True Confessions - Don't Judge



  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    I confess that I'm pessimistic sometimes and can't help but think I'll never reach my goal.
  • Cerealsensei
    Cerealsensei Posts: 1,625 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm pessimistic sometimes and can't help but think I'll never reach my goal.

    The beard decrees that you shall reach your goal, you will even exceed it.
  • Xvapor
    Xvapor Posts: 1,643 Member
    I confess most people think I'm a douche and that bothers me
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm pessimistic sometimes and can't help but think I'll never reach my goal.

    You've got this sweetness.
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm pessimistic sometimes and can't help but think I'll never reach my goal.

    The beard decrees that you shall reach your goal, you will even exceed it.

    This changes everything!
    km8907 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm pessimistic sometimes and can't help but think I'll never reach my goal.

    You've got this sweetness.

    Thanks <3 I get depressed when I get off my routine. I need a good workout lol.
  • Cerealsensei
    Cerealsensei Posts: 1,625 Member
    I confess tonight has been awfully boring for me. I need to wash some clothes but I don't feel like doing anything. I think I'm gonna go eat a taco
  • jamcdonel
    jamcdonel Posts: 533 Member
    Gimsteinn wrote: »
    I confess I'm nervous and just about to drop out of the open.. I know I'm not good enough for regonals yet, heck I've only been doing this for 3 months.
    I know I'm not the strongest.
    I know I'm not the fastest
    And I know I only just did my first box jumps 50 cm yesterday so I'm slower than most..

    But I don't want to have the lowest ranking score in the world....
    So tonight I'm falling on my knees and asking my gods and all the good creatures out there to give me strength to perform as well as I can tomorrow.

    The biggest competition is between your ears, and watches you brush your teeth every morning. So go tomorrow and kick her squarely in the *kitten*.
  • Xvapor
    Xvapor Posts: 1,643 Member
    I have hard time maintaining and as much as It allows me to over indulge sometimes it can be a headache and frustrating
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    I confess this beer tastes Great!
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I confess I was a little irritated at my husband for ignoring me for sports so I spent money on something that I hope he won't be able to ignore. (Beware angry women with credit cards)
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Im eating chocolate :#
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I should be working, or sleeping, but I am watching TV.
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    One time at band camp
  • merrysailor88
    merrysailor88 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm probably a horrible, irresponsible parent... but it's the only thing that brings me joy.

    Kids are hearty creatures!
  • borrego6193
    borrego6193 Posts: 26 Member

    FeraFilia wrote: »
    I confess I was a little irritated at my husband for ignoring me for sports so I spent money on something that I hope he won't be able to ignore. (Beware angry women with credit cards)

    Definitely will remember this whenever I get married lmao
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Gimsteinn wrote: »
    I confess I'm nervous and just about to drop out of the open.. I know I'm not good enough for regonals yet, heck I've only been doing this for 3 months.
    I know I'm not the strongest.
    I know I'm not the fastest
    And I know I only just did my first box jumps 50 cm yesterday so I'm slower than most..

    But I don't want to have the lowest ranking score in the world....
    So tonight I'm falling on my knees and asking my gods and all the good creatures out there to give me strength to perform as well as I can tomorrow.

    Do it for yourself. Those people you think are the best could have a bad day. A true Competitor does it for the learning experience and for a more internal victory. A win doesn't have to be a gold medal...a win is doing your best.

    Just do it. You'll surprise yourself I bet
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    tjiddy wrote: »
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    tjiddy wrote: »
    Xvapor wrote: »
    I confess most people think I'm a douche and that bothers me

    Why is that? If it bothers you, do something about it.

    You are just full of awesome this week

    Full of myself

    Um I said something in my mind I won't share here. haha
    But ya whatever
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    Gimsteinn wrote: »
    I confess I'm nervous and just about to drop out of the open.. I know I'm not good enough for regonals yet, heck I've only been doing this for 3 months.
    I know I'm not the strongest.
    I know I'm not the fastest
    And I know I only just did my first box jumps 50 cm yesterday so I'm slower than most..

    But I don't want to have the lowest ranking score in the world....
    So tonight I'm falling on my knees and asking my gods and all the good creatures out there to give me strength to perform as well as I can tomorrow.

    Do it for yourself. Those people you think are the best could have a bad day. A true Competitor does it for the learning experience and for a more internal victory. A win doesn't have to be a gold medal...a win is doing your best.

    Just do it. You'll surprise yourself I bet

    Btw this comes from one of the most competitive people on earth. So....take my as I'd do haha