Tried the Peep Cleanse



  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    You people...


    There's so much woo out there about the The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM) that I'm not surprised you're all wrong to some degree. No worries, though. I'll sort you all out. Just buy my three-part series of books:
    1. The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM): Peeping For n00bs - Everything I Needed To Know About Peep Cleanses I Learned In Kindergarten; A Study In Childhood Obesity - $39.99
    2. The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM): Stage 2 Peepery or Seeing My Soul Through 10,000 Carnauba Wax Eyes - $45.99
    3. The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM): Mastering the Master Cleanse In 12 Easy Steps; How I Beat My Sugar Addiction Using Monoglucosaccharides - $74.99

    All titles are available through Amazon and other fine retailers.

    Do you have a buy-all-3 deal?

  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    You people...


    There's so much woo out there about the The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM) that I'm not surprised you're all wrong to some degree. No worries, though. I'll sort you all out. Just buy my three-part series of books:
    1. The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM): Peeping For n00bs - Everything I Needed To Know About Peep Cleanses I Learned In Kindergarten; A Study In Childhood Obesity - $39.99
    2. The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM): Stage 2 Peepery or Seeing My Soul Through 10,000 Carnauba Wax Eyes - $45.99
    3. The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM): Mastering the Master Cleanse In 12 Easy Steps; How I Beat My Sugar Addiction Using Monoglucosaccharides - $74.99

    All titles are available through Amazon and other fine retailers.

    Do you have a buy-all-3 deal?

    You can get a deal on all 3 for only $159.99! Thanks for asking!
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    trina1049 wrote: »
    The NEW Whole 29 Peep Diet includes work out DVDs with colorful containers for your peeps. And the Diet (developed by a team of un-professionals) is yours for only $129.99. That's 3 easy payments of only $43.33! Sample packets are free, all natural, 100% organic peeps. So why pay more? Aren't you worth it? Does the Master Peep Cleanse offer you all this? Call 1-800-Whole 29 Peeps today.

    Smeh, who needs Dr. Oz? We have a team of coaches standing by to get you on the road to health.


    Oh *kitten*, this is like, the second time Jesus had to be called in!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    trina1049 wrote: »
    The NEW Whole 29 Peep Diet includes work out DVDs with colorful containers for your peeps. And the Diet (developed by a team of un-professionals) is yours for only $129.99. That's 3 easy payments of only $43.33! Sample packets are free, all natural, 100% organic peeps. So why pay more? Aren't you worth it? Does the Master Peep Cleanse offer you all this? Call 1-800-Whole 29 Peeps today.

    Smeh, who needs Dr. Oz? We have a team of coaches standing by to get you on the road to health.


    Oh *kitten*, this is like, the second time Jesus had to be called in!

    Do you think it works like "Beetlejuice?" Have we really just not seen the second coming because no one has invoked his image 3x in the same MFP thread?
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Hey guys, can I eat my Peeps in Sushi form?

    Ya know, for the protein, and because eastern food seems oddly mythical to westerners and I can probably assume it aligns my Chi or some such thing?
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    trina1049 wrote: »
    The NEW Whole 29 Peep Diet includes work out DVDs with colorful containers for your peeps. And the Diet (developed by a team of un-professionals) is yours for only $129.99. That's 3 easy payments of only $43.33! Sample packets are free, all natural, 100% organic peeps. So why pay more? Aren't you worth it? Does the Master Peep Cleanse offer you all this? Call 1-800-Whole 29 Peeps today.

    Smeh, who needs Dr. Oz? We have a team of coaches standing by to get you on the road to health.


    Oh *kitten*, this is like, the second time Jesus had to be called in!

    Do you think it works like "Beetlejuice?" Have we really just not seen the second coming because no one has invoked his image 3x in the same MFP thread?

    Well if that's the case I'm ducked.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    trina1049 wrote: »
    The NEW Whole 30 Peep Diet includes work out DVDs with colorful containers for your peeps. And the Diet (developed by a team of un-professionals) is yours for only $129.99. That's 3 easy payments of only $43.33! Sample packets are free, all natural, 100% organic peeps. So why pay more? Aren't you worth it? Does the Master Peep Cleanse offer you all this? Call 1-800-Whole 30 Peeps today.

    You and your "team of un-professionals" can expect a C&D letter from my attorneys any day now. The Whole 30 Peep Diet is nothing but a blatant rip-off of my trademarked The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM). YOU JUST MULTIPLIED THE ******* THING BY 3!!!!

    Noobz. Sheesh.
    trina1049 wrote: »
    The NEW Whole 29 Peep Diet includes work out DVDs with colorful containers for your peeps. And the Diet (developed by a team of un-professionals) is yours for only $129.99. That's 3 easy payments of only $43.33! Sample packets are free, all natural, 100% organic peeps. So why pay more? Aren't you worth it? Does the Master Peep Cleanse offer you all this? Call 1-800-Whole 29 Peeps today.

    Smeh, who needs Dr. Oz? We have a team of coaches standing by to get you on the road to health.


    Oh *kitten*, this is like, the second time Jesus had to be called in!

    Do you think it works like "Beetlejuice?" Have we really just not seen the second coming because no one has invoked his image 3x in the same MFP thread?

    DONT DO IT!!!! I still have so much bacon to eat.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    trina1049 wrote: »
    The NEW Whole 30 Peep Diet includes work out DVDs with colorful containers for your peeps. And the Diet (developed by a team of un-professionals) is yours for only $129.99. That's 3 easy payments of only $43.33! Sample packets are free, all natural, 100% organic peeps. So why pay more? Aren't you worth it? Does the Master Peep Cleanse offer you all this? Call 1-800-Whole 30 Peeps today.

    You and your "team of un-professionals" can expect a C&D letter from my attorneys any day now. The Whole 30 Peep Diet is nothing but a blatant rip-off of my trademarked The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM). YOU JUST MULTIPLIED THE ******* THING BY 3!!!!

    Noobz. Sheesh.
    trina1049 wrote: »
    The NEW Whole 29 Peep Diet includes work out DVDs with colorful containers for your peeps. And the Diet (developed by a team of un-professionals) is yours for only $129.99. That's 3 easy payments of only $43.33! Sample packets are free, all natural, 100% organic peeps. So why pay more? Aren't you worth it? Does the Master Peep Cleanse offer you all this? Call 1-800-Whole 29 Peeps today.

    Smeh, who needs Dr. Oz? We have a team of coaches standing by to get you on the road to health.


    Oh *kitten*, this is like, the second time Jesus had to be called in!

    Do you think it works like "Beetlejuice?" Have we really just not seen the second coming because no one has invoked his image 3x in the same MFP thread?

    DONT DO IT!!!! I still have so much bacon to eat.

    Best anti-rapture reason ever!
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Apparently he has created a new Peep Juice Cleanse (TM, obviously not my TM). It's a little more expensive than the original but is a great kickstart, and provides a much needed liquid buzz to keep you motivated:


    By Jove I think she has it! You need to kick start your metabolism!

    But isn't it wrong to kick a thing when it's down?

    But it's your metabolism, so you are allowed to kick it as much as you want. You wouldn't be allowed to kick someone else's metabolism. That's crossing the line!
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Apparently he has created a new Peep Juice Cleanse (TM, obviously not my TM). It's a little more expensive than the original but is a great kickstart, and provides a much needed liquid buzz to keep you motivated:


    By Jove I think she has it! You need to kick start your metabolism!

    Yes, that looks right. You leave it in the sun for 3 days so the sun can vibrate the peeps quantum molecules into the proper alignment right?

    Yes but you must introduce the liquid to the peeps under a 1/4 moon at exactly 11:23 pm after hopping in three complete circles, clockwise, with an exactly 2.15 foot radius. The circles must be completed in exactly 4.27 seconds each.

    ETA: that's hopping on the right foot, and the distance measure from the central part of your arch.

    Edited, for spelling :frowning:

    Are you sure it is on the right foot?
    Thought it was left and about 11 hops at the time repeating this at an interval of 5 times?


    It absolutely has to be the right foot and clockwise. Although I hear that it works better if you can get exactly 11 hops into each circle. I find the fourth and fifth rotations are unnecessary and a bit dangerous, especially if you are sampling from the juice bottle before it is introduced to the peep jar. :laugh:

    No no no. It's the right foot only if you're looking in a mirror.

  • Annaleighmarie
    Annaleighmarie Posts: 200 Member
    edited August 2015

    Kitty says you are all doing it wrong! He says that you have to make sure his food bowl stays full ,and his litter box must stay clean and you must come to him and pet him on his command! If you follow these instructions ,according to Kitty it will work!
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member

    Kitty says you are all doing it wrong! He says that you have to make sure his food bowl stays full ,and his litter box must stay clean and you must come to him and pet him on his command! If you follow these instructions ,according to Kitty it will work!

    I knew I hated cats for a reason.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    edited August 2015
    Where do I send my credit card number? Should I just post it here?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    You people...


    There's so much woo out there about the The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM) that I'm not surprised you're all wrong to some degree. No worries, though. I'll sort you all out. Just buy my three-part series of books:
    1. The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM): Peeping For n00bs - Everything I Needed To Know About Peep Cleanses I Learned In Kindergarten; A Study In Childhood Obesity - $39.99
    2. The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM): Stage 2 Peepery or Seeing My Soul Through 10,000 Carnauba Wax Eyes - $45.99
    3. The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM): Mastering the Master Cleanse In 12 Easy Steps; How I Beat My Sugar Addiction Using Monoglucosaccharides - $74.99

    All titles are available through Amazon and other fine retailers.

    This all seems so commercialized. I fear you have sold out. Do you even PeepCleanse (TM), brah?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    I need help

    I am doing the whole new peeps thingy, but my husband dont support me.
    He eats all he wants...and all the peeps through each other, no matter what colour they are.

    and now i gained 0.2 lbs :(


    Be gentle, no mean people posting please. I have a really hard time to keep my peeps together. Thank you

    This calls for drastic measures! Be sure to excessively exercise today, and don't forget the green tea raspberry ketones!

    do i take the peeps with me?? or leave them at home?
    And are they allowed in the "no judgement" zone of the gym?

    Every gym has a no judgement zone where nobody peeps in.


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    I need help

    I am doing the whole new peeps thingy, but my husband dont support me.
    He eats all he wants...and all the peeps through each other, no matter what colour they are.

    and now i gained 0.2 lbs :(


    Be gentle, no mean people posting please. I have a really hard time to keep my peeps together. Thank you

    Just break up.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Kitty says you are all doing it wrong! He says that you have to make sure his food bowl stays full ,and his litter box must stay clean and you must come to him and pet him on his command! If you follow these instructions ,according to Kitty it will work!

    And, in my house, the kitties are always right.

  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member

    Kitty says you are all doing it wrong! He says that you have to make sure his food bowl stays full ,and his litter box must stay clean and you must come to him and pet him on his command! If you follow these instructions ,according to Kitty it will work!

    Crap, I was hoping to escape my feline overlords. :frowning:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    Where do I send my credit card number? Should I just post it here?

    Yeah....yeah, I'm Master Peep's assistant. Please post it here, and don't forget the name on the card, the expiration date, and the 3 digit code on the back of the card. We'll take really good care of you!

    Oh, and please, everybody, don't forget to post your credit card information here as well. Ya know, we're just keeping a running database to save on the work because so many orders are coming in that we can't keep up!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Break up from this guy???

    nevaaaa evaaa

    bad advice!
    you are a troll
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    Break up from this guy???

    nevaaaa evaaa

    bad advice!
    you are a troll

    I can certainly see why you would want to hang onto him! Perhaps he needs something to keep him busy and keep him away from your peeps.
