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How is the MFPer above going to die?



  • Thisnameischosen
    Thisnameischosen Posts: 2,770 Member
    Zombie apocalypse. He was used as bait for the getaway team.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    SMiled at an approaching dog. It was too late by the time he realized it was a rabid wolf!
  • Thisnameischosen
    Thisnameischosen Posts: 2,770 Member
    edited February 2016
    She was on the titanic.. Having her picture painted when the ship went down.
  • Thisnameischosen
    Thisnameischosen Posts: 2,770 Member
    He died in the forest. Everyone dies in the forest. I tried to tell him not to go there but he wouldn't listen.
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    A suspicious rash that covered her entire body.
  • suzreen
    suzreen Posts: 2,455 Member
    The fool! One day he decided to tug on Superman's cape, spit into the wind, and worst of all, he messed around with Jim. That was the end of him.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Riding her bicycle to work...thought about how much she hated work ..realised her life was just work work work..so rode under the first bus...
  • Wonderwomanvik
    Wonderwomanvik Posts: 2,932 Member
    She went swimming, in the ocean, in winter... When she got out of the water....
    A seagull pooped on her... Unfortunately it carried a rare disease that kills you slowly as you bleed from every pore.
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    she farted inside a tanning booth and got burnt to char
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    Died the same way while trying his damndest to smell it
  • Wonderwomanvik
    Wonderwomanvik Posts: 2,932 Member
    Trying to save me from the tanning booth @clusilencio forced me into.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Shes crushed by the door of the tanning bed she's trying to escape from!
  • Sniper_Chick
    Sniper_Chick Posts: 1,703 Member
    used as the football at the Superbowl
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    at the hands of a jealous spouse of a lover.
  • suzreen
    suzreen Posts: 2,455 Member
    Riding her bicycle to work...thought about how much she hated work ..realised her life was just work work work..so rode under the first bus...

    Hey, this is hitting kind of close to home!

  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Run over by a Bus very close to her home!
  • suzreen
    suzreen Posts: 2,455 Member
    pondee629 wrote: »
    at the hands of a jealous spouse of a lover.

    That dog he's with threw a stick, and the darn fool chased it over a cliff!
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    got into a heated argument with a kid over who was first in line at the ice cream cone machine at Hometown Buffet. In one swift act of rage, the little girl grabbed a waffle cone, flipped it around and began stabbing suzreen repeatedly in the carotid artery of the neck.
  • Muzak1
    Muzak1 Posts: 599 Member
    Stuck by a car trying to commit suicide. The driver survived. He didn't
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Of old age in my arms