

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: Your post this morning cheered me up! I am happy for you that the weight from your sons' visit has already dropped off. WTG! :star:

    Betty: I hope you're soon feeling better. Colds cause too much misery. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I hope your DH is soon feeling better. It seems that you were his Guardian Angel. I hope he gets better quickly and am happy that you got him into the hospital in time. :heart:

    Gail: It is good to see you posting again. I'm sorry you've been having such a difficult time with your health. I hope every day is better than the one before. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: I hope you're feeling better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I also throw away the woody ends of asparagus. I tried boiling it for broth and discarding the asparagus ends afterward. Back in the days when I had a big garden I buried the ends in the compost bin. That was my best solution. Now I simply toss them because I don't have a compost bin due to lack of a yard. I like townhome living, but there are drawbacks. :ohwell:

    Barbie: My doctor participates in something called MyHealth. I can also send messages and receive messages, and can access my own test results. I really like it. DH's MS doctor has a similar system, but I don't think it is as easy to use as the one my doctor uses. It may be that DH is not taking full advantage of the system his doctor uses. :ohwell:

    janetr: You can do this. :heart: Count your calories and make room for a little treat in your daily food plan. :flowerforyou:

    flossyjal AKA Jan: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    I had charley horses in my lower legs & feet last night, and didn't rest well at all. I tried some different foot positions in yoga yesterday, and I think that may have caused the leg and foot cramps. Last night was the worst I've had in a very long time. I think I'll go to spin class today and hope it helps my legs stretch out and feel better.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    My wifi memory stick has arrived. It's now charging. We will see how it works. :*

    After nine tries this morning I finally got through to the doctor. I had already rung the pharmacy who had no record of my prescription. I had to leave a message and they phoned back as I was setting out for yoga. The prescription was with them as they didn't know which pharmacy to send it to. :sad: I have registered with the pharmacy for direct pick up. :'( What a waste of my time and energy. 3 calls to the pharmacy, a visit and loads of time this morning trying to get through to the doctor. It is a 40 min round trip to get there. Not impressed.

    Had a nice chat in the pub with a couple of yoga friends after the session. <3

    Got to fine tune our wills this afternoon. I am finding myself worrying about the car, which is in DH's name and I am just named driver. Will have to ask the solicitor. Don't want to be left unable to drive it.

    Love to all. Heather in Hampshire UK ( HELLO JAN!) :flowerforyou:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce - good news about your hubby! It sounds like he is really improving. I know that must be a lot of stress off of you.

    Glow - Great news about Alexander! We have been praying for him and will continue for him to have a good recovery. I would love to hear your song!

    Penny - Nice shot! Do you have trouble with polar bears?

    Jan - welcome back! It sounds like you know how to lose. We will be here if you need us!

    Irish Terri - I can also feel the chill in the air! Great and NSV! It's nice when we noticed that a closer getting bigger but it can be a little expensive.

    Karen - your DH sounds like he wants to live life to the fullest. You must enjoy being with him. I'm sure it must be a little stressful for you.

    Lisa - you are a very busy woman! You motivate me to get up and do things every day.

    Katla - if you get Charlie horses again drink 1/4 cup of pickle juice. It really work for me immediately.

    Heather - Great news on the Wi-Fi stick! Too bad about the pharmacy though. It sounds like you've already had a busy day. I'm glad that you talk about getting your will in order. It keeps reminding me that we need to do that.

    Cloudy day here today. I am going to do my kettle bell swings's and then go for a nice long walk if it's not raining. Then I will be doing some painting. You will hear that for me a lot because I have the whole inside of the house to do. At least it will keep me busy!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2015
    kimses2 wrote: »
    So...this is what I just went through this morning ... looked at the calendar, big gap of no meetings...plenty of time to workout...but...maybe I'll look at Facebook. I really should do some laundry, so I'll throw a load in. But I should workout. Let me check my email again. What did I record on TV last night? Hey, is that halloween candy calling me? No no no. Let me look at Groupon. I should workout. I'm gonna weigh myself. Ugh...a pound over. Let me look at Facebook again. If I go to the bathroom, maybe my weight will be lower, so let's try that. Yup, .5 lower now! Let me check email again. JUST GO SWIMMING!!!! ok ok ok. Car is warming up. And....I'm off!!!
    Hey Kimses, just DO it! Maybe you need to use one of my strategies. When it's really tough getting out, I plan my jogging for early in the morning and put all the gear out the night before. As soon as I get up, while I'm still on autopilot, I put my stuff on and GO. Sometimes I'm a mile from home before I wake up and realize what I'm doing, and by then it's too late to have any regrets. :D

    Heather and others, in Norway, all prescriptions can be accessed electronically from all authorized pharmacies, regardless of which chain they belong to. I can fill all my prescriptions no matter where I am (in Norway) as long as I can show my ID. That's one of the advantages of a solid, comprehensive national health service. I suspect Lenora's going to have something to say about that, but it sure works for ME!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2015
    Mary posted "Glow - Great news about Alexander! We have been praying for him and will continue for him to have a good recovery. I would love to hear your song!"

    Gloria - It is great news about Andrew (that was my Dad's name). Praying that healing continues and he thrives. I too would LOVE to hear or at least read the words your wrote for your song. What a wonderful Grandma you are.

    Mary - Thanks for he boot. I logged all my food for the day, for the first time since surgery. I'm back on it. Need to get myself talked in to get back to the YMCA to water aerobics. Thanks for the support.

    Katla - Thank you for the positive thots. I'm back on board, surgery 4 weeks behind me. Time to move on.

    Margaret - So thankful your DH's blood clots were found when they were. We will pray they they get them disolved without mishap. Sending (((hugs))) and prayers for you both.

    Becca - You just make me laugh and smile. What a beautiful free spirit. What I wouldn't give to have you sing Happy Birthday to me in the grocery store. My birthday is next week so practice up :)

    Heather - Hope you get the prescription picked up now with no further to do. It's frustrating to say the least. I keep mentioning a will to Jack and he just blows it off. I'm going to take the initiative and get it started. Especially since his children have now asked "what they are getting". It worries me if something should happen to Jack before me. I'm certain they would thing they could swoop in and just help themselves and I need to prevent them from happening. Besides the fact that I also have two children and I certainly have contributed to this household and I brought a couple of antique furniture pieces and silver into the home. I did give a lot of it to my daughters when I moved in with Jack and his home was too small to hold all that I had, so they have that already. I'm tired of worrying about it so need to take action.

    Sunny and gorgeous here today will get to about 73 degrees. I could live like this year round. I actually slept 5 hours in a row last night with very little waking and restlessness. Felt so good. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- at least here in the states it's community property so if something does happen to your DH everything is yours. But I am in the same predicament with my DH's children. I would worry about if we were both to go that they would try to prevent anything from going to my children. My DH also worries about the same thing because his children have acted very strangely since we have been together.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2015
    I decided to skip spin class today because I was up most of night with foot and leg cramping. That hasn't happened to me in a very long time. A nice, long soak in the bathtub seems like a good idea. Hot water is my friend. :heart:
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Becca -
    Annr wrote: »
    I am still using that method of telling myself I have had a gastric bypass in my brain. I don't mean any disrespect to those that have had that done though. For me, that idea came to me from watching those "600 plus makeover" shows. It's just a mental tool I use to help me with the portion control.

    This morning I did weigh in, and my added lbs that I put on from when sons came are OFF. (mentally doing a cartwheel!!) When I weigh in on Wednesday I HOPE...no wait...I SHALL...get into the 220's range. I have been loitering around the 230's for so long ...at least a month. Time to pack up and move on down...(ok I am typing to myself)...

    no sidestepping this journey, Im in it to win it.

    I loved reading about the things you made as bases for meals. It should make it easy for you to pull together a healthy meal in a short time. Smart.

    I don’t feel that telling yourself that you had gastric bypass to help with portion control is disrespectful at all. As you said, it’s a tool. If it is a tool that works then by all means use it. Since the weight is coming off I think it is working for you. Yay Becca! 220’s here she comes!

    I love “no sidestepping.” Makes me want to stride down that path with you. In it to win it indeed.

    Margaret -
    Turns out DH has small blood clots in his legs his major symptom was shortness of breath. The first doctor just attributed it to a virus. He was also having muscle pains in his legs. Thank goodness he went into the doctor again today. I have a feeling the first doctor will be talked too because they missed this diagnosis. Hopefully he will suffer no lasting effects to his breathing and health.

    I was going to say that those blood clots in the legs can travel to the heart and lungs, but it sounds like your doctor has already discovered there are some in the lungs. That was my mother’s cause of death so I know it can be quite serious. I’m so glad your doctor feels your DH will have a good recovery. Very glad your DH listened to you and went to see his doctor. Sending your DH my best wishes for a full recovery.

    Mia in MI

    October goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

    Word for the month - PERSEVERE
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    I never found my e-mail from yesterday, so hugs to everyone yesterday.

    Becca – I am certain that you and I are soul sisters. It is amazing to me how many people call me by pet names, and hug me for no reason and I hug them back, and how many times I have been caught singing in any random environment. There is ALWAYS music in my head (and I’ve been tested, that does not make me schizophrenic, just weird) and if I don’t use my words enough in a day, it comes out as singing, anywhere, anytime. Some people read to fall asleep, I sing. // congrats on all your SV’s and NSV’s. You had plenty of them, and really deserve to be all that ! ! !

    MNMargaret/Betty/Gail/Sharon/Gloria/Everyone – Hugs for fast healing of sicknesses and/or injuries.

    – Hugs ! ! ! My first-born was a “fetal demise” at almost 6 months (some records called her stillborn, doesn’t really make a difference to me). I still grieved for several months, and honor her often. I do have a few “bi+ch sessions with my MiL occasionally because she personally understands the marital trauma of our husbands’ midlife crises, but I feel bad slamming her son like that. Luckily, she does not take it personally, and respects the strength I have to “fix” his transgressions. Plus, I was pretty much the only reason her eldest son (my DH) was around during the last few months of their Dad’s life, and she appreciates me for that (we live several hundred miles away, and I was able get him a free rental SUV, and to keep everything together and give him the strength needed so my DH could be with his family).

    Barbie – Secure Online Portals with Medical Providers can be absolutely wonderful. I’m so glad you had good results with yours. Hugs for your speedy diagnosis and recovery.

    Janetr – Kick! Now kick me back, because the dipping chocolate for DS and his pretzels, cookies, marshmallows, etc has been calling me at night. I put a few drops (ok, a teaspoon) into my yogurt/granola combo. Do I post that to yesterday or today?

    Joyce – Congrats to hubby and his walking. Very exciting !

    Kimses2 – Thanks for the laugh. I’m glad my mind isn’t the only one that scatters around like that. I’m glad you finally are off to your swim. Enjoy ! ! !

    Katla – Hugs for your Charlie horses last night. My DH gets them, too. Gatorade and/or a banana seems to work for him.

    Mac & Cheese – DH and DS prefer Kraft in the blue box. My favorite has always been Velveeta. I almost never have more than a tablespoon now, but I will stand over the pan and sniff it.

    Not much exciting happening here, which is a good thing. I have a new (to me) RA flare; it is in my left pinky, from mid-hand to tip. Not bad enough to ice it so I just keep moving and stretching. It’s probably because I caved and ate ½ cup of white pasta Sunday and Monday with the spaghetti I made for my boys. I know better. I will buy some shirataki Thursday after we get paid (just buying yogurt today, bowling try-outs tomorrow).

    Everybody at work is at the Stables giving flu shots. They all started at 6am today, and will be there until 2pm. When they are done putting everything away I think they get to go home, so I will be alone all day, so I am already singing.

    I have not heard anything recently from DD about how things went at the funeral yesterday, so I have to presume it went as they expected. She usually texts me when something really good or really bad happens. She will likely do a lot of babysitting for the widow and child, because that is something she is good at. Not so good in the kitchen, but good enough to get by. Not so good at cleaning (she gets that from her Mom). Watching child so Mom can rest or run errands or just cry or whatever is a priceless gift. She has a huge heart that way, but less money than time. Thanks everyone for your thoughts, hugs, and prayers for that group of 20-somethings ! ! !

    Hugs again for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    30 minutes of swimming laps...done! Penny -- Maybe I should sleep in my bathing suit. :) But you are right that the longer I procrastinate, the harder it is to get going. As Kevin O'Leary would say on Shark Tank: Stop the insanity!
    One thing is for sure, I never regret exercising. I always regret not exercising.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri - your daughter sounds like a very loving person. She must take after her mom. Good luck to your DS and his tryouts.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    *Penny, your weather symbols are very interesting. It’s like another world to me. I was surprised it’s as humid as it is, for some reason.

    *Katla, so glad you are enjoying your yoga. That is too bad about your parents smoking to the detriment of your health.

    *Terri, that is terrible about your DD’s friend. Where did they live? I didn’t know yogurt could help fight a virus? I take Valtrex at the first sign of a cold sore. Hope it moves on quickly.

    *Karen, I wish you luck with the lab numbers. When I was at the doctors’ office today I smiled to myself as the nurse took my BP. 8 or 9 months ago she had to use the Fat Person BP cuff on my arm and today she used the regular one and had about 6 inches hanging loose. That feels so good.

    *Betty, so sorry to hear you are under the weather. Guess it’s better than being under the table? What is “auto leaf peeping?”. Feel better soon!!!

    *Margaret, glad your DH called the doctor again. This morning on Good Morning America they talked about listening to your body and keep after the doctor if you think something is out of whack. Good for him. That is so scary!!!

    *Gail, welcome back. So sorry to hear of your health problems but hopefully things are on the mend. ((((Hugs))))

    *Meg, sorry you have been sick. I hope you will be able to increase your exercise soon and get your A1C back where you want it. ((((Hugs))))

    *Michele,NC, if your DH wants to lose weight, you definitely need to stop all that baking! It will free up time for you, save money and not be a temptation to either of you. If there is cake left, divide it into small portions and freeze it. I’m sure there will be times that he wants something, unless he’s getting serious.

    *Barbie, one of my doctors has a web site like that. It is actually wonderful how many things can be accomplished with technology these days. I hope the new meds work well.

    *Sharon, sending healing thoughts for your DH and comfort for you. (((Hugs)))

    *Janetr, here in the Carolinas they all seem to have mac and cheese at Thanksgiving and Christmas, also. Seems a little casual/comfort food for a holiday meal to me, but whatever floats their boats. Hey, I don’t care if Jack is there or not….what do you mean you are thinking about CHEATING???? Why would you want to cheat yourself?? Why would you purposefully attempt to add weight after all your good work? I’m just wondering. Surely you were just kidding us, right? Come on, tell the truth!! You know I am here for you like the rest of your friends here. Just think of Damit Janit sitting on your shoulder watching everything you even think about eating. busted.gif I’m always ready.

    *Joyce, the fashion show is an annual charity event put on by the Women of the Moose. I have not modeled in it before even though they do have some “Plus Size” clothes. It should be fun. Wow, it sounds like Charlie is really doing great. I’m so thankful and happy for you both.

    *Heather, I had to laugh. smiley-laughing025.gif Isn’t that the way it always is when we replace something; the old one starts working like new. What is with that anyway?

    *Gloria, so glad to hear the surgery went well. That is so sweet about the song you wrote and sang with your DGS.

    *Jan, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Please come often and join right in. I really like your last goal: “give myself positive tlc self talk instead of moaning at me”. I think that is so important as I respond so much better to positive reinforcement than to negative.

    *Irish Terri, I like your statement, “I never lose! I either win or learn!'”

    *Karen, your DH has a great attitude about life. If we all could just live that way and appreciate each and every day. smiley-laughing016.gif

    *Lisa, that’s wonderful that you will open the warehouse so soon. You have been getting a lot done. Way to go.

    *Katla, sorry about your overnight leg/foot cramps. That is the worst. Enjoy your spinning.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’m having a hard time not being judgmental. I normally have no problem with people doing their own thing but this particular lady is just so annoying. She is loud and always performing even when it disrupts others and what they are doing. If you watch her, you can see her looking around to make sure people are watching her. She does it in the Social Quarters at the lodge and also in our meetings. The Social Quarters are where members go to eat and drink and have a good time. They mostly don’t go there to listen to her but if she is there, that is what happens because she is so loud. I just don’t understand why people like that are so self-centered that they think everyone else wants to have to listen to them. Okay, I think my rant is over. Thanks my friends.

    It’s raining lightly this morning and has a chance to keep it up most of the day. The temperatures are a touch on the cool side but not cold. I have to get ready for line dancing so will sign off for now.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Janetr- at least here in the states it's community property so if something does happen to your DH everything is yours. But I am in the same predicament with my DH's children. I would worry about if we were both to go that they would try to prevent anything from going to my children. My DH also worries about the same thing because his children have acted very strangely since we have been together.

    Mary from Minnesota

    Yes, I know that's true here, but like you I don't want any kind of confrontation with them. They go back and fortth of talking to us and coming for holidays and totally shutting their mother out, then flip flop and their mother is great and they pretty much ignore us. It's a very strange family dynamic.

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Got my pills! Hooray, hooray! I did ring them first because whatever time you go over there, they say, "The pharmacist is at lunch." Grrrrrr!

    DH and I are both feeling a bit under par and fluey. I have an itchy nose and aching legs etc. DH is a bit dizzy. I expect we have picked up a virus from somewhere. Not enough to stop us eating! :laugh:
    I am postponing our wills dissecting and wifi playing until tomorrow.
    We have mirror wills. On first death each of our children, we have two each, will get the same sum. The spouse has free use of the residue until the second death when the residue is divided 57%, 43% , to reflect our respective capital at the moment. I want to ask the solicitor if we can change that to a ratio that reflects our respective capital whenever the first one dies in the future. For example, I may have spent more of my money than he has as I have almost no income. Or he may have bought an expensive car. :laugh: None of this is actually binding once one of us is dead, but it is an expression of our intentions and I want to be fair to his children. However, if DH dies I will spend the money freely, as and when I want to, hence the earlier legacies.
    It is very complicated when there are two merged families. :*

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2015
    Damit Janit, wrote
    "*Janetr, here in the Carolinas they all seem to have mac and cheese at Thanksgiving and Christmas, also. Seems a little casual/comfort food for a holiday meal to me, but whatever floats their boats. Hey, I don’t care if Jack is there or not….what do you mean you are thinking about CHEATING???? Why would you want to cheat yourself?? Why would you purposefully attempt to add weight after all your good work? I’m just wondering. Surely you were just kidding us, right? Come on, tell the truth!! You know I am here for you like the rest of your friends here. Just think of Damit Janit sitting on your shoulder watching everything you even think about eating. busted.gif I’m always ready."

    Ah, DJ, I knew I could count on you to set me back on the straight and narrow. I've been bracing myself since asking for the boot last night. I was thinking about it, little nagging voices. I did stop at Starbucks after shopping and got a small Pumpkin Spice Latte. I sipped at it on the way home and was already feeling queasy by the time I got home. Threw the rest away. Ugh, what was I thinking? But after shopping and trying on several tops, and buying a couple, in the Juniors Department, reinforced why I decided on this healthy lifestyle. By the way, I felt you there on my shoulder. Thank you!!

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lagapus - if it works for you, then it works; but, the way ObamaCare is set up doesn't work for Americans. Fortunately, I have 2ndary insurance and don't have to go through the process of ObamaCare; but, my son has had to do it and his premiums were going to be $12,000 a year; with a deductible of $5,000 - not worth getting, the fines would not be that much. That is worse than having only catastrophic insurance. The people that are on Medicaid get 'free' health insurance already. And even Congress does not have to go through ObamaCare - it really only affects the middle-income families that might have 2 - 4 children or more and both are working. No way that we could come up with an extra $1,000 a month and still have to come up with the additional $5,000 to be met before getting treated. It is IMHO that Congress should not make a law (with the POTUS signing it into law of the land) that they, themselves are not having to follow it . . . 'any' law - they are not above it. So that is all I am going to say about that. Our local 'not-for-profit' hospital is 'supposed' to treat you whether or not you have insurance; and it has become the 'clinic' for the poor; now if you have insurance and your doctor has hospital privileges there no problem. But, one of the MDs I go to doesn't have hospital privileges by choice, like a lot of GPs in town. If in the hospital I would still have to be treated by one of the contract MDs they have on their payroll. This could be good or this could be bad. I go as far away as 200 miles to see a psychiatrist to only do my medications for my bipolar condition; the only time he admitted me into the hospital to straighten them out, I was first checked in through the ER to make sure I did not have a medical condition that needed to be cured first. I had a UTI and that was also a part of my treatment - given an antibiotic. I guess if I did not have insurance I'd be like 1000's or 10's of 1000's of people who want some sort of comprehensive insurance. Even so, they still have panels to review all medical procedures to make sure you fall within their rules. As one gets older, they can decide whether or not they get treated - we call them 'death panels'. Just because someone has reached the age of 75 does not mean that they cannot be treated for cancer; but, the way ObamaCare is supposed to work, the older people get less treatment because 'whoops', they're gonna die anyway (some sooner than later). I pay a good deal for my 2ndary insurance; but, between it and my Medicare I have very little out-of-pocket expenses other than my drugs; and some of them would cost me $1300 a month if I did not have insurance and only have to pay $95 for a 3-month supply of a name brand Rx and only $15 for a generic brand.

    Don't get me started on 'gun control'. I don't believe in that either other than people that buy 'assault' rifles [example - a machine gun] ought to have to register them . . . nobody with an assault rifle will be hunting with it - it is meant to kill humans and do as much damage as possible. Rifles (such as hunting rifles) should NOT BE 'CONTROLLED' as it is a way that most hunters put meat on their tables and most who hunt only for sport donate the meat through their taxidermist to soup kitchens. Of course, I am not sure that I want 'carry permits' for pistols; but, I do understand the concept of why it needs to be law. I guess it will take a lot of lawsuits for them to rethink that. I personally have respect for our police and our military and they need every kind of tool to carry out their jobs. Most of what we see and hear on TV about police using excessive force is 'always after the fact'. Doesn't show that these (mostly) young black men have just robbed a store, thrown away his gun, so he won't be caught with it (which is another heftier charge added on to the robbery, burglary, rape, etc.). Unfortunately, the USA has become a nation of litigiousness and that isn't going to change. It's the run-a-way verdicts they give, some for what a lot of attorneys think are frivolous complaints. However, think about a MD operating on you, maybe a little under the 3-sheets to the wind, and he leaves a sponge or instrument inside you or worse - you die because of his mistakes; "Tort Reform" (so you cannot sue them for more than a certain amount) isn't the answer. Unfortunately, MDs and some attorneys are not willing to turn in another so they can get 'help' with their issues and therefore the bad apples give the good ones a bad rap. Ergo the bad lawyer jokes and god-complex doctor jokes. There is a difference between an attorney and a lawyer - called 'class' and the ability to say, 'sorry, but no, I will not handle that case for you, maybe someone else will'. I worked for an attorney whose specialty was medical malpractice/medical malfeasances and large automobile accidents or large liability claims. When you have a plaintiff who maybe was 30-something years old, has a family of 3 young children, was a surgeon or used his hands for his living, . . . and is facing the rest of his life with medical expenses, PT, OT, loss of income (or specialty), and other things, he would always have in his closing argument to at least give them $10 an hour for billable hours . . . which is just a little more than minimum wage and see how far that would go to try to pay his medical expenses and take care of his family. That works out to be $20,800 a year and that would not even 'touch' the amount he'd have to pay out for even one surgery, and if he lived to be 75 (at that time was the age that an average man would live) - it's gone up since to maybe 80. There are 2080 billable hours in a normal work week for the year. Can't you see why 'tort reform' would be unfair? Now for some idiot to place a cup of hot coffee in her lap without a cover on it, I'd think her mitigating circumstances (her fault for doing something that is 'stupid' and most reasonable people would never consider doing) should prevent her from getting $100,000 up to $2,000,000 from the fast food restaurant she bought it from. Her stupidity should not be held against the franchise. Maybe for the treatment of the burns, and for the loss of wages she has during the treatment time, and maybe a minimal amount for her pain and suffering. As a legal secretary (PLS) I'd get kicked off 'jury duty' because either the plaintiff's or the defendant's attorney would excuse me, never having to give a reason - but I knew it was because of my career. The only time I actually got seated on a jury; before voir dire (questions) got started I was called out because my sister's in-laws had both been killed when a log truck with no side lights pulled out and blocked their lane (at night, early morning) and the Judge excused me from the case. It was a criminal case and my attorney/boss did nothing to try to keep me off the jury because he really wanted to know what got said by the 11 other jurors (behind closed doors) and why they came up with the verdict they did. In a civil case, as soon as I said what I did for a living - I got excused from jury duty because neither side wanted me to be explaining why it might make it harder for me to go along with some of the rest of them.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    hope your hubby feels better margaretturk

    kimses- geez gurl, i wanted to throw you in the car myself!! lmao!!!! glad u got out!

    katla - u outta try compression sleeves and socks for your cramps.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Janetr- at least here in the states it's community property so if something does happen to your DH everything is yours. But I am in the same predicament with my DH's children. I would worry about if we were both to go that they would try to prevent anything from going to my children. My DH also worries about the same thing because his children have acted very strangely since we have been together.

    Mary from Minnesota

    In 'some' states property is considered 'community property'; but, not all. Florida, Louisiana, California are some of the larger states that are 'community' property states. In Florida if someone married and owns a house, it becomes community property and the marriage license will put that name on any property owned by the other. In Georgia, if someone dies leaving property and has children or other people considered heirs and does not leave a Will, the Probate Judge will appoint an Administrator to gather up all the property, real or otherwise, find out who is owed money, who the heirs are, and then after putting a notice in the paper for 4 consecutive weeks, he/she can then sell the property so that it can be 'divided' into portions (depending on the number or heirs) and do it that way. And there is nothing that can be done to keep the surviving spouse from changing their Wills to leave all the property they have inherited from the other, to their children - leaving out the deceased spouse's child(ren). The living spouse of one of my uncle's widows did this; and, of course, there were a lot of hard feelings. If a man or a woman owns property before the marriage it is still exclusively his/hers until they actually go down and sign the property (or half of it) to their spouse during their life-time. This is good for if there is a divorce - one can't take it away from the original buyer. There should be a 'common disaster clause' put into a Will to decided who is considered to have died prior to the other if there is no way to determine it such as being killed in a wreck. Wills are tricky and a lot of people won't make them because they believe that to 'prepare' for death only makes it more possible, and sooner rather than later. Sometimes I have to laugh at my DOS because occasionally he will walk through our house looking at things; it makes me feel like he is 'casing' the joint. I have a list of things that I want to go to my sons, things I specifically want to go to my granddaughters, and some things I want to go to my DDnL's that I think they will cherish; otherwise it is left to my sons, per stirpes (both own it equally and they have to decide together how it will be disposed of, either one buys it from the other, or they sell it and divide the money). I also have a copy with my financial guy who can help them get everything together and then they can go to an attorney to have the Will probated. We will occasionally pull it out and see if we want to do things a little differently. DH has written his D out of his Will, so mine will be the last one to be probated if we die in a common disaster - neither way will she inherit anything from either of us. She got greedy and did everything she could to make sure she got 'her' inheritance from DH's mother when she died. It caused a lot of hurt and misunderstandings; but, she had made it 'clear' to us that she did NOT want us in her life. That was over 8 years ago. We have not spoke to or heard from her since. She got (took) things that should have been divided the way my DMnL had written them down to be divided. I would suggest making an addendum to a Will if there are certain things that are not specifically written out in the Will, so they will be divided according to one's wishes. My father, who was an attorney, used to say that 'nothing brings out the worst in people quicker than someone dying with an chance of having any kind of material things or property'. That is very true!

    Community property states usually have a waiting period in the event of a divorce called a 'cooling off period' before the divorce becomes final. In Georgia, a decree of divorce can be taken even 'if' the property issue has not yet been worked out. Usually it is after both lawyer have been paid for their services (or it is agreed that it will be worded in such a way that he/she will be paid). Settlement agreements can be quite tricky, especially if there are step-children/blended families and of course, property that maybe one of them owned before they got married. If my husband owned a beach house before we married and then we got divorced - that property would forever be his, until he sold it and I would not be able to lay claim to any part of it for any reason.

    But, in my last two posts I am 'not' giving attorney advice - you need to check the laws of the state in which you live with an attorney to find out what can and cannot be done. Most attorneys will give you "free" hour of advice to answer your questions. Most, but not all ... you need to find that out in a phone call.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,881 Member
    Hello all: Welcome to newbies. DH and I went to a wonderful concert Sunday evening. It was a group of five men among them my choir director. They sang a great variety of songs, some silly and some serious. The arrangement of Be Thou My Vision was probably the best I have ever heard. After the concert however we had to drive home in the dark and the rain on unfamiliar roads. That was NOT fun.

    Gail - Glad you are back and hope the health problems are behind you.

    Hope those who have had recent surgery continue to heal well.

    MN Margaret - Hope your DH makes a good recovery. It is no fun not being able to breathe. I had a PE after my knee surgery and was in the hospital for a week. The only symptoms were sudden and worsening shortness of breath.

    Finally found a new dentist out here, now I have to find a new primary care doctor. I hate having to make these decisions, makes me anxious.

    Everyone take care. Sue in WA