

  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    I have not posted much over the past couple of weeks, but have checked in daily to keep up with everyone. Also managed to lose two more pounds, but have missed my exercise goals for August by a mile.

    It’s been a crazy week. I took my professional exam on Wednesday afternoon and am waiting on results. My first semester of graduate school started last week, and I helped host an employer recruitment event on Thursday night. This weekend is dedicated to catching up on homework and starting to prepare for my next exam in November.

    Outside of school, I look after a 92-year-old relative. A couple of years ago, she needed to move into an assisted living facility as she could no longer live on her own for several reasons. Fortunately, I was lucky to find a facility for her that is only a few blocks from the house, so I can visit with her almost daily. She is doing very well for her age health-wise, and is able to walk without a cane for several miles a day. She has always watched what she eats, so is a very good testament to the effects of making healthy living choices.

    Hope you all have a happy and healthy week! Hugs to everyone navigating difficult situations.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    edited August 2015
    Katie love the picture of you and DH.

    Sharon thank you for the hopeful story. I believe in our son too.

    Mindy thank you to you to for the reminder to help not enable. I am constantly reminding myself he owns the problem. This mantra helps me in not getting caught up in his problem and to prevent me pulled down with him. It also helps me not to pity him rather to look at is as a problem he can solve with the right help.

    Sylvia hope you are feeling better.

    Tuliplor you are finding what works for you. Hold in there. "It is a marathon not a sprint." as Deepok Chopra says.

    Plan is to catch up around the house and garden today.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning, my beautiful loser friends :) We finally got the motor home to our house yesterday. When we went to pick it up Thursday that had done NONE of the fix/repair items on our checklist when we purchased it. Jack was not happy and of course let them know. They apologized and we went back and got it yesterday early afternoon. I carried everything out of the trailer back into the motor home and put it away. My left knee has hurt all week since the episode last weekend when I could not get out of bed and walk. I have not gone to water aerobics one day this week, and for the first time since June 6th I missed logging my food day before yesterday. I'm just off track and out of sorts. My allergies are driving me nuts, with the heat and humidity we're having all of the allergy counts are sky high and I'm feeling it. My feet an ankles were horribly swollen by the time I sat down last night. Heat and humidity is the pits for my retaining fluid. I need to get back on track with my exercise, eating and logging food.

    DJ I need a good swift one to get me back in gear.

    Joyce - prayers and hugs for you and Charlie. That is so scary, especially with all the other physical conditions he has going on and for you too.

    Allison - hang in there, but do take care of yourself and your own interests as much as possible.

    Lisa, I suppose you are back at the ranch this morning. My hubby flew for a living for 20 years after retiring from the AF, he said in all that time he NEVER was locked in a terminal. lol What a trip. Glad you enjoyed the time away tho.

    Michelle - hope all goes well with your social. I know everyone will enjoy and appreciate your hard work. You are a gracious hostess. Such a worker bee :)

    Sylvia - prayers for you. Hopefully its just a bit of a stomach bug and goes on its way after your rest. Take care of yourself.

    Carol in NC - my hubby said shoulder rehab is the absolute worst. Don't be too hard on yourself. Keep on hanging on. It will get better eventually, tho I know that doesn't help much at the moment when you are in pain and frustrated.

    Lenora - where have you been the last couple of days?

    Terri - you are a stitch and I love reading about your days.

    Becca - boas, red lipstick, wiggle dresses, you are a breath of fresh air. Wish I could be so free :)

    Barbie - you are truly impressive. I'm still thinking about dance classes after my knee surgery. I think I'd have fun even if I never get good at it.

    Heather - I wanna come be "company" at your house for a weekend. You are truly amazing and so talented.

    Linda - great big victory whoop for reaching onederland. Way to onward and downward!!!

    I enjoy each and every post and feel as if we are "old" friends and I truly care about the events in everyone's days. I'm so thankful for you all. Have a terrific and restful weekend.

    Janetr OKC

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Dr Katiebug: I love the anniversary photo. You both look deeply happy. Blue is my favorite color, btw. Congratulations! :heart:

    Michele: I ended up confused about Vince's situation. Does he have back pain and heart problems? It was generous of you to stay home and wait for Jess' friend so she could go along with her dad to the cardiologist appointment. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I'm keeping you and Charlie in my prayers. I'd be frustrated, too, if I was in his situation. :flowerforyou:

    Mindy: I am taking lessons from a woman who is an expert in western riding, so that is what I'm doing. My underlying desire is to do some trail riding, and the western lessons seem like a good fit for that. I've also taken English style lessons in the past. :smiley:

    Sharon in Lethbridge: We have rain this morning in western Oregon. I hope there is enough power in the storm to reach inland to the fire zones. I looked up your forecast from the Weather Channel website, and they're showing a 60% chance of rain on Sep 3, with other possible rain after that. I hope it arrives and helps your air quality. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I was just reading your comments to Vicki, etc. I also admire them. I think that your self-analysis is an accurate account of the past but you've outgrown your old self and are much stronger now than before, or than you give yourself credit for. :heart:

    Alison: Take good care of yourself. A marriage takes two. I hope Tom will man-up and give this a real try, including counseling or a marriage retreat. Nobody can control his actions other than him, so you need to take care of your own interests. See a lawyer. You are lovable and valuable. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    tuliplor: Good luck with back-to-school. I hope you will do a better job of taking care of yourself than I was able to do. I didn't know about MFP back then but a teaching friend used weight-watchers and lost a lot of weight during the school year, so I know it can be done. You will be a better teacher if you take care of your health, and that will be easier with a support group. Maybe you can find someone on your staff to join you in your efforts to take care of yourself. We are always ready to give support and a few of us are retired teachers.. :flowerforyou:

    The winds of change are blowing in my riding lessons. My teacher has found a new job in an excellent veterinary practice that specializes in horses. It is such a good fit for her that I am thrilled for her. She will be changing her schedule and we talked about moving my lessons to Friday morning or Saturday. We also talked about the idea of me needing to ride more than once a week to progress to the next level. I need more seat time on a horse to move ahead rather than continually review what I've already done. One option is a partial lease. The owner of the stable has an old horse that might be available for something like that and I know there are other places around here with horses available for limited leasing. No decisions have been made other than I will continue to take lessons from her and will look at ways to add a second ride to my week. I would appreciate advice from experienced horsewomen!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Barbie, thanks for the update on DeeDee. I hoped she was just busy and nothing wrong.

    MicheleNC, I’m not even sure the weather people know what it will do when it is here? Sometimes they say we might/or not have a chance of rain when it is actually raining outside as they talk. LOL Wow it sounds like you are staying busy with house guests and the social. Take time to have fun.

    Joyce, please know my thoughts and prayers are with you. At times like this it is so frustrating to not be able to do anything for those you care about. I do believe in prayer so hope it will help. (((((Hugs)))))

    Pip, thanks for the sign. I needed that!! I meal, hell I am so Awesome now that it could be dangerous, but I’ll give it a try and keep on exercising more.

    Mindy, this group has changed a lot of lives, I’d guess. So glad you are with us! Unfortunately our kids make a lot of decisions that we don’t approve of. And knowing how they were raised, sometimes I just wonder, “where does this come from”? Love your “Monk Status” actions.

    Linda, nothin’ like a good wet football game, eh?badday.gif At least your team won.

    Sharon, so happy things worked out for your son. Sorry you missed part of the Rodeo but glad you got to go. I do hope you get rain to help clear the air and maybe put out some fires.

    Heather, I’m with you in being impressed by what some of these women do.smiley-chores003.gif Working full time and caring for a house and family is more than I could do at this point….maybe 20 r 30 years ago?

    Allison, you are so strong. It’s good that Tom hasn’t yelled at you lately. He never should!! That is not how you treat someone you care for, or any one for that matter. Enjoy your get away with your Dad. Hope you find an attorney soon for that initial consultation. ((((Hugs)))))

    Lori, you don’t need to worry about being a “good poster” as much as working on what you eat, logging and exercising. We do love to hear from you but its not the most important thing. This thing works but we definitely have to do our part. It sure isn’t always fun but the lower numbers on the scale are. We are with you so just keep putting one foot in front of the other and take it one day at a time.

    Sylvia, that is so scary to even think about a blocked colon again. I sure hope this passes quickly, whatever it is. I just have a normal digital bathroom scale that measures to ½ pound, so I can’t help with your new search. Good luck.

    Joan, good luck on the results of your exam. It sounds like you will be busy so just take time to be good to yourself and plan your eating.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    We are going to Costco in a bit. Will probably have lunch there as they have that yummy Chicken Caesar Salad. My DD is having financial problems so we had to send her some $$ to be able to pay her bills. I guess it will never end and we worry about her after we are gone. I just thank the good Lord that we are able to help her or she could end up homeless at some point. smiley-sad013.gif

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Sylvia--I got an Aria Fitbit scale. It works on wifi and it syncs to your computer or app. I like it a lot. It cost around $129
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Katie how do you get the picture at the bottom of your post showing 75 lb lost?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    edited August 2015
    Sylvia - I just have great big analogue scales. Don't like digital, for some reason. Mine are very robust and don't need batteries! :laugh: I've put on a pound or two recently so will have to tighten up.

    Katla - <3 I was thinking you could leave DH with someone you trusted and have a "riding holiday". There must be lots around your way or near Barbie. B)

    Janetr - you are very welcome! I'm just lazing here on the sofa waiting for our guests to arrive. DH is upstairs watching three different sports at once! TV, laptop and tablet! :laugh:
    I think a good dose of selfishness has helped me in my life. When I was most unhappy is when I overextended myself in giving to others. It is important for my peace of mind to keep that creative part of me going, otherwise I start sinking. Today and yesterday I didn't have time for writing and that does not feel good or right. Back to discipline on Monday.

    We have asked our friend the builder to give us a quote for painting our kitchen (including units) and putting in a new shower screen. We like him a lot and trust him, so he can do it when we are in France for two weeks in December. Hooray! I've heard from the people who own the apartment in Montpellier with a contract so I've been doing a bit of "streetview" so I'll know my way around when we arrive. Can't wait!

    Still raining here! My beans are loving it!

    Heather UK

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Yeah - finished company books yesterday and went to the accountant.

    Today - went for a good long walk with my dog.... and if I make 16 miles in the next 3 days I will at least make 100 miles this month. I am sure going to put a good effort into it. I need the endorphins!!

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Heather - Doesn't all that sports make you just crazy? We have Cable, Satellite, and rabbit ears on our TV's (yes, 4 TV's, can you believe that?), then when you add the tablet and cell phone, I wonder what's the point? How can anyone pay attention to that much stuff at the same time? And why would anyone want to? Sometimes I just put in my ear buds and try to ignore all that noise.

    I think DH decided to keep DS off the Sunday Travel Bowling League for this year. There are Scholarship and Junior Gold Tournaments almost every Sunday (they actually started early August this year), and the longest drive is 2 hours away, so I think we will be "investing" in his College account instead of letting him bowl every day of the week with his current friends (5 days a week should be enough), plus it never hurts to make new friends. Plus, if he makes the H.S. Basketball team, that will take away a few days per week of bowling. I'm tired just thinking about driving him to and from all these places. But imagine all the crochet or loom knitting I will get done. Better buy more yarn (because 5 rubbermade tubs full are not enough).

    Ok, enough chit-chat on my end. Magazines are done, so I need to do more chart scanning and importing.

    Hugs and Kisses !

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    edited August 2015

    grandmallie- you need to go to the cottage to give you some peace and space NOT him.. at this point, you're STILL thinking about him. think about YOU. am i going to have to move over there?

    couldn't sleep at all, coughing my brains out. i HATE coughing. going to the gym for a bit an do a measly slow 1/2 and take advantage of the hot tub they got there that i rarely do.

    when i come home, kirby might be home. gonna clean up the portable dishwasher that we have and take it to my friends so she can have (the one that donated 250 total). i called her about that (she donated online so all i got was an email saying congrats u got another donation.) she told me to f$%^k off and that's what friends do. she knew she didn't have to but wanted me to reach me goal. so i made it all on my own, none of kirby's help ;0)

    type to ya later.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Happy Saturday. It’s cool and slightly foggy here. Definitely fall is coming although it will be in the 90s later this week. DD#2 is supposed to come home today to get some other clothes; she only took shorts and tank tops with her and she’s been cold! Work is work…busier than usual. Monday is so booked up I don’t even have a lunch break. I am solid from 8-4:30. I just hate days like that. Not even a 10 minute break so I can walk! UGH. Oh well at least there aren’t more of those! I have been asked to do 2 evening clinical shifts and really don’t want to. One of the faculty has been called to jury duty, so if he is on a case he will miss several weeks of clinical. So I’m debating. One day I really can’t because of the animals; no one would be home all day and until nearly 11 at night. That won’t work.

    Dr. Katie: what a lovely picture. That blue color really looks nice on both of you.

    Alison: I read all the posts and I’m sending you hugs. Stick to your guns. I came out way on the better end in my divorce because my ex just gave up and didn’t want anything. So ask and fight for what you want!

    DJ: good for you to get more exercise in!

    Barbie: so glad you have a plan that works well for you! That makes life so much easier. I couldn’t eat the same thing every day though but thank you for the suggestion! I would get bored then binge and eat things that should be a once-in-a-while special treat! I love food and love variety. But I do need more protein at breakfast. What is it you eat each day?

    Michele: thanks for the suggestion. I always liked Special K but it doesn’t fill me up, but with protein maybe it will. On the grocery list! You can always take a bit of food at those social events and mash it a bit with your fork and it will look like you were eating it! :O

    Joyce; sending prayers for you and Charlie. He is lucky to have you but you better take care of yourself too! I think going to the hospital in jammies is just fine. 

    Mindy: I have that book too. What an eye opener! Congratulations on been clean and sober for so long! What an accomplishment!

    Linda: that was me asking about protein at breakfast. I always have string cheese here, so that’ s an idea. Can’t believe I didn’t think of it. I tend to think of certain foods for certain meals.

    Kim: thanks for the yogurt idea. I’m trying to get used to it. I tend to like the really sweet ones! But some fruit and nuts added to it is a great idea.

    Sharon: I haven’t been to a rodeo in years but love them . Sometimes I watch them on TV.

    Molly: oh gosh that scares me too! Take care and get to the hospital right away if you think you are getting worse. I have a weight watchers digital scale I got at Target and it works really well. But it does not have any of the special features you want. I have heard of a scale brand called “withings” I think that has lots of features.

    Joan: having your relative close is key to spending quality time with her. When my dad needed a nursing home I picked one 2 minutes from my house without knowing anything about it. Thank goodness it was excellent, but being so close meant we could stop by anytime, even on the way to the store. He loved the daily visits much more than the longer weekly ones when he was in assisted living.

    Janetr: hope you get back on track soon and you start feeling better!

    Katla: I hope you can continue your lessons; I know how much you love them

    OK well I need to run a couple of quick errands, exercise (walking today), work on a book project, and continue working on a refinishing project. Whew! Take care ladies! Meg from Omaha
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Things sure change real quick for Charlie. Actually got here at 7. Of course on the day I get here early in order to see a doctor, the earliest one comes n is at 11 AM. His temp went up real high during the night, 103.4, they had to ice him down so another night with no sleep yet with an Ativan in him. So he has slept all day. So I really have no idea how he is talking. The few things he has said have been ok. He also had a real bloody stool so today he will be seen by family do on call, neurologist, infectious disease specialist, his GI doctor. Is that enough????? Fun this afternoon, they have to get a urine specimen by way of catheter. Not sure if I want to be in here when they do that one. Because he forgets he is hooked up to all of equipment, oxygen and IV, he tends to just get up and go when he needs to go potty, forgetting everything that is hooked on him. Calvin, take me away! Thanks for listening, oh, the GI guy didn't even know that Charlie was his patient. He only saw his back side during the colonoscopy, his physicians assistant has seen him ever since.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    I hope the oregon rain translates to Idaho!!! The smoke and fires are really bad
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    Just finished working out and I texted Kirby to see if he was home yet, he said no and I asked if he wanted me to pick him up. Right now the winds are 27mph and he's got an uphill climb. He said no, it should b fun. So now u know where I get my crazy from
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    smiley-happy032.gif Joan, going to graduate school, doing other work, and looking in on a 92 year old relative sounds like more than a full time job...I admire that you can juggle all of that

    smiley-happy032.gif Janetr, the line dance class I teach has many women who have danced for years without getting very skilled but they love the music, the thinking, and the friendship of coming to class. I am not good at kicking people to get them back into gear, but as long as you are reading this thread and replying, I know you are on the right track.

    smiley-happy032.gif Lilymay, congrats on your walk...I predict that you'll make your goal

    smiley-happy032.gif Meg, I have a chocolate Isagenix shake with walnuts and flaxseed every morning ....I feel fortunate that I have a great tolerance for repetition.

    <3<3 Joyce, sending hugs to you and Charlie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    He said maybe the wind will b at my back, told hem doubt it!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Becca, we are expecting rain tomorrow, too. 590935ankbyj1xx4.gif

    50 mph winds here, things blowing everywhere. I know my tomato plant is mangled...The race "Hood to Coast" is today so I feel for those relay teams trying to run in this! The moved the finish line from the beach at Seaside to some side street. And on top of it all the complex has some plumbing problems to fix so the water is off. My dear sweet husband said the toilets run on a different system, but this morning at 9am I looked and the back tanks are almost completely empty and hardly any water in the bowl. I told him we needed to fill some buckets to fill the tanks but he said...oh no it will be fine. I am right, he is wrong.. lol

    Yesterday my blood donation went splendidly. The nurse I had went for the vein I always tell them to go to. Some of the other phlebotonists I have had in the past were leery to go to the vein I have on my right arm because that is the one I used when I gave platelets. So there is some scarring. I tell them there is a good vein under there, just trust your training and go for it. My phlebotonist I had in California was a sweety. She had to stick out her tongue a bit and go on her tippy toes and then she would get it no problem... lol

    Afterwards my husband met a shipmate from one of his first frigates. He treated us to lunch and it was fun listening to all the sea stories they remembered together. I had some french bread with some pink shrimp and cheeses on it. It was ok, but I would have used more spices, and served it earlier from the broiler. When I got it, it was just warm. They were busy so I didnt make an issue about it.

    When we got home I promptly napped. When I give blood I am always really hungry, then really sleepy...

    in Wet and windy coastal Oregon
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    Thanks folks for all your support! I am blessed with you all... Tomorrow I am giving blood at the library...shhhh :-) I will pick the loudest snack to snack on...just because..

    my kind of woman!!

    I had my snack in the bloodmobile....so I choose a fudge something....layered fudge between wafers..:-)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Just witnessed a fender bender. I got more involved then I should have. What upset me is the woman who hit the other driver did not want to take responsibility for her actions. I think my reaction can be tied to being frustrated that my own son is not taking responsibility for himself. I did back off when she asked me to and was questioning my involvement. I just said I was the witness and repeated she hit him. It was her job to watch as she backed up. I left my name and number with the man. I also cautioned him to get her license plate number. I also told him because it happened in a parking lot it was more than likely caught on camera. Something like this happened to me two years ago. I did get my bumper fixed through the other persons insurance. She and her friend were trying to convince him it was about a $400 repair. I told them unfortunately know it will cost between $700-$1000 because within the past two years I have had both my front and back bumper repaired

    :heart: MNMargaret