

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2015
    Heather - About TRUE NORTH, Travels in Arctic Europe: I don't know the book but checked it out on Amazon. It looks like a good read. My dear former boss used to do that, too, read up on places he was going to visit. Sometimes he would read travel literature, but sometimes a novel set in the city or country he was going to, preferably by a native writer – a good one.
    Later: Congrats on the grandchild to be!

    DJ wrote: Penny, logging has always been the easiest part for me but I can’t imagine any of this if I were still working. Pretend this is a Niki commercial and “Just Do It”. I like the way you sign your name now.

    DJ, one factor in my struggle was that the food databases wouldn't load on my cell phone. Every time I wanted to log something I had to go to my computer, which is upstairs. Okay, okay, the extra exercise would be beneficial, but I simply couldn't bring myself to do it while cooking. Anyway, I uninstalled and reinstalled the MFP app and everything is working again now. I'm back on board!

    Mary in MN wrote: Hello Ladies! For our 5th Anniversary (wood) My DH woke me up with a card, wooden tongs and diamond earrings to replace the one That fell out of my ear last month. I gave him an antique coke pitcher and 6 glasses and tonight I have a wooden leaf hanging on a gold belt Adam and Eve style I will leave the rest to your imagination...
    Mary - I'm imagining smiley-ashamed002.gif I hope you both had a good time! I noticed from some pics you uploaded earlier that someone in your family collected Coke memorabilia. Congratulations on scoring some more as an anniversary gift!

    Maryann – Welcome and thanks for asking what we do! I've been with the group for a while but had no idea what some of my MFP sistahs do/did for a living. I'm a freelance editor, mainly of scientific articles, particularly in biomedicine and environmental research. I also teach scientific writing.

    Margaret – I've got you and your son in my thoughts. <3

    I've never had a perm. I'm a bit too young to have been compared with Shirley Temple, and my mother has always been too sensible to try to turn me into anything I'm not. Still, I didn't escape hair issues. I had straight lanky hair all through grade school, right up until Twiggy made straight and lanky fashionable. dry.gif Then I hit puberty and my hair went wavy and has stayed that way ever since.

    Congrats Poop on meeting your donation goal! I hope everyone pays up without a fuss... I always found that the worst part of doing charity runs/walks.

    Oh Joyce, I feel for you and Charlie with the TIAs. I had a little stroke a few years ago (not a TIA, a full stroke) but feel I have recovered fully. I hope Charlie does equally well.

    When I stepped onto the scales this morning I saw the lowest number I've seen for years. In fact the lowest number since I started keeping track in September of 2008! That's a non-NSV, for what it's worth. (I guess that makes it a Scale Victory!) Then I went out and jogged around town, 7 km. That gave another bright spot to my day because my average speed was the fastest I've seen since I started using a GPS watch back in early 2013.

    On the down side, I learned yesterday that my mother has had to move back to assisted living. Her pain levels were just too high for her and my father to cope with. It's her 91st birthday today. I'll try to call later on when it's day on the US East Coast.

    I've having my quartet over for dinner tonight. Our alto is allergic to nuts, apples and "all spices that start with a K in Norwegian" (cinnamon, coriander, curry, cardemom, chili, cumin, allspice). Sounds crazy, but it happens to be true. I'm serving eggplant parmigiana with homemade pesto based on sunflower seeds rather than walnuts or pine nuts. My famous sourdough bread to go with it. Yum!

    August goals:
    1. Maintain my pound-a-day veggie habit
    2. Get back to consistent logging starting 11 August, when I return to the High North and resume my ordinary life.
    3. Maximum ½ bottle of wine one day per week (again starting from 11 August).
    4. Jog a total of 100 km.
    5. Strength train at least twice a week.

    Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    morning ladies~
    Joyce~ both you and Charlie are in my prayers. xoxoxo
    Tom and I had a talk last night~ he is still undecided about what could happen down the road but lately just contemplating things.. he wants all the things done in the house..
    he asked what I want.I told him this is your deal, you want a divorce you will have to file..
    I am going to write down what I want..
    if this goes down
    I want both this house and the house in florida appraised, then he can buy me out of both homes, as I will not stay here as he will be staying at least another 3 years.
    he wants me to have this house and he will take the florida one, I said after almost 20 yrs here with you I can;t live here
    then I will ask for half of 401k and investments, will take Homer he can have Chester with visitation and then since I am used to living like I do alimoney.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Sounds as though things are getting down to brass tacks now. I'm thinking of you Allison!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Joyce - Praying for Charlie, you and the family. All of our thots and warmest hugs to you. Please keep us informed if you get a minute.

    Janetr OKC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited August 2015
    Joyce - thinking about you and Charlie. TIAs are so scary... please let us know how you both are when you can.

    Allie - thinking about you in general. Stay strong - you deserve being taken care of, and I'm glad you're asking for what you deserve. I came out of my first marriage with 60 percent of our debt, and didn't even threaten to take half his Air Force retirement, and probably should have. I just wanted out so badly that I tanked myself financially for years. Hope you end up doing that better than I did.

    Mindy from Boston - don't pressure yourself. Respond as and when you can to who you can--it's a support group, not an added pressure group... :wink: I have never felt judged or found wanting in this place...it's one of the big reasons I keep coming back. This amazing group of women provides a soft place to land for many who just need one place in their lives to feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves. That said, if you need a kick in the *kitten* to get yourself moving, all you need do is ask. :blush: They'll do that too!

    Carol in NC - hope you know how truly strong you are. You've done much better than I would have coming out of that surgery! I'm putting off knee replacements for five more years mostly because I'm a big wienie.


    As for us - back in Texas last night finally. After all that's going on in the above comments, I hate to be crabby, but learned long ago that pain is not comparative... So on to the rant.

    The first flight out of Great Falls, Montana was right on time, got to Denver a few minutes early... rainstorm in Denver delays loading the flight to Midland, Texas, as there was lightning, and they won't push the metal ramps around for baggage loading in lightning. No sweat. Happens... just a little cloudburst.

    Get boarded a little late, not too bad... push back from the gate... and then sit there. And sit there some more. The captain finally announces that one of the fuel computers isn't working, so they're going to take the plane dark and reset it to see if they can goose it into acting right. Took another 15 minutes to do that and get the results that were... it still wasn't working. So they call a mechanic. Another half hour to get the mechanic there, about 15 minutes to fix it. The mechanic finds that one of their wing lights isn't working while he's there... that's another 15-minute fix. Finally get in the air an hour and a half late. Seriously regretting not eating in Denver. Touch down in Midland after ten pm, starving. No jet bridge... clamber down steep stairs to the tarmac, then up steep stairs into the terminal... and can't get out of the upper terminal... they've literally got us locked in. They finally find some guy with a radio and a badge and a key to let us out. Yay!

    Wait at the baggage claim... and our clothing bag is the last one out. Then no more. Toiletries, pills and computer cords in the other bag are... still in Denver, as we find out after another wait. I could deal with that a lot better if I hadn't paid $25 per bag to get them back to Texas. So, we get to our car about 11 p.m., cranky, hungry and exhausted. Checked in at the hotel that I had foresight enough to reserve before we ever left Montana... and then off to Walmart, the only store open 24 hours, to get some food we can shove in the microwave, as all the restaurants are closed.

    And... just to add insult to injury, at 12:09 a.m., I remember to add my food to MFP, and realize I never logged anything on Thursday, so I broke my 120+day streak. For whatever reason, that was just the final straw in hours of crappy crappiness.

    Rant completed.

    Now for the rest of the story... get up this morning at my usual 4 a.m. (what IS up with that? I feel like such a freak sometimes) and log on to tell my crabby little story... and find that my streak continues. Because I logged on to check on y'all BEFORE midnight last night, it kept my log-in streak, even though it was the first day I haven't posted calories.

    And, our toiletries bag is due in on the 10:30 a.m. flight from Denver this morning... so we can do all our pantry and other shopping beforehand, snag the bag and head for home. And, my DH being the guy that he is, he can even sleep through my rattling on my laptop. And, my laptop was fully charged, so I didn't even need the cord this morning, though I do miss my mouse.

    So, mostly because I'm on my second cup of gas-station coffee, which I kinda love, my natural optimism has boomeranged back. Can't say I'm looking forward to the scale when I get home... but I can deal with it, and peel it all back off again. I haven't been THAT awful, just haven't been... observant. And that's about to change. While I was in Montana I got my hair cut to the same style that's in the picture, which always makes me happy. And lighter-feeling.

    Hugs to all as needs them, and to those who may...

    Lisa, back in sunny West Texas where I belong (well it will be sunny when the sun comes up). Cheers!

    PS: Maryann... thanks for asking what we do! I'm a writer (two books on Amazon, do a search for "Lisa C Hannon" and I'm easy to find) and to actually make money, a consultant. I usually end up going into companies as an operations/communications consultant and being hired "permanently" as a manager of one kind or another. I'm an unusual being in the business world, as I'm actually NOT a specialist, but a generalist. Anyone who's up on LinkedIn can find me there, as well, and please feel free to do so. The middle initial is important, as there's more than one of me out there, and not so many with a "C."
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) Alison, take it one day at a time but make plans to protect yourself for the future

    <3 Joyce, I'm thinking good thoughst for you and Charlie

    :) Mindy, we are a very varied bunch here---some good talkers, some good listeners, some in between......all of us are important....good luck on your new cashier job

    :) Heather, congrats on the new grandchild

    :) Lisa, whenever people ask me if I have fears about flying, I tell them that I have fears that my luggage will be lost or delayed.

    590935ankbyj1xx4.gifBarbie from NW Washington where it is raining (after a very long dry period)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Barbie~ that's what all of that is about, I got scr#wed in the last one. there are no children involved.. and yes I am trying to do what is best for me... I think it will be a real eye opener for Tom.. and he said he wanted if it comes to that,to go through without lawyers,, well we shall see if he gets pissy about my wants, then let him talk to a lawyer, it will cost him more to divorce than not..
    I do not want to live in a house that we lived in,will start fresh if needed..
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning - just coming up for air.... company books almost done. Appointment with the accountant is at 1:30 this afternoon. YEAH!!! I must love stress or something - I have done this to myself for 3 years now.....

    First thing tomorrow morning I going for a walk with my dog. I have to walk 18 miles before the end of the month to make my 100 mile a month goal.

    Take care and stay safe everyone and have a great Friday!!

    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    edited August 2015
    Barbie~ that's what all of that is about, I got scr#wed in the last one. there are no children involved.. and yes I am trying to do what is best for me... I think it will be a real eye opener for Tom.. and he said he wanted if it comes to that,to go through without lawyers,, well we shall see if he gets pissy about my wants, then let him talk to a lawyer, it will cost him more to divorce than not..
    I do not want to live in a house that we lived in,will start fresh if needed..

    A friend of ours just went through this type of divorce. They had to put up both houses for sale. To show Tom that you are serious I suggest taking control of the situation and start talking to a realtor. There's absolutely no reason why you have to wait until he is sure what he wants to do! And you do need a lawyer! Or you will get screwed! It is quite apparent that Tom is extremely controlling and will try to get his way.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    edited August 2015
    You should also monitor bank accounts and 401(k) monies so that he doesn't attempt to withdraw funds without your knowledge. Have an accountant do this for you.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Barbie: Love the pics of you as a little girl. Adorable!

    Michelle: Love the welcome sign.

    Kim:I'm glad you found a time. You've got one packed schedule my friend!

    Janetr: So sorry to hear about the challenges your sister has.

    Linda/IA: Congrats on ONEderland!

    Mia:Thanks for the list of things you gotta do. Unfortunately the link you sent doesn't work but the list does the trick. I'm glad you're getting your motivation back.

    DJ: Yay for exercise! Keep up the good work!

    Pip: Yabba Dabba Dooo !!!

    Penny: Sorry to hear that your Mom is in so much pain. Hopefully it doesn't last too long and they can control it effectively in assisted living.

    Allison: Good idea to write down what you want and deserve. Thinking of you!

    Lisa: I think the short hairstyle looks great on you. Glad your back at home.

    I had a busy day yesterday, Tai Chi, hot stone massage and then I went swimming with the boys. Whew.. I was exhaused but I slept well for a change. Today I have an assessment to see if the training is improving my stamina. I haven't noticed a difference but we'll see.

    Wishing you a wonderful day friends!


    Goals for last half of August:

    1. Log all meals

    2.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Haying in the 30's cancer support, camping with the folks
    • W2: Celebrate my birthday with the boys, invited to Aunt's for supper, swimming with DS#2.
    • W3:Mani & Pedi
    • W4:Hot Stone Massage; Swimming with the boys
    3. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thank you for all your prayers. I feel them.

    Joyce prayers for you and Charlie.

    Heather congratulations on your new Grandchild. I had a C-section with my first and didn't with my second. At that time C-sections were rising for many reasons. This was thirty years ago. I actually had a dream before my second son was born and they were going to do a C-section and I got off the table and said NO! I joined a support group to help me with this decision. One of the women in the group had had two C-sections. She ended up having her baby in the doctor's office. Some women did end up with C-sections again. No one regretted their decision to at least try.

    Heather thank you for your kind words. I am very fortunate to be blessed with wonderful friends, a DH, strong church, teachers, staff, and students when I substitute who make me feel loved, a lovely home and garden,and this group of amazing women. I have a very strong support system that I nurture and care for like I do my garden. What is helping me through this storm besides my support system is I nurture my mind, body, spirit, and emotional health. I have said something like this before one of the reasons I love about this group is our primary focus is to help each other to get to a healthy weight to get there and stay we do it by helping each other with the issues that can derail our efforts. Yes we are doing what we can to help our son. For him to truly heal he needs to own his problems. I continue to ask for this in prayer. We (DH and I) cannot own the problems for him. I continue to ask a prayer for me in that I help him, not enable him.

    Mary glad you having such a wonderful time. Looking forward to meeting you on the ninth.

    Sharon prayers for rain.

    Miss Sylvia's jokes.

    ALERT happy story:
    In the middle of all our hospital visits. Ds#1 is in the hospital. Ds#2 car wouldn't start. When I went to help the AAA man could not get his hood open and he did not have the right tool to open it. A stranger approached with a bag of tools and was able to get the hood open. The AAA man got the car started and said everything checked out. Then I remembered the last time the battery in this car died was when we took my mom to the hospital with a broken hip. (This is DH former car). That was seven years ago. The AAA man happened before he set out to put a brand new battery in his truck. When DS and I discussed it we realized if the battery was not changed this was very likely going to happen to him again. The hood was open, he had the battery, he was charging us a reasonable price. DS wisely went for the new battery. Yes there are miracles even in the midst of crisis if you open yourself to them.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    edited August 2015
    Mary excellent advice you gave to Alison.

    Alison we have your back. Prayers.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Thanks so much for all of your hugs and good wishes. I am slowly releasing some of the depression and am feeling some better. I also have an appointment with my therapist this afternoon which should help.

    Joyce - Prayers for Charlie and you!

    Alison - In your case, an attorney will definitely be worth the money, I believe. I got royally screwed in my divorce and I would never recommend not at least consulting an attorney.

    MaryAnn (?) - I work at two different churches. One is of the United Church of Christ denomination and I have been here for 26 years. My title is Ministry Assistant and I work 30 hours per week at this one. Although I do the basics of clerical work and financial work, I do lots of other things that would not normally fall under the range of duties for a Church Secretary, hence my different title. My second job is at a Southern Baptist church which means I go from the extreme "left" to the extreme "right" in terms of liberal vs. fundamentalist in the space of about five blocks. I am supposed to work 15 hours per week there as their Financial Secretary. Somehow I seem to have turned into their HR, insurance, and tax law expert, too, while working ten hours per week less than my predecessor! The congregation is difficult to work with but I love my coworkers (mostly). I work four days of straight 8 a.m.-6 p.m. with no break other than the five minute drive between churches and one five hour day.

    Heather - Congratulations!!

    Lisa - Thank you so much for the compliment. The PT folks have told me that hip surgery is the easiest to recover from, followed by knee surgery, with shoulder surgery being at the top of the list for difficulty. I need that reminder that I'm not as much of a sissy as I feel like I am. And, you're not a wienie about the knee surgery! I had a torn meniscus a few years ago and that was a miserable recovery--I can't imagine a full knee replacement recovery.

    I don't know if I mentioned it, but I have reserved a friend's beach house for the last weekend in October for a getaway to take some time for myself and have the quiet time to process the things that have have happened this year. I wish it was a full week, but no more time off and no money prohibits it. It's the weekend that goes back to standard time, so I will have the last of the evening daylight to enjoy for a couple of days.

    I'm off now to get some steps in around the church since I will be cooped up in the car for a few hours this afternoon and, unless I want to walk through a pasture with horses, there is no real place to walk at my parents'.

    Carol in NC

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Joyce...you and Charlie are in my prayers.
    Heather...many congratulations on the new grandchild! You and DH must be over the moon!
    Chris in MA
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Joyce – My thoughts and prayers going out to you and Charlie.

    All this talk about sitting has made me decide to get up and take a stroll around the building.

    Mia in MI

    August goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Get at least one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced Tea overload. 16 oz. iced tea daily plus 48 oz. water

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    DJ – Glad to see you are back to moving again. Just like you told me : “I think you can, I think you can, I know you can ! “

    Betty, Miriam – Keep up the good work. You can do this !

    Pip – Congrats on your donation making goal. What fun you will have now during your ride !

    Becca – Go for it ! I wear a tiara when needed, you could make a boa part of your wardrobe. I can picture being a Lounge singer, too. What fun ! ! ! We could all get together for a little karaoke (ok, a lot would be better, but any would be fun. I really miss going when I lived in Minnesota, just haven’t found it or the time around here). What snack did you choose?

    Mindy – I read, then type what jumps out at me into an e-mail that is addressed to myself (I have 2 accounts). I don’t do it that way everytime. Sometimes I’m just in a hurry and want to say something and “leave” again. It is NOT a requirement for hanging out with us. You should do what makes you comfortable. Same with exercise. Do what makes you comfortable, what you find fun (or at least tolerable). Good luck with your cashier shift. Just because you are given a station to work doesn’t mean you have to stand still. Bend, squat, jiggle your legs, whatever you need to do to manage the pain and discomfort. Every day will be 1 step closer to “normal’. (Advil is my friend, too) You can do this ! ! !

    Kim – I agree about Red Robin. If I REALLY want something, and deny myself, it makes me want it more, until I am out of control (think Frosted Flakes). So I either need to have it in a manageable quantity, or find a sufficient alternative. You need to do what works for you. I like that this group offers up all kinds of advice, so we can pick and choose options to make wise decisions for ourselves.

    Joyce – Hugs and Prayers ! ! !

    Sharon – Your DS was a bull rider? That is SO cool ! ! ! How exciting and scary for everyone. I love almost anything about Rodeo. I won tickets to a Bull Ride once, and invited a friend. She replied “What? Spend an entire evening watching young studs in tight Lee jeans? Yes, I can handle that ! (we were in our early 30’s at that time). I’m so excited for you, getting to go ! ! !

    Penny – congrats on your Lowest Number ! ! ! I’m happy-dancing for you ! Hugs and prayers for your Mom. Wish her a Happy Birthday for me.

    Allison – Hugs and Prayers. But it does offer a little relief to be prepared. Maintain your ethics, and you will be “on top” before you know it. Allow yourself pampering and grief as needed. More hugs ! ! !

    Lisa – I’ve been on what I consider nightmare trips before, but not even close to what you described. I’m glad all will be better soon. Hooray for being back home, and for not losing your streak.

    Heather, Margaret – yes, v-back is possible. A doula can help with that, if wanted. A midwife will likely be helpful, too. I really believe in yoga prior to birth.

    Margaret – It is so easy as caregivers for us to blurr the line between parent and enabler. I pray for you, all of you !

    NcCarol – You are NOT sissy. Lisa – You are NOT a weinie.

    Sometimes my outlook and job surprise me in the best way. Yesterday I was on the exercise bike before my shift, and the person on the bike next to me was brand-new to exercise (post injury). She whined a little about having to go 5 minutes, so I cheered with her, and helped her count down the last minute. Today she came in and thanked me for yesterday. Now I have a huge smile on my face.

    Big surprise of the week : DH asked if I will take him shoe shopping, because he is going to start walking on the treadmill. His last pair of work-out shoes were purchased at least 10 years ago and they were Avia. The struggle will be finding a walking shoe in a 13EE. I guess I will call the different Outlet Mall stores, to see if anyone carries anything in that size. I hope he’s prepared to spend a little (or a lot of) $$$$ .

    Tomorrow is our once a month for having the Clinic open, so I will be working 8am - noon. I like that shift, because there is only 1 doctor and 1 MA, so I have plenty of time to do the paperwork that confuses me if I get interrupted. Plus, I can workout both before and after work, or just walk around the halls and dance and such. As long as there isn't a Badgers game, I can listen to my Oldies radio.

    My entire left hand is swollen from my RA, so crochet is out for awhile. But I feel bad that I made a full crochet set of baby things for my sister's youngest daughter when she had her daughter, and now I can't do the same for the middle boy who is having a daughter next month. So, I'm hoping I can get some matching yarn and use one of my knitting looms. I guess something homemade is better than nothing, right? Even if the hat and blanket are the same colors but different processes? I guess a trip to Michaels is also in the plans for this weekend (with shoes for DH).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Just popping to say Happy Friday! Seems too early but the first high school football game is tonight and I will go watch DD#2 march in the band.

    Prayers going out to Joyce and Charlie for a quick and full recovery, to Margaret for being able to help your son through his struggles, to Carol for being able to stay positive and keep on keepin' on during your recovery, and to Allison for strength during this difficult time. We are here for all of you!

    That's all I have time for. Hope you all have a great day!

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Well the strangest thing happened today. I keep a Word document that I make notes a I read your posts. I did the same today and when I copied and pasted into MFP, it looked very familiar but not like what I had just written. I looked back at my last post and that is what I copied and pasted, again. I have no idea what I had written in response to today’s posts? So, being as it’s time to get some exercise done, I won’t be posting my responses.
    Sending prayers to all, hugs to those that need them and congrats to those that deserve them. You are all very important to me so please take care and be good to yourselves. <3

    Joyce, hugs and prayers to you both!!!

    Allison, take care of yourself. We are all with you.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC