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  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Guess what was hiding in my basement?! I totally thought that we had sold these at our last garage sale in Indiana before moving here 2 years ago. I was telling my husband that I had maxed out of the 10 lb dumbbells we had and what could we do about that short of joining a gym?! He asked me to follow him downstairs and then unearthed these! So today I lifted with 12.5 lbs and my arms and legs feel like jelly! So pleased we still have these! :)

    Happy Tuesday everyone!
    Cheri in NE Ohio
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Found this in my mom's papers. For us dog lovers.

    A Dog's Friend (Have a heart and listen to your dog)

    Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
    Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
    When a loved one comes home, always run to greet them.
    When it's in your best interest practice obedience.
    Let others know when they have invaded your territory.
    Take naps and stretch before rising.
    Run, romp, and play daily.
    Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
    Be loyal.
    Never pretend to be something you are not.
    If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
    When someone is having a bad day , be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
    Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
    Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. (One of my favorites)
    On warm day, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
    On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shade tree.
    When you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
    No matter how often you are scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout: run right back in and make friends. (another favorite of mine)
    Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    Michele, I think you were asking about fitness mags for older people? Well I put my librarian hat on and searched far and wide and discovered there is a great opportunity for you fitness folks who have an entrepreneurial bent because this is one area that has not a lot of competition. Apparently there were some magazines like Geezer Jock but I cannot find out their current status. I searched wordpress blogs and Google and the big library catalog (OCLC) , but there is hardly anything American, just some Australian and French Canadian stuff. But I did find this listed and it looks like the articles in the health section might be okay. But if you want something to read poolside you are gonna have to print it out I think.
    I did come across a lot of moaning from other ladies about how our demographic is sorely under-represented in this area. Big surprise, right, ladies? I will keep looking because now my dander is up about it.
    You can also try this one -- also online.
    And this one -- justsensationalmagazine.com/
    Betty WNY
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Gloworm, I have my sister's grand-daughters for the same reason. She was in no position to be a parent to them since she is a hospital Vice President and her second husband does not want to be a parent in his retirement. The parents were meth addicts and alcoholics and were homeless with the girls for three years before the state took the girls away. I am disabled, so home to be a parent to the girls. They have been with me for over two years. Parental rights will be terminated on Sept. 18 and the adoption should be finalized a month later, barring any problems. It is hard to parent at our age. I don't have the energy I did with my own three boys, and I am disabled with severe arthritis so it is hard to do many activities with them like hiking, camping, going swimming (too cold! and makes my joints hurt). Their energy level sucks my energy. I am also an introvert, needing lots of alone time, so during the summer it is doubly hard because it is constant all day and evening. School starts tomorrow and I can hardly wait to have alone time again. Having them around has helped with my chronic depression- I have a purpose in life again which I didn't have after I had to stop working as a mental health advocate. But the girls are thriving so it is all worth it. As to why kids are mouthy now, it is all because of the TV in my opinion. Just listen to the shows that kids watch, including sitcoms. They are often just one putdown followed by a laugh track followed by another putdown. It teaches kids to be mouthy, self-centered, and rude. I won't allow the girls to watch TV for that reason, but they still pick it up from their friends at school. All the commercials also teach kids to think they need much more than they really do so consumerism is running rampant from all that have grown up with TV. I hate what it has done to our society!
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Katla: I first learned about a hot stone massage on a cruise ship. I have never found anything that can relax my shoulders like the hot stone massage did. When I got back to Edmonton I found someone who does hot stone massages and I love it the heat gets into the muscles and really loosens them up. I think it's the only time I really relax. I'm on the opposite spectrum from you I need to find someone who can use more pressure.

    DJ: Prayers for your friend.

    Mary: Happy Anniversary.

    Kim: I wonder if your girlfriend who comes on Mondays & Wednesdays would like to join you in doing planks etc?

    Joyce:Insurance companies are notorious for dragging their heels..one of my pet peeves.

    Carol NC:Thanks for checking in - sorry about the tummy.

    JanetR: Congrats on the motorhome it looks wonderful!

    Wishing you a peaceful, happy and productive day,


    Goals for last half of August:

    1. Log all meals

    2.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Haying in the 30's cancer support, camping with the folks
    • W2: Celebrate my birthday with the boys, invited to Aunt's for supper, swimming with DS#2.
    • W3:Mani & Pedi
    • W4:Hot Stone Massage
    3. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,034 Member
    morning peep-stirs -
    jmkmomm wrote: »

    Miriam, I was 1 of 5 kids also. The middle child, two older sisters and 2 younger brothers. my sister and I are 18 months apart then there were 8 years and then the boys came and they are 14 months apart. When Mom and Dad were dating and talking about children, Mom said she wanted 3 girls but Dad said he wanted 2 boys. So they both got what they wanted.
    Joyce, Indiana

    I am also the middle of five children. An older sister, older brother, and two younger sisters. One sister is just one year and 15 days younger than me. I often wonder what people thought when they saw my mom, six months pregnant with a 9 month old baby and two other toddlers. :# There's a 4 year break before the last child so we liked to tease her that she was the afterthought. I liked to try to get sympathy by complaining I was the "baby of the family" for the shortest amount of time but that never worked. They all frustrate the bejeevers out of me some days but I love coming from a large family.


    I am the youngest of 7. she had me at 23. all single births. at one point, people thought my oldest brother was my moms husband. in our household, the baby got the *kitten* end of the stick, they were not the spoiled one. 4 bro's and 3 girls.

    glowormin - i didn't make the quilt, i paid a former co-worker to do it for my husband. i have enough that i will want her to do one of my t-shirts.

    gradmaallie- just imagine me walking with you with a big *kitten* bat in one hand and a tazor in the other!

    janetr - wowzers on your tour bus!

    csofled - ask an ye shall receive - pain that is!

    margaretturk - love your dog "rules" very cute

    18 more days!!!! the thing I hate about raising money (especially when you do it every year) is asking people for $$ AND once they say they will, GETTING the money. when I add it to my projected total on my page, the organization is depending on those funds (as they should) so if someone doesn't come thru with donating what they said they would, I cough up the dough. and if someone says they are going to donate, they don't say how much, I hate HOUNDING them for it. AHHHHHHHH UGHHHH :0< I got a co-worker instant msg me at work saying that she was going to send me a chk here at work (she's at the phoenix location) and I thought that was really sweet. so now I have 2 people that said they were going to donate but haven't told me how much and when I can expect it. I like to have the funds all done and collected by the time the ride comes. then I gotta do it all over again, some people are great at this stuff., i'm not. I don't work with rich people. Kirby has it a bit easier, he works at a hospital, his co-workers are doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses and the like. he says if I don't make my 1k (you get a riding jersey if you make 1k which I always donate the cost back to the society for next years ride, so i'm really paying for it) he'll give me some of the $ he gets to me. I wanna try to get it on my own. we'll see.

    oh. I think I will take a pill today.. carry on...

    type to ya later.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,581 Member
    Margaret - JUST the words I needed. Thank you so much!

    Barbie - you are very kind, but I feel like a lazy s.o.b. :* I don't work so I have no conflicting demands on my time. I have let the perfect be the enemy of the good this week and I resolve to adopt some of Margaret's maxims. :D

    The HUGE cake is in the oven for three and a half hours! ! ! ! I feel so much better for having done it. DH did the cutting out and lining of the tin. :love:
    Even more wonderful - when he went out to get his hair cut he came back with, not only the ingredients for the soup <3 , but also a bunch of gorgeous yellow roses! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :love:

    I think one of the causes of my blah mood is a quite unjustified resentment at all the work required for the birthday weekend. 17th October. It isn't so much actual WORK work, but head work. If I get into planning mode I find it hard to switch off and I had resolved not to get involved. DJ you are, of course, absolutely right. :flowerforyou: DH and his sister have done a lot of it, but DH is not good at the details, so I find myself worrying about things he hasn't thought of. I think it is a good idea if I get on and do the ordering I need to do in good time and then I can cross it off and put it out of mind. Got to buy room decorations, table decorations and cake decorations as well as provisions for a multitude. :sad:
    None of this stuff is rocket science, but I am not enjoying it and I wish he had chosen another way to celebrate his birthday. Basically he has hired three houses and a barn in the middle of the countryside for three nights and only one meal is catered, on the Saturday night. Friday night is pot luck, at my suggestion. We are providing breakfasts and refreshments and birthday cake and champagne. 26+ people are coming plus three small children.

    Lists, lists and more lists is the way forward. Lisa - I would love to hire you! ! ! ! ! !

    Janetr - great motorhome! WTG! :drinker:

    Love Heather UK
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Gayle, I thought the Doc went a little overboard, too. I know they all want to CMA but that was a bit much. Thanks for all the prayers.

    Linda, I just had one sibling and it sounds like such fun in many ways to come from a larger family. My brother married an only child so their kids only had one aunt and uncle and one cousin. Large families have to be so much fun at get-togethers.

    Fiddle, every time I see you I just want to wave “Hi Fiddle Faddle”. I don’t know why??? smiley-music002.gif Thanks for the kind words.

    Sylvia, what a sweet thing for DGD to say about spending her BD with family. That made me a little misty eyed. So glad all turned out good for her. Now you get some rest.

    Janetr, I love the “wise cracks” cartoon. smiley-laughing005.gif I think I’ll use that one!!!

    Katla, if you already belong to a gym with all the weights, it sure would be easy to give it a try. I saw info on GMA yesterday about the workout routine for Madonna. Most of her weight routines are with lighter weights and a few with more heavy lifting. I figure anything I do is better than what I don’t. smiley-confused009.gif

    Gloria, I can’t afford to have pedicures as often as I did when I was working. Sometimes I just get a polish change which is less than half price. They will cut my nails in the process so I am just missing the great foot and leg massage. A huge CONGRATS on your weight loss. Two lbs a week is a wonderful rate. Good luck with the 10 yr old and his eating. I think so much for children is what they are given to eat. Some absolutely never have healthy choices, which is sad. You keep up the good work for both of you.l (((Hugs)))

    Joyce, you are too funny. That did make me dizzy trying to read your backwards typing. That takes talent! I can’t believe that the hospital can’t/won’t give you the price for Charlie’s infusions. How frustrating. Good luck with the doors.

    Gloworm, I hope the kids enjoy their camps and you enjoy your free time. 

    Penny, emoticon-object-026.gif I forgot that you have to walk/run in the dark if you want to go at all. And did you say that lasts for 6 months? I can’t even imagine. And I get upset, too when I see walkers, bikers or joggers out at night without sufficient reflective wear. I mean the last thing I want to do is run over someone when I can’t even see them.

    Heather, are you having to fee the 26+ people for the whole weekend??? I guess you aren’t getting too excited. Dreading it would be more like it for me. At least your tablet started charging again. I hope that is the end of the problems with it. My DH downloaded Windows 10 on his computer when I was out of town. He seems to like it and so far isn’t having any problems with it. I hope you enjoy your guests this weekend.

    Lisa, the couple is beautiful. How nice that you could go and enjoy time with your friends. So do I read that you will go to work Friday when you get home? So much for waiting until Monday. It sounds like a busy night at the restaurant.

    Janetr, congrats on the motor home. Fun times ahead!

    Lilllian, glad you see the end in sight on the books. It’s always nice to be able to get back to life.

    MNMargaret, what a thing for your doctor to say!!! I know they think they have to scare us into some things, but honestly??? Love the dog thing. Thanks for sharing.

    Cheri, okay I admit that I’m not always in the know. What are those things??

    Betty, you go gurl! If it’s there I know you will find it.

    Miriam, I think you make a good point about TV and the youth of today. We were talking the other day about how much TV has changed over the years and not for the better. I also think part of the problem is that parents don’t discipline their kids any more. It might be best that I don’t have any grandchildren. *shakin’ head*

    Carey, your massages sound wonderful. If I have someone being too rough or too light, I just tell them. If I’m paying, I want it to feel good.

    Pip, I know what you are saying about getting the donations. I don’t mind asking but don’t want to have to hound someone about it after they say they will give.

    Heather, wow wee, he really is going all out. So what has he done other than rent the houses and plan the one meal? LOL You are like me in that you just know what needs to be done and will put the plans in motion. I guess these houses have full kitchens with all the dishes, pots and pans? And who are all these people? Family, friends and co-workers? I’m sure it will turn out to be a fabulous time. Don’t get yourself in a tizzy because you didn’t want to have to help plan it. Just jump right in and have fun with it. (((Hugs)))

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Thanks for all your well wishes for my friend. Since it could turn out to be just a small cyst on her hip, I hate that the doctor scared her so much. Maybe by some miracle they will get the results on Friday but here it normally takes two days. I was actually down ½ pound this morning which is the first time in a month the scale has gone that way. I just hope it will keep going a little.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    edited August 2015
    :) DJ, I don't live as far north as Penny, but our days are very short in December and January and I am usually home from my two hour dog walk before sunrise.

    :) Cherie, how cool that you found those weights so you can continue on your lifting with heavier weights.

    :) Janetr, I love your new motorhome....it's a different brand but looks a lot like the one we had.....we loved every minute of it right until the day that we decided that we'd had enough.

    :) Heather, I know how you feel. I never feel like I've accomplished enough

    <3 Barbie
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    There has been discussion of flooring lately. I did put the hardwood looking vinyl in my back hall and bathrooms. The flooring in the hall and upstairs bath was so beat up with different heights due to heat ducts and some walls being removed so to do any tile would have required laying a subfloor first- a lot of work. And the doors would have needed to be sawed off at the bottom. It also made sense with all the animals to have vinyl. The snap together wood-look flooring, whether laminate or real wood, has cracks that catch dirt and kitty litter in them. The vinyl is all one piece so much easier to keep clean with pets. I chose a light oak color- the others were too dark and would show dirt. It actually butts up to the oak flooring in the kitchen and it really doesn't look glaringly different. It looks so good that I am tempted to put it in the upstairs bedrooms where the wood floor boards have separated terribly, leaving huge cracks between them. So the floors cannot be swept, but have to be vacuumed with a butter knife in hand to loosen to up dirt stuck in the cracks. A huge nuisance. If I didn't have all the animals, I would lay carpet in the bedrooms. Carpet can hide uneven floors with a good pad underneath. But carpeting makes a terrible environment for allergies. You cannot get all the dander and dustmites and mold out of it. My kids all had allergies something awful, so I am very leery of carpet.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    All the walkers and runners out there, I worry about you. The woman who got hit by a car while jogging did die from her brain injuries. It makes me so sad. Her husband is working on getting a jogging path in the park. I don't understand why, since there already are paths in the park that interconnect. Evidently people are reluctant to use them for jogging.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    DJ – I am seriously considering the Gift Card situation. Thanks! // Prayers and hugs for your friend.

    Linda – I will also look into the prepaid credit cards. I do worry about the re-load fee, so I will look into that, too. Thanks!

    Kim in N Cali - Could you do your indoor exercises while it is dark outside, then go for your walk as/after sunrise? It sounds like your time is tight, so I hope you are able to make something happen. Baby Steps.

    Katla - Wise choice starting your weight lifting with a personal trainer. Body mechanics is so important. Keep us up to date with your results.

    Gloria WA – Hugs for your 10 year old. My DD started gaining weight when she was 5 and her dad was so depressed he couldn’t get out of bed so I had to get a second job. He only got up long enough to make her more food and re-start the VCR with another movie. I hope you are able to get your 10 year old on a healthy path, and therefore everyone involved with be healthier, too. Hugs and prayers ! ! !

    Joyce – Good thing everyone where I work knows how crazy I am, because I sat at my computer reading your sentence out loud, and laughing at the same time. And yes, I am one of those freaks who can read backwards, or mirror image, or upside-down. // buying clothes online is tough, because even though you think you know your size, it’s hard to tell until it arrives. The little town where she lives pretty much only has the big box stores, but nothing as cool as C & B. But I am leaning toward a gift card that can be re-loaded on the internet and doesn’t cost much to re-load.

    Cheri – Congrats on finding (or DH finding) those weights, and increasing your program. Rock Star !

    Carey, Katla, etc. – I am also a fan of deep tissue massage. I ask for either a man, or a woman who is just returning after a day off, so they can really dig in there and loosen those tough muscles.

    I replaced my kitchen floor in April. While shopping, I did like the bamboo floors, because they were thicker than the hardwood, but I can’t imagine DS being “nice” to them anytime soon, so that was out. Plus I didn’t like the look of my wood cupboards vs a wood floor of any shade or hue, so we tried Porcelain. I brought home at least a dozen different kinds that I thought would look good in the kitchen. We went with porcelain instead of ceramic, because if it chips, we just have to buff it smooth and the color stays the same (it’s pretty much all about maintenance with a kid like Payne in the house).

    I informed DS and DH that when school starts we will be getting up 30 minutes early, because I like to work-out at work before my shift starts, and I have to drive DS to school in the morning. Hopefully he will use that time for either weight lifting or homework.

    The Frosted Flakes did NOT find their way into my belly last night. I took my night medicine with a glass of milk, then I did as much crochet as possible until my sleep medicine kicked in, then slept until morning. Yay ! ! Today I haveleft-over fajitas from Sunday, so I will weigh the full container, then weigh a similar container, so I know how much will be for lunch. After work I will drive the long way to my favorite store (that has greek yogurt on sale for 68 cents each) because One Direction is at Miller Park tonight, and I just don't want any part of that mess. DS is almost out of his protein shakes, so if the weather is good tomorrow I will probably go along to bowling so I can walk to Big Lots again.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    hmmm.... earlier??? so Barbie and anyone else out that early (so a 5:15 out of the house) are you comfortable walking that early - my neighborhood is safe but I don't know especially as it gets into winter and darker... I actually usually sleep more in the winter and walk later.... I am in a suburb area, and we walk near an open space area, but on the sidewalk.

    maybe I am just a worry wart/scaredy cat
    Kim in N. Cal
    I was wondering if on the days you walk the dog for 1 1/2 hrs, could you cut that to an hour and get in a half hour of other exercise? Seems less than ideal since the dogs probably love the long walk, but an hour walk is still giving them some good exercise.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janet: Your new RV looks enormous. I hope you enjoy it and have many happy adventures. Do you plan to tow a "dinghy?" (small car or truck towed behind an RV) :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I love the Dog's Friend and will save it to my favorite quotes. Thank you for sharing. :heart:

    Betty WNY: Thank you for searching. The best information I've found for senior exercising comes mainly from AARP. They seem to be the only organization that is dedicated to the welfare of those of us who are "Golden Oldies." :ohwell:

    Pip: Your mom was just a kid when she became a mom. Holy Cow! That must have been a difficult life for her. You are such a strong and resilient person. It appears that the things that didn't kill you growing up have made you much stronger. :heart:

    Miriam: Thanks for your comments on flooring for an antique home. I will pass them along to DD. :flowerforyou:

    I've already had a quarrel with DH this morning. He's in his corner and I'm in mine. He isn't usually an @ss, but ... He wants me to get a prescription for adderol. I had an appointment with the psychiatric nurse to discuss it, and she didn't show due to continued illness. Having to drive for an hour for a "no-show" made me mad. I made a second appointment and then cancelled it because I also wanted to discuss bone density changes and what to do about them with my doctor. I'd like to make both appointments for the same day. I think I'll call in and see about that. It will make him happy and fits my goals.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited August 2015
    Cheri, okay I admit that I’m not always in the know. What are those things??
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    These are PowerBlock Dumbbells.They are a type of quick change dumbbell.

    • Has weight range from 10-50 lbs
    • Replaces 9 pairs of dumbbells or 540 lbs of free weights


    Cheri NE Ohio
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2015
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Penny, emoticon-object-026.gif I forgot that you have to walk/run in the dark if you want to go at all. And did you say that lasts for 6 months? I can’t even imagine. And I get upset, too when I see walkers, bikers or joggers out at night without sufficient reflective wear. I mean the last thing I want to do is run over someone when I can’t even see them.
    DJ – Heavens, no! Six weeks is all. You have to go all the way to the pole itself to get a night that lasts six months.

    I found myself an interval training app and went out jogging with it yesterday. Holy-moly how I ran! I set up an interval program that I thought would be within easy reach and ended up running my third fastest speed this year.

    This running may seem to contradict what I've been doing towards heavy lifting, but I simply can't envision giving up my cardio! I don't see any reason they can't be combined. And in fact I also went to the gym yesterday and bought myself a 6-month pass.

    Unfortunately this isn't the type of gym where there are instructors. All they offer is equipment (plus changing rooms, showers and a sauna). I'll have to figure everything out on my own, police my own form. But I'll start slow and be careful.

    Incidentally, love the North Pole icon, DJ. I may have to steal that from you!
    /Penny, smiling like crazy at the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,174 Member
    Happy Tuesday ladies! I feel so much better today. Thank you all for the well wishes. I just tried to go for a walk and it started raining on me. I didn't have my keys or umbrella, so turned around and went back inside. Oh, well. Feel so sleepy right now. Not sure why. I have been tracking my sleep with my fitbit this week. Finding that I am very restless at night. I am getting a total of 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night but with a lot of restlessness, somewhere between 12 and 20 times a night. If I could figure out how to stop that, I think I would be much more rested during the day. More experimenting to do.....

    Exercising in the morning is the best way for me too. Just been too sleepy/depressed/anxious lately. My Personal Trainer contacted me today about a session this Thursday but had to cancel due to that day being very busy. I really need to get committed back to doing some sort of exercising.

    Walked 5,000 steps yesterday for the first time in a while. My shins are sore now. I didn't realize how out of shape I am! Must work on that. Well, back to work again.

    Rita in CT
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    These are PowerBlock Dumbbells.They are a type of quick change dumbbell.

    • Has weight range from 10-50 lbs
    • Replaces 9 pairs of dumbbells or 540 lbs of free weights


    Cheri NE Ohio

    I actually looked at those online a week or so ago but was confused by all the different options. Then I decided I should start with the 5 and 10 lb weights I already have at home. Once those get too light then I'll look for something. But I'd be interested to know if you like them.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member

    Here I am with my little sister about ages 4 and 5
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,034 Member
    edited August 2015
    barbicat - awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    katla - yeah, 1st kid, she was 14