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  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    MNMargaret, so glad you got out of the water.

    Terri, so very happy that you won't have Frosted flakes tonight.

    It seems all is well so I'm going to bed. Good night my friends.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ - thanks, I will remember that.

    MNMargaret - will remember you and your son in prayer. Addiction is a disabling thing. We still struggle with my grandson. It is so hard for all involved. Warm (((hugs)))

    Janetr OKC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Did 1 hr of Kathe Smith's Ultimate Video Workout DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do the LaLoFit DVD

    Things are getting hectic. Saturday is our pool party. Will be busy getting ready for that. Then the next day Rori and Carol will be here, which will be so much fun. So if you don't see me on here for a bit, that's why. Tonight I'm probably going to skim the posts.

    Exercised, then had a Newcomer board meeting, went to Aldi to get a few things (needed the strawberries for the cake), then in the pool, then dinner, then ceramics. Picked up my sign today. It'll be a lot of work but I think in the end it'll be worth it. The fish are pretty "bland" so Jess is a great artist (she certainly didn't get that from me!) so I'll ask her to draw "scales" and some design on the fish for me. If I have an outline to follow, I can do it.

    pip - now I know why you have such great legs

    Heather - lovely pic

    Lisa - ("smoke on the water......") You're a great manager

    Carol - sure hope things work out for you and we can get together Sun.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Meg - yea to you

    My mother was a hairdresser. I had perms all the time when she was alive

    terri - congrats to your son's hs bowling team. What an honor

    janetr - I heard the hanging baskets story a few years ago but still really enjoyed it

    Becca - yea for your blood work! I love tomato sandwiches

    Michele in NCkl5n2j90w9bb.jpg
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I just returned home from taking my youngest baby to college. Sad and happy day.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2015
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Katla, you just sound like me as far as the interest in things goes. So why were you talking about a prescription for Adderall?? Laffin’ at your description of home perms. I had naturally curly hair, so none for me, but I could smell it for days after BF got one.
    Katla49 wrote: »
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Katla, you just sound like me as far as the interest in things goes. So why were you talking about a prescription for Adderall?? Laffin’ at your description of home perms. I had naturally curly hair, so none for me, but I could smell it for days after BF got one.

    DJ: My DH is interested in adderol on my behalf. He thinks I am a space cadet. I think I'm doing fine, so there is some conflict of opinion. I was struggling with depression and anxiety last fall and my family staged an intervention. Not fun. It did motivate me to make needed changes like eliminating alcohol and getting adequate sleep. I get spacey when I'm over tired. My main strategies include what I've mentioned and having fun every day. Today the hummingbirds came back to my feeder. That counts as fun in my book. I'd let it go empty while we were traveling and I recently refilled it. In my opinion, what I'm doing for my health is working very well.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DJ: My DH is interested in adderol on my behalf. He thinks I am a space cadet. I think I'm doing fine, so there is some conflict of opinion. I was struggling with depression and anxiety last fall and my family staged an intervention. Not fun. It did motivate me to make needed changes like eliminating alcohol and getting adequate sleep. I get spacey when I'm over tired. My main strategies include what I've mentioned and having fun every day. Today the hummingbirds came back to my feeder. That counts as fun in my book. I let it go empty while we were traveling and I recently refilled it. In my opinion, what I'm doing for my health is working very well.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    Gloria – you are doing great!

    Heather – yellow roses – wonderful; great picture!, what a drag to have broken a lemon juicer !

    Sharon – I am proud of you for keep going to counseling – even though you cry don’t worry about it.. as that is a stress reliever..

    Penny – thanks…

    Barbie – cute pictures

    Carol – take care of yourself! Do not go to you folks if it is not right for you, and do tell the Doc about the health mess the meds are making…

    Linda – love the water story! May we all be coffee!

    Bubbex2 – welcome

    Home permanents!!! Tonette and those plastic torture things… I remember them and trying to sleep on rollers, they had spikes that were to “hold” the hair they made sleeping impossible. And I wore headgear too…

    Jane – wow, if my family were to get together (and we don’t – too many problems) but everyone would be only 7….

    Meg – good job!

    Becca – you are doing great, glad you had a “back-up” tomato!

    Katla – I had windows done and it is crazy expensive, I did them in groups, so that broke up the charges into different years. I am glad you are taking care of yourself, meds should be discussed by you and Doc, not decided by DH…

    Terri – NO FLAKES!!!

    Margaret – take care, sending good thoughts to your son.

    So today was dinner out at a burger place called Red Robin, it is not healthy at all, but one of my favorites - I love it and a couple of times a year a friend and I go and spilt a burger, it’s not enough food, but ½ of a burger was 425 calories! So some veggies when I got home. The good thing I had been careful all day and walked a lot, I stayed under!

    Today my friend came for coffee and in all the discussion of my schedule, I realized that I was looking for a time EVERYDAY, then the light went on I don’t have to do the core exercises everyday so this morning I got up at the regular time and did them between getting up and serving coffee. That worked great, that would give me a 2 day a week window, I would like to find a 3rd day, but 2 is 200% better than 0!!!

    August Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles, august 25 145 miles so far
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Visiting with niece Emily - a trip to SF
    W2 – BFF came for 2 days and a dinner party
    W3 – went to a banjo band concert – a first for me
    W4 – Dinner out with friends, hiked with my hiking group
    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Gloworm, add me to the list of wanting to have a hot stone massage. Sounds so relaxing. I have only had 2 massages in my life. The first one was a gift from a wonderful friend for my 50th bday. The next was was from me 'just because'. Now my 'just because' purchases are clothes or jewelry. Not so much on hte clothes lately. I am trying to get back down to fit comfortably into what is in my closet. I refuse to buy more clothes until then. And I like a massage to be intense. I would have described it with a different word but it just didn't sound right, if you know what I mean!! o:) You know I'm not writing a love letter to my husband here. I am describing a massage. Anyway, when she got done with my 'intense' massage, I was so limp and relaxed from themassage itself and enjoying hte music I didn't want to get off the table.

    Sharon, you thank your DD and DSIL for doing the MS walk for me. You are so right about your descriptio about sex life with in the marriage. When I have just been called a f*****g b***h, I am in no mood to hop in the sack with him then or any day after for awhile.

    Heather, Yeah, you are back. But you don't have to be 'up' every day every hour. All emotions are a gift from God. When we don't allow ourselves those emotions, we are denying ourselves a gift and blessing from God. The trick is to learn how to use those 'down' times and how to lift yourselves out of them and not be in depression. And no, I am not saying that we can click ourselves in and out of depression like Alice to get back to Kansas. Sometimes, like with Carol NC, we need to look for help. Your grand son has that same look on his face that your brother has. Knowing personally the long and erratic work schedule that medical staff work, that 3 PM time for lunch was probably his first time since 7 AM to even sit down. We also had to endure the at home perms inflicted on us by Mom. All 3 of us girls plus Mom all had the same hairstyle. It was what she knew. I remember one time sitting in the kitchen while Mom was giving oldest sister a perm. Being bored and because I was always reading something, I read the box. It said it was a new kind and had 'hidden body' I always took things literally and was looking all over the kitchen and never found the hidden body. Mom didn't even have an answer for me. I also remember when we went to same sister's high school graduation that the program said the band was playing 76 trombones. I looked at the band and then asked my dad why there weren't 76 trombones. How could they play that song. You just have to order those gag candles where they won't blow out!!! >:)

    Barbie, thanks so much. Now I'm not dizzy from standing on my head. My first thought when I saw the picture of all of you on stage with your sailor hats was that you 4 look like performers on a USO tour for the troops. Cute picture but sure does sound like a weird way to get a permanent.

    Miriam, no need to apologize. You are doing a superheroes job! <3

    Lisa, dramatic pictures.

    Carol NC, big, big hugs to you. One day at a time, one task at a time. Right now you need tunnel vision so you don't see the whole messy house, just a portion at a time. And right now, that portion may be just you.

    Terri, I once worked with a vascular surgeon who's specialty was bypass grafts on clogged arteries in the leg. After he would do one, part of his discharge teaching for his patients that smoked was to let them know that if they continued to smoke and they needed another bypass surgery to not even try to call him. He would refuse to see them. O Holy Night at age 5, how wonderful. Wish it was something you could put on U-tube so we could watch it. But I don't think they did much video taping back then. how wonderful your son can be part of the honor flight experience. That walk or wheel chair ride out to the car will be so wonderful. Those old veterans will talk his head off. I hope he listens to everyone of their stories. I have always wondered and worried at the same time how those veterans can tolerate that long day of activities.

    Pip, thanks for giving us the history of Kirby and then you and the MS ride. He is a good man and a champion.

    Allison, do you get up that early intentionally or were you not sleeping. If I got up at that time, I would jsut go potty and go back to bed.

    DJ, my daughter takes her girls tablets when the girls go to bed and put them on the chargers in her bedroom. That way the girls don't have access to them at all. Love the icon about sex!!!

    Linda/IA. loved your coffee bean story. My husband can get pretty angry. But he always says it is just his reaction to some one else's stupidity. Like if some one cut's in front of him to close. Of course anyone would be upset. But not everyone does the things he does, like go around that person and not in a safe way and then immediately cuts right in front of them and then zooms off 20 miles over speed limit. He chooses to do that. He could chose another more rational way. But he says he wouldn't even have to do it if the guy hadn't done it to him. He just does not get that that bad reaction comes from him.

    bubbex, welcome, I looked at your diary and are you sure you are eating enough?

    Becca, would have loved to be in that lobby. I'm sure the receptionist enjoyed her private concert.

    Mary Minnesota, hope you put out the Do not disturb sign. Sounds like one hot night in Minnesota.

    Michele, love the fish. Are you still looking for something big for around the pool or is this one of them?

    We had an experience today. Remember I had kept out a couple of pieces of the tree base that I wanted to incorparate in my landscaping? Well I was told to put them in the sun to help them dry before I stained and sealed them. So we dis that, that is until we knew rain was coming. So at midnight one night we are out there trying to put a big bag around them and get them safe and dry. Well a week has gone by and they were still in the plastic bags. So tonight we decided to try to get them into the garage. Charlie and Michelle were the ones who got them out of the garage and this time it was me and Charlie. Charlie has always prided himself of his muscle strength. I have tried to remind him that he is 67 now and yes he walks everyday but that's all.So here we are trying to lift one. No can do. So we try to get my wheel chair out of the very unorganized garage to try to put the wood on the seat. The same seat that is usual wheel chair length and piece of wood is several feet. So we finally get it on the seat but Charlie has to hold onto a large portion of it while I take wheel chair backwards on a very rough and bumpy ground. Wood falls of of seat, Charlie falls, several curse words. Luckily a man has just turned down our street to get to hi house. We are not a real neighborly neighborhood. So this guy barley parks his car, runs up to us and asks if we need help. Uh, yeah. So he easily picks one and then the other up and takes them into garage. It was quite an awakening for Charlie. Now I will try again get him to join the Y. he knows he ain't what he used to be. We were trying to place them in the garage so they were against the wall and I do one and the guy does the other. Charlie see that I have more strength than he does. Now I wasn't picking it up, I was just walking the wood closer to the wall but he couldn't do it. We are both a little sore tonight. I will take advil, Charlie will not admit that he needs something. The neighbors on either sides of us are both widows and we are friends with both and kind of look after them. But are we now part of that older neighbor that needs looking after??? I sure hope not.

    Michelle is having an MRI on the cervical part of her spine tomorrow. She has always had back trouble but has always been like my Mom. So what, I have pain. But life goes on so I just do it. But I'm glad we didn't have to ask her to help with this. I had a cervical MRI and it was awful. The awful part was that any time they were actually taking 'cuts' with the MRI, you couldn't swallow because the part that is being xrayed has to be still so you can't swallow. Sometimes a cut would be 5 minutes. Choir practice was really good tonight. We are working on Christmas music now along with our other music. It is all so beautiful. I have hardly any hair left on my arms but if I did, the hair would have been standing up. That's how awesome some of this music is. Wish my legs would lose the hair! Why is it my arms and neither regions that is losing it???

    Nite, nite, Joyce, Indiana

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Heather - I too was subjected to perms every year before school until I had a say in it! I think 6th grade perm was the worst as I have fine hair and ended up with frizz :-( Your fruit cake reminded me of my grandmother from Winnipeg who used to make fruit cake every year at Christmas. I'm one of the weirdos who still loves fruit cake :)
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Congratulations to all the "losers" this week! I am down another 2lbs I have now lost a total of 84lbs. I still have a ways to go and it will take time but this is not a race it's a journey and I'd rather be the tortoise than the hare!

    Carol - I know too well about bipolar. My son's father was bipolar (or as they called it then Manic Depressive. He would not stay on his meds so was in and out of Mental Hospitals. He also drank and got very mean when he was in his manic state. I was in and out of that relationship for 5 years before I came to the realization that if the doctors couldn't cure him neither could I. He was physically and mentally abusive and for some reason I evidently felt that I deserved it. Leaving was the best thing I ever did, Now they think my son is bipolar which I knew was a possibility before he was born.

    I have GOT to go to bed. Night all <3
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    morning ladies~
    Joyce - I usually get up at that time on purpose.. it gives me time to exercise and get things done before work.
    unfortunatly today I slept in until almost 6 and that throws me off.. so will get exercise in sometime today.. have to drop off Homer at the groomers, go feed DFIL and then stop at Walmart,go get haircut and then pick Homer back up after that will either go to the gym or take a walk..
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Gloworm, I have bipolar disorder, but I have type 2 which is lots of severe depression and mild highs. I was only 3 when I was showing symptoms, severe depression, but was not diagnosed until I was 19. All three of my boys also have the disorder, with early onset. My nephew, the father of my girls, also has bipolar disorder along with severe alcoholism and meth addiction. He is also a sociopath- no conscience at all. Anyway, life is a struggle but there are things that can help, the biggest being staying away from alcohol and drugs. Message me if you like.
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi. I would like to join in the discussion here. I'm 56 and trying to lose around 60 pounds.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Miriam Yes I too live first hand with a someone who is bipolar and misuses alcohol. (Our oldest son).We are working on doing damage control as a result this week. This is what I was referencing as the boiling water. I do have a lobster glow about me.

    The analogy I use is the manic part of bipolar it is like having a fire out of control in your brain. Pouring alcohol on this fire is like pouring gasoline. We know what happens when gasoline is poured of a fire. In the depression part it is the opposite your body is going into the deep freezer. Your mind believes alcohol will make you feel better. It only freezes you more solid.

    I stop and pray that he start to find the strength in himself to acknowledge his problems to start putting out the fire without falling into the deep freezer. He can do this by accepting and giving help to those people and activities that will dampen the fire and keep him out of the deep freezer so that he can live the life he deserves. i.e. He quits abusing himself and builds on that warm, caring, funny son I know. Amen

    I do believe the fire and freezer never completely dies out. It is respecting the illness and living your life in ways that keeps the fire managed and freezer at bay: goals and dreams can be realized. Are there going to be failures in attempting to mange this especially with all the demands of life. A Minnesota YOU BETCHA! Like everyone else it means it is time to pick yourself up and try again. Everyone has some kind of challenge in their life.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
    morning peeps - and welcome new peep- eee's -

    exermom - thanks on the leg compliment :0).. i've worked hard for those babies!

    katla - keep taking care of you, no one else will, you've got to. i call that fun too!

    godmom - red robin has a website with nutritional info and you can customize your order and based on what you put in (or remove) your order it will calculate the nutritional content for you.

    glowormin- AWESOME SAUSE ON YOUR AWESOME LOSS!!!!!! Way to go!

    mparker1216 - welcome - just start chattin away. tell us a bit bout yo self and where you are from. you are now officially a member, i bless thee!

    I got 20 more beans (aka bucks aka mula aka dollars) only $55 more to go!!! I CAN'T STAND IT!!! I told Kirby to tell somebody at his work to donate to me not to him LOLOLOL

    type to ya later
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Miriam/Margaret/Gloworm and others - my sis two years older than me has from suffered manic depression for years and years. Most of the time now she is depressed and pretty much totally withdrawn. It's as if her body is an empty shell, I know my sis that I love so much is in there somewhere, it breaks my heart. She has had so many electric shock treatments they cannot be counted. She has memory loss from them. She has attempted suicide 4 times with the last 2 times being quite serious with permanent medical consequences. To top that all off she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer three years ago. She had surgery, radiation and chemo and is cancer free now. Poor thing has had more than her fair share.

    Janetr OKC
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 56. From Michigan. I am an elementary school secretary and just got back to work after most of the summer off. It will be good for me to get back in my routine.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Sharon: Love hot stone massage not sure what you're chicken about? If you're scared of getting burned don't be - the stones are about the same temp as a nice warm bath.

    Miriam: Thanks for the pic. You are blessed to have that much music in your family.

    ydaily: Congrats on the loss!

    Vicky:1.9 ... whoo hoo!

    Linda: I wanna be coffee..thanks for the story.

    Carol: Just say no to housework that is too much for you right now and focus on getting better.

    JanetR: Hanging baskets..smiley-laughing024.gif

    Meg: Woo Hoo...

    Becca: Congrats on the loss...your sense of humor starts my day out right. Thank you!

    Gloworm: Congrats on that 2 lbs!

    Welcome to everyone new and congrats to everyone on their successes!

    Managed 2 planks yesterday for 40 seconds each! Gotta run so that I'm not late for Tai Chi. See ya later friends,

    Carey in Edmonton

    Goals for last half of August:

    1. Log all meals

    2.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Haying in the 30's cancer support, camping with the folks
    • W2: Celebrate my birthday with the boys, invited to Aunt's for supper, swimming with DS#2.
    • W3:Mani & Pedi
    • W4:Hot Stone Massage
    3. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,174 Member
    Went for a 10 minute walk. Beautiful weather right now in CT. My Chiropractor/acupuncturist has me using Chromium twice a day. That helped me sleep much better last night. Feel so much better and no headache this morning. Promising.

    Alison, you have way more ambition than I do with the walking, and washing, and gym, and FIL feeding! I just barely get up at 7:00 am after going to be at 10 pm. Breakfast, then work, then home to supper, and I just drop out then. Oh, well, must work on getting more energy. Sleeping better should really help!

    Back to work I need to go!

    Rita from sunny CT