

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Katla - Thanks!! Do you cut into pieces? Or just long spears? Either will fit in my freezer.

    Lisa – without this forum there are days I don’t even speak 1800 words in a day! Some days its just me and levi, so not much to say LOL

    Beth - Me too!! And I have to eat out of the freezer regularly or it gets too full. But I had never frozen asparagus.

    Michele – I just leave the bottom of the spring form pan under the cheese cake.

    Linda – our local 99cent store doesn’t have food except for some candy at the registar.

    Miriam – my heart goes out to you, the hardest thing about pet ownership is making the end of life decisions.

    Mary and Pip – so funny I also love mac and cheese, but ONLY homemade no yucky box stuff!

    Busy day today, 2 clients, sewing, and tonight is book club so made banana muffins – did mini ones – I had bananas in the freezer that were getting close to a year of living in the freezer it was time to get them out.. I really am not fond of banana muffins/bread without chocolate chips – so this was a good time to make them and take them away for others to eat.

    October Goals -
    Attend yoga each wednesday evening
    Walk everyday - increase over 140 - would like to see 160 miles
    continue counseling and hold my weight where it is as I deal with my current set of emotional issues
    weekly fun things
    W1 – hike, high school football
    W2- go to Angels Camp to visit a friend, high school football
    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2015
    Kim: RE cutting asparagus: I like to make it into spears but if it is too frail for that, I cut it into pieces. The pieces usually end up in soup. :kissing_heart:
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @GodMomKim In 20010-2012 I worked at a grocery store in California, and one of the first things I asked my manager was if I could #1 sing for the customers, and #2 hug the customers. He said yes on both, so I have sung in an isle to a lady that it was her birthday, and also sung at customers to sample my samples, (I was a sample lady, then a baker). There was a couple of "residence buses" from local senior complexes, and I would hug them, (asking them the first time though). Everyone needs 5 hugs a day for survival!
    the hugger (not trees though..ANTS) from Oregon
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Today was a relaxing day that featured a fire in the fireplace, laundry, TV, and a delivery to Project Linus of three blankets that I knit...shared the dog walking with hubby and rode the exercise bike for awhile

    Sounds like a wonderful day. I'm interested in Project Linus. I love to crochet and my husband wonders who I could possibly be making another afghan for as we have so many. Would love to make them to donate.

    Cheri in brrrr, chilly NE Ohio

    :) Cheri, there are probably lots of ways to donate blankets. If you use the search engine on the internet, you'll find some....if you look for Project Linus, they have a place on their website that lists local chapters. I looked at it just now, but I don't know exactly where you live but there is a chapter in Akron which I know is NE Ohio and maybe others in locations that I don't recognize.

    At one time I knitted mittens and hats with wool yarn and sent them to a collection place for "Afghans for Afghans" (they only accept items made with wool or other animal fibers).... then a friend gave me a huge box of cotton and acrylic yarn so for now I'm knitting with that.

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Who brought up mac&cheese!?!? :) I'm all for the box stuff. But, alas...the kitchen is closed.
    Took an hour yoga class this morning. First time since May and I'm going to be a good sore.
    Tracked everything. Upstairs now and away from the food calling me.
    DJ -- your note about going off meds is inspiring.

    p.s. found the credit card. Went to yoga and came back and it was sitting on the kitchen chair. I think it got stuck in a crack on the table. DS admits fidgeting with it yesterday at the table. Last time he lost something it was his eye glasses and I found them in the shoe bin.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited October 2015
    This week should be AWESOME. Ok on Sunday I pre-cooked: oven baked with some olive oil thickly sliced zucchini, sliced turkey kelbasa with Royal Select rice and spices, some left over beef broth with a huge sweet yellow sliced onion and baby carrots, AND some teriyaki chicken cubed. Spanning that out with 5 portions for EACH of the items, I can pretty well have a great base of a meal, then add fresh spinach and sprinkled here and there with those amazing Baby Bells mini cheese thingies. Today I used the roasted sliced zucchini with fresh spinach, a cup of whole wheat spaghetti and used scissors to cut up the baby bell packet. Tonight is a container of my carrots, onion slices with the beef broth, and a slice of dense olive bread, (to dip into the beef broth). I am still using that method of telling myself I have had a gastric bypass in my brain. I don't mean any disrespect to those that have had that done though. For me, that idea came to me from watching those "600 plus makeover" shows. It's just a mental tool I use to help me with the portion control.

    Today I swam like I was being chased by a zombie... I didn't scrape the top part of my toe while at the shallow end either. I was a dummy and did that last friday... Scissor-kicking in the shallow part...um, not the smartest thing... I swam so hard, that at the end of some of the laps I was gasping. My core loved it though, and right now my body is still humming from the workout. I even walked around the dressing room nude, like my all that hasn't YET gotten up and left! There were only a couple of ladies in there, so I wasn't PARADING around mind you, just airing myself abit. Also my toe had started to bleed, from the skin SANDED off from the week before. Its hard to heal!

    After swimming we went grocery shopping and I got more spinach, (I think I am addicted to fresh spinach...), milk (which I don't drink), jumbo butterfly breaded shrimp (that my 16 yr old has JUST discovered he loves...the nut), and more of my Crystal Light lemonade...(oh to freeze my water container a bit and put that in....its like a slushie!). Oh and some shitaki mushrooms...(I AM addicted to those, but I only buy 5 at a time)...I can't really tell when those GO BAD, so I just keep buying fresh. Silly Becca....

    This morning I did weigh in, and my added lbs that I put on from when sons came are OFF. (mentally doing a cartwheel!!) When I weigh in on Wednesday I HOPE...no wait...I SHALL...get into the 220's range. I have been loitering around the 230's for so long ...at least a month. Time to pack up and move on down...(ok I am typing to myself)...

    Everyone do GREAT this week, be kind to yourself..
    my motto this week.....TO SAY WHAT I MEAN AND MEAN WHAT I SAY!

    no sidestepping this journey, Im in it to win it.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 397 Member
    Hey ladies, I have been out of commission with a nasty cold. It is gonna take me a while to read these 300+ posts. I am not feeling one hundred percent yet. And now DH has some mystery leg ailment...we did manage a bit of auto leaf peeping yesterday, but otherwise there is no story to tell here...hope you all are doing better than me and I will try to catch up so I know how all the sagas are going. Hugs!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Heather... on the web, you'd go to www.dropbox.com, and enter the original email. If you're on a tablet, though, I'd try to find the drop box app in your app store and install it on your tablet. Should be free. Then use your old username and password.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    Betty- hope you feel better soon (((hugs)))

    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Turns out DH has small blood clots in his legs his major symptom was shortness of breath. The first doctor just attributed it to a virus. He was also having muscle pains in his legs. Thank goodness he went into the doctor again today. I have a feeling the first doctor will be talked too because they missed this diagnosis. Hopefully he will suffer no lasting effects to his breathing and health.

    I said to him last night that this difficulty in breathing was hard on his heart and I think that helped convice him to call the doctor again.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    How nice to see so many familiar names still here -- I've been away far too long! It has been a crazy year for my health with surgery, etc. I also have had my own form of 'plague' to battle since June or so, with bacteria in my blood and endocarditis. Spent lots of time @ doctors, then some days in the hospital and finally came home with PICC lines to self-administer antibiotics for 6 weeks. (Which was way better than staying in the hospital.) I didn't gain any weight, but need to get moving more again, both for weight/tone and balance. Especially with holidays approaching! Back at work again, but unfortunately one of the drugs has affected my vision and balance, so exercising is a little problematic since I haven't figured out how to do it without moving my head. (The jury is out as to whether or not this is permanent.) Mostly I'm just trying to walk more inside the house, where I can turn on all the lights (think airport runway) and cruise along in familiar territory and touch walls, furniture, etc., as needed. No 2 million pounds lifted at the gym this year!

    Hope to follow along again and chime in every now and then.

    metro Atlanta
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals. Well I ended up coming home early today; too exhausted to do anything after about 2:30 and had a nice nap. Now just sitting here kind of in a daze! I hope I sleep tonight after that snooze!

    Rosie: sometimes I find that I have to embrace those low energy times; usually there’s something behind it that needs to be worked out

    Heather; as usual your dinner sounds fabulous

    Vicki: I don’t know where you went but it sounds like you had a great time and I’m glad you are home safely

    Grits: I love my homemade mac and cheese but can’t tolerate the boxed kind, but boy do my kids love them!

    Miriam: did you lose a cat? I’m so sorry, it’s so hard and I’m sending you hugs

    Dj: so proud of your A1C! Mine had always been under 6 and now all of a sudden the last three times it has been between 6 and 6.5. Still good but not ok by me. I just increased my evening meds but then got sick, so no exercise and I think for me that is the best glucose control ever.

    Katla: so glad you are enjoying your yoga class!

    Terri: what an awful story about dh’s friend! People are just crazy these days and think the solution to everything is to shoot someone. Hugs!

    Gloria: prayers to you and your family!

    Becca; I would have loved seeing you sing and hug your customers! Sounds like a great workout and a successful trip shopping

    Betty: get well soon! My “cold” has been here for over 2 weeks now

    Margaret: sending get well wishes to dh!

    Gail: so glad to see you again. I’m sorry about your recent health problems but glad that you are on the mend. You have been missed here.

    Well I think it’s time to start heading to bed already. I had my A1C drawn today so we’ll see what it shows Thursday. I’m pretty discouraged that it has been higher than where I want it. I hope I can start exercising again here in the next couple of days which will help. Take care all, Meg from chilly Omaha
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Margaret - we will be praying for you and your DH. It's a good thing you were persistent!

    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    My mother always made homemade macaroni and cheese, with real milk, real cheese, several other things that I can't remember; and baked it in a pan than sometimes got used for brownies and/or lasagna at our house. I just can't eat the boxed mac & cheese. Been a long time since I've had it. I even like cooking spaghetti noodles and adding pesto and parmesan or Romano cheeses. It's just difficult to cook a little for myself during the middle of the day. Another thing we had at the retreat was zucchini, with tomatoes and parmesan cheese sprinkled on top and baked. Yummy! Love so many different kinds of mushrooms, too.

    Annr - gee how I miss getting in the pool for my exercise. Walking on a treadmill is the pits. I can't get motivated. Got to do 'something' for exercise! DH does not want me to walk around the farm because of moving snakes finding holes to go into; yet, warm enough for them to sun themselves.

    terri_mom - I used to be able to talk to my MnL a lot easier than to talk to my own mother. Middle sister over oldest sister; but, now more to my oldest sister. My MnL was the one who came and stayed with me when my sons were born; my mother did not even offer to help. My MnL was a "Nannie" by profession and my Mother did not know squat about little boys. Of course, when I lost my first pregnancy (mole pregnancy) which I was told occurred every 1:2000 pregnancies - I wanted my mother to be with me. I almost died because of it; but, I really have huge kudos for my OB/GYN who read for hours after work hours to figure out what was going on with me. I was able to get pregnant again (after a year) of having 5 tubes of blood taken every week that was sent to Duke University Hospital who had an entire section that dealt with this particular problem. My HCG level were so high they thought that I was carrying a multiple birth until I could not feel the baby moving and they could not get a heartbeat. It was ended at 5 months and had spread to other organs and attached itself and had to take chemo to get rid of it. Not until my HCG levels went back to Zero was I able to try to get pregnant again. Then we moved to Macon during the middle of my pregnancy - I was NOT happy about it but my OB/GYN sent me to a classmate of his and I saw him every week until the last 6 weeks; and then rotated to the other 5 MDs. The only one I never saw was the one who delivered DYS. I had been at a Women's Club dinner and sat next to him. He asked when baby was due and who my OB/GYN was and I told him his group. I was scheduled to see him the next week and he was 'on call' when DYS decided to show up 3 weeks early; but even my DOS arrived nearly 3 weeks early.

    I am praying for those of you going through difficult times.

    I know that my heart has been lifted because of 'forgiveness' in my judgmental ways towards my DDnL; but, I know it won't come easy; and there'll be times when I want to pull her hair out and 'hurt her feelings' just to do so. I can be quite harsh (according to her). Right at the moment, she isn't open to any suggestions about dieting, she feels like everybody is working against her. She does not understand portion control and that you can't go back and get another portion without making sure that you keep up with those extra calories. Today I had 4 Oreo Thins as my 'snack' for the morning; a BBQ sandwich for lunch and then 'worked' my plan for the rest of the day.

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Turns out DH has small blood clots in his legs his major symptom was shortness of breath. The first doctor just attributed it to a virus. He was also having muscle pains in his legs. Thank goodness he went into the doctor again today. I have a feeling the first doctor will be talked too because they missed this diagnosis. Hopefully he will suffer no lasting effects to his breathing and health.

    I said to him last night that this difficulty in breathing was hard on his heart and I think that helped convice him to call the doctor again.

    :heart: Margaret

    Omg!! Thank god they found this!! This happen after lunch or today?? Prayers with you. Gayle Minneapolis
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    stats for the day:
    spin at hm- 30min, 113ahr, 125mhr = 208c
    walk hm 2 dome- 45.05min, 3.3amph/pace, 105ahr, 133mhr, 2.5mi = 273c
    walk dome 2 hm- 44.04min, 3.4amph/pace, 93ahr, 121mhr, 2.4mi = 226c
    total cal 707
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Linda in CA - there's a lady who raises chickens so I always give her my old egg cartons.

    About asparagus: right now what I do is snap the asparagus off and throw out the woody end. Is there something you can do so make it not-so-hard? I feel like I'm throwing away half of what I pay for. Miriam - you were so lucky to get it for free. Never knew that asparagus grew wild

    Miriam - tears to you. I know how hard it is to have to have a cat put down. We've done it one too many times. One time I will swear on a stack of bibles that the cat looked at me as if to say "it's ok". I was a wreck but the look in his eyes as he was put to sleep really helped me.

    Mary - now it makes total sense to me why you would use the cardboard. Thanks for telling me about it. Oh, what does your hubby have to say about using FF cream cheese but then adding unflavored gelatin for "body"? Would that work? Is there something special that you need to put the gelatin into before adding it to the cheesecake or can you just add it in? Please also ask him this. The situation is that I have a recipe for a chocolate tofu pie. It's very good. But the original recipe calls for "silken firm tofu". What is that? I was afraid the silken would be too "runny" so I used firm tofu and put it in the food processor. Vince thought it was a bit "gritty" (well, that's because the tofu didn't get liquidy). I put it in the refrig and it did firm up, but Vince still thought it was "gritty". Please ask your hubby if I can use the silken tofu and put unflavored gelatin in it. Now this pie isn't baked (unlike the cheesecake), so would I need to put the gelatin in a bit of water first or can I just add it to the tofu (silken) and mix that up. Will it firm up?

    Vince has gotten into his "I want to lose weight" kick. Sometimes he goes thru this. So what's the problem? I made fudge for him and there's still one piece plus I made a chocolate cake for him. He's eaten 1/2 of it. I'd really like for him to finish it up, even if it's just a little at a time. I won't be making anything for him for a while but I do wish he'd get this out of the house and away from temptation for me. Update: he finished the one piece of fudge (YEA) but there's still half of the cake I made him. I'm really not into the cake so it's not a big temptation for me.

    pip - I understand how sometimes it's just too much to type your abbreviations all out. But I would think that some of the new people might get confused. I remember asking you a while ago what some of your abbreviations meant. Guess you must have a HRM. Spinning is the only time when I really find that I need mine. It's just so easy for me to get my HR up too high. What brand of HRM do you have? I used to have a Polar. It was much more comfortable to wear. Right now I have a Timex. It was rated one of the highest by Consumer Reports, but it does have a full piece that goes across the chest to get your HR.

    DJ - that cheesecake had a crust that you make. I used graham cracker crumbs, you add butter and sugar, then put it in the pan. I try to avoid cutting it if I can. Mary's suggestion of flipping it would probably work. Looks like I'll have to try it. Great report at the doc's. Proud of you.

    Penny - thanks for posting the weather chart. How very interesting!

    terri in Milwaukee - how terrible for that man!

    Kim - I would leave the bottom of the pan if I weren't giving the cheesecake away!

    kimses - so glad you found your credit card!

    Betty - hope you and dh get better fast

    Margaret - I would never have thought of shortness of breath being an indicator of blood clots in the leg

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    Michele- do you heating the gelatin first? The gelatin needs to be activated by heating in hot water. You needed to use the silken tofu to because of the interaction with your other ingredients. To be certain can you send the recipe so that he can look at it.

    Asparagus is woody because it was left to grow to long. Try to buy smaller stalks.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Meg- thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

    Good night all.

    ❤️ Rosie
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    edited October 2015
    He has the blood clots in his lungs. He started feeling sick on the 16th. He went in on Wednesday the 21 and the doctor said it was a virus. DH is rarely sick, so he thought he had something like the flu after initial diagnosis. The flu can take a week to ten days in severe cases to recover. He just got so short of breath after a walking a short distance. He went back to the doctor today and the doctor had him go in for tests. They are keeping him at the hospital until they are sure the clots are dissolving. After looking up more information on the condition recovery will take time. At least we now know what is wrong. Thank you for the prayers for him.

    Doctor just called as I am writing. He said sending him into today saved his life. This condition if not treated can be fatal. He did say his other health indicators were good. He does think he will make a good recovery. We did discuss how this can be attributed to the flu initially. It was the lack of getting better and worsening symptoms that was the key.

    Gayle he wanted me to come yesterday because he wanted the peace and quiet as he was trying to recoup on his own. We found out today this was not possible.

    Gayle, Toni, and I met at Gayle's yesterday and had a wonderful time. Considering what happened today I really need that, so again thank you.

    :heart: Margaret