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  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Here is a photo from my childhood. We didn't have much but man we were happy. I am the brunette in the very chic jumper.
    I finally caught up to all you ladies. I'm sure it won't last . Lol

    Linda , IA - Roots and wings. Love that quote

    Heather - My DH brings home chips, gluten free cookies, pop and let's not forget pop.
    We all have our down days, I'm sure that tomorrow will be better.

    Katiebug - Keep it up . You are almost to the 10 lb. mark. The scale has not moved for me for a very long time.

    Mindy - Diverticulitis. Have you had any operation or can you control yours with diet? DH had surgery in April and ended up with Ileostomy. They are going to do the reversal in October.
    First day at Whole Foods is behind you. Easy Peasy Pumpkin Pie from here on in.

    Lillian - Yeah for birthday parties and cuddles. Frost? Oh, dear. It was cooler here on Friday but no frost. It snowed in the Pass and in Calgary. Definitely not ready for that yet.

    Lenora - I agree it is hard to keep up but it is always interesting. Walking on the dirt road doesn't sound so bad to me.
    Putting your family in my prayers.

    DJ - Chico can put a smile on any one's face. Today he walked across our living room on his hind legs (he does this occasionally) Why? Who knows? Havanese make good circus dogs. I'm thinking he should have his own Facebook page or blog or something.

    Barbie - Is Isagenix available in Canada? You certainly have energy.

    Becca - Moroccan Mint is one of my favourites. Tonight I crushed a mint leaf just to enjoy the aroma.
    I want to travel to Onederland with you. We can do this.
    Never going to say I'm stuffed. Lol

    Pip - Fur babies are so smart. We just think we own them. They have us trained well.

    Terri - A woman with a tiara can conquer the world!!

    My posts are probably too long and people probably fall asleep reading but this place is safe and I love it.

    DH took me for breakfast at Cora's. Nice gesture but he spoiled it by going on facebook (Hey! I'm right here), complaining about the way she poured coffee, that the ketchup bottle wasn't full, how much the meal was costing, etc. etc. I guess he tried.

    Breakfast, dropping off trailer, tire shopping, Costco,dead heading and watering flowers. I never got to anything on my list.
    We did manage to take a walk with Chico.
    Off tomorrow and going to pencil in some fun.

    -Sharon in Sunny Southern Alberta
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,974 Member
    morning ladies~
    2 days of pulling staples out of hardwood.. I am sore.. not in the mood for the gym,but will go for a walk.. then go see DFIL.. they have had to up his trazidone to 2 times a day as he is getting alot more agitated lately..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,580 Member
    Barbie - you look great and as if you are having fun! :flowerforyou:

    I am feeling a bit better today and decided to give myself a spruce up with hair, toes, fingers etc all done. I will put on some makeup and go out this pm to get the stuff for DH's birthday cake. I was getting in a slump and feeling a mess. My memoir will have to wait another day. Recovering from our visitors has been a bit like recovering from a holiday. I am not a good "switcher" back into routine and it takes me a while to find my equilibrium.

    Yesterday I had a mini binge in the evening and ate a little too much. That is usually because my self esteem is at a low level. Sorting out my physical appearance is a good start. Getting to grips with jobs to do is another step.

    It is pouring with rain at the moment so skies are leaden. :(

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,974 Member
    I just figured out how to sync map my walk with MFP.. no more having to figure that out..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    :) Sharon, yes, Isagenix is available in Canada. You can't buy it in stores, only online.

    :) Heather, you really challenge yourself to do all the fun entertaining and traveling you do and still maintain routines of writing and exercising. Taking a break and treating yourself sounds like a good idea.

    August Resolutions (with week three comments)
    *walk 15,000 steps a day (more than that every day)
    *drink 9 glasses a water a day (every day)
    *weight training twice a week(six times so far this month)
    *thoroughly clean guest room (made a small beginning)
    *thoroughly organize linen closet (not yet)
    *speak up--don't sulk (I didn't realize how often I sulked when I thought I was being "a good sport" by not complaining)---words and tone of voice matter a lot

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington where you have to bundle up to walk the dogs before sunrise
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    Sharon, very stylish jumper. I had one just like it when I was around six or seven.

    Mindy, that was some serious Kohl's cash with the Surge purchase. I know you will enjoy it. I just have a flex, but I am totally addicted. I got my daughter one back in February, and it drove me crazy that she would let the battery die, not wear it, etc. well, she finally caught the bug and is ahead of me on the leaderboard.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    17761776 wrote: »
    Has anybody heard of the brand Think? Suppose to be great shoes.

    I had not heard of these, so I Googled. They seem to be very well made made and comfortable. They certainly cost more than anything I've ever bought. They only had one style of sneaker and it was $260! They have a huge selection of sandals. Zappos carries them, and they get good reviews.

    Thanks to bringing them to my attention. I might have to try a pair of their Mary Janes.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Sharon love the reminder it takes very little to make you happy. Great picture.

    A friend of mine bought Tahoe (sp?) for her sandals and loves them. I haven't had a chance to look for them yet.

    Will be busy again most of the day getting things ready for my son's move.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Happy Monday Morning, afternoon, evening everyone...

    The wedding is over, it went well, everyone survived... we're staying at my friend's house, and all her children and grandchildren leave today. Looking forward to a couple of well-deserved days of rest and quiet. Love the kids, but noise levels have been out of sight for days. We're supposed to go out in their speedboat on one of the local lakes Tuesday, and/or Wednesday. Looking forward to that. Flying back out on Thursday, staying in Midland/Odessa for the night and doing some shopping on Friday.

    Not planning to go back to work until Monday, the 31st... giving us the whole weekend to get ourselves back together. But... we'll see what happens. Just enjoying the breather.

    Eating has been horrible, at best. Did get to go running once, but my anti-inflammatories are giving me such issues with acid that I've had to stop taking them. Combined with cooler temperatures, I feel like someone's hammering on my knees. Getting old kinda sucks. If I just get back without GAINING significant weight, I'll feel like I triumphed. Routine can't be overestimated in terms of how much easier it is to both lose and maintain lost weight.

    Lisa from West Texas, in smoky, hazy Montana the rest of the week
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited August 2015
    Routine can't be overestimated in terms of how much easier it is to both lose and maintain lost weight.
    Lisa – That's putting it in a nutshell! Every break in my routine reminds me of the value of plodding along as usual.

    Glad to hear you're going to have some time for chillin' without the chillen.

    Poop, your photo of the dogs exudes pure pleasure. You did the right thing by them, letting them swim as soon as possible. I love your Airstream, and absolutely adore the t-shirt you made with the cyclist pulling it! Sometimes I wish I could leave everything behind and switch to compact living.

    /Penny, finally back at the Pole
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,032 Member
    morning peep - sickles -

    drkatie - :0) just checkin

    whippet - i saw a whippet and immediatley thought of you..careful w/your dizzy spells, hope they go away.

    janetr - careful with that knee

    mtowne - congrats on your fitbit! i've never used one, have fun with it!

    godmom - we don't camp in the airstream. we started out as tent campers at our lot that we have by the ocean. there was a little shed that was built on the property that we cleaned out and now we stay in that. the airstream has only been used once since we got it and that was for the MS ride last year. we are going to take it again for this years ride. we plan on living in it when he retires.

    jmkmom - we've only used it once. that's the way we got it. when we get closer to retiring, i'll put my stamp on it. right now, why bother, it's in storage and this will be the 2nd time we will use it. we're strong but i dunno if we're THAT strong. maybe if it was just the shell i think we could pull it. lololol.
    be careful with taking your pills, wowzers!

    dreamwriter - very fashionable jumper there!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Michele, I pretty much read all the posts and I did miss about Vince being in the hospital?? What happened? Is he okay? I also don’t recall a question about hay other than the one that we discussed about using straw rather than hay?? I normally post once in the morning and once before I go to bed and my posts still seem really long. Not sure that is worse than having 10 or 15 short ones but who knows?

    Heather, didn’t you say that you and DH would go to Paris? When is that planned? Is the strike going to curtail any of your activities? I recall that you weren’t going to get involved in DH’s BD Party, but none of us ever really thought that could happen. *pushing that pile over a little more while no one is looking*

    Pip, reading about the car door hitting your shoulder just sent chills up my spine. Eewwww Be careful.

    Barbie, okay I tried standing on my head to see the picture, but still can’t tell too much. I am dizzy though. LOL You look great and I’m sure you had fun.

    MNMargaret, just be careful not to overdo. That moving is for the young, fer sure.

    , it was so good to hear from you and I enjoyed reading your post so much that I read it again. I felt like we were on the phone chatting with each other. mobile.gif You are so good to son and grands and they are lucky to have you. I understand how good it makes you feel to be able to help. I’ve been very thankful to be able to help my DD at times that she needed it. I know you would like to make goodies for DGD to have at school, but just enjoy the fact that they have to be store bought. The kids probably wouldn’t appreciate/know the difference. lol I didn’t know the schools did that but I understand. I wish you had taken pictures of the Rottie and Daisy. Aren’t some of the BIG dogs just such bundles of love? Glad you got to visit with them.

    Mindy, wow that would be a splurge for me! Congrats and now you can put it to good use. At that price, I’d expect it to cook my meals and clean up the kitchen. smiley-chores004.gif But then, I complain about the price of everything.

    Joyce, you had me laffin’ at the calorie count on jaw yapping. I’ll bet you tried looking it up!! pcwhack.gif Very good explanation of ablation. I even understand it now. You are going to have to be careful with your pills. At least you got some rest in the car. Lol So glad you had a great day.

    Sharon, you had me laffin’ at your DH posting on FB while you were at the restaurant. *shakin head* Gosh if men were only perfect like all of us. taunt.gif

    Heather, I know what you mean about taking a few days to get back into your routine. I sometimes feel it’s because of age since I don’t remember that being a problem years ago. Or actually I don’t remember having as much a routine years ago, now that I think about it. dunno.gif

    Lisa, so glad you are going to have a couple of days to just relax. I hope your knees give you a break. Enjoy your time off.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Well the scale is finally back down to where it started before my trip. I just really want it to move down two more pounds. Getting below 170 has become an issue with me. I need to get moving this morning. I want to cut my hair then I’m going to take my friend to the doctor. As of now, the text that was done wrong still hasn’t been rescheduled. She is ready to get the show on the road and get the needed surgery. She already plans to go straight to a rehab facility after surgery since she lives alone. And she’s ready to get out of pain.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Pip: Looks like a pretty balanced score card...watch out for them dang doors girl!

    Jane: Hugs to you to :smile: I love the smiles on that profile pic.

    Mary: I'll talk to the trainer specifically today and see what she has to say. Thanks again for your advice.

    Becca:Loved the clip of the long long trailer...only Lucy... LOL HaHa giggle.gif

    Sharon in SSA: Thanks for sharing your family pic - reminds me of some of mine growing up. Don't pencil in that fun INK it in. :smile:

    Lisa: Anti-inflammatories have killed my tummy over the years. Since I now have to take aspirin daily the cardiologist prescribed Pantaloc - it has done wonders for me. It's supposed to protect your stomach. Might be worth a discussion with your doc to see if it's appropriate for you.

    DS#1 and DS#2 were both home on the weekend, got to play some hand and foot canasta with them and DILTB (Daughter in Law To Be). That was fun.

    Have a wonderful Monday friends!


    Goals for last half of August:

    1. Log all meals

    2.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Haying in the 30's cancer support, camping with the folks
    • W2: Celebrate my birthday with the boys, invited to Aunt's for supper, swimming with DS#2.
    • W3:Mani & Pedi
    • W4:Hot Stone Massage
    3. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning. I truly am still alive and around. I can't catch up on the posts from the weekend, though. Still very depressed, still having an icky stomach most of the time, and still going to PT three times per week. Lots of stuff going on and most of it not particularly good, but hanging in there the best I can.

    Carol in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: It sounds as though yesterday was a 'terrible, horrible, no good bad day." I hope today is better. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: You seem like the energizer bunny lately. You've been going, and going, and going. I hope you get some rest. :yawn:

    Heather: I'm happy you're feeling a bit better. Sprucing up your hair, toes and fingers is a great idea. So is adequate rest. :flowerforyou:

    Janet: I'm not sure exactly when schools shifted to the requirement that treats for the classroom be store bought, but I understand the reasoning. Some people's kitchens simply don't pass muster in regards to health codes and cleanliness. A few times during my kid's elementary years, a group of PTA moms got permission to use the cafeteria kitchen to make treats. :flowerforyou:

    Carey in Edmonton: I love your planned fun activities. I haven't had a mani in ages but get regular pedis. Bliss. The hot stone massage sounds very interesting. I hope you'll tell us all about it. The last massage I had was painful. Not doing that again until I find someone who doesn't think it needs to hurt to be effective. :noway:

    DD has discovered that her house was a Sears kit house, and originally came with either fir or alder floors. The model was called Louise. From the looks of them, I'd guess the floors were fir. They're in rough shape, so she covered them up with carpet when DGD was a baby. The carpet isn't holding up well and she's asked me to help with flooring ideas. Her house has been remodeled more than once, without regard to historic considerations, and/or building codes. She won't be preserving an original gem. She has active young children and large dogs. I like the idea of the engineered wood floors that my son used in his townhouse. They look like wood and are tough as nails. DD is resistant to the suggestion. I would welcome moderate cost suggestions from those of you with antique or classic old houses.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Welcome everyone new! One day at a time...that's how we succeed

    barbie - I can certainly see how you could accent black. The blue hat looked really nice, and I bet it looked even better with the scarf

    Sylvia - glad your dizzy spells are over. They're no joke, how I know. What a wonderful grandmother you are to those kids

    Did about 10 minutes of a Butt Lift DVD, held my plank for 2 min 45 seconds then the extremepump class. Then we go to senior bowling. That's the one where we go earlier and I'm just goint to take fruit with me.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT. I'm just going to do 30/30 (30 sec sprint, 30 sec recovery). The last time I did it this way I started to get tired around 20 minutes. Then I'll probably use the rowing machine a little bit. Wish the rower they have had greater resistance.

    Mindy - congrats on getting that fitbit!

    Joyce - thank you so much for that explanation. With Jessica I won't use the word "detrimental" Great analogies - the teacher with the bully and a teenage girl -- things she can relate to. So glad you had a good time at the wetlands.

    Lisa - glad you had a good time at the wedding. that's important. Now for some well deserved days of R&R

    You know thinking about being dizzy. When I was dizzy my weight had gone down, not by much but it had gone down. I just saw something about how our brains need carbs, wonder if I was limiting my carbs? A thought

    DJ - I can't recall the time Vince was in the hosp and no one commented on it. It might have been the time he went in with AFib and had to get a shot of (I forget what it's called) denizene. Anyway, this drug basically stops the heart. It isn't used very much, so you should have seen how many people were in the room watching the procedure. I couldn't even see him! Or it might have been the time he had the attack of v-tach. That is the first time he had v-tach. He is going to go for an EP study and at the time they'll do an ablation. Hopefully, this time they can do it. He had it done about 10 years ago and his heart kept going into Afib that the MD just called the operation. As far as the hay -- when this house was built they had a really bad drought that year so a lawn was never put it. We bought it, built the detached garage and then the pool. We knew that machinery would be going over the dirt so why bother putting in a lawn? Well, now we're ready. We went last year later in the year to get some hay for the seed and the place was all sold out. I saw that they have hay now so I was mentioning to Vince that maybe we should get some to use. His concern is that the hay would attract "varmits"particularlly snakes. I was wondering what people who have horses and need to have hay on hand for months at a time experience -- do they have any problem and how do they solve it?

    NCCarol - so good to see you

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,974 Member
    13,000 steps so far ,going into work in a few minutes
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    On the other side of the weekend and have skimmed though all the posts. So far I have renewed my childhood deisre for an Airstream, but not much else has sunk in my brain. Had the most bizarre weekend--made food for six that turned out to be only 3, dealt with a house fly infestation, picked heaps of raspberries...went over on my calories but back to the straight and narrow now...
    Betty WNY
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,860 Member
    Well this day is not going well. I was caught up and had my post written out as I went then my computer froze up and I lost it all. I am working my short shift (7-3) today and after the long weekend I am glad. DH is to get off at noon today so hoping to work in the yard this afternoon. Then I am off tomorrow and have a list of things I want to get done. I hope you all know I am thinking of you and keep you in my prayers everyday. Take care and I will try and check in later.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE