

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    11,000 steps
    87 minutes of dog walking
    76 minutes riding the exercise bike
    100 second plank

    t118001.gifWhen I went to the doctor last week about the pain in my legs and the tingling in my feet, the receptionist gave me directions for creating an account so that I could have access to my test results, appointment summaries, prescription list, and means to contact the doctor with questions. I set up the account not thinking it would be useful since I keep copies of all the test results and other stuff. But when a few days went by and the pain and tingling got worse and I wished I'd told the doctor that I'd go out of town for the test she recommended, I was able to e mail her with my concerns. She said she'd have the referral people look for a place where I could get the test sooner and she sent a prescription to my pharmacy for something that would help with the nerve pain in my legs. I picked up the prescription late this afternoon.

    <3 Barbie

    Be kind.....no exceptions
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Margaret- I'm glad that there is good news! We'll keep praying for a quick recovery.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Sylvia - I am glad you found jeans that flatter you. What a bargain! Who cares where they came from?

    Cory - that is interesting about Omega 3. What dose is needed?

    Mary - Glad your family is home safe.

    Lisa - Stunning dress. Cute granddaughter.

    Gloria - Praying for little Alexander's recovery.

    Allison - Massages are heavenly

    Becca - Love, love. love that you sang to the customers and gave out hugs.

    DH's surgery tomorrow. Going to bed now so I can be fresh as a daisy at the hospital.

    Good night

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sharon - thanks! How are you doing? I will be praying for you and your DH tomorrow. I hope everything goes well. Let us know how it goes. (((hugs)))

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Barbie - I have been set up like that with my physician's group for almost two years now. I love it. I check in to my office appointments on line and can look back at all my medical records. It's great. Glad you are going for the tests. Keep us updated.

    On the subject of mac and cheese. I don't like it :) I was blown away when I moved to OK and found out they have it at Thanksgiving and Christmas, etc. That's one thing that is not a temptation for me.

    However, I am up about 4 lbs from when I went to the bariatric surgeon at the end of July. My left leg is still fairly swollen and will be for several more weeks I suppose. So I'm attributing 1-2 lbs to fluid retention yet. I have not exercised much at all since the knee surgery, other than that stuff to limber the knee, etc. I did pedal on the stationary bike for 30 min. yesterday and went shopping for 3+ hours today. When I was in the hospital they brought me a pair of thigh high support hose and I really like them. I've always hated the knee highs cuz I felt that were cutting off the circulation just under my knee at the top of the stocking. I ordered me another pair the same as they send home with me. I'm now going to order a couple in black too. Making a terrific difference in the swelling and how my legs feel.

    With Jack gone all week, already in the deep dark corner of my treacherous, betraying mind I was having these nasty little thots of "I can eat this, I can have that" while Jack is gone. So whoever has the big boots this week, please lace them up and administer a well placed reminder that this is FOR ME. All the time, forever and always not just when there is someone else looking. I am my own worst enemy.

    I love you ladies and your unfailing support. Hoping to get at least 5-6 hours of sleep tonight. Nite.

    Janetr OLD (and loving it) in OKC :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- I'll give you a good swift one! Brush your teeth, eat a pickle, or olive! That will stop those cravings. I have to plan out my day for meals and snacks and just stick to it. Have an emergency treat that if you absolutely cannot go without you have it. For me it's candy. I have my DH keep it so I can't just get it myself. Good luck! You can do it!!!!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DJ, what kind of fashion show do you do. Is this something you do a lot. Sounds neat.

    Miriam, the cat sounds precious and you are to be commended that you took an injured cat in and loved on her for 10 years. Sounds like she was one smart kitty cat. My heart goes out to you.

    Becca, that is awesome that you would go to a grocery store and sing and hug. I wonder how it affected sales?

    Oh my the blue Kraft box of Mac and cheese. What sweet memories her and I would have together. My Mom was a wonderful cook and made it home made. It was an entree one day and a side dish another day. For the side dish she would take day old bread and make her own bread crumbs and put them on top of the mac/cheese. I really preferred it that way. My sister and then her daughter got all my Mom's cooking genes.

    Oh, my CRS is kicking in again. Whoever has the husband who had the blood clot. Yes, you truly saved your husbands life.

    My daughter has a lot of pain in her neck, had MRI and has a lot of neck structural problems. Surgeon says no surgery but referred her to a pain specialist and she will start on Neurontin. My oldest daughter is on that and had a terrible time when she started it so Michelle is to start it on Friday night so if she does have weird reactions it will be on her weekend off.

    Going on bedtime for me. To everyone with one trouble or another, my prayers are with you. For those rejoicing, I am doing a happy dance for you.

    Oh, my hubby thinks he is getting some of his strength back. He is up to walking about 5 or 6 laps on the mall now. So that is about a mile.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    edited October 2015
    Margaret - what a horrible scare! Is there any particular reason why he got the blood clots? My DDIL ' s mother is prone to them and is permanently on Warfarin. Sticky blood. I'm so glad you persuaded him to go back to the doctor. :flowerforyou:

    Gayle - Great to see you again! Sorry you have had such a horrible year! Don't troubles come in multiples! :sad:

    Meg - Sorry for your virus. I always find they make me feel very depressed for a while afterwards. Hope your oomph comes back soon! <3

    Penny - oh that cold! I have been watching a travelogue series on the BBC about travelling round the Arctic Circle - in February! ! ! ! The presenter is a much loved comedian, but I think he must be nuts! I don't like it cold and I HATE it too hot, so England is just right for me! :laugh:

    Joyce - so glad Charlie is getting his strength back.

    Lisa - I have Dropbox on my tablet, but I thought you said you could download the photos off it actually onto the tablet memory. Do you have to be online to view Dropbox videos etc? Of course, now I have bought a new tablet, the old one is behaving itself! ! ! ! ! !

    Yoga today. Must get DH a cup of tea. <3

    Heather UK
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Hello everyone I just got an email from my niece telling me that Alexander came through surgery just fine. She said he doesn't look very swollen where they closed his chest and is smiling but very tired. Poor little thing but praise God for his miracles. I have a DGS who is now 15 and such a caring and loving kid. When he was born he weighed 1lb 11oz. They found a hole in his stomach the first week that had to be repaired. The doc told us that his stomach at that time was about the size of the first section of your thumb. He was in the hospital for months until his weight was up and his lungs strong. The only long term effect of being born so early (23 or 24 wks if I remember correctly) is diminished hearing and asthma. The hearing loss is not severe but he does have to wear hearing aids in both ears and the asthma has subsided over the years. I wrote a song for him when he was a baby titled Angels Coming Down From Heaven to Watch Over You. We sang it together every night at bedtime and when I moved on he sang it with his mother or called me to sing it on the phone with him. Around 12 he thought he was too old to sing it anymore but I love it if someday he sings it to his children. For now the song is sung with DGS#1 & #2. I'm planning to make a CD to pass on to future generations. While I'll never have the joy of holding them in my arms it touches my heart to know that they may hear my voice and my song as I sing them to sleep. <3

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2015
    Heather - I wondered if you and the other people with access to ITV might be watching that series. That team was in Longyearbyen filming for several days and my husband gave them an entire morning of his busy time. They filmed us practicing self-defense against polar bears at the shooting range. That means there is photo documentation from the first (and so far only) time I've ever shot a rifle. Shooting from a kneeling position I put all four bullets near the bulls eye, too! But they didn't use any of that footage. The only thing they used from that morning was a gorgeous overview shot that they didn't even identify as being from Longyearbyen.

    Lisa - I like the idea of National Novel Writing Month. I've signed up, but my November looks like s**t with courses and travel double booked half the time. My writing style has suffered from me being a scientific editor. Everything that leaves my desk has to be crystal clear, concise. I'd like to loosen up and embrace ambiguity again but there may not be time to make it happen in November.

    Margaret - So glad you caught those blood clots in time!

    Joyce - Glad to hear your Charlie is starting to get back to normal.

    My students are about to descend on me so I must stop.

    More anon
    /Penny, not at the emoticon-object-026.gif just now
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning all~
    Margaret~ thank goodness your hubby got to the Dr and now will have the clotting under control..
    work went fine yesterday and dont go in until 9:30 ..
    going down to see DFIL this morning...
  • flossyjai
    flossyjai Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone :), I'm Jan from Hampshire UK and recently rejoined, I've lost 1 and half stone so far and on the journey to loose another 1 - 1and a half . I'm 54 but generally feel much much older lol ..I have quite severe osteoarthritis and lumbar stenosis , this has impacted on my exercise quite a bit ..but I am still doing which is the plus side.
    My aim over the next few weeks is to :
    increase gym/swim activity to 2 times every week
    increase steps daily
    always wear my activity tracker
    always log
    always be grateful
    always log
    give myself positive tlc self talk instead of moaning at me

    I look forward to getting to know you and please feel free to add me
    Have a lovely Tuesday
    love and hugs
    Jan xx :)

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Penny - I did see that gorgeous overview! ! ! ! Shame you weren't in the series!

    Heather UK
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
    edited October 2015
    Becca I all in favour of hugging, and singing. I'm not sure how it would go down in our local Tesco, though. :astonished: My head is spinning at how much you got done! Great news on getting those pounds off again.

    kimses Glad that credit card turned up. It's such a palaver if you have to cancel them!

    Margeret What a blessing that they found out the real problem. Praying that they can get it sorted.

    DD#2 had dinner with us last night. She and her partner come most Monday evenings, but have been too busy over the past weeks. DD is a chartered accountant and is working flat out from now until the end of the year on tax returns.

    Today I have Craft Group in the morning and then I will tackle my accounts this afternoon to pass on to her.

    The weather has taken a wintry turn since the clocks went back on Sunday morning, so I am having to look out my gloves and woolly scarves. My winter coat is now 3 sizes too big. Need to go shopping soon.


    :heart: (((Hugs))) and prayers for those who need them. :heart:

    :star: Welcome to our Newbies! You will find a warm support team here! :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.


    :star: 'I never lose! I either win or learn!' :star:

    Irish Terri
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Gloria, praise be! So glad the baby came through surgery well. They are amazing how the heal, keep singing to him, i love the idea of a cd to keep that memory strong.

    Barbie, at first i hated the online aspect at my docs office, but it is kinda helpful, even i had to admit. My doc now sends me informational videos re health concerns and ways to keep things in control. i will watch that instead of the food channel!! Works like a charm

    My dh has a congenital heart condition that is basically asymptomatic (its nickname is the widow maker- which definitley gets my attention). As a couple we have come to terms with it as best we can, he says, you've got to live your life..hows that for deep thinking! I think it has given us a sense of gratitude for the life we have, he doesnt want to live life on eggshells, being ultra careful and tells me if he should drop dead playing soccer (he is crazy passionate soccer player) what a way to go!!!
    Karen from ny
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Good morning -- the kitchen stayed closed last night...yay! My intentions for today: swim and log my food. Pretty simple. Just a regular work day here. Be back later.
  • Bialetti62
    Bialetti62 Posts: 48 Member
    edited October 2015
    Love this group. Good news or troubling news, we all have such helpful things to say, and well-intentioned advice to chew on (especially when there's nothing left to eat). Really can make your day when you know others care. Blessings to all here and hope you ALL have a productive, positive day. Sharing a smile..... A hug if you need one.... Hope you pass then on to someone else who might need it too. :)<3
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Heather why he has the clots is yet to be determined. He was lying down and not moving much when he felt sick. This might have contributed to it. It could be from veins in his legs. He was an avid runner, so he did get plenty of exercise.

    :heart: Margaret
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    So...this is what I just went through this morning ... looked at the calendar, big gap of no meetings...plenty of time to workout...but...maybe I'll look at Facebook. I really should do some laundry, so I'll throw a load in. But I should workout. Let me check my email again. What did I record on TV last night? Hey, is that halloween candy calling me? No no no. Let me look at Groupon. I should workout. I'm gonna weigh myself. Ugh...a pound over. Let me look at Facebook again. If I go to the bathroom, maybe my weight will be lower, so let's try that. Yup, .5 lower now! Let me check email again. JUST GO SWIMMING!!!! ok ok ok. Car is warming up. And....I'm off!!!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Margaret - clots are so scary... so glad you caught it in time!

    Joyce - good to see Charlie coming back to himself again, motoring around the mall.

    Gloria - so glad your Andrew is doing well, and I love the idea of a recording to pass on to grandchildren. Hmmm...

    Heather - sorry, I thought you were just trying to GET to Dropbox. Unfortunately, I'm on an Amazon Fire tablet, so I can't tell you exactly what downloading would look like on your app, as Dropbox hasn't developed an app for the Fire yet. However, I can still go to the Dropbox website and sign in through my browser on my Fire. Then I select the files I want on my tablet, and use the website's download function to push them to my tablet. Then I am able to find downloaded photos in the "Library" section of my tablet in the "Download" folder. What you're looking for in the app, then, is the "download" function in order to move them. Don't know exactly if that's what it will say on yours--there are just so many possible variations. I'll bet your support site for your new tablet will know, as Dropbox is very nearly universal now--it's probably in their FAQ (frequently asked questions).

    Off to the warehouse - our ribbon cutting on the RV storage lot is scheduled for Monday, November 16, so there's a lot to do to get that lot completely clear and ready for RV parking. Just going to use that for my exercise instead of running for the next few days! One thing I love about the Fitbit Charge HR is that it tells me how much I move and whether I'm in cardio or fat-burning zone, etc., as it registers my heart rate.

    The kittens are still here... and may move to the warehouse as warehouse kitties. Have to think about it. We're both enjoying them so much, and they're fast becoming cats instead of kittens. Put belled collars on them yesterday, so we know if they're underfoot. They have a habit of sitting on my husband's booted foot as soon as he stands still, and then go flying when he moves, as they're still so small!

    Everyone have a good day, and warmest regards from sunny West Texas--we'll be up to 84 degrees F (29 C) this afternoon, which is why I'm going in this morning!
