Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story




  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,174 Member
    Just caught up on the posts since Friday. I had good intentions but fell sick with some sort of stomach bug Saturday and just vegged out Sat and Sun. My lawn looks like a hay field! I was supposed to mow it this weekend. Oh, well..... Tummy still rumbly but better.

    Took a walk this morning and going for another 10 minute one now. Hope these help my sleep and headaches.

    I'll be back on in a bit. Going for a little walk. Have to get away from the 'puter more.

    Rita in CT
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great tues.
    hugs jane
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,034 Member
    :::: lifting up my leg, marking my spot :::::
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    All I had time to do over the weekend was make my complaining post and post a picture, so I ‘m going to read backwards today in an attempt to get caught up.

    Joyce – Hugs for your medication mistake. I hope you never make a mistake like that ever again ! I’m so glad you had a wonderful time with your family. Isn’t it amazing how different siblings can be compared to each other?

    Kim in N Cali – Yes, my hubby really is clueless. Some areas he is totally unwilling to learn or try, and I often struggle to choose my battles. Thanks!

    Janetr – Hugs for your knee. I hope your future surgery is successful, and that you find some relief now, too.

    Mindy – Enjoy your new fitbit.

    Becca, Sharon, etc – I’m only 9 pounds from onederland. I want to cross with you, too. Hard work and forgiveness is my mantra for the week.

    Allison – Congrats on figuring out how to link all your apps !

    Rita – Hope your tummy is feeling better.

    Everyone with tough weekends – Hugs! My DH doesn’t make it easy sometimes, so I understand.

    My weakness snuck in last night, and I ate 2 bowls of frosted flakes in the middle of the night. Add that to all the salt in the corn chips at supper, and I have a rough day yesterday, and today is a new beginning.

    I am now asking for suggestions to support my DD in another way. She claims to have lost a pant size, announcing it on Facebook. I congratulated her, and asked her how I could be supportive from 4 hours away. Her future MIL said Retail Therapy works well for DD, so I need suggestions how I can do it when I don't see her more than a few times per year. I'm thinking about giving her a Debit card attached to my checking account, so I can leave it almost completely empty until she tells me her new size and how much money she needs for 1 new outfit. I can't just trust her with a credit card (she has proven unreliable in the past).

    I promise to read backwards more shortly after I get caught up at work and have lunch.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Carol, hang in there. Remember, this too, shall pass. Kudos for making it to PT!
  • FPJ2015 wrote: »
    Ok I like your goals. I'm away next week. But will try and support your goals into mine the following.

    I'm eating 1200 calories a day and not loosing. So depressing I don't understand it.

    You may not be eating enough. Imagine that! Ck with a dietitian or some other nutrition person who can evaluate your bodies needs..
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Help! I'm drowning in chocolate cake batter! Well, maybe not drowning, but I did eat two teaspoons full. (And feeling a little sick.) I'm baking a cake for DGD 's birthday. They are all coming over tonight after gymnastics, including the alcoholic DIL. Apparently they are together again. We will see just how long that lasts. And I WILL keep my mouth shut. Tonight I will be the perfect hostess.

    I'm surrounded by sleeping dogs. By the way, I'm loving that hand held vacuum. Got the hang of using it and now the sofa is a lot less furry. And so are hubby's pants when he goes to work. It's amazing how much hair it picks up every day. Why is Spot not bald already? I'm going to have to wake the dogs up in a few minutes so I can run the big vacuum.

    We have an appointment to take Molly to the vet tomorrow morning and have two ever-enlarging black warts taken off her face. He wants to send them for a biopsy. He was gone all last week, so we finally get to take her in. Hopefully it's nothing, but whippets are especially susceptible to skin cancer since their fur is so short and their skin is so fragile. Added to her being clingy lately, it's time she got checked out.

    Well, the cake is about done. I hope everyone is having a great day!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies. We are celebrating DGS's 12th birthday tonight. I preplanned what I will be eating tonight that way I will not go over my calories. It is going to be a special week since it is also our 5th year Anniversary on Wednesday. We will be spending the night in St Cloud then going to the State Fair on Thursday. That will be a free day for me since I know that I am not going to count calories that day. We will spend the night again in St Cloud then my DH has an Award Luncheon for the Sales Personal on Friday. So, I will have to be very careful the rest of the time with all of the temptations.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »

    I am now asking for suggestions to support my DD in another way. She claims to have lost a pant size, announcing it on Facebook. I congratulated her, and asked her how I could be supportive from 4 hours away. Her future MIL said Retail Therapy works well for DD, so I need suggestions how I can do it when I don't see her more than a few times per year. I'm thinking about giving her a Debit card attached to my checking account, so I can leave it almost completely empty until she tells me her new size and how much money she needs for 1 new outfit. I can't just trust her with a credit card (she has proven unreliable

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

    I would send her a store gift card like Khols or Macy's. A debit card may get you into trouble if you have overdraft protection. Just my HO

    Rosie in So Cal
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,580 Member
    My tablet isn't recharging. Any suggestions? Don't know how to get a new battery into it. :s

    Had a lower groin/bowel pain all day. Not awful, but annoying and preoccupying.

    The tube strike has been cancelled/postponed so we can go up to London to see the grandchildren and DS and DDIL this Thursday. We are staying on later so we can eat with them rather than dashing off. It means parking at the airport station and going up a bit later, but it will all work out.

    Tomorrow morning my yoga friend is coming round for a session in my living room. :D

    Sharon - great photo! Any one else got one? <3

    Love Heather UK x x x x
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Terri in Milwaukee – Along the same lines as Rosie’s thought… how about an American Express gift card.

    Janetr OKC – To answer a question you asked several days ago… Yes, I had gastric bypass surgery in Feb 2014. Best decision I could have made for myself. As you well know surgery is just another tool in the weight loss box and isn’t a cure. I seem to be getting those pesky sugar cravings back under control but the past few days have been hard.

    Mia in MI

    August goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Get at least one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced Tea overload. 16 oz. iced tea daily plus 48 oz. water

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Had a wonderful time this weekend at the resort in CT. I have been dubbed "The Official Wedding Crasher". The original plan was that I was to drive my friend to the resort where her neice was getting married because she is experienceing vision problems. She had a room reserved and I was going to share it with her and hang out at the resort. At the last minute her cousin's husband couldn't attend so it was decided that I would fill in for her husband at the reception. I was able to enjoy a wonderful Italian wedding and meet a slew of my friends' fun loving relatives. The food and drink were abundant and there was much dancing and merry making. I had a blast!

    I took advantage of the resort's gym facilities and worked out before my friends were even awake. We then enjoyed an amazing post wedding brunch and I will admit I spared no cannolli! On the way home we stopped at a local Goodwill and scored some amazing bargains and then hit the outlet stores and I finally got some new bras. The girls are much happier now that they are encased in better fitting attire.

    Today a dear friend and I celebrated our birthdays with a wonderul lunch and much needed girl time. I had a tuna steak and green salad. I only ate 1/2 and the other 1/2 will be dinner tomorrow night. I logged in the calories and I don't think I did too badly. We walked to lunch so I was able to get some extra steps in.

    I decided not to weigh myself this morning, I know I gained and just don't need to know how much at this point. I'm back on the program until next weekend when it's off to the Cape. This has been a wonderful month for me.

    Mindy...I have had a fitbit for almost a year now and have become addicted to it, but in the best way possible. One of the women I met this weekend at the wedding upon learning that I lost weight using MFP (which she is on) and the fitbit went out yesterday before she got home and purchased a fitbit. She is all connected and involved in a challenge with me. In my case, it is the combination of MFP and fitbit which made me successful. I hope it works as well for you. You can message me if you want to do challenges or if I can help in any way.

    Gotta run...
    Chris in MA
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mia and Rosie - Taking serious consideration of the gift card and pre-paid credit card situations. Thanks!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,034 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    Just a comment on posts, long or short, from my point of view it really has little to do with who the poster is or the length of the post, it is more about where I am - If I feel a time crunch I skim, the more pushed for time the worse job I do of skim-reading, if I take the time to check in a couple of times a day, I read more carefully and enjoy hearing about everyone’s lives more. Granted occasionally I will find something that I skim by as it is not something I am that interested in, but mostly I find it amazing that this many gals with such different lives have chosen to be support to each other. I wonder if a group of guys could do this and if the political leaders of the world could just see what we can do they could all learn something…

    Heather – glad you are feeling a bit better. I needed down time from all my company and

    Terri – what about a gift card, one of our larger second hand stores even does them, and that is a great way when you are losing weight.

    So I have a question, I need to find 10-15 minutes – with room for expansion into 30 minutes for exercise (floor style – planks, stretches, leg lifts ext. ) and I just can’t get committed. So this is my schedule, now of course life takes it’s turns and I don’t always stick to this… like right now when I am writing you, but the machines are cranking away in the background… I am really a morning person, but need that prime time for the difficult embroidery projects… so where do you think I should carve out a window for my exercise… I did try in the evening before reading, but just so exhausted I found it awfully difficult.

    Mon, Wed up at 5:30-5:45 a gal friend stops by for coffee from 6:30- 7:30 then 1 ½ hour dog walk, breakfast and then to work (embroidery business in the extra guest room) usually between 9 and 9:30 work until noon, 15-20 min for lunch, then back at it until 5pm (ish) 5-7 dinner break, then back at paper work, emails, billing etc. till 8:30pm read from 8:30-9 or 9:30

    Tues – up at 5:30-5:45 out the door 15 minutes later, 30 min dog walk, breakfast and then on the road by 7am to hike with my hiking group, home by 10am then to work (embroidery business in the extra guest room) work until noon, 15-20 min for lunch, then back at it until 5pm (ish) 5-7 dinner break, then back at paper work, emails, billing etc. till 8:30pm read from 8:30-9 or 9:30 then sleep.

    Thursday and Friday up at 5:30-5:45 out the door 15 minutes later, 45 min dog walk, breakfast (make a snack and pack water) and then to work at a gardening clients, on site by 8am latest, leave the clients by noon, have my snack – run errands home by 2pm, second snack, clean up and at my embroidery business by 2:30 work until 5pm (ish) 5-7 dinner break, then back at paper work, emails, billing etc. till 8:30pm read from 8:30-9 or 9:30 then sleep.

    Sat, Sun – up at 5:30-5:45 out the door 15 minutes later, 1 ½ hour dog walk, breakfast and then to work (embroidery business in the extra guest room) usually between 8 and 8:30am work until noon, 15-20 min for lunch, then back at it until 5pm (ish) 5-7 dinner break, then back at paper work, emails, billing etc. till 8:30pm read from 8:30-9 or 9:30 then sleep.

    Ok hahaha can you tell I like routines????

    August Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles, 8/16 95 miles so far
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Visiting with niece Emily - a trip to SF
    W2 – BFF came for 2 days and a dinner party
    W3 –
    W4 –
    Kim from N. California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    short day at work for me today as I work this weekend.. first day with no Keri.. and of course the troll up to her no good ways, I did most of the work and she runs and hides when there isnt a patient that she A- cares to talk to, B- has to collect money from.. she has even hidden under her desk.. really how juvenile...
    Tomorrow is my long day 9-6 .. 14,000 steps today.. im gonna keep it up.. and when I feel like going to the gym, that will be back up. as they say in the movie Trading Places..... Looking good Louis ~ Feeling good Louis lol
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,034 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    edited August 2015
    :) Kim, what worked for me to carve out more time for exercise without messing up the prime morning time that was already allotted to something else was to start going to bed five minutes earlier each night andgetting up 5 minutes earlier in the morning until I was reading for only about 15 minutes before my bedtime and getting up 30-60 minutes earlier to allow more morning time for exercise and business. If you read at bedtime from 8:30-8:45 and got up around 4:30-5:00 you'd could fit in 15-30 minutes of exercise after the dog walk. I love routines, too, and they allow me to get a lot done and still have time to pamper myself.

    smiley-sleep011.gifOn Mondays we always take a nap because I have a friend who calls at 8:30. I had a great plan for the day until Jake got up from the breakfast table and said he was sleepy and went into the bedroom and slept until lunchtime. I know he wanted me to nap with him, but after breakfast on Monday is one of my times to get paperwork done and I didn't want to miss it. I got most of my chores done and he was a darling and stayed extra quiet so I could nap in the afternoon.

    <3 Barbie
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well good news today. So I had a doctors appointment for 1# to get a letter stating what my goal weight should be for my TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) weightloss group, 2# to get the pre breast exam before the mammogram, and 3# to get blood drawn to see what my cholestrol is presently. My blood pressure was 126/72 so I was happy about that. The letter states that my goal weight should be between 135-145 lbs. My heart did a flip flop because I personally think I will be a stick if I went that low...Hopefully when I get to 180 I can have that re-evaluated and a new realistic weight be put down. Until then at least I have a letter in my TOPS file that the recorder lady has been pestering me about :-) By the time we arrived home I had a message from the ultrasound people and my mammogram is this wednesday. Its weird to have things get taken care of quicker out on the coast here. In CA it was. "Your appt is scheduled 4 months in advance". The last time I fasted and had my blood drawn it was in 2014 so it will be interesting to see if my cholestrol numbers have gotten better. It was 231 then.

    So I have gotten caught up on all my womanly scheduled events. PAP is in Oct, Colonoscopy not until 2017, so its nice to be in control of all that stuff.

    Today I snored out on the balcony lying in the sun. Oh what the neighbors must think! I put up a quilt so they saw nothing...maybe they thought a seagull was hurt somewheres?

    Tonight is chicken-fried cube steak. I get 2 ozs of it, plus 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes. No gravy though, just maybe some spices. I think I will just fry one piece without breading it. Then I can put ceyanne pepper on it. You know I even put that pepper on my eggs over easy! Just on the yok part before I flip them though.

    Nightly before I go to sleep I mentally think of myself at weights lower than what I am now. Then I go down 5 more lbs and feel what it feels, maybe a new shirt that I know if I get down to that weight I can wear, how I will move etc....and somethings I actually get to onederland...but most of the times I fall asleep before I get there....Its a nice exercise!

    Take care ya'll
    Becca just thinking herself slim!
    "change your mind.......change your body!"

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Heather, are you sure you are using the correct charger and cable? I sometimes try to use a different one and it won't charge, then switch back to the right one and it charges. Something about amps or something like that. Each device is a little different. I have one USB plug that is marked...ipad, iphone, android.