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  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2015
    Michele: I asked DH your question about hay because he grew up in the country. He said that the hay will attract mice, and the mice will attract snakes. I am not a fan of hidden snakes. I also wondered why a person would put hayseeds in an area where they eventually want lawn? Wouldn't the seeds just sprout and make your lawn weedy? Chopped straw would have no seeds, but critters might still want to hide under it. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: I love your swimming dogs. :heart:

    Terri: Our daughter has an account in the same bank as we do. When we want to give her a gift, we deposit it into her account and it is instantly available several states away where she lives. I wonder whether this idea is similar to your cash card idea. It works very well for us and for her. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Enjoy the birthday party for your DGD. I hope everyone behaves well, especially the alcoholic DDIL. It would a wonderful gift for the whole family if she was actually clean and sober. :flowerforyou:

    Mary: Enjoy the state fair. I used to go to ours every year because I grew up in the town where it is held. I haven't been there in ages, but I really enjoyed our little county fair this year. I did give into a few temptations while there. :blushing:

    Heather: Will your tablet run plugged in? If it will, you can go online and research what to do. Enjoy your trip to London. :heart:

    Kim: "... but mostly I find it amazing that this many gals with such different lives have chosen to be support to each other. I wonder if a group of guys could do this and if the political leaders of the world could just see what we can do they could all learn something…" Well said. I agree completely. I remembered that you have a dog. If you take your dog walking you'll have good company and be more safe. If I'm mistaken about you having a dog, think about getting one. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Arriving in onederland was a big thrill, and it took me a while to get there. Some time later this process stopped being a chore and became my lifestyle. One step at a time... Every day I feel better, healthier, and more like the person I am supposed to be. I hope you'll feel this way, too. Be patient with yourself and also persistent. :heart:

    Gayle in Minneapolis: I agree that the doctor was cruel. Interestingly, there are now Health-grades out there for doctors, and I wonder what kind of reviews this one gets. :huh:

    Janet: DH and I both laughed at your cartoon. We won't have wrinkles now, either. We're turning them into wisecracks first thing! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    The air quality is so much better than it was for the last few days. I felt better all day long. Today was my yoga day and it was great. I'm still flirting around the edges of starting to lift weights. I peeked into the weight room at the gym, and they have everything I could ever think about using. I think my next step will be to make an appointment with a trainer to talk about my fitness goals and learn what I can do with weights.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla - I laughed out loud at the screen when I read it. When I had DH read it he said I always knew you were a wise crack! lol

    janetr OKC
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Terri - get a visa gift card. She can shop anywhere and you don't tie to any of your accounts. I think you can even have a copy of the number and add money when you want to.
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Here I go with pasting and experimenting!

    ]JB – Glad to meet you - your garden sounds wonderful. I have a healthy looking tomato plant this year with lots of flowers but no tomatoes yet. Think it was put outside too late and I may not get any at all. Well there is always next year but with our unusually warm weather this year it’s a shame I didn’t do more gardening.

    Deescrafty – Welcome. Sounds like you are on the right path. I grew up in S. CA where exactly are you?

    Dreamwriter – it is more difficult raising kids at my age but given the alternative of having them go to fostercare I decided that I would do it. But raising kids today is so different - I just don’t get why they are so mouthy.

    Heather - I recently read about brining chicken breasts in water & kosher salt. Every time I do this the kids just rave about the chicken because it is so melt-in-your-mouth good. The other trick is cooking at 450 for 15 to 20 minutes instead of the normal 350.

    Sharon - although I do miss using my brain the way I did when I was working, and the social interation, I don’t miss the c&@p that went on.

    Gayle – that’s a lot of miles you are driving every day I hope it pays off for you.

    Grandmallie – I know all too well about those darned staples in the floor. We had a flood in my bedroom and the hallway from a broken outdoor water pipe. The landlord had someone come and pull up the carpet (after there was fungus growing in the room!) and they took out the nail strips but left the staples. So far 2 of us have gotten cut on them. If I had known how long they were going to drag their feet getting the new carpet in I would have had someone come and pull them out!

    Barbie – where are you in WA? I am very close to JBLM. BTW I love your “reason that people fail” quote and have shared it with others.

    Pip – If I could buy an RV and a truck, take the kids out of school for a year and travel around the country. I don’t own a house so I am not tied down in that way. Maybe someday I will be able to do the traveling! Did you make the quilt? It’s awesome! Boy do I need a pedicure – one of my granddaughters painted my toes with a black sparkly polish and it’s only half there anymore. I used to go once a month when I was working but can’t afford it anymore.

    Cheri – thanks for sharing your camping picture. It made me think of all the fun camping trips I used to take my kids on when we lived in CA. We did also camp in WA but it is a whole different experience. I did however learn how to wrap a tent in tarps!

    Katla – Is the moon red in Oregon? Here it looks an orangey red and I was told it’s from the smoke from the fires. I feel so bad for all the families who have lost their homes and the firefighters who lost their lives. I wonder how long this will go on.

    Drkatiebug – I play Candy Crush also but have been on hiatus for a while because I got frustrated on the level I’m at. I did this with a vest I was crocheting once and when I started working on it again I couldn’t figure out why I had been having trouble!

    I am doing great with my food losing 2lbs a week. I think I have finally come to terms with food and am eating for fuel instead of it being an obsession. I am noticing the flavor of the foods I eat now more than I used to. My 10yr old is overweight. I have stopped buying sweets like I used to with the excuse that it wasn’t fair to the boys to not have treats just because I couldn’t. I am trying to help him change his habits. On Monday I am going to the first meeting of a year-long program at Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital called Weight loss and Wellness. I was in counseling for 4 years with him and the counselor thinks his problem is because he never bonded with anyone as a baby. I hope this program will help get all of us on the right path to health so he doesn’t have to deal with weight issues along with everything else.

    Night All – wishing you all health and happiness

    Gloria in WA

    Well that was easy. I don't know what I was doing wrong the last time. Thanks to all who pointed me in the right direction.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lisa, I would think a speed boat would be just as noisy as a room full of kids. I am more of a pontoon boat kind of girl!

    DJ, it sure would be nice if the medical world would get a clue as to what we really need and want. But instead we feel kind of like prisoners in their world. I would think a big city like yours would get faster turn around time with test results. Here, I get a test done, if it
    s an xray, the radiologist reads it, it is dictated as he reads it and the dictation also is immediately sent electronically to my doctor. If it's a lab test I know it is back the same day. According to how early in the day I get the xray done, I might get the result back the same day. if not it is always the next.

    Carol NC, are some of your medicines bothering you. The nurse in me is wanting to know how your bowels are when I hear some one says their tummy feels yucky.

    Katla, I was at Lowes today and they have vinyl hardwood. It looks like a piece of linoleum floor put the pattern is just like hardwood. Of course it doesn't feel like it and I would hate to have an old historic home have linoleum floor in it but it does have a good luck of hard wood. We have laminate flooring and it looks nice. It also doesn't have that real solid hard wood floor to it.

    Michele, glad my explanation was OK for you. Sometimes when I try to put my brain in teaching mode it really is quite taxing to the brain but in a good way. It is one of the things I miss about nursing so much. That and the adrenalin rush when there is an emergency and you have to be up to the challenge at any point in your day. Well, the salary also. I would have been retiring this year so MS has taken 16 years of my nursing away. But it also has given me so much and I don't regret it. With what hospital nursing has become, I don't know how I could have handled it and maybe would have gone part time or even quit. I was just thinking the other day about my love of teaching and when people stayed in the hospital for a full week, you could learn who was the strong person in patients family and that was the person who you would have to teach wound care, exercise, dietary, everything. Now you do a quick teaching while you are doing a quick recovery and hope for the best.

    Terri, id you read backwards you will get all mixed up. Can you imagine what you would have to read. Daer ot evah dluow uoy tahw enigami uoy nac? Did you recognize that??? That is the last senyence I wrote but I wrote it backwards!!! Please don't do that. We would have to add you to the list of people getting dizzy. We got all dizzy yesterday looking at Barbie's picture upside down. What is DD favorite store? Get her a gift card for that store. Christina and I like to go shopping together on the internet. That's the way we do our shopping for a vacation rental. We are on the phone together and look on the same internet site and look at all the houses. That way, we can actually see the rooms together, plan on who sleeps in what room, discuss the view, find places to go in the area, etc. It's like I was siting right beside her. But we are in our own homes looking at our own computers but together on the phone while doing it. If you were doing it with your daughter, it would let you see the styles she likes and it would help you buy things on your own for her. But I would love for some one to give me a Christopher & Banks gift card.

    Sylvia, are you saying that your son who has the lung disease has gotten back with 'that Mom'? Big prayers sent your way. Your son may hate and curse you because of that Furby! I got one for Ellie one year. It can be the cutest thing. It is programmed that it can learn to 'talk' to you but it sounds more like a Minions talk. It will laugh and giggle and make his eyes do funny things then all of a sudden fall asleep. You never know when he will wake up. May be during the day or late at night when the kids are asleep. And you never know who this Furby is when it wakes up. It has an evil Furby built in him, even with evil eyes. my daughter had to jsut take the batteries out of Ellies Furby. They are fun yet can be scary for a little one. Or even a big kid if he wakes up evil in the middle of the night. And never, ever buy that Furby another Furby to make a family. They talk to each other, learn each other's language and get mad. Good luck.

    Heather do you have an Apple store in London or nearby? They have a genius bar, appointment suggested, that looks at your device and fixes it right on the spot.

    Well today was our day to go look a doors. I am well past impatient on getting this house painted and get landscaping in. But they can't paint a new garage door and front entry door that we haven't bought yet. So we went to Home Depot and the people were in a meeting so someone from another department came and helped us look on the computer and he gave us a printout of the price. Then we went to Lowes and a man from the department helped us. Wow, I never knew all the things that were involved in buying and installing a door. All the separate measurements in buying an entry way door. hinges, door knobs, everything. We just want a new door like the one we have except it not be steel. Just a door. But all houses bought before a certain year have to be tested for iron, then treat if positive, do we want a garage door opener, no we don't. Do we want one in the future. Yes. Well you need this kind of support in the garage door. Biggest problem was the entry way door. Since we are putting it in the present frame we just need the door. According to Lowes, it is not called a door. A door is if you are buying a frame with it. Just a door is called a slab. Oh, Charlie got so mad. He didn't want a slab, he is wanting a simple door. Well Charlie's brother used to work at Lowes and the guy helping us, meaning only me, completely understood then. His brother was no longer employed by Lowes due to that kind of attitude. Charlie thinks he can hang the back door to the garage by himself. And that door apparently is called a 'man door' not just a back door. i really would like a new porch light but i dare not ask. This is the original porch light and to Charlie if it still works, it's fine. The house is almost 40 years old. We are trying to spif it up. It needs a new light. And it will also be the same kind of lock. But tonight he asked if tomorrow we wanted to go to another place so I guess that is his way of saying he is sorry for his behavior and is ready to try again.

    This would all be so better if we could jsut get some sort of indication from the hospital what his bill is with his infusions. I called today and no, nothing is back form the insurance.

    Love you guys. Nite, nite Joyce, Indiana
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Here I am again <3 RJ the 10yr old started his fishing camp last night after a stressful day of trying to get him to help pack. He can be so sweet and then so unlikable :s I'm happy for him that he gets to go to this camp as he just loves to fish and hang out with the other guys. Zachary the 7yr old started his Search & Rescue camp (this is search & rescue and tracking of animals) today. I wasn't sure if he was going to go because he started last night telling me that his calves were hurting and then again this morning. I think it's those growing pains that kids get. Their Dad used to wake up in the middle of the night screaming that his legs hurt at just about this same age.

    terri_mom - I definitely agree that a pre-paid card is the way to go.

    Kim - from N.CA - If you had to schedule a doctor or dentist appt how would you do it? Maybe if you look at it as scheduling an appt with yourself you will be able to find a good time. Perhaps 10mins at a time rather than the full 30?

    Chris - that wedding sounds like so much fun - wish I could have crashed it too!

    DJ - I'm so sorry about your friend. I don't understand why a doctor would give such a devastating diagnosis without the test to back it up. You and your friend are in my prayers.

    CarolNC - Hope that things improve for you and that you start feeling better.

    Janet - thanks for the cartoon it made me laugh out loud - I've been called a wisea$$ but never been told my face was full of wisecracks! :D

    Off to bed so I can get the little guy to camp on time in the morning. <3<3<3

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    morning ladies~
    when I am out walking in the dark, I am a little nervous I do wear a reflective vest.. sometimes I wait until it is a little light out and then go..I also could get dressed and go over to the gym,,,
    just had my warm lemon water.. then get dressed and walk
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2015
    Kim - I was going to suggest getting up a bit earlier to squeeze in some exercise. Then I saw you were already getting up way early to go out dog-walking. GloworminWA's suggestion about making an appointment with yourself has its points, but wouldn't achieve the routine-ness you want. Could you do your dog-walking a little bit earlier and add 10-15 minutes exercise right after? That would give you the security of company and pooches while you're out, but still allow you a regular exercise time.

    I'm lucky enough to have no anxiety whatsoever concerning other people when I'm out jogging. We have good streetlights, but they aren't bright enough to pick out polar bears 20 yards from the road. It gets really dark here, especially in the dead of winter when the sun doesn't go up at all for 6 weeks. I don't go jogging very far outside the city center when it gets that dark.

    As Allison says, a reflective vest is a good idea. Up here, it's only the foolhardy who don't wear something shiny in the winter months. And they get thoroughly chewed out by our taxi drivers.
  • wengarcia1
    wengarcia1 Posts: 2 Member
    FPJ2015 wrote: »
    Ok I like your goals. I'm away next week. But will try and support your goals into mine the following.

    I'm eating 1200 calories a day and not loosing. So depressing I don't understand it.

  • wengarcia1
    wengarcia1 Posts: 2 Member
    Try increasing activity - walk.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,580 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions for my tablet, which is a Samsung Galaxy 10.1. Last night I turned off the power and rebooted it. That didn't seem to do the trick, but after a while it suddenly started charging again. :D I hope it's got over its bad mood. I am so bonded to it. <3
    DH has been wrestling with his new laptop running Windows 10. He seems to be getting there.

    I spent some of the morning editing two paragraphs of my memoir. Much happier with it. The beginning of a book is so important. Becca - I so agree with you that coming back to something with fresh eyes is the way to go!

    It is still pouring with rain here. We have the heat on. :* DH is going out this afternoon to have his hair cut. I am going to make his birthday cake. It's a rich fruit cake as I thought that would be easier to transport than a sponge. Marzipan and royal icing. Pretty indestructible!
    I'm also beginning to compile a list of stuff we have to order for that weekend. 26 + people for a long weekend. Just thinking about tea and coffee is doing my head in, let alone breakfasts etc. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I have visitors this weekend. I have decided to do a soup, followed by cold buffet. The wife only eats chicken and fish and the man likes meat. That way they can both have what they like. I am feeling very lukewarm about it all.

    Lots of love, Heather in soaking Hampshire, UK

    PS - I only did 350 calories on the machines this morning. Have felt severely under par recently with aches and pains so I'm going easy on myself! :laugh:
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning all... the quiet times of the morning are the best. Even on vacation.

    Joyce - the speed boat's probably off the table anyway. The fires nearby have it so smoky that you can't even see the mountain that makes up our friends' backyard, much less how to find your way around the lake. That's OK. We love this country, but it's spending time with friends that's important. Our DH's get along like a house on fire... they went to Lowe's/Home Depot last night, while my dear friend and I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond and Coldstone Creamery. I was proud of myself... only had one little sample spoon of the salted caramel ice cream, and skipped it otherwise.

    Did, however, have half a Five Guys cheeseburger with a few fries. That was a planned indulgence, and we got to treat them to dinner, which made everyone happy for different reasons. :) Our friends were able to take the next two days off, which is also a very happy thing, and we're probably going to drive through Glacier Park (the west gate's just a few miles away). Too much smoke to have fun hiking--and indeed, woke up with a stinker of a headache from it--but a nice long drive with friends you love to talk to is almost as much fun.

    The bride and groom are off to Hawaii, where they will be on honeymoon until next week. The old farts will have fun detoxing from the whole wedding scene for a couple of days with friends, and then back to the plane/back to work on Friday. The restaurant now has two reservations Friday - one for 95 before the football game (the hometown band) and one for 70 after the game (the out-of-town rivals). It's going to get really, really interesting very quickly.

    Corey and I won't even be back until 2 or 3 in the afternoon Friday, or at least that's the plan. At least West Texas isn't on fire yet.

    The beautiful couple--and just as beautiful inside as out--two young people that are just a pleasure to be around:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    a quick hello and off to work= have my 10,000 steps in already <3 ,dogs walked, Toms dinner and lunch ready, my lunch ready and out the door I go.
    DFIL ate 2 bowls of wheaties and had toast and milk, the state is there today so they will be on high alert the staff anyway..
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    mornin peeps -

    just dawned on me, i hope all u walkers have good walking shoes and i mean "i bought them at wal-fart they were on sale" kind.

    type to ya later

    How about Brooks Glycerin? Can I wear those, even if I got them on sale?

    They're really pretty!

    I buy my walking shoes at the Pedestrian Store - I buy a new pair every 500 to 600 miles (or every 5 - 6 months). They are expensive $165.00 - but they hold up to the beating I give them. Saves my knees - my back - and my orthotics.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    :) Katla, I worked out at a gym with a personal trainer when I was in my 30's so starting weight training at home with a book of suggestions was easy for me. Your idea of getting help from a personal trainer is a good one.

    :) Gloria, I live in Sequim...I found that quote on someone's post on MFP in 2009 and have claimed it as my own since then. If you like, then just make it your own and use whenever you want.

    :) Heather, I know you don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, but it sounds like you are really pushing yourself to do a lot, so taking a bit of a break is a good idea...even with a bit of a break, you accomplish more than most people.

    :) Kim, my neighborhood is exceptionally safe with a light in everyone's front yard, smooth streets, and almost no traffic. I walk with one dog at a time so I don't feel alone and I listen to something with headphones so I'm not imagining noises and stuff. If you go out gradually a few minutes earlier each day, you'll get comfortable.

    B) Now it's nearly sunrise so I can send hugs to all of you, put on my coat and head out with Brandy.

    <3 Barbie
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    We did go ahead and trade our bumper pull trailer and got a used motor home. Now I need to get the trailer emptied out and cleaned up. We pick up the new one Thursday.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Four months of books left to do!! I took the day off work - and I WILL finish them today!! Then I can get back to life....yeah!!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Lillian - good job, you're almost there.

    beautiful bridal couple. So glad you are having a relaxing, enjoyable time. I love Montana but haven't been there in years. Want to take DH up there, I know he would love it too.

    Heather when is your DH' s birthday celebration? I too would be in a twit. It will all go well, try to enjoy the time.

    Janetr OKC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited August 2015
    DJ prayers for your friend. Yes sometimes you wonder about bedside manner. I was told at a physical that if I didn't get the colonoscopy I guess I wanted to die from colon cancer. There was no indicator for her to make a statement like that to me. I have not returned to that doctor.

    Janet love the poster.

    Mary Happy Anniversary!