugar does to your body, The minute it kicks in all that sugar it cant process it and turns it into fat. There are alternative like blended frowzn bananas with choc chips. Very yummy. Dairy with sugar at that level is not healthy. bottom line. You want to be fit eat fit.


    please go back and do some research on this topic, and by research I don't mean google "sugar"…

    you do realize that banana has sugar in it, right?
    "But fiber," amirite? It makes sugar not sugar or something.

    right, I forgot…fiber is the kryptonite to evil sugar...