

  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    So I was doing good this week. I even ate a greek salad when my fam ate pizza! Yesterday bc we had chick fila the night before and I had a sandwich on a lowcarb day but it was my only carb that day (pretty good for me). Today we had to go to a buffet bc family was in town and ill say I am pretty damn proud! Buffets and I are still touchy. But I ate a very large salad. 1 roll and very smal portion of meat and veg and 1 small pc cake and 1 mini pie. (I usually 5 brownies 3 slice cake, fudfe, pie) I managed it excellent and inspired others to eat salad:)

    That's awesome!! Having a salad when everyone else is having pizza is sooooo hard haha! And way to go on keeping things light at a buffet :smile:
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    tiffkittyw wrote: »
    Hi everyone, this week I've been eating off plan, but still less than my TDEE in order to add sodium (water weight) for this mornings weigh in. Today is day 1 of the 8 week weight loss contest at work. It was scary to see such a high number this morning (I also drank 3 bottles of water and a big breakfast before weighing in),but I know the large number on the scale was not actual weight so it will be interesting to see what my actual weight is on Saturday. I am going to have low carb days Thursday and Friday to try and flush out the water. Hopefully eating more for 2 days won't hurt my results too much.

    Tiffany- is there a prize for your weight loss contest at work? That's so fun! We did something similar at my work a few years ago and I "participated" but just wasn't motivated enough to actually try that time. I wish they'd do it again now that I'm more dedicated.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    When I ordered my Chris Powell books on Amazon I also recieved the carb cycling (The recipe and diet book) by Jesse Morgan ....I highly recommend this book ...she talks about setting up an account on MFP and she tells you how to set up your percentage for carbs , fats and protein ...Great book and yummy recipes
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member

    Well I kind of use it as a way to get more fats in, helps me go potty, and I use it for intermittent fadting in the mornin. its something very quick I can do wgen I can't always eat within 30 min of waking. I find it is helping me greatly:) I do it in a blender tho so it get a nice cream on top its yummy

    I might try it someday since I never eat within 30 minutes of waking because I work out as soon as I wake up and eat later.
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    So I was doing good this week. I even ate a greek salad when my fam ate pizza! Yesterday bc we had chick fila the night before and I had a sandwich on a lowcarb day but it was my only carb that day (pretty good for me). Today we had to go to a buffet bc family was in town and ill say I am pretty damn proud! Buffets and I are still touchy. But I ate a very large salad. 1 roll and very smal portion of meat and veg and 1 small pc cake and 1 mini pie. (I usually 5 brownies 3 slice cake, fudfe, pie) I managed it excellent and inspired others to eat salad:)

    That's awesome! I don't have as much willpower so I have to limit eating out to once a week.

  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    edited September 2015
    So I was doing good this week. I even ate a greek salad when my fam ate pizza! Yesterday bc we had chick fila the night before and I had a sandwich on a lowcarb day but it was my only carb that day (pretty good for me). Today we had to go to a buffet bc family was in town and ill say I am pretty damn proud! Buffets and I are still touchy. But I ate a very large salad. 1 roll and very smal portion of meat and veg and 1 small pc cake and 1 mini pie. (I usually 5 brownies 3 slice cake, fudfe, pie) I managed it excellent and inspired others to eat salad:)

    That's awesome! I don't have as much willpower so I have to limit eating out to once a week.

  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member

    Tiffany- is there a prize for your weight loss contest at work? That's so fun! We did something similar at my work a few years ago and I "participated" but just wasn't motivated enough to actually try that time. I wish they'd do it again now that I'm more dedicated.

    Yes, first place will win $648.00 and second place will win $72.00. We have 18 people here participating.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Tiffany - that 648 will go along way towards Christmas gifts !!! Good luck and let us know if there is anything we can do from here to help you !!!!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Megan - the book sounds great, will have to look into it !!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Angel. I agree with the others - your willpower is amazing ! Keep it up !
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    Tiffany - that 648 will go along way towards Christmas gifts !!! Good luck and let us know if there is anything we can do from here to help you !!!!

    Thanks for the support!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    DB - so what did you take away from this article ? I agree with the author when he says a good diet is what one will stick to...( paraphrasing it ).
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    How's everyone doing on their monthly goals ??? I've got to say I'm seeing some small changes in my upper body. My workout shirt is fitting differently ...and in a good way !!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    Well at 17 days into my program I haven't noticed any changes in how my clothes fit. I will hang in there though. I know it takes time.
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    DB - so what did you take away from this article ? I agree with the author when he says a good diet is what one will stick to...( paraphrasing it ).

    The bottom line is he's pushing/selling his own product so he's going to try sway you towards what he's selling. While carb cycling won't get you shredded or make you look like a body builder it is a viable option for weight loss. Ultimately you have to find what works best for you and then stick with it. My reason for carb cycling is trying to get rid of this last 30 lbs ive been carrying for the past two years. I've been doing the 40,40,20 split most of that time and it hasn't gotten me any results. Cycling will offer food flexibilty that other eating plans don't. As far as counting calories....I will always have to do that because I am a habitual over eater.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    DB. I totally agree with all points... I too have to watch the calories as well... It's so easy to overeat. I thought it was rather comical that the author posted his ripped pics at the end .... A little self promotion for sure.

    I'm carb cycling because of its flexibility and hoping to take off a lot of pounds in the first several months...I know it can be harder to take off as we better closer to our goals....
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Tiffany.... Everyone is different, but for me, I can go week by week and not see anything, then all of a sudden - Boom! my pants are baggy. Stay true to your program, results are right around the corner.
  • Db8688
    Db8688 Posts: 186 Member
    tiffkittyw wrote: »
    Well at 17 days into my program I haven't noticed any changes in how my clothes fit. I will hang in there though. I know it takes time.

    The Choose to Lose book mentiobs that some people may not see results for weeks. Keep eating on plan. If you see absolutely no results in inches or lbs after 30 days then we can all help you try to troubleshoot and tweak the plan so that it works for you. The main thing is don't give up!