True Confessions - Don't Judge



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    i confess no one here knows what a confession is

    Dominus noster Jesus Christus te absolvat; et ego auctoritate ipsius te absolvo ab omni vinculo excommunicationis (suspensionis) et interdicti in quantum possum et tu indiges. [making the Sign of the Cross:] Deinde, ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

    You're welcome.

    I confess that I understood every word of this!!! Oh, and AMEN!

    For the record, I haven't been to Latin mass in more than 20 years. So while I know what it says, I couldn't say it from memory or such.

    Thank you Google.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    I confess the term "soul mate" makes me cringe.

    Same here.

    I can work with: kindred spirit

    .... but soul mate sounds too contrived
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I confess I have never liked pickles, any variety... I think they are gross. Texture thing.

    Cucumbers, though...
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    FeraFilia wrote: »
    I confess I have never liked pickles, any variety... I think they are gross. Texture thing.

    Cucumbers, though...

    I am the, opposite!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @motorsheen I wish, the stuff she needs is for a warranty, plus the boss doesn't want me to give her any info.
  • Thehardmakesitworthit
    Thehardmakesitworthit Posts: 838 Member
    I confess I have been at work since 8 AM and not done a dang thing. WHat is wrong with me???? UGGGHHH Monday is going to be brutal if I don't snap out of this....
  • tmanfromtexas
    tmanfromtexas Posts: 928 Member
    FeraFilia wrote: »
    I confess I have never liked pickles, any variety... I think they are gross. Texture thing.

    Cucumbers, though...

    I was in a biker bar not to long ago with a buddy for dinner. I told the bartender that i didnt want any cucumbers on my salad. She said oh I like cucumbers. I told her that cucumbers were only good for one thing. She looked at me, my buddy looked at me like WTF we are getting thrown out, hell even the cook came from the back ready to start some shyte. I said, they are awesome for making pickles. She turned beet red, my buddy exhaled slowly and the cook smiled. I looked at all three of them and said, I like the way you all think. LOL. True story.
  • BedsideTableKangaroo
    BedsideTableKangaroo Posts: 736 Member
    FeraFilia wrote: »
    I confess I have never liked pickles, any variety... I think they are gross. Texture thing.

    Cucumbers, though...

    I was in a biker bar not to long ago with a buddy for dinner. I told the bartender that i didnt want any cucumbers on my salad. She said oh I like cucumbers. I told her that cucumbers were only good for one thing. She looked at me, my buddy looked at me like WTF we are getting thrown out, hell even the cook came from the back ready to start some shyte. I said, they are awesome for making pickles. She turned beet red, my buddy exhaled slowly and the cook smiled. I looked at all three of them and said, I like the way you all think. LOL. True story.

    true confession - i'm stealing this.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    FeraFilia wrote: »
    I confess I have never liked pickles, any variety... I think they are gross. Texture thing.

    Cucumbers, though...

    I was in a biker bar not to long ago with a buddy for dinner. I told the bartender that i didnt want any cucumbers on my salad. She said oh I like cucumbers. I told her that cucumbers were only good for one thing. She looked at me, my buddy looked at me like WTF we are getting thrown out, hell even the cook came from the back ready to start some shyte. I said, they are awesome for making pickles. She turned beet red, my buddy exhaled slowly and the cook smiled. I looked at all three of them and said, I like the way you all think. LOL. True story.

    Apparently cucumbers are also good for scaring cats.

    I like them sliced thin and added to sandwiches instead of pickles. I like the crunch.
  • werobins2
    werobins2 Posts: 254 Member
    come ladies really do the cucumber thing? I mean, I am not mad at ya if you do...but does it really happen?
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    edited March 2017
    werobins2 wrote: »
    come ladies really do the cucumber thing? I mean, I am not mad at ya if you do...but does it really happen?

    What like make pickles? There is nothing more satisfying than making your own pickles or preserves and it's hard getting them perfect
  • werobins2
    werobins2 Posts: 254 Member
    oh are so playful
  • fupthesides
    fupthesides Posts: 71 Member
    I confess...
    -I feel like a failure as a mom because my son is behaving like a devil at school.
    -I want people to notice my weight loss but I don't because I don't want attention on my weight.
    -Right now I want to cry until I fall asleep.
    -I am still hung up on my ex that I left 2 years ago because I thought he was my forever person. (He isn't)
    -I am so proud of how far I have come but I am afraid to hope for more success.
    -I am excited to try Zumba on Monday but I am afraid it will be beyond my limits.
    -I am down but not out and I don't quite know how to feel about it.
  • BedsideTableKangaroo
    BedsideTableKangaroo Posts: 736 Member
    werobins2 wrote: »
    come ladies really do the cucumber thing? I mean, I am not mad at ya if you do...but does it really happen?

    why is it only ladies can enjoy cucumbers?
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    werobins2 wrote: »
    come ladies really do the cucumber thing? I mean, I am not mad at ya if you do...but does it really happen?

    I intend to buy cucumbers when I go to the grocery store later. I will use them on sandwiches.

    And possibly to scare my cats.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I confess...
    -I feel like a failure as a mom because my son is behaving like a devil at school.
    -I want people to notice my weight loss but I don't because I don't want attention on my weight.
    -Right now I want to cry until I fall asleep.
    -I am still hung up on my ex that I left 2 years ago because I thought he was my forever person. (He isn't)
    -I am so proud of how far I have come but I am afraid to hope for more success.
    -I am excited to try Zumba on Monday but I am afraid it will be beyond my limits.
    -I am down but not out and I don't quite know how to feel about it.

    I think all moms go through feelings of failure when their children misbehave. My kid is only a toddler and I feel like I can't get this mom thing right because he doesn't listen when I say "no" half the time. Doesn't make it true, at all.

    I am right there with you on wanting people to notice, but also not wanting people to notice the weight loss. I don't like the attention, either... and the praise makes me feel like I haven't done enough to earn it. Hopefully you take pictures and measurements other than the scale so YOU notice, because that's the most important thing.

    Sometimes a cry is good for you!

    Broken hearts can take a long time to mend. I still get twinges sometimes when the guy I thought was my forever person crosses my mind... and we broke up over 8 years ago, and have since gotten married to people much better suited to us. You'll get there, especially since you are aware that he is not the forever person you wanted him to be.

    Be proud of yourself! It's a long road to walk, and however far you've come is something to be proud of, especially since you haven't given up and turned around.

    Kudos to you for trying new things! You will rock that Zumba class, and you will go back for more, because you are excited about it and it will be fun.

    Knowing you are not out is sometimes enough to help you get back up again. Keep pushing!
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I confess...
    -I feel like a failure as a mom because my son is behaving like a devil at school.
    -I want people to notice my weight loss but I don't because I don't want attention on my weight.
    -Right now I want to cry until I fall asleep.
    -I am still hung up on my ex that I left 2 years ago because I thought he was my forever person. (He isn't)
    -I am so proud of how far I have come but I am afraid to hope for more success.
    -I am excited to try Zumba on Monday but I am afraid it will be beyond my limits.
    -I am down but not out and I don't quite know how to feel about it.

    awwww been there with the devil child. Have you thought of having him tested for things? We had to go that route and at least now we know why he is a devil child at school and try to help him through i.

    yay for Zumba everyone has to start somewhere go and enjoy the class
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    cucumber sandwiches are the best. I do that with cucumbers I confess