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  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Pip, wow! Iron woman!

    Barbie, I tried playing the cello at my oldest sister's a couple of years ago (her husband plays a bit) but my arthritis in my hands and shoulder was so bad that I was in agony both playing for half an hour and for a day afterwards. Have you picked up your instrument to see if you can still play? If I still had my cello, I know I would do it a bit every day even though it hurt.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!I saw ladies posting about their family.I was the oldest of 10.That`s why I have the caregiver in me.lol
    I love to crotchet at night,helps keep my hands busy.I donate blankets to the shelter.
    Hugs to all that need them
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,034 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.41min, 16.4amph, 2.9mi = 103c
    spin- 40min, 84ar, 81aw, 9-11g, 16.5mi = 269c
    ride gym 2 dome - 5.17min, 15.3amph, 1.3mi = 72c
    ride wk 2 hm- 52.39min, 10.1mi, 11.5mi = 490c
    total cal 934
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,034 Member
    thanks all - i've done the ride b4, day one a lot of times. day 2, that will be my first time doing that route. oh yeah, with a messed up shoulder, that will be my first time
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Carol in NC -This one's for you. If I could I would share your pain. Feel better soon (((hugs)))
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Carol in NC -This one's for you. If I could I would share your pain. Feel better soon (((hugs)))

    What happen??? So sad n so cute!! Good friends. Gayle Minneapolis
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,122 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    18,000 steps
    three and half hours of dog walking
    41 minutes on the exercise bike

    :)<3 janetr, that picture shows how much we all care about each other

    :) Miriam, maybe one of these days I'll get the violin out of the closet and trying playing it again...tuning it would be my first challenge

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    August Resolutions (with week three comments)
    *walk 15,000 steps a day (more than that every day)
    *drink 9 glasses a water a day (every day)
    *weight training twice a week(eight times so far this month)
    *thoroughly clean guest room (made a small beginning)
    *thoroughly organize linen closet (not yet)
    *speak up--don't sulk (I didn't realize how often I sulked when I thought I was being "a good sport" by not complaining---I also realized how much tone of voice matters)

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie - so true. It's funny how we have all become caring, sharing friends and the majority of us have never met. I'm so thankful I found this group.

    Janetr OLD
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Barbie & Miriam - thanks for sharing the pics. Love seeing them.

    JanetR - have fun in that RV

    Kim/N CA - I think with all the activity you do in the morning, you are just not getting enough calories in the morning. Maybe you can add some morning calories and eat a smaller lunch or dinner. And make sure you are getting protein in the morning because the protein calories stay with you longer than carbs. Do you like string cheese? Or I've heard of people who prepare eggs ahead of time and then heat them up quick.

    I've felt kind of lazy the last couple of days. Still doing my morning exercise but not getting up from my desk to get enough steps in during the day. Got to get my butt I hear and finish out August strong.

    Thanks for all the support! I love this group.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    HI!I saw ladies posting about their family.I was the oldest of 10.That`s why I have the caregiver in me.lol
    I love to crotchet at night,helps keep my hands busy.I donate blankets to the shelter.
    Hugs to all that need them

    Hi Jane! How are things going with you? Great way to spend your time!
    janetr7476 wrote: »

    That is the cutest picture! Poor puppy though.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Did 30 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical today, 30 sec sprint then 30 sec recovery, then did 15 min on the rowing machine,. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Kathy Smith Ultimate Video workout DVD. We shall see how that goes.

    I was telling the trainer at the Y that the first time I ever did HIIT, I did it for only 15 minutes and I thought for sure I would die. Then I started sprinting for 30 seconds, recovering for 1-1/2 minute, then recovering for 1 minute, then 45 seconds, now I'm recovering for 30 seconds. Admitted I only do it for 1/2 an hour. Well, actually today I added an extra minute. She was saying that if she ever needed some encouragement, she'll come to me.

    katla - maybe it was straw that we got, I remember that the guy said not to get one thing because of the hidden seeds, so you're probably right, it was straw. Please ask your husband if straw will attract snakes. I'm deathly afraid of them. Our bank account is tied to Jessica's the same way -- we can immediately take out/put in money for her. Hope you can get the both appointments on the same day.

    Exercised, then stopped at Food Lion to get this protein drink, then stopped at Bell's Outlet to see if they had any summertime tablecloths which they didn't, then went to Ross to see and they didn't, then stopped at Kohl's and got a placemat 70% off. I'm probably going to put it outside with the cups for people to use at the social. Then we started to powerwash the driveway. See, Vince's way is to do everything all at once. If it were up to me, I'd do a few sections at a time and before you know it, the entire driveway would be done. Well, didn't get too much accomplished today. Came in and made these sausage cheese balls for the social. Jessica just called to say that her friend who just moved to NC, the friend's husband/boyfriend/father of her child (I really don't know the status of their relationship) and their son are coming. I was planning to have these veges and some cheese dip that I made, then when they come over have the rest of the dip, but it looks like I'll have that for the social. As Vince said "looks like we're going to have two socials -- one for the older folks (the Newcomers) and one for the younger ones." Oh well, everything will work out. Cleaned out the microwave and then the cabinets. I guess that's all I'll do tonight for the social.

    Tomorrow we have a Board meeting for the Newcomers. I do need to go to Aldi afterwards to get the strawberries for the strawberry shortcake cake and a few other things. I'll be interested to see what's on sale next week. Oh, I know I also need to get carrots

    Chari - I've never seen weights like those. Tell me more about them. Update: thanks for the link, I've bookmarked it so I can really read it later when I have more time

    Betty - thanks so much for those links. I put them in my "favorites" to look at at a time when I have more time. Thanks again

    pip - just the thought of you with a bat and tazer had me laughing hysterically. Your mom was 14 when she had her first child???? Wowsers. What a ride you're undertaking

    Heather - that must be one big cake -- 3-1/2 hrs to bake. At what temp? I'd be concerned that the middle didn't get baked all the way.

    Penny - congrats on your running

    barbie - awwwwwwwww. I'm sure your BDS will be great.

    Meg - so glad your daughter is having a good time. Good luck to your hubby

    janetr - what an adorable pic. Thanks for posting

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    Jane – the oldest of 10!!!!! That is amazing.

    Pip - what a ride! To complete that would be amazing in the best of times and with a wonky shoulder it is beyond

    Lind – I am sure you are right about the calories in the am, I’m playing around with the right item (s), and timing…

    The idea of being out earlier is stressing me out; so I think for now I am going to try something else. I am probably just a scaredy cat but it is how I feel. The other thing was I am hating the idea of giving up my reading time - my feeling IS that is my only just for me time. The walk is ½ for Levi and ½ for me, and the exercising is really a have to – exercising is in the same category as cleaning the toilet, except I can’t pay someone else to do it. Many of you seem to enjoy your exercise, and I don’t - I don’t hate it anymore, but it is just a mandatory chore. So I do it. Like this hike today – I am slow –really slow so for all but the last 10 minute (we hike for 2 hours) I hike alone, the group is way ahead, they wait up at certain points, and I know they care, but I am just super slow - so the last 10 minutes were more fun with someone to chat with. I know the path and just trudge along, but it is not that fun, spring is better with wild flowers, but CA in August is dry, hot and dusty. I don’t want to make this group out badly, they cheer me on and check on me… we do some social stuff too and that is fun. They have been hiking for years and most are size 6 or below…not me.

    August Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles, august 25 145 miles so far
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Visiting with niece Emily - a trip to SF
    W2 – BFF came for 2 days and a dinner party
    W3 – went to a banjo band concert – a first for me
    W4 – Dinner out with friends, hiked with my hiking group
    Kim from N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm too exhausted to write much, and I barely skimmed today's posts. Today was even busier than yesterday. It's 9:00 and we just finished our dinner. I hate to eat late, but had no choice today.

    Molly's vet visit went well, and he's pretty sure it's nothing to worry about.

    But I have to tell you one little funny thing. Yesterday was the birthday party. Tonight was open house at the middle school and I went with my son to meet the teachers. DGD introduced me to the science teacher and said this is my grandma. To which the teacher said, "the one who made the cake?" The next teacher down the hall said the exact same thing. The teacher said that cake was "legendary". Already?

    I have to do some laundry now before I can go to bed.

    Good night everyone.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Terri, you mean you aren’t going to see One Direction?? Do you work down town? Gosh that is one cold place in the winter! Lol

    Katla, I can’t tell if you are trying to compromise with DH or just do what you want but glad both can be accomplished. Are you ADD? Wish I had that kind of energy but of course would want to be able to focus. Actually the older I get the harder that is, now that I think about it. Tee hee hee

    Cheri, way cool. That is some high tech dumb bells.

    Penny, when I saw emoticon-object-026.gif I immediately thought of you. You can take it, by all means. Hey, don’t laugh at me for thinking it was 6 months, I already told ya’ll that I suffer from immediate memory loss.

    Rita, when you go to bed at night, just relax. smiley-sleep016.gif You know, just don’t stress. Isn’t that all it takes?? I still want to know how FitBit knows what it knows about sleep??? Sounds like “Big Brother” to me.

    Barbie, you and your sis are tooooo cute!! Thanks for sharing.

    Miriam, great picture. And weren’t you all cute!

    Sharon, yes I want so badly to get under 170. And I’ve been hovering at or above 171 for weeks now. *sigh* I won’t mention the fact that I have practically quit exercising. At least I’m hanging in there with eating pretty good. I know it will come, I’m just impatient. And my goal of 150 seems so very far away. But the truth is, I never considered that I would get down to this again in my life so I am thrilled. And I owe so much to all of you in this group of wonderful ladies. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! Sending you the bestest thoughts for your counselling session today. ((((Hugs))))

    Mary, have a ball at the Fair. I loved them as a kid but haven’t been to one in 45 years.

    Meg, the limo ride sounds like fun! You said you cut your calories; how many were you eating?? Is that what MFP recommended?

    Pip, holy moly!!!! Are ya gonna git in a little exercise on the ride???

    Jane, gosh what fun ya’ll must have had at family get-togethers’!! I’ll bet holidays were great.

    Janetr, love the picture. And yes, that is how most of us feel about each other. Sometimes it just helps to be there.

    Michele, what a compliment from the trainer! I kept thinking it was straw and not hay but don’t know about critters in it. I’m sure the social(s) will be great.

    DH and I went out for lunch to Golden Corral. I had been craving multiple veggies since I got home. I had some baked chicken and a plate full of veggies. Just a tablespoon or two of a bunch of different ones, including some fried okra. yum For dessert I had a good size piece of watermelon. I savored every bite and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Had a little taco meat on a lettuce wrap for dinner, so stayed within my calories.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Linda/IA - thanks I'm sure we will enjoy it. We usually with go with one or two other couples and always have lots of fun.

    Michele - I thot it was the sweetest thing, poor little puppy and the kitty was so sympathetic. Sounds like you are busy and running the rest of the week.

    Sylvia Bless your heart, your cake story teared me up. That right there is what it is all about. All of your worry over them, your love, your care, the time you give was poured into that cake. Your sweet granddaughter has not only told everyone about it but she will remember it for the rest of her life and do the same for her children and her grandchildren. What a wonderful heart warming story. I needed that tonight. It just reaffirms my faith in humanity and reminds me that we do have such an influence on their little lives. Rest well.

    DJ - I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I haven't exercised at all since I woke up there Saturday morning and could not straighten out my leg. My joints are all just achy and sore. Not sure if I'm having an arthritis bout or what. Also my allergies have been so bad with the rag weed my nose is either stuffy or running all day long. August is always my worst month for allergies. I'm just trying to stay focused on staying within my calories and moving as much as possible without actually exercising. Hopefully next week is better.

    lol I'm laughing at my last post in response to Barbie. I signed out Janetr OLD. Too funny, I feel old tonight, we worked hard emptying the trailer and cleaning it up. My tablet's auto correct always changes OKC to OLD, I didn't catch it tonight. Guess it was reading me pretty well.

    Janetr OKC just feeling OLD :p
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,034 Member
    edited August 2015
    I do live in a hilly area after all. This is the elevation on my ride home when I ride home from wk
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,034 Member
    The first hill is a doozy
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Pip - I'd croak :/

    janetr OKC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Tonight is "extreme makeover" show, which I tape! I take the modivational part from it, but its kind of sad that because they lose weight really fast, that their body needs skin surgery afterwards. I would rather lose slower and have my brain lose it along with my body. To have my skin adjust a bit and not have to deal with the after affects of quick weight loss. That is just my opinion though. I know I didn't get this way from just eating too much. A lot of emotional baggage along with the extra pounds happened. That is what I need to work on along my journey.
    Tonight I had a pan full of some green onions, white chopped mushrooms, and green beans all saute'd together happily then simmered in some chicken broth, then fresh spinach put in at the last minute. It was a bowl of steaming goodness! And yes I used my fork and then slurped loudly the broth. And YES the broth was green from the spinach. And YES it dideth gross out my husband that was trying to read in the couch near me.....hahaha!

    Afterwards I visted my garden. Picked a huge plastic tumbler of cherry tomatoes. They really are beautiful things! The type I am growing look like red shiny cherries. They are really sweet and I have a tendancy to pick one, eat one. But I do manage to fill up some sort of container. Many I pick when they are not bright red, and then the next day on my counter they redden up. I feel blessed that I can grow them. Next year I will have a couple of plots in the community garden.

    Today I went to a food bank and rec'd an acorn squash. I want to create some sort of squash soup. I guess cubing it up and roasting it in the oven with spices, then cooling it and mixing it with chicken broth might work. I want to see the cubes not have it just like a smoothie. I guess more of a stew with carrots, and potatoes. I am not sure.

    I gave some cherry tomatoes to my neighbor, a nice lady that is in her 80's. She in turn gave me some smoked salmon. If only life could be dictated by the barter system....

    Well, tomorrow is my TOPS meeting, and I think I shall have a 1.50 lb loss. I am happy about that! I do not think I shall be the biggest loser, but I am positive and persevere on! I have a big loss the beginning of the month, so I shall give my body time to adjust to that.

    My words to live by:

    Say what I mean.....and mean what I say!

    That means to me is that I have to walk the walk and talk the talk of this journey. To not just tell people that I am on this journey but then cheat. To be held accountable for myself. And that accountablity has merit, and does mean alot.


    YOU ALL ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!