

  • topathemorning
    topathemorning Posts: 346 Member
    (and everybody new who may need the help) – At the top of the thread there is an empty grey star. When you click on it the star will turn yellow. Then when you search under “community” and click the top star you can choose this thread. If someone already typed this, or typed it better, listen to them.

    Terri-Thanks for the advise. When I click on the grey star, it doesn't turn yellow;it just says I have nothing bookmarked yet. Any further advise from anyone?
  • topathemorning
    topathemorning Posts: 346 Member
    Found different star. It turned yellow. Hopefully, I can find you all tomorrow!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Mtowne002, our vet isn't in the office on Saturday, so it will be Monday before I can talk to him. Hubby doesn't think there is anything wrong, but he's clueless sometimes. The vac I got was a Shark Pet Perfect II. 18 volt cordless. $59 at Walmart. It has a rotating brush. I made two passes over the couch and it did pretty well. It's better on the arms and the flat parts of the seat, but a little harder to use on the loose pillows and back cushions. I need some practice, I think. Our sofa is that microfiber stuff and the hair gets kind of jammed into it. Molly's hair in particular is sort of barbed. But it picked up quite a lot of hair and dust. It works a heck of a lot better than the attachments on my regular vac, and I like the cordless thing. I don't have to wrestle with the hose on the big vac. One thing I don't think I like is that it says not to leave it plugged in for more than 6 hours. I was hoping I could just leave it charging in the back pantry so it would be ready to use anytime, but I guess not. Molly and Spot seem not to like it and vacated the premises when I used it. But Bruno just sat there. I rolled him over to vacuum under him, then rolled him back. Silly dog.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Dr Katie, I love your cabinets! They are like mine. Here are pics from our remodeled kitchen/great room.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Linda /IA - Oh, I have fallen in love. The kittens ate so sweet. I have always loved cats. DH won't even discuss it with me.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
    purdy kitchen pics..

    i'm pooped, just came back from the park, shoulder is hurting. going to bed. peace out peeps
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member

    Been busy with Momma Carly and her adorable 4 kittens the past few days. They are just under one pound each and will be with us until they are all two pounds (4-6 weeks). They are adorable and playful.

    I have been a little weepy today. Tomorrow we take daughter#1 to college for the first time and I think it has finally hit me that she is leaving. I am really going to miss her, even though I am happy and excited for her.

    @megblair1 "Someone out there has quartz countertops too…is it true you have to use hot pads under toasters, crock pots, etc? I think that’s a little excessive, but it’s what the care instructions say." I have Quartz countertops and I do not do that.

    Well off to get some steps in because I'm only at 4700 for the day. :(

    Linda /IA

    Soooooo cute!!!!! Where is she going to school, how far from home??? Gayle Minneapolis
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    I thought I already shared my before and after photos, but we have gotten several new folks since then. Before is Roughly Jan 2014 and the after is March of 2015.bo372e0q2ixc.jpg

    Wow!!!!!!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you for the advice about how to bookmark this thread. I was clicking on the wrong star. Now I've got it!

    Miakoda, the change is amazing. So many things in your life must be different, including how people act toward you. I've lost a similar amount of weight but over a much longer period of time so I know what some of it is like. But you've made a huge change fast. Wow and double wow. You truly look great. I'll bet you feel just as great as you look. I think that's the best part.

    The kitchens are "wows" too. Very nice. I have white cabinets and like them a lot.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Mia - love the profile picture and the hat. Are you a "red hat" lady? I would love to belong to one of the groups but have no idea how to go about doing it. Unbelievable the difference in the pics. Way to go. You have to feel terrific about it.

    Michele NC - just wondering, why do you have your bangs trimmed one day and the ends another day?

    Katie & Sylvia - wow the kitchens are gorgeous, thanks for sharing.

    I had a mani & pedi today, the first timme in ages and ages. I just got tired of having them done and never really happy with the results. So after trying all the shops around I gave up and have done them myself for probably close to a year. I did enjoy the foot/leg and arm massages today, sooooooo nice :)

    We went to Jack's grandson's BD party this evening, he turned 17. They had a "pool party" at a friends house, we have met them several times before at other functions. They live out in the country/woods about 45 minutes from our house. Their bridge was washed out by all of the rain we had all spring and early summer. We had to park out by the road, walk in, climb down in the gully step up onto the make-shift bridge, walk across, step down into the gully and climb back up on the other side. I was not particularly a happy camper. Had no idea they lived in the woods, let alone had no bridge. I wore a fairly new pair of hot pink $100 dollar sandals. At least it didn't seem to mess them up. Ugh.

    Janetr OKC
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Oh. I forgot to say. The kitties are so cute. I'm more of a dog person than a cat person but those kitties were adorable.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Sylvia, I love your kitchen. I especially love your floors and the big drawers. We didn't redo our floors, but they are next on our list.

    Y'all have got to stop with the precious kitty pictures. You know I have taken a vow of No New Pets! I'm getting kitty fever.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sharon, they say we will be getting an El Nino this fall so hopefully you will be getting some rain. Let's just hope it down't drop to much on us.

    Hearher I usedto be very good at making decisions. A nurse has to be quick on her toes. But not now. About 4 years when we were planning on our first big family vacation to Disney World, i was so stressed in trying to make all the arrangements. So Christina, why do kids have to be so much smarter than us at time?, suggested that since we belong to AAA, let them handle ALL of it. So we went and they did. All we had to do was write the check. Yes we had to decide what kind of resort we wanted, ummm a value, and dinner plan, ummm fast food. Butit was all taken care of and when we got there, my power chair was waiting and powered up, our rooms were close just like we requested. The staff was wonderful and all we had to do was to enjoy. Now when we plan our annual family vacation, I just hand all the reigns to Christnina, she does the research on rental homes and send Michelle and I pictures. Ultimately it is up to Charlie and I since we are writing the check but I really don't have to handle it. It is so much easier. I just can't handle the stress of it anymore.

    Miriam, I have a stack of Grandmas doilies in my cedar chest. None of my kids want them and neither do my brothers. So both my sister and I have all of them.

    Pip, the Y has lockers that are first come first serve and they have to be emptied at the end of the night. It would be nice to have one of your own that you could put toiletries in.

    MNMargaret, yeah, the tree guys says that eventually it will be good mulch but not this year. I just don't want to wait until next year to plant something in out front and back yard. It looks like a wasteland in the back yard. I hope we don't have a big wind storm.

    Katla, from what I saw of the enterior of that boat, I don't know how you can sleep that many. I jsut hope no one gets sea sick or has to crawl over some one else to go to the potty. Have fun on your ride. You sure have good friends.

    So why does everyone want granite counter tops if they are fragile and hard to take care of.Personally I would like treated butcher block. We presently have 1970's avacado breakfast bar and all counter tops, which aren't very many. Also the stove and sink are avacado. The refrig and dishwasher were also that color but they eventually went out. Thank you Lord!

    Terri, you enjoy or jointly shared man all to yourself today!!!!

    Becca, all you needed was a good burp!

    Bea, your name reminds me of Aunt Bea of the Andy Griffith show. But i do't think she cared about anyone's health. She also didn't like Andy Griffith and the feeling was mutual.

    Lenora, both Charlie and I know our kitchen needs a complete redo. But his idea is just to 'fix surface problems'. Mine is to gut the kitchen, put in new subfloor, new hard wood (well laminate) new appliances, Completely change the configuration of the kitchen to give more counter space. What woman wants a sink facing a bare wall? Wouldn't she rather have one facing the back yard and be able to look out a sunny window??? There isn't even a window in the kitchen. I also want French doors going out to a nice patio. I now have a patio that is so terribly built I won't allow my grand kids to walk on it. But since there is such a difference in opinion, we do nothing.

    Linda, when we took our first child to college, I was forewarned to cry my eyes out all the way home. Well I didn't cry a single drop.But I have a problem releasing tears anyway unless it's a Hallmark movie. But we went the next weekend just to check on her because surely she needs us by now! Her room was spotless, all laundry donw and she had a ring from her future husband on her finger! That was when I cried all the way home. Our little girl HAD grown up and didn't need us in the same ways anymore. Good luck

    Mia, are you a member of the Red hat society??? Stunning before and after photos.

    DRKatie, your before kitchen looked so sterile. I love it except I can never get used to white painted cabinets. I am glad that both my husband and I are in agreement on that.

    Well my introduction to the world of the famous only invisible acrobatic flea at the church talent show went very well. I added lot to it from the act that my Dad always did. The crowd was laughing so loud at the end that they didn't get the punch line which is important. So Algernon is safely tucked in a box again until some one needs to hear about him. My sister and I don't get to go out to much so she went with us and she enjoyed 'seeing' Algernon again and agreed that I changed the act up quite a bit. But i wanted to make it my act and not my Dad's. We had one act that was just labeled this guys name and quartet. So we were expecting a quartet. But part of his comedy was that everyone had an excuse not to be there and asked him to sing their part for them. So all through out the song, he would change voices to be a tenor, baritone, bass and whatever else the man's voice is in a quartet. We had some typical teenagers that 'sang' They sang so quietly and off key it could hardly be understood but that was OK. They felt comfortable to do it front of their church family and also showed that they liked to listen to contemporary christian music even if it weren't us old people's style of music. We had about 20 acts in all. The dinner was Javanese mountain dinner. I looked up the recipe ahead of time and knew that I could eat parts of it. I left off the rice and cocoanut and pretty much everything was OK. But then they had deserts. I ate one brownie. my sister found out she knew a lot of people in my church and had a lot of fun. We did have a lady sing who said she would never sing a solo. She had dropped out of the choir for awhile because she didn't think she was worthy of singing with so many beautiful voices. She like many of you has been physically,, mentally and sexually abused and she sang a song that said she 'was never alone'. I can tell the song meant a lot to her. She is a beautiful woman, could be a senior model but she doesn't see it at all because of all the emotional abuse she has gone through. Very successful '1st Annual Northeast Park's got talent'!!!!

    Hopefully Michelle can come over tomorrow and spend a couple of hours with they yard. She usually come over around 5 and has supper with us and then we usually go to Sams together and then she goes home. I alos need to get those big pieces of the tree trunk out in the sunshine. Charlie got them stood up in the garage so at least they aren't laying on top of each other. Scales was down another .6 this morning so I was very happy. Allison is beating me so far in our weekend challenge.

    Nite, nite, Joyce, Indiana
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    miakoda40, that is an awesome!!

    I like both the new kitchens!!!

    Rained all day here.... awesome - otherwise I would be outside mowing the grass - this way I am in the house stuck to my computer and have actually finished 3 and 1/2 months of the company books...oh yippie only 8.5 to go...

    I have to go to bed - My eyes hurt and so does my head.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    We had a wonderful time at the Wedding! Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    We are having terrible fires in my area - please pray for the many people affected in North Idaho.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lillian - I'm glad you had a good rain. It rained here last night but not enough. We thought it was going to rain again today but it never happened. I am praying for the people in Rock Creek.
    A man cold is always worse than anything we might get.

    MNMargaret - Framing your Grandma's doily in that manner really brings out the beauty.

    Katla - Lucky you, going on a trail ride.

    Becca - It would have been the perfect day to have some of your delicious looking soup.

    Lenora - Driving = freedom

    Mia - The transformation is spectacular. I'm sure you will inspire many.

    Sylvia - Your kitchen looks terrific. I am currently in love with some grey cabinets that I saw at Ikea. My kitchen really needs some serious work but we have other fish to fry before we get to that.

    Joyce - I am so glad that Algeron was a hit.

    Work - today was feedback sessions. I did two of them. The second one was tough as I had to let him vent about my friend's situation. He was very emotional about it so it was good that he could talk it out. It is unfortunate that in the end there is really nothing that any of us can do.
    DD's birthday. We went to all you can eat Sushi/Thai place. I guesstimated 1000 calories even with skipping anything to do with rice. It was delicious though.
    DGC are staying overnight, DSIL arranged a surprise party for DD. I think she just wanted to relax after the last 2 days and she is going to have a very busy week .

    Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Good morning all!

    Very busy day ahead. I'm trying to sort out my computer problems, :s then got some cleaning to do for visitor. We are in London tomorrow. I have made NO preparations, but I think, as it's a man, he won't be fussy or worrying about dust. :D We can pop off to the pub if necessary to eat.

    Love all the kitchen photos. Thanks! :flowerforyou:

    Love Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    morning kids~
    Joyce got a feeling you will win this one, my fit bit is charging and it didn't charge overnight !
    so now it is hooked up to the laptop.
    yesterday afternoon we had friends over for a picnic, I ran around like a crazy person but everything went off well...
    today will be in the 90's and humid ,going over now to feed DFIL.. then dont know what the rest of the will bring.,hoping to get to the gym..asked Tom if he wanted to check it out he said no I dont need that.. ok
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    DrKatie, love the kitchen.

    Linda- awwwww! Adorable! Makes me want to foster momma kitties.

    Mia- wow

    Gayle- I have been watching the fires in Idaho. The one in the Owyhee mountains is just 6 miles from my previous home in Melba Idaho, but the Snake River should stop it. It got so close to Silver City, a former stomping ground of my boys and me. We hiked all over those mountains. We went north a few times each year too, so I know some of those stomping grounds have been hit too. It makes me so sad. Oh, for you others, Silver City is a ghost town- from the mining days in the area.

    Silvia, I love your lighted curio cabinets! And the kitchen.

    My kitchen had very poorly constructed handmade cheap knotty pine cabinets when I bought my house. I cannot afford to replace the cabinets, but I did paint all of them. I painted the ones along the walls white, and did the island ones teal to match the open plan dining room. I hate them. They are beadboard so they are so hard to clean! I have to scrub them with a brush to get the crevices. The doors also are inset in to the opening, and so dust gets in the cracks. I really hate them. AND the previous owner took out the kitchen sink under the window and put the dishwasher there, put the sink in the island. So I cannot look out when I do my dishes since I don't use the dishwasher and took it out.

    Vacuums. I was given the Shark Pet Perfect for Christmas. It does work well, but I too hate the fact you cannot just leave it plugged in. I am not good at remembering to unplug it, so we will see how long the battery lasts. I also have a dust-buster and that I can leave in. I often use them to pick up hair that collects in certain areas on the floor, saving me a full room vacuum. My upright is a Sebo and it is wonderful, but it was pricey. The Sebo automatically adjusts from rugs to bare floor which was a nice feature when I still had rugs, but they have slowly all been removed. It has a several hepa filters in it to catch allergens. With a long haired dog (border collie/ sheltie) and the cat rescue (now 15), I spend a lot of time vacuuming and also washing throws and bedding and cat/ dog bedding. And I have to use the clothes drier, not the line, because it pulls off so much hair. I am surprised that the microfiber couch catches hair- it was one of the fabrics suggested in my two books about decorating with animals. That or leather were the top choices. The books had good advice about flooring, soft furniture, etc. as well as making it look nice.