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  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Yesterday when I was walking with my TOPS ladies we were approached by two ladies going the opposite way. The lady in white had a small dog on a leash, and the lady in black had a small dog on a leash and a large black dog that was approaching us. Since one of the ladies I was walking with has a small dog, I spanned my arms and legs like a wall, and said simply, "You need to have your large dog on a leash". The dog was approaching us with ears back. She called him and he walked back to her. I said, "the law is that you need to have your dog on a leash". She replied, " I have been walking this dog without a leash for 7 yrs, mind your own business b*tch". I said, "I don't care how long you have been doing it, it still is the law!" She yelled "Mind your own business you fat b*tch". I said, "we'll just see about that, I am turning you in!" She kept yelling as we kept going. I asked to borrow one of the ladies phone and called the police. I met the officer at the beginning of the trail and pointed to where they went. I know that most people know their dogs better than I do. I do know the law is the law. It's hard to anticapate what I dog will do in certain situations, and having a leash can control some of the outcomes that might happen. Was I wrong in turning her in? The ladies were amazed I took a stand like that, and were grateful, though they said they were almost ready to whip that ladies behind. My friends dog, sweet little Bella, walked next to me the rest of the way on the trail. Like she knew that I would protect her. Awww right? My friend just let out the leash abit and she walked right next to me. Too cute.

    fighter for all evilness on the walking trails of coastal Oregon.....
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Just witnessed a fender bender. I got more involved then I should have. What upset me is the woman who hit the other driver did not want to take responsibility for her actions.

    :heart: MNMargaret

    Good thing she didn't do anything to you. I am looking forward to meeting with you as well!

    I'm helping my DH work on the house today. We have a long todo list!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good for you for Becca, for daring to take a stand. An encounter like that would leave me weak-kneed, first of all because it's so horrendous being in a conflict situation and having to take verbal abuse from an aggressive stranger, and second because I'm deathly afraid of dogs. (I was once bitten by a dog in what was then Southern Rhodesia, in a district where they had just had an outbreak of rabies.)

    Anyone who simply ignores laws that have been established in a democracy needs a good talking to.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
    stat for the day
    spin- 30min, 96ar, 94aw, 9-11g, 14.2mi = 323cal total
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    BARBIE – Thank you thank you thank you, you must have done as I requested and stood outside and blew the storm south, we had a morning of drizzle – it was delightful!

    Alison - I am so glad he is not yelling… tom strikes me as a bit of a bully and you stood up to him, that may have surprised him. Great idea to take a break at the cabin, and definitely get a lawyer – so glad you are standing strong!!!

    Heather – do not down play your gifts, you are amazing – we each are in different ways—but those of us without your gifts value the contribution.

    Tuilplor – Ok you gained 6 back but you are still down 8lbs, so just start from here, and forward you go!

    Sylvia - I go basic on things like a scale, I want it to do the one thing very well and very consistently, I tend to figure the more bells and whistles the more bells and whistles to break.

    Joan – good to hear from you

    Janet – this sounds counter intuitive but when I am retaining water what helps me is upping the amount of water I drink… Don’t know why, don’t really care why, just know it is doable and works – for me.

    Katla - If I remember right Charlie has back problems, heart problems and Parkinson’s

    Joyce – OMG what a nightmare – stay strong, remember to take care of you! Sending you virtual hugs.

    Becca – great job on giving blood and even better job on reporting the dog and the dog lady! I walk Levi on a leash ONLY, Levi loves all people but is very aggressive to other dogs, and usually only nips but has bitten another dog, and one loose is impossible to control - I keep Levi on a short leash (and harness) and get to the far side of trails, cross streets, what ever I can do to keep him away from other dogs, but dog owners like that one are a nightmare, they will tell me but my dog is friendly – so who cares! My dog is not! I have finally started saying my dog has a contagious fatal disease and they should keep their dog away – that seems to work! Of course the contagious fatal disease is life, as we will all pass at some time…

    Margaret – Glad you were a witness…

    August Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles, august 25 145 miles so far
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Visiting with niece Emily - a trip to SF
    W2 – BFF came for 2 days and a dinner party
    W3 – went to a banjo band concert – a first for me
    W4 – Dinner out with friends, hiked with my hiking group
    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Yesterday when I was walking with my TOPS ladies we were approached by two ladies going the opposite way. The lady in white had a small dog on a leash, and the lady in black had a small dog on a leash and a large black dog that was approaching us. Since one of the ladies I was walking with has a small dog, I spanned my arms and legs like a wall, and said simply, "You need to have your large dog on a leash". The dog was approaching us with ears back. She called him and he walked back to her. I said, "the law is that you need to have your dog on a leash". She replied, " I have been walking this dog without a leash for 7 yrs, mind your own business b*tch". I said, "I don't care how long you have been doing it, it still is the law!" She yelled "Mind your own business you fat b*tch". I said, "we'll just see about that, I am turning you in!" She kept yelling as we kept going. I asked to borrow one of the ladies phone and called the police. I met the officer at the beginning of the trail and pointed to where they went. I know that most people know their dogs better than I do. I do know the law is the law. It's hard to anticapate what I dog will do in certain situations, and having a leash can control some of the outcomes that might happen. Was I wrong in turning her in? The ladies were amazed I took a stand like that, and were grateful, though they said they were almost ready to whip that ladies behind. My friends dog, sweet little Bella, walked next to me the rest of the way on the trail. Like she knew that I would protect her. Awww right? My friend just let out the leash abit and she walked right next to me. Too cute.

    fighter for all evilness on the walking trails of coastal Oregon.....

    i have 3 bigger dogs, they are ALWAYS on a leash. i take that back, they are not when i take them to the ocean where all the other dogs and owners have their dogs running free. HOWEVER, when i see other dogs getting close to us, i call them close to us and we put them on leash. in your situation, depending on how you would have approached me would have determined my reply to you. i wouldn't have called you a bi*(&h but would have said sorry, put him on the leash and after you were out of sight, let him run free again. her response was a little overboard. you were not wrong in turning in the *kitten*
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    evening dear ladies~
    thank you all for your support and love it truly means alot... <3
    Tom alright this afternoon ,he just wants to get this kitchen done and over with then we will figure out where we stand.. he said he is letting it go for a few weeks.. In the meantime I will see if I can get a consultation with a lawyer.. hopefully a free one.. and keep that on the back burner.. keep my irons in the fire so to speak..
    but I would really like to work this out .. If it is God's will it shall
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I hope the oregon rain translates to Idaho!!! The smoke and fires are really bad

    I hope so, too. DSIL lives on the Oregon side of the Idaho boarder, and her best friend lives in Idaho, just a few miles away.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Ok, big but not so good news today. I sure wish the infectious disease guy had relayed this and me not having to spend on guy on call for my doctor. They now think his high temp, rapid onset of neuro symptom is, get a big gulp of air here. Meningitis, bacterial. As family doc explained, his ulcerative colitis is an auto immune disease and then the Remicade infusions bring the immune system down. So that is the thing they are going with now. I have MS, an autoimmune disorder which put the immune system all in disorder then take my Avonexs which can make me even more prone to infections, I haven't been wearing any protection. So yep, I am now exposed. My sister and daughter were here, they. Oth have auto immune disorders. . I am glad ow that I stopped taking my Avonex last year. He is talking a little bit, remembered what I told him the family doc said. But we will be here at least a week and then the therapy after that.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Sending prayers and hugs to Joyce and Allison (and anyone else in need)! Stay strong! :)<3

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • dgiddens2001
    dgiddens2001 Posts: 23 Member
    dgiddens - congrats on signing up for the challenges! Is there a certain time you need to have them completed by? Congrats on completing the random hill setting

    the gym I an going to is putting on the 60 day challenge starting 9/1/. they are also offering free BootCamp . The male and female who lose the most percentage of body fat and weight win a cash prize of $3500. That would be very nice to win, but I am more interested in improving my overll health and strength.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    edited August 2015
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    18,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking
    pulled a muscle in my hip so I'm staying away from my beloved dumbbells and exercise bike :'(

    51405srbohyj3hh.gif <3 Barbie from rainy NW Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    pulled a muscle in my hip so I'm staying away from my beloved dumbbells and exercise bike :'(
    <3 Barbie from rainy NW Washington

    I hope you feel better soon!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
    hope you feel better barbicat
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Heather, what fun to look forward to your trip to France. I know you’ll have a ball and I can’t wait to hear about it.

    Lillian, hooray for finishing the books. Go girl on those walks. I can’t even imagine. So proud of you. I'll bet you reach your goal.

    Meg, I hope you don’t have to work too hard this week. It’s bad when someone is out for whatever reason.

    Joyce, I’m wondering if Charlie will be up all night again if he slept all day? I guess some of those doctors gave a wakeup call. I sure hope they can figure things out and get him back on track. (later) OMG, what in the world?? Are they sure or is that an educated guess? Please take care of yourself. (((Hugs)))

    Pip, yep you and Kirby are a little crazy. But we love you both.

    MNMargaret, I would have done the same thing if the person at fault was trying to get out of taking responsibility. I mean accidents happen but don’t shirk your responsibility.

    Barbie, sorry for your pulled muscle. Get better soon. ((Hugs))

    Had a beautiful day here. The humidity is even down. We are relieved to see that the Tropical Storm fizzled out over Cuba so no worries about it coming this way. We are scheduled for rain on and off the rest of the week. After Costco today we went to the Farmer's Market for some fresh tomatoes and peaches. Yum I'm sending best wishes to all of you for successful weekend and good times.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,811 Member
    Joyce .... Add me to the group of ladies praying for you and Charlie.

    Alison ... I agree with the advice of others ... Protect yourself ... Do they have neighborhood legal services there? Free in most cases I think.

    Linda ... I liked the roots and wings saying.

    Pip ... Congrats on meeting your charity goal!

    Carol ... Is there not one person at either of your churches who could offer you cleaning services for the day? Hoping you continue to heal both physically and emotionally.

    Margaret ... Praying for you and your son. You seem to have such a wise perspective.

    Becca ... You are a tough cookie! Several tough cookies here actually!

    Sylvia ... Hope your stomach is feeling better

    Well, we've been to Nashville and back. With multiple pit stops, it's a 13 hour drive from Buffalo. The college visits went well ... Son is determined to go to one of the two schools we toured. Both schools will require auditions ... On separate dates ... So that's at least two more trips south in the next couple of months. Sigh. Son is going to have to get his act together to make this work ... Remember he was tutored at home last year by the school district due to debilitating migraines .

    Do you all believe in providence? My son is learning to drive ... Taking test next week ... And like a lot of young people, he races to a stop ... Puts the brakes on hard. Anyways he and I had lots of errands on Thursday and he drove multiple places. We came home for lunch and then went to go out again. He put our very old truck in reverse only to find it had no brakes! Brakes line had drained out on the driveway. I am so thankful it was in the driveway and not while he was driving!

    August has been a bust with my weight loss ... I'm ashamed really as to how far I've fallen! September is often a "new year" to me, so looking to get off my pity party and get back with it.

    Congratulations to all of you with successes! And prayers to those of you in need.

    Beth in WNY
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Neurologist came in just as I was getting ready to leave to come home. He thinks Charlie's whole picture is just wrong. He says his Parkinson's looks more advanced than what our regular neuro guy says. He is militia over whether to take a risk and take him off of his oral blood thinner for a couple of days, then put him on IV blood thinner which has a very quick half life meaning it is real quick after IV stopped that the blood thinner is completely out of his system, do spinal tap then wait a couple of hours and put him back on the IV blood thinner. He also wants to get an MRI of thoracic spine which is basically the mid spine. He was extremely thorough yet seems a little spacey himself. Thoughts going all over the place. But he is his doctor for the rest of hospitalization. I am going to call his refusal neuro mOnday and see if he comes to this hospital and will see him. But yet this new guy doesn't
    T think his real neuro guy is treating the pArkinsosns aggressively enough. So I am confused, emotionally phyically and any other way. Exhaustion isn't the word for me. Charlie didn't like it when he wanted to go back to bed tonight, yes he sat in the chair for awhile
    yeah, that I told him the aides had to do it. I just physically could not do it. And I need to start lettin them do it more often if this is going to last as long as they are saying, I have to pace myself. But the bed alarm is on so eu will know when he is getting up on his own. He just doesn't remember to take his paraphernalia along with him, just tries to stumble to the bathroom and tonight he was going towards the door to his room instead of the bathroom. Good night

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce - (((hugs))) we will be praying for you and Charlie and the wisdom of the Drs.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    Joyce - let the aides do everything! You have been exposed and need to take care of you first and foremost You are no help if you are not at your best. Thinking of you both.