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  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    The first hill is a doozy

    Wow I don't know how you do it!

    Sylvia- such a precious story!

    DJ - 170 is only a bump in the road. You will definitely make your goal! Thanks for being here for all of us!

    Janetr- LOL or is that OLD?

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Mary right now I'm sure its OLD :) Besides I accidentally turned the face chat camera on while I had the tablet really close to my face and I almost threw the tablet across the room. Jack saw my reaction and could see my picture on the screen, right away he's saying you don't look like that, really you don't. Yeh, right. Well I guess almost 66 looks like almost 66 :)

    Becca - you're so uplifting, thanks for being Becca. I need a little of your enthusiasm sent my way. For some reason I just can't get myself going and doing what I need to do. I hope its just because my joints ache and my allergies are driving me nuts. I need to get my gung ho back to gung ho'ing (oh well that might not sound so good) Ha!

    Janet feeling OLD in OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    I have to drive north tomorrow to work. I will be where fires are bad in North WA. Sorry Lisa you have experience the smoke it is really bad where I live too. Started swimming this week- it feels great!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Gloworm, the house sure will be quiet with the boys gone. Are the camps over nighters or day camps?

    lisa, glad you are having a great time. Sorry it was to smokey for the speed boat ride but it just doesn't sound to relaxing to have to yell at the people I ma in the boat with with the noise of a speed boat.. Good for you sticking with just the sample spoon taste at Cold stone. I don't know if I could do it. Lovely bridal couple. It's nice to see a bride who doesn't do anything elaborate with that long beautiful hair. It lets her own radiance shine through. Congrats on the restaurant getting those big reservations. Will they have to handle them without you there?? Good luck

    Janetr, good looking RV there. Have fun in it. What a precious picture. I think the kitty might be laying in the dog's cone of shame for the shade but they do look like they are good friends and one is sharing the pain of the puppy. Beautiful coat of hair on the dog. Why didn't God hand out hair like that to humans???

    Pip, have you ever told us why you picked the MS ride over all the other charities? Just saw the route map. All I can say is my dearest thanks and God bless you. I called my husband in to see what someone is doing to help me. Awesome job.

    Heather, could you and your husband have a good sit and discuss this birthday? First give him a nice glass of wine. Talk about all the fine details and then divide and conquer. DJ, I always made an effort to follow my daughter's rules with the grand kids. That way they aren't what people call spoiled and the kids know that they can't be here and ask us for things or think they can act out. I have never ever come to the point that I felt I needed to spank them. She always said 'do I need to count to 3' and I sometimes did that and it always worked. Of course I never knew what I was supposed to do after 3. From what I have read about the sleep function on my Fit Bit is that it determines you are asleep by how still you are. Well there are many a night that I am lying very still but the brain is going a mile a minute. I think some of the more expensive Fitbits have a heart rate feature and maybe those are a little more accurate because your heart rate would be down quite a bit during sleep. Am I going to have to give that kick in the butt back at you???? Get up and get going. Go buy a Fit Bit and i will challenge you every day on it.

    Katla, I just looked up the Silver Sneakers website to see if they had any articles on fitness routines. All they have is how to find a gym to do it there. Of course with some seniors, one of the biggest things in finding a gym is getting out of the house and being more social.

    Penny, ther might be another member at the gym who would be willing to 'police your form'. You might also find some one who would like to join you routinely.

    Rita, my Fit bit showed several times of restlessness last night but I thought I had slept soundly.

    Miriam, cute picture of the family in recital. The older girl in the back row with the checkered top and winged glasses could be me. I mean could really be me!!! Maybe I have a twin somewhere.

    Kim, the guy wanting your opinion of the permanent blue eye liner reminds me of when my sister called her son, who she rarely talks to anyway and asked him what size of boob implant she should get after she had her breast cancer surgery. Now asking a really good female friend or me would be OK but not your son.

    Terri and DJ, hey, I worked really hard on copying that sentence backwards in my notebook and then typing it here. That was hard work!! Glad you enjoyed it.

    We went to Menards today to check on prices of doors. They have everything in that store! It's a wonder they don't sell bras. But they had good prices and reputable brands. So far they are the cheapest of all we had looked at. I asked the guy if there was a term slab used for a door without the frame. And there is! he said he agrees with us that a slab is usually a slab of concrete and doesn't know why it is called a slab. I even looked it up in the dictionary to see if it a little used term but it isn't mentioned at all. They don't install garage doors but they had a list of contractors there to call. We still haven't heard from the guy we liked the most so we may just go with a company that will do the painting only for the price we like. Except we need the doors installed first and the other guy was going to install the front door. But Charlie is still very insisting that we first get a bill from his infusions. I know he is right but I am just tired of seeing the empty front yard and spotty paint on the hosue where it really looks like it needs to be repainted.

    Tomorrow is monthly lunch with the old nurses. It's Cheddars so I will get the kids grilled chicken strips and brocolli.

    Nite, Nite, Joyce, Indiana

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Pip - my mother had just turned 15 when I was born and had 4 kids by the time she was 21. Then she left and I did not see her again until I was 25. Never knew if she was dead or alive. My dad remarried when I was nine and they added 3 more girls to the mix making me the oldest of 7.

    Miriam - I know full too well what you mean about not having the same energy you did when raising your own kids. Sometimes I feel the boys are being cheated because I just can't do the things with them that I did with my kids but the alternative would be worse. I love them so much but must admit I had seen myself sitting at a waterside table in Greece with a glass of wine at this time in my life B)

    I am going to have to try that hot stone massage. There are a lot of them around here. I also ask for someone who can do deep tissue massage when I go and yes it hurts but since I carry all my stress in my shoulders and upper back it hurts good. One time when I was there I said to the massage therapist that I wondered if anyone had ever written a book called "Death by Massage." Hmmmm - maybe I should do that so I can hit that beach in Greece. B)
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Gloria - You are doing great losing 2 lbs. /wk. Fantastic. My grandchildren think cheddar cheese, fruit yogurt , pepperoni sticks and bananas (DSIL is deathly allergic) are treats at Grandma's. On certain rare occasions I do bake with them.

    Joyce - We are hoping one day to be proud owners of a pontoon boat. We have looked at some of the compact models out of Michigan. We own a small fishing boat that we bought 2nd hand and fixed up. Good enough for the small lakes around here. I am glad that people like Pip ride for you. DD and DSIL have been involved with fund raising for MS here. DSIL is a Kinsman and organized the Big Band Boogie here for about 5 yrs. DD donated face painting as an activity for the walk and DSIL did all kinds of service for it. It is too bad that the person running the MS society didn't have enough sense to be gracious and considerate of the volunteers. One person can certainly wreak havoc.

    Heather - Swoon! Yellow Roses! He's a keeper.

    Rita - Rain would be so welcome. My reasons for not walking today are heat and smoke. I feel for the people in Washington and in B.C. One of My favourite places in the Okanogan was on fire today . Deep Creek /Hardy Falls has always been one of my favourite walks. Closer to home the Rock Creek Colony lost all of their turkeys and the barn today. Brave people fighting fire all over the place.

    Barbie - Such a cute photo and you look so happy.

    Miriam - I love the photo. Is everyone in your family musical? OKay. Question answered.

    I thanked DH once again for the tires on the Toyota. Do you think 2 days of thanking and praise is sufficient? I really do appreciate it as I hate dealing with flats. In 30 + yrs I have only dealt with flats when he has worked away. Now I must begin again with thanks and praise because I do believe my trike is once again path worthy. I just can't ride because of the air quality.

    My sister has been phoning me every day. It's new to me but I guess she is getting excited/nervous about actually moving here and DBIL retiring. DH is going up on Friday to load up a trailer of stuff and bring down. I thought we were going up on Sunday and coming back Monday but I was mistaken.
    Wanting to go to Cornfest on Friday and watch DB on his bronc. DH says we will go on Saturday when he gets back. Maybe I can find someone to go watch rodeo with me.

    Counselling went well .....I think. I cry every time. I say I won't and then I do. Today the discussion topic was ......get ready for it.......it's a biggie. Especially for Men. Did you guess? Yes, the discussion was about SEX. Eeeek. We've gone from how the knives are put in the dishwasher to this. Hmmmm turns out women have all these feelings surrounding it and needs that have to be met. Men just want it any time, any place, any where. I wasn't surprised but DH was. Lol.

    Up way too late again!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    The idea of being out earlier is stressing me out; so I think for now I am going to try something else. I am probably just a scaredy cat but it is how I feel. The other thing was I am hating the idea of giving up my reading time - my feeling IS that is my only just for me time. The walk is ½ for Levi and ½ for me, and the exercising is really a have to – exercising is in the same category as cleaning the toilet, except I can’t pay someone else to do it. Many of you seem to enjoy your exercise, and I don’t - I don’t hate it anymore, but it is just a mandatory chore.
    Kim - Good for you for knowing your own needs and wants! We can make all the suggestions we like but if they don't work for YOU, they won't be any use for you. I see it as an important strength that you know yourself. :flowerforyou:

    DJ - I wasn't laughing at you for thinking we had six months without the sun. I was just bubbling with relief that it isn't quite that bad... wink.gif

    Becca - You're making my mouth water with all your veggies!

    DJ and Janetr - I'm in the opposite situation right now. The exercise is going great but I can't get back in the swing of logging all my food. Must. Keep. Trying. (Janet, lovely dog/kitten pic, by the way. It had me smiling all over my face.)

    Poop - Those hills look mean! What system are you using to track your rides? My GPS watch gives elevations but I've learned to ignore them because they're totally inaccurate, possibly because of where I live. Just today I was frightfully proud of myself for actually running all the way up the last hill to home – and the darn watch shows the last 500 m as a downhill slope. smiley-angry002.gif

    Joyce, that's a good suggestion to ask someone else to police my form. I also just noticed that purchasing a 6-month pass entitles me to one free session with a PT. I'm definitely going to make use of that! If we click maybe I'll continue with her, or at least get her feedback once in a while.

    Miriam and GloworminWA - There's a reason we have kids when we're young. I often pity the career people who put off having children until they're in their late 30s. But you are superheros! I admire your dedication in caring for those kids even though Nature didn't plan for us to have to crawl and jump and carry much at our age.

    All the childhood pictures that have been posted recently made me acutely aware that I don't have any from my own childhood. That's an unexpected side-effect of moving to another country. I'm glad I realized I need to get some copies made!

    Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,581 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello everyone!

    The cloud has lifted! I feel back to myself. Was making the cake the turning point? No idea. :* Just woke up with more energy and a better mood. :)
    My tablet is still playing up, but it charged ok with the power off, which I can live with.

    Kim. - your story of the walking used to be me. :flowerforyou: I was always the back marker. But I must say that a 2 hour walk is at the top of my range and I still would have to take painkillers before I set out. So you are doing much better than me! ! ! ! Sounds like a nice, encouraging group.

    Michele - it's a 9" very rich fruit cake. It did go a bit dark on top (should have covered it ) even though I took it out ten minutes early, but it's got 7 weeks to mature and soften. I put 7 tablespoons of brandy on it this morning. :D I am going to buy a small cake for the young children who won't want fruit cake.

    Janetr - love the pic, though I'm with Joyce on the selfish cat front. >:)

    Miriam and Gloworm - my ex remarried and had two more children. He is now 68 with a 12 and a 10 year old. He is devoted to his second family, but has experienced a lot of depression over being a 'house husband' with a younger successful wife. He does a lot of child care, school stuff etc. Very hard and he has had a lot of health issues to deal with. You are doing a wonderful job and should be hugely proud of yourselves. :flowerforyou:

    Penny - I've got a new book to read - TRUE NORTH, Travels in Arctic Europe, by Gavin Francis. I love doing research on my holidays and learning a few words of the language. A great part of the fun for me.

    Posting a pic of me and my brother. The doll is called Shirley. I still have her. I took a photo of the photo so the quality isn't great. Note the very non-PC golliwog!
    My hair is not naturally curly and I was subjected to home perms and curlers by my grandmother and mother for much of my childhood.


    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    morning all,
    well I havent walked yet, have a load of laundry in the dryer, and a dog on my lap ,I dont go into work until 1 this afternoon
    so i think I will get things done here and then go for a walk mid morning....
    All the girls at work are going to a winery down at the shore for Diane and Mary's 50th birthday...we have already chipped in 20.00 each for a gift card for them, and will be paying for there brunch..should be a nice time...
    Homer going to groomers tomorrow, and I am getting a haircut.. will get back tot he gym soon,but am enjoying the walks
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,174 Member
    Good morning Peeps!
    Off to chiropractor then work. Type to you all later!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member

    One of my friends on MFP fixed my pictures from the fair so now they are easier to see.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :) Heather, I love the picture of you and your brother.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Heather, adorable picture!

    Pip, cute pooch pic.

    I was sitting here trying to carefully read everyone's posts so I could comment, but my girls are bouncing off the walls around me. Today is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I am very lucky in that they both are eager to learn and love school. It will be so nice to have seven hours to myself, five days a week. I will be able to so much more accomplished, including workouts and logging my food which seems to go by the wayside during the summer. I know I had a few other comments- maybe later today I will be able to reread and type them in!

    On the agenda today is to go to my son's future apartment. I am helping the landlord get some things repaired and/ or cleaned up since he is elderly and was just overwhelmed by the idea of it. He is willing to pay me for my time which always helps the budget too.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2015
    Miriam, I feel for you about the need for some quiet time! My grandson, soon to be 5 and still an entire year from starting first grade, had the following summary of what he learned about school at day care:

    At school you sit still and listen to the teacher.

    I hope he develops a more positive attitude over time.

    Barbie, you're such a slender little thing! And your smile is so big it almost doesn't fit on your face.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hello, all...

    To those who asked, yes, 90 people before the game and 70 people after the game is actually two very large groups for a small restaurant. And I suggested to my husband that we could actually be back in time for me to be at the restaurant for them... but, as he pointed out, I don't serve--and won't--and I don't cook--and won't. If I had wanted their jobs, I would have applied for their jobs. I'm the manager, and at best, I could walk around and fill up water. However, we don't automatically put water on the table (it's a desert town, and the water tastes awful, even if we could afford to waste that much). My presence would just make the servers nervous, and make the cooks believe I don't think they can do their jobs. They will do fine.

    If that sounds brutal... well, it's a necessary brutality. They can't lean on me, they must stand up. They must also learn that, if they don't order enough food, and don't work to help each other out, then they are the ones who suffer the consequences, and have to figure out a way to make it through. And they will. Oh, I'll hear about it the next day. But I'll hear about it because they're proud of themselves that they figured it out. I hope.

    Hope you're all having a great week.

    Today, if the smoke is in any way reasonable, we'll either go out on the boat or do a short float trip on tubes down one of the local rivers (that's my vote!). Tonight we pack, tomorrow we leave early, early, to get down to Great Falls and see number one son for a couple hours and meet the new wife. Can't wait! Then it's on the plane, planning to spend the night in Midland/Odessa and do a month's worth of shopping in the early hours of Friday morning before we're off to home, three hours away.

    Below is a set of images of the fires and fire damage here around the park. We drove through Glacier Park yesterday from west to east, and then circled around the south and southwest border of the park. The pictures show some of the fires actually in progress, fire damage, and the smoky scenery. It's part of the natural order of things, fire... but it's still hard to see acres of blackened tree stubs. And if you camp, you'll know that smell of campfires burning in the distance--the air you breathe smells and tastes like that all the time right now. It is still incredibly beautiful in its own way.


  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2015
    "...a fire in the sky." (Deep Purple, right?)

    Your attitude as a manager does you credit, Lisa! I wish you, your staff and the restaurant all the best on the big day.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Thanks for all of the encouragement--it is sooooo appreciated and needed.

    Janet OKC - Thanks for the picture. That is such a sweet one!

    Joyce - Yes, I believe the meds are causing/contributing to the nausea and other tummy issues. I was recently given Naproxen to add to the mix and my pain meds were changed from straight Oxycodone to Percoset. I already have reflux issues (that were under control before the surgery) so the additional stress I am under is just making a toxic mix with the meds and making me sick. Double over in pain and nausea sick.

    On the good news front, both of my kids left on Sunday. My son went back to school and my daughter went back to her home.

    On the bad news front, they left my house filthy and in shambles so I am plowing through the clean up process (which puts extra strain on my shoulder). Did I mention that I'm stressed? On the day before my son left for school, I found out that not only does he not have housing arranged, he did not get enough financial aid to pay for it. Did I mention I'm stressed? The close friend who "abandoned" me initiated contact at the end of the week and we met Saturday to talk--he's decided he's going to marry a woman he's been seeing for less than two months--like getting engaged VERY soon (the reason I haven't seen or heard from him to speak of). He has bipolar disorder and has been in a hypomania state for the length of their dating time. I believe, from a conversation that we had yesterday, that he is headed into a depressive state and, I have to admit it, I'm glad, because I would just about guarantee he's not told his girlfriend that not only does he have bipolar, but a host of other mental/emotional issues. Because they are in the same career, a major implosion/explosion of the relationship could harm both their careers and affect hundreds of other people's lives. He's being bipolar stupid and she's been sucked into the charisma that shines during his hypomania state. I can't say anything to anyone. Did I mention I'm stressed? BTW, that was not meant to be a slam at anyone with bipolar disorder. I just know him and his secrets better than anyone else in his life. And, my female best friend also has bipolar disorder.

    My daughter and I are supposed to be headed to my parents' on Friday. ( Michele, I will message you later about seeing if I can meet up with you and Rori.) I want to go but I'm afraid of the pain and fatigue. I also am unable to sleep in a bed and I am a little wigged out about that--not at all sure I can sleep on their sofa.

    In any case, I'm trying to keep up with ya'll and please know that you're in my thoughts daily. Today is another day to pretend I have it together and keep plugging away--you know, like the duck that looks all placid above water but is paddling like hell underneath.

    Carol in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol - at least you are paddling like mad, keep hanging in there as best you can. That's all any of us can do.

    Barbie - good so see you right side up, Lol. I second Penny, you are such a slim little thing with a beautiful smile.

    Janetr OKC, not feeling as old after a good night's sleep :)