

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Heather ... Remember your blood pressure medication! Even though you're on s low dose .... Not a good idea to just stop or miss too many.

    Kim ... Your prices are higher than mine, but mine are climbing also. Eggs, dairy, meat ... Pretty much all across the board.

    I hate waste too and freeze little bits of this and that... My family thinks I'm nuts... But it works and I'm rarely out of something like a tablespoon of tomato paste or buttermilk.

    Managed to lose weight last week even with a couple days of very poor choices. Back to my plan today.

    Have a great day.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did an hour of an extreme pilates DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some yoga, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Mary - I use a spring form pan. Maybe my question wasn't worded just right. After you release the sides of the pan, I'm having the hardest time getting the cheesecake from the bottom of the pan to a plate without the cake breaking. I think one time I tried lining the bottow with parchment paper, but then there was the problem of getting the parchment paper off the cheesecake. Can you turn a cheesecake upside down? I didn't think you could! That would certainly be much better. I know some recipes call for you to put some crumbs on the top of the cheesecake so that they bake into the cake. You really couldn't put them on after you bake the cake. Is the cardboard needed for something special?? I would think that you could just turn the cake upside down, peel off the parchment paper, put the plate on the underside of the cake, and then flip that over.

    katla - I'm so happy for you that you are enjoying your riding lessons so very much. I always say, if they want to clear out a church in record time...have me sing in the choir

    Irish Terri - I had so much fun when I had to dress up for my Murder Mystery, and I bet you did, too.

    Heather - thanks for reminding me that we change our clocks next week. There's one store around here that carries workout tops that I like. They are a blend of cotton and spandex, most are a blend of poly and spandex. The cotton/spandex ones breathe so much better. I like ones with a print on them, but I think I may be to go with a solid colored one since that's all that seems to be made.

    Lisa - your graddaughter's father has his work cut out for him. When she gets older, she's going to be a boy-killer.

    ohkpet - welcome!

    Gloria - Arizona (I believe it is) and Hawaii don't change their clocks at all! Did you know that?

    kimses - it always seems that when I stay up late at night, I invariably go over on my calories for the day. Hope you get a swim in

    DJ - I tried that crustless spinach/feta pie mainly because Heaather mentioned it so often and am I ever glad I did. Now I make one for myself, only I cut it into smaller portions and sometimes use that as one of my veges. I make my cheesecake in a springform cake pan. We had it today, the flavor was good but it was a bit on the messy side. My guess is because I used the 1/3 less fat cheese and not the high fat cheese that the recipe called for. I wonder....whenever I'm using the 1/3 less fat, maybe to give the cheesecake "body" I can just add some unflavored gelatin. Has anyone else used it? What were your results? I spray the side and bottom of the cake for pan with non-stick spray. What I am going to try to do the next time is put parchment paper on the bottom of the pan and spray the sides. Before I release the sides, I run a knife around the edge to be sure that it's not going to stick to the sides. I'm going to try turning the cake upside down after its baked, taking the parchment paper off, and then flipping it onto the plate. You should see the workout bra that I have that I wear when I'm working out at home! It WAS white at one time, now it's gray. Literally

    magicsd - welcome!

    katla - I don't do well under stress. Not at all.

    Alison - how do you cook your chicken? Do you use one of those bags and put it in the oven?

    pip - kirby was and is a cutie patootie. Could you please give an explanation of your abbreviations when you post your stats? What is ahr? mph I know is miles per hour.

    Watched the first 3 episodes of Downtown Abbey today. Tomorrow after exercise will come home and then senior bowling then ceramics at night and I'll leave early to go to mahjongg.

    Looks like I totally forgot to post last night. Oh well.

    Today did about 15 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 45 sec then will take the extremepump class. We'll leave early for bowling today and stop at CVS so I can get the bottle of soda then after bowling vince wants to stop at WalMart to get (shiver) the Halloween candy. Like previous years, I'll keep it tied up in the bag in my pantry, then Halloween I'll make a big bowl of air popped popcorn.

    Kim - I hope you find your credit card. Is it in the house or did you lose it outside the house. If it's in the house, maybe it's in a drawer?

    bialetti - welcome! Some German food is absolutely delish.

    Gloria - prayers and good thoughts for your grandson. Great for your instincts. So many times we need to listen more to them

    Kim - prices around here are high for things like eggs and butter, but not like you! I've frozen asparagus. Personally (and this is just me) I don't care for it frozen. To me, it had a different texture. You do see asparagus in the frozen food section, Mary's right, blanch it first

    Beth - I'm the same way, make a meal then freeze it into invidivdual portions. I hate throwing food away which is part of my problem

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    :heart: Margaret
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,397 Member
    Gloria - prayers toward little Alexander for a good outcome!
    Kim - I'm in so Calif and cheapest eggs are at 99cent store for 2.99/doz. Got so fed up bought some chicks (one turned out to be a rooster so got rid of him) and they are going into 6 months old now and hoping they will start laying soon.

    We've been trying to prepare for the predicted el nino - cleaning gutters, putting stuff where rooflines connect and it leaked and going to wrapup the ac, vents soon.

    My 10k time has improved to 1.14 which is probably a fast walk for some but 15 min faster than last year. I'm getting better! :smile:

    Linda in Calif
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Frosty morning :) DIL and DGD coming over to visit. Supposed to be nice today so we will be outside for a bit. Great - I need some outdoor time as I spent the weekend at the scrapbooking retreat.

    Someone talked about the prices of food going up. Here in our area too... when I asked at the store they said - oh it is because of the difference in the Canadian dollar vs the US dollar. so not sure why the prices are going up in the US. Oh well ... I grow lots of my own vegetables and DH hunts so that puts the meat on the table. Thank goodness ... a small roast - 3 -4 lbs, is $22.00 .

    Best get ready for the company and get lunch ready for the work crew.

    Have a great day everyone

    in West Central Saskatchewan
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Today was a relaxing day that featured a fire in the fireplace, laundry, TV, and a delivery to Project Linus of three blankets that I knit...shared the dog walking with hubby and rode the exercise bike for awhile

    Sounds like a wonderful day. I'm interested in Project Linus. I love to crochet and my husband wonders who I could possibly be making another afghan for as we have so many. Would love to make them to donate.

    Cheri in brrrr, chilly NE Ohio
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,340 Member
    edited October 2015
    Done my writing for the day. Writing about freezing cold bedrooms and hot water bottles when I was a child. :o

    My wifi stick is coming today, but we will be out I think. It should go through the letterbox.

    I've put my face on today for going to the shops. It always makes me feel much better so I don't know why I don't do it more often. I put it on every day on holiday and love that, so I think it's just a time factor as my mornings are very busy. I often don't go out of the house for days so only I and DH are seeing me. :D It is good for my mood though.

    Love Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I haven't been posting much but I do have to respond about the asparagus! When I lived in Idaho, it grew wild along the fence lines and ditches. I could easily pick a couple of bushels just walking down the lane behind our house! So I have a hard time paying for it! I really should grow it in my yard- it is really easy to grow. And I did blanch and freeze it. It wasn't as good as fresh, but it was FREE! We subsisted on a lot of my home grown and canned vegetables, fruits and jams. I stopped doing all that when I left Idaho and moved to Iowa City. Then it was just me so not worth the effort to grow everything. But I really am thinking that with two girls now I should start a huge vegetable/ fruit garden again!

    I am reading everyone's posts and love hearing about successes and mourn for your losses. I just am starting to isolate with my seasonal depression. I don't feel "sad" with my depression, but struggle with isolating myself, and not having motivation or energy. I was FOUR when I had my first episode of depression, so I have been living with this condition for 53 years. It gets frustrating at times.

    This afternoon I have to do the hard responsible pet owner thing- have a cat euthanized. She is my three legged cat. She was thrown from a moving vehicle as a kitten, found alongside the road with a dislocated back leg and covered in fleas. Her leg was removed after she had been treated for fleas and worms and fattened up a bit. The circulation had been cut off so it was dead. She has developed breathing problems over the last 6 months or so, and it has progressed to the point that she is no longer enjoying life (probably cancer). It breaks my heart. She had a good life, though, after she was rescued. Ten years of health, happiness, and love. And she was very assertive about getting love. She would hippity hop over to ANYONE who walked in the door, and pat their leg until they pet her. If they didn't respond quickly, she would use her claws to pat the leg, "HEY YOU, I am here waiting to be worshipped!"
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    DJ - if you are the one who posted the spinach cheesecake/quiche - could you report it? I only check for today's posts ... find I get too aggravated to read and try to post; because 'if' I go back a day - it gets erased for some reason.

    Lisa - the wedding gown was beautiful ... it must have been a very deep emerald green because on my laptop it showed up as being 'black'. But, it was a beautiful dress no matter what color it was or seems to be.

    DamitJanit - She was locked in her crate a good bit on Saturday (probably when she soiled the crate) - or she might have soiled the puppy pad I always put in it; then, on Sunday she might have messed in the crate on the actual floor. DH went hunting with DOS and a friend. I washed it out and then sprayed it with some of his 'scent-free spray' and then put a new puppy pad inside. I was a little 'miffed' with him about it because it did make her smell bad. Since I can not bathe her until after she gets her stitches out, after taking her to the vet; I am takin her to Pet Smart to have her bathed and get the rest of my money back that I will be due when I take the stuff I bought that I really did not need. I'll ask the vet what type of food I should buy for her. I need to get the ingredients off the bag that I bought for her; but, regardless, I will have to use it up before buying her anything else. Lots of questions to ask the vet about her in general. She was 'very' happy to see me come home. She does her number out in the yard with no problem and has only had a couple of accidents in the house, when we first brought her home. I was a little upset with DH about it; but, she 'is' my dog, so he expects for me to clean up after her. Get's her stitches take out today; so I might take her by Pet Smart after I take her to the vet to have her washed; and get something from them that is good to bathe her in. I give her 2 pieces of her regular food if she gets into her 'bed' that is by my chair in the den; milk bones when she goes outside and does her job whether it is one or the other or both; and then a yogurt treat to get her into her crate. Last night I did not have to entice her or grab her and drag her into it, so I am making progress.

    Yes - to whoever posted about the Women's Retreat, the hardest thing is to 'forgive' myself; and I know that those that I asked to be forgiven because of my 'judgmental' actions won't change overnight until God 'speaks' to them about it; and, that might be a lot longer than I would want it to be. It is still 'difficult' to hear DH making 'judgmental' comments because DOS has complained to him about something that DDnL has done or said. He is always saying that DOS should 'grow a set' and tell her 'this or that' is NOT going to continue; but, I don't think you can correct or change the 'spots on a cat' just because you get mad about it. I knew if I was going to 'forgive' my feelings towards my DDnL; I had to do the same for my DOS and DH. That was the hardest thing, other than to do it for myself. Thought it was my feelings about her being 'divisive' because of the things I hear from DH; and it still might be. But, at least I am forgiven for how I feel about her and my judgment is something I will have to work on myself so that I won't feel bitter about all of them. If I agree or not - maybe I just need to say nothing and turn it all over to God and hope that he will show me what I need to do on my part, without being 'preachy'. . She does have a 'good' heart; but, she also is naïve when it comes to taking on things that she really can't afford. Such as NOT accepting money for gas from her friends and using money she had been given for things that had been paid for and buying a $50 blouse to wear there. Maybe she needed it, she is bigger than I've ever seen her. I think she has given up on losing weight and she'd only get mad if I made any suggestions about 'how she could possibly lose it' without having to go to a MD to do so. She could buy Ensure or Boost and Protein bars and probably get the same results that I am. I just need to know that I am working my 'plan' and that the MD is who 'ordered' me to, at least, give it a try. DH estimates that she easily weight 280lbs; and just a few months ago, his number was around 240lbs. It is almost like she no longer cares, and because there is not a 'magic' pill she can take that will make her thin overnight or, at least, by the end of the week. She's been putting on this weight for at least nearly 10 years when she was pregnant with our DYGD; and, maybe before when she was pregnant with our DMGD (I just don't remember that). When she was pregnant with our DMGD - we were living with them and I don't even remember her being pregnant with either of them. Only remember her giving birth to them. My short-term memory 'suxs' to say the least. But, I am happy that I have good 'long-term' memories.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    Michelle-the cardboard is so that the cake is stabilized and won't crack and break when you turn it upside down. Use the parchment paper on the bottom only if you have had trouble with it coming off of the pan bottom. Those tips are from my husband that has been in the food service business for 40 years. He also ran a bakery out of his restaurant.

    Morning ladies! Today I will be doing my strong lift 5X5. Then I am going to do some work around the house. There is an awful lot for me to do.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good Morning! I've been busy this morning already. I took the little ones to school, went to the studio and loaded the kiln, then went to walk with my friend. Now I'm getting ready to go to the dentist in Joplin for a cleaning and go to Sam's club. I think I'll be able to make it back in time to pick up the kids from school.

    Gotta run! I hope you all have a great day.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: My mom used to "put her face on." Your comment brought her to mind in happier days. :bigsmile: She passed away from emphysema caused by smoking 19 years ago. :broken_heart: I loved hot water bottles as a child. We still have one and I use it when I'm sick enough that I can't stay warm. :flowerforyou:

    Miriam: I enjoyed hearing about your well loved kitty. I hope you follow through with the garden. I barely plant anything because there isn't room, but I love growing my Sweet 100 tomato and green beans. :bigsmile:

    Grits: I think you are on the right track with your daughter in law's situation. It sounds like she is not ready to do anything about her weight. As she watches you succeed, she may ask how you're managing to lose. That would be an opportunity to share your "secret for success." Even then, she may not follow through. I know I had to be ready before I tackled my weight. I knew I was "plump" for a long time but didn't care enough to take on the challenge of changing until my weight interfered with something I really wanted to do. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today! I missed almost every class last week and I am beyond ready to get in some good stretching.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • fitgranny56
    fitgranny56 Posts: 19 Member
    Always starting over. My goal for today is to stick with my calorie limit. Each day I will add another one. Eventually I will get back on track, not giving up.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    morning peeps -

    exermom = ahr average heart rate,
    mhr maximum heart rate
    too lazy to type it all out...lololol

    this morning I had to modify stuff. my usual ride to work had today off, she offered to pick me up and take me to work but I said no, I was ok. wouldn't u know it, rain was in the forecast. so instead of an hr spin, I did 1/2hr, took a quicker shower, put the rain boots and rain coat on and off I went. rain boots are NOT for walking. after 1-1/2 miles I started to feel like I was going to get a blister on my heel, so I started walking on my toes on that foot. had to take the backpack (had been using a bike messenger bag) cuz I had a lot of poop to take. it was a fun walk I must admit.

    talked to my sister last night and she registered us for the relay. I don't know I must have told her about 9000000 times that we have to be on separate teams so we can walk the 2nd leg of the relay together. what did she do? put us on the same team :0/

    kisses to all that want them
    hugs to all that need them
    strappin on the boot to all that should have them
    pats on the back to all, just because

    type to ya later.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello there! It's been ages, since August I believe. Busy gardener! Just popped in for a sec this morning to see how everyone's doing. What a busy place, such fun reading your posts.

    Miriam, I lived in Idaho quite some years ago, we harvested asparagus along the rivers, too. We have a large patch in our garden now, one of my favorite things come spring time!

    Sharing what I wrote this morning on my newsfeed:

    Monday - definitely not a sun-day, clouds & wind, blustery. Half the leaves from the walnut tree are down, creating a dappled yellow effect on the green of the back lawn. Two bright & beautiful orange pumpkins on the patio await carving into jack-o-lanterns. The ground went from tan to black after a good soak yesterday, we sure needed it! Some flowers went down but many are still standing tall - yes, it's truly fall. Raingear, thick socks, winter boots...and yesterday while out walking I almost wished I'd worn gloves. Dresser drawers need emptying of summer clothes, and besides strict calorie counting this week, this little pudgy-wudgy needs to go shop for a few new things to wear. Dogs need baths. Recipe book Stage 1 (I'm redoing my entire recipe book) getting close to complete. Stage 2 which involves fine tuning might have to wait until the remainder of herbs are dried and stored, and all of the canning equipment is put away for the year. Must defrost the freezer. Welcome this week, these last few days of lovely October.

    :smile: Joanie in the beautiful PNW

  • Bialetti62
    Bialetti62 Posts: 48 Member
    Good old-fashioned home economics, I'd say! Good for you! --Laura
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Heather ... Remember your blood pressure medication! Even though you're on s low dose .... Not a good idea to just stop or miss too many.

    Kim ... Your prices are higher than mine, but mine are climbing also. Eggs, dairy, meat ... Pretty much all across the board.

    I hate waste too and freeze little bits of this and that... My family thinks I'm nuts... But it works and I'm rarely out of something like a tablespoon of tomato paste or buttermilk.

    Managed to lose weight last week even with a couple days of very poor choices. Back to my plan today.

    Have a great day.

  • Bialetti62
    Bialetti62 Posts: 48 Member
    edited October 2015
    Prayers for your little Alexander. You've got lots of love felt for him -- right here on MFP already. Keep us in the loop, please.
    My little one year old great nephew Alexander underwent open heart surgery yesterday. He was born with a heart problem and has had a number of surgeries since he was born the first when he was just a week old. His mama knew about the problem while she was pregnant. Prayers, praises, good thoughts for him and his family would be appreciated as he recuperates. I tried to copy the picture from FB to here but no luck.


  • Bialetti62
    Bialetti62 Posts: 48 Member
    edited October 2015

    Thanks for the warm welcome ladies! There are too many of you to address individually & since I'm typing in an iPhone app my eyes are already blurry. (Or are my reading glasses just smudged?)

    Again, feel free to add me as an encouraging pal or we can just brainstorm ideas right here. I like this group!

    Have a good Monday. Already getting dark here. Our time changed over the weekend. Guess I'll be walking the rest of my steps with my flashlight turned on! A pleasant day/evening to all!
  • Bialetti62
    Bialetti62 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome ladies! There are too many of you to address individually & since I'm typing in an iPhone app my eyes are already blurry. (Or are my reading glasses just smudged?)

    Again, feel free to add me as an encouraging pal or we can just brainstorm ideas right here. I like this group!

    Have a good Monday. Already getting dark here. Our time changed over the weekend. Guess I'll be walking the rest of my steps with my flashlight turned on! A pleasant day/evening to all!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings to all. I am back in the land of the living. that was the PLAGUE. I hope all of you have been well and progressing well too! meg