

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    I have been in a rut for a couple months. Low on energy and content to just get by with my day to day responsibilities. I did find a gym but put off signing up till next month. This month has to many bills.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Hi folks!

    Katla - my father died of emphysema . He was 71, nearly 72. The most horrible way to die. :'(

    I rang the pharmacy and they said they would ring me back about the meds, but they haven't. No sign of it yet. Haven't had any Amlodipine since Friday. :ohwell: I will ring again tomorrow. It's all because I decided to pick up my prescription from the pharmacy instead of the surgery.

    We went down to the shops and DH found some slippers etc, but they had no nice winter coats and NO short sleeved T shirts. :grumble: I know it's autumn, but surely people wear T shirts all year round!!!! I eventually found just one in the supermarket which was really cheap. So I will throw my smelly one away. :laugh:

    I eventually managed to get my sd card to stay in my tablet, so now all my camera photos and videos are on there. Just need to get downloads transferred, though most of them are on Dropbox. I also used Screenshot a lot for copying pics. Lisa - how do you download Dropbox? Can't see how to do it. :|

    Tonight is prawns, zucchini and peas in tomato sauce. As I did at least an hour and a half of unlogged walking round the superstores I will treat myself to 2 oz of pasta - a rare treat. :D

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Miriam – You story about foraging for asparagus brought back wonderful memories. When I was small Dad would drive us out into the country and we would pick wild asparagus that grew along the fence lines. It was so tasty. I no longer see asparagus growing alongside the road. I wonder why? A result of the way weed killers are spread these days? We always picked the asparagus when it was young and tender. To this day I will not buy fat stalks of asparagus. I only purchase the skinny young stalks.

    Mia in MI

    October goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

    Word for the month - PERSEVERE
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Katla49 - her oldest sister used to be 300lbs or more; supposedly she is losing weight (don't know how, maybe going on thyroid medication helped). Or encouragement from her daughters (because she is their babysitter). DOS doesn't seem to matter to him; but, he has also paid for her to go to a MD (who uses pills and such), she lost a little weight thinking it would 'jump start' her; but, when she stopped she gained it all back, and then some. Did the Slim Fast Diet - not dedicated enough and then she did the one that Marie Osmond was pushing; too expensive. DOS has said he would NOT pay for her to go to a program to lose weight any longer. Always an excuse; but, it is obvious that she is jealous of DYS's wife who is slender and she intends to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight if she gets pregnant - mainly because DYS has told her she 'had to'. LOL! My Weight Loss Program is totally out of their ability to pay for it; but, it is working very well for me. I intend to always had some sort of protein shake and bars on hand after I reach my goal; so that I will be able to keep it off. I'll probably go in for the 'maintenance program' where they weigh you in and then they will decide 'if you need to lose any more' or if you are on the right track. I've grown use to drinking the shakes and eating the protein bar and then making a meal. Today, I had a BBQ sandwich - which by itself was under what I can eat at one meal. So I can still get in my 5 'diet' products if I want to. Instead I decided to have 4 Oreo Thins instead. My bar will be my nighttime snack with my coffee. DDnL isn't willing to change her life-style; and she also fixes very starchy foods when she is cooking; such as macaroni and cheese, lima beans, potato salad, and rolls - all at one meal. And big portions - twice what I eat and I usually forgo the mac & cheese because it is 'boxed'.

    We had potato soup at the Retreat - big on calories, but soooooooooooo good! The night before had chicken poppy seed casserole - also lots of calories; and we went out to eat in Pine Mountain (Callaway Gardens). I did good on that meal; had 6 oysters that either had spinach on the or bacon, tomato & parmesan cheese sprinkled over them. I really was not very hungry when we stopped; and the prices were very high (no atmosphere either). Now I am working at staying w/i my 'caloric intake' for the rest of the 9 or 10 days before weigh-in time. It's MUCH easier now than it was at first.

    Hi all you 'newbies'. Hope that you will find this thread very helpful to you on your way to your goal weight.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Well am back from our trip and it was wonderful. Got back last evening and unpacked. Today I am cleaning house and doing laundry. I was not able to get the internet most the time,so am so behind (490) posts. Will do the best I can to catch up. I missed you ladies and thought about you everytime I wanted to overeat. Think I did will, weigh in this week will tell. Hope you all are doing well. Love each of you for the beautiful women you are.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND-NE

    October Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less, Pray more
    4. Enjoy everyday. Look for the positive.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    edited October 2015
    sluts - I LOOOVVVEEEEEE MAC & CHEESE in the box! gotta be kraft and gotta be the powder packet!! I don't have it anymore, but I remember it and MISS IT. woah that brings me back! I have never had homemade mac and cheese from ANYONE that beat it. lololol. funny, what is tasty to one person is crap to another...lololol
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Vicki- welcome home! Glad to hear that you had a wonderful time! 490! That is a lot of posts to read. Take some time to relax.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    sluts - I LOOOVVVEEEEEE MAC & CHEESE in the box! gotta be kraft and gotta be the powder packet!! I don't have it anymore, but I remember it and MISS IT. woah that brings me back! I have never had homemade mac and cheese from ANYONE that beat it. lololol

    Ditto-I have mac & cheese on special occasions when I see my DD! And it has to be Kraft
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    *Barbie, you and I have similar dental routines. Gotta save these teeth we have from the Gum Gremlin! I am so not ready for winter. Don’t even want to break out a light sweater yet!!!

    *Gloria, I have met some good friends online and then in real time. (Not for dates) Just like some of you. I think we always have to be careful and trust our gut in any situation. Good for you, but I don’t think we can let that keep us from moving forward.

    *Joyce, I like having a niece that wasn’t born into the family but choose it. My favorite kind of family! What a wonderful get together at Christmas to have a huge crowd!!! Okay, yes, I’ll admit I’m jealous. It’s extra wonderful that you don’t have to cook. Woo hoo

    *Heather, you know I don’t mean to hound you about writing but I know that it is something you want to keep working on. I’m so proud of you for working through it. I did realize you had been a tad busy with birthday preparations. You must still be beaming at what a success it was.

    *Kimses, I have found that if I even start thinking about the kitchen at night any time after dinner, it’s time for me to move upstairs and as far away from it as I can get. There is something sinister about being too close to that room around 9 PM. Lol You are doing great so keep it up.

    *Beth, a big CONGRATS on losing weight. Especially if you don’t think you were making good choices. I like to freeze little tidbits, too. If nothing else, I can throw them all in when I make a pot of soup. I love my winter soups.

    *MicheleNC, does your cheesecake have any kind of crust? It has been so long since I’ve made one but I don’t recall having a problem. Mine did have a yummy crust that you had to press around the bottom and sides. Don’t think I could do it now with fingernails? Let us know how the flipping it over works out. Could you cut it in half to move to the plate? Just thinking…

    *Linda, good for you on improving your time. Who cares what anyone else’s time is, you only need to compete with yourself. Way to go.

    *Lillian, glad you enjoyed the scrapbooking retreat. Yes, it’s good to get out in the sunshine before it gets too cold.

    *Heather, it was funny that you mentioned putting your face on today. As I put on my makeup this morning before my doctor’s appointment. I said to myself how nice it is that I can do it so quickly now. Part of it is that I use a powder based foundation that is in a compact. It goes on so much faster than any other makeup base I’ve ever used. I can do eye makeup very quickly after soo many years of practice. And I use brush on bronzer under my eyes and a brush on blush that only take a sec. When I’m not going out, I don’t always do it but will often just put on some eye shadow and blush along with lipstick. Then if I happen to pass a mirror I feel better about myself. Plus DH is worth a little extra effort. smiley-love006.gif

    *Miriam,. So sorry about the cat. That is so hard to do but often it is time. ((Hugs)) for your cat and your depression.

    *Lenora, you have a bed for Cracker in the same room with the crate? Not saying it’s right, but we always just had the crate and when she was tired she would go in it to lay down on her own. We did that with 3 different dogs. Glad to hear you are making progress. The Feta Spinach Pie recipe is on SkinnyTaste.com. Here is the link: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2012/03/easy-crust-less-spinach-and-feta-pie.html. I certainly hope this is not taken the wrong way but I am saying it out of love. When I read your post about the retreat, I just want you to know that I still hear lots of judgement about your DDIL. All I want from telling you that, is for you to take a look at it and just be honest with yourself. It’s not something that is easy to change overnight since it has evidentially been the case for ten years. And the truth of the matter is that most of us won’t change anything because of something someone says to us. The desire has to come from within. I know it was true for me and my weight. For sure, the best thing you can do when she does things you don’t agree with is to smile and keep your mouth shut. I do hope you can learn to love her for who she is.

    *Pip, only you would walk that far in the rain. You are such a trooper!!! You go girl.

    *Vicki, glad you are home and really happy that you had a good trip. When we travel, it’s not so important to check in here as it is to think of this group of ladies. I know it helps me stay on track.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    At the doctor’s office this morning I got another great report. All numbers are good. My A1C is 5.3 after being off of all diabetic medications for 3 months. I was very happy about that. I am going off my cholesterol medication to see how it does. It’s been in the low normal range for 6 months now and good cholesterol keeps going up. Yeah! I had fun trying on clothes to pick what I will model in the style show. We each do a casual, business and dressy outfit. If we want to buy any of them, we will get a good discount. Time to go get ready for my Moose meeting so see you ladies tomorrow.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2015
    cityjaneLondon - I don' know about where you live; but, most of the time, the Rx is written for the hospital's pharmacy for a patient and given to them upon discharge; but, a Rx needs to be called in to your pharmacy to get it elsewhere (unless they gave you the actual written Rx). You might need to call the MD who wrote the Rx and tell them that you did not use the hospital pharmacy and had sort of expected that it would be called into your regular pharmacy. That should do it. Pharmacy cannot fill it without a written or called in Rx order by the MD. I would not 'wait' expecting it to happen after several days. I'd call the MD today, if it isn't too late (your time). Another thing to ask the pharmacy is whether they have it on hand, or not; if you gave them a written Rx you ought to be able to get it and take it elsewhere or have it transferred from one pharmacy to another (and then the refills can be transferred back to your regular pharmacy. If they have the Rx and don't have the medicine - I am surprised they did not tell you they'd have to order it and how long it would take to get in. I usually get my medications (all but one) automatically refilled and a lot of times, if I have run out of it, they'll call the MD; and if I have been to see them recently, they'll give a verbal order. One is a 'controlled substance' so I have to have a written Rx to refill it, or I have to call to get it refilled; because I specifically have to sign for it. If it is for BP, even in a small amount, it isn't good to go off a medication like this even for a few days. Better safe than sorry.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2015
    I remember Kraft mac & cheese, too, used to eat it all the time. I got off it cold turkey when I moved away from the US. I'm not sure how I would like it if I tried it now but I sure loved it when I was a kid!

    All this week I'll be run off my feet with these courses I'm teaching. I always provide my students with cookies during the coffee breaks. Sounds dangerous, but I've been doing it for so long - 15 years! - that the cookies no longer hold any attraction for me. They're more like props.

    But I need to eat properly and finding time for that is tricky. In addition, my kitchen here consists of a fridge, two burners, a coffee brewer and a counter space no bigger than 12x18 inches. I'm stocking up on protein bars to have in an emergency.

    There's been talk about the cost of food. Protein bars are dirt cheap in Sweden, at least compared to northern Norway. I can get one with 22½ grams of protein for just $1.45 here. Back home each one costs $5.15! No way I'm going to buy them there! We're used to high prices, though, and some things you just have to buy if you don't want to starve. A quart of milk costs $3.25 and the store actually loses nearly a dollar for every quart they sell.

    Sorry I'm writing like a scatterbrain today. I AM a scatterbrain today!

    Back home the sun went down yesterday for the last time this year. I thought I'd post the weather forecast. It's in Centigrade so the temperatures aren't as bad as they look. What I wanted to share is one of the symbols they use. If the sun doesn't ever go above the horizon, it's pretty mean to use a sun to indicate clear skies, so they use a sun below a black line. You can see it in the the lines for 11 am to 4 pm. That's when it's a bit light. When it's dark they use the moon to show how clear the sky is. (That round yellow thing with no rays is the full moon.)


    Gotta go to bed. Early rising tomorrow!

    /Penny, currently far, far away from the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy mon,hugs
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: I'm so happy that you've recovered from the Plague. It is good to see you posting again. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I absolutely agree that emphysema is a horrible way to die. It was hard for me to endure all those years of me having bronchitis & nagging mom to quit smoking. Smoking was more important to her than her health, or mine. My dad was a chain smoker, too, and he died at age 72, of heart disease. He'd just had his birthday. I had bronchitis almost every winter until I went away to college and believe that I was vulnerable to it because of all the cigarette smoke in my home. :broken_heart:

    Leonora: My weight loss program is MFP and it is free. I counted calories and followed thier suggestions for goal setting. I invested in a food scale and dishers to help with portion control. I'm still using both. The dishers were more expensive than the food scale. I got them from a restaurant supply business. I can't say enough negative things about my opinion of Dr. OZ after I tried one of his miraculous weight loss ideas, green coffee extract. It gave me the opportunity to spend a few days in the ladies restroom at the marina where were staying aboard our boat. The weight loss disappeared with the first glass of water. :mad: :devil:

    I had a wonderful time at yoga this morning, after missing nearly every class last week. Our teacher also had us doing some new, more difficult moves and transitions. I worked hard, and enjoyed the challenge even though I wasn't in great form.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    Someone else logged me off my computer, so the e-mail where I was typing notes is in cyber-space, and I will get it back when I am home again. So sorry that this started recently, and does not include anything from the weekend. I will try to post my earlier narrative from home later.

    – Hugs and Prayers for everyone regarding the little one with his heart surgery. // Isn’t it amazing how hard some people will work to not work? I have had the same “lady” contact me stating she wants to purchase Avon products because her modeling agency will be “in the area” for a photo shoot. I have now told “her” both times to get a job.

    – the only foods I noticed that had a severe spike around here are regarding chicken. Eggs are about $4 per dozen, which is more than I am willing to pay. And I really have to look long and hard for chicken meat prices that are still reasonable. It also makes it tough to feed the growing teenage boy in my house who lifts weights most days, and eats more protein than anything else. Hugs for you !

    – sending Karma to wrap her hand around the mouth of the troll, so work may be tolerable for you. Hugs !

    Miriam – So sorry about your cat. How lucky for both of you that you found each other and had wonderful years of love to share.

    Grits – I used to be able to tell my Mom everything, and she never would hold a grudge. Now, my Dad asks that I not tell him anything negative, because he is unable to separate himself from anything bad that is told to him. Since my Mom passed 5 years ago last week, I only have my youngest sister to talk to about problems with DH (oh, and you guys here, who don’t judge yet tell me what I need to hear). My sister is afraid to tell me her opinion. I can tell my DD some things, but other things can be too deep to dump on a daughter, even an adult daughter. Everyone is just so different. As long as you have forgiven, your heart will be lighter. I wish I was at that place by now, but the old ghosts continue to surface on occasion (usually when I’m not exercising enough). I offer you continuous hugs ! ! ! // My DD is extremely overweight (my guess would put her about 300 or more), and has rebelled against it her entire life. I didn’t use the “f _ _” word until she was almost 17 and said “I’m so sick of being fat”. I said “me too, let’s get healthy together”. She burst into tears and ran out of the house mad because she thought I called her fat. What’s a Mom to do (or mom-in-law) ? I just keep loving her, and telling her the healthy things I do, hoping that eventually something will click, and she will finally be interested in listening. The old cliché , you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

    Fitgranny – Don’t give up ! ! !

    My DD spent a few hours today with many grieving friends at another friends funeral. Of course I will only hear 1 side of the story, but apparently a young man was sitting on the couch with his girlfriend and son when someone knocked on the door. It is rare to lock doors when home and awake in that town, so they said "come in", and when the other man entered, he shot the man, slammed the door, and drove away quickly. I don't even know if the girlfriend got a good look at the shooter, because the kids aren't ready to tell me that. So, I'm sending hugs and prayers to all of them today.

    DS struggled at bowling this weekend, so I'm glad we just did leagues and not tournaments. In fact, his 466 series earned him 3 out of 8 points, so it was tough conditions for everyone on Sunday. Hopefully he will get the hang of these new balls soon, because these scores make it hard for him to behave and enjoy bowling (he's the perfectionist, not me). He also procrastinated with the yardwork again, so he has to get it ALL done next weekend, in addition to all the bowling and such. That's going to make him crabby, too.

    Now my workday is almost complete, and I have my fourth-ever cold sore, so I need to rush out and get a bunch of yogurt so my body can fight it.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    DJ- great report from the doc! it must feel so terrific to know that you lowered the bad ldl and raised the hdl as well as the a1c # being so good without the meds. Being off the meds is my goal...you are an inspiration. My next visit to see if I can stay off of BP and Cholesterol meds is in two weeks. I have really tried to stay focused to get a great report.
    Reading all of your posts helps me so much.
    Miriam - so sorry about your beloved cat, she sounds like a wonderful loving pet.
    Karen from NY
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,361 Member
    edited October 2015
    My little one year old great nephew Alexander underwent open heart surgery yesterday. He was born with a heart problem and has had a number of surgeries since he was born the first when he was just a week old. His mama knew about the problem while she was pregnant. Prayers, praises, good thoughts for him and his family would be appreciated as he recuperates. I tried to copy the picture from FB to here but no luck.

    Will keep him in my prayers. :heart:

    If you save the photo from Facebook rather than copy, you should be able to post it.

    Lisa I do NaPoWriMo in April. I am more of a poet than a novelist, although I do sometimes write short stories.

    Irish Terri