WHO says my bacon is not good for me :-(



  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    i eat two strips a day and blood work comes back perfect every year.

    sounds more food fear mongering by the folks over at WHO, just like they do with sugar.

    Also, a lot of things are related to colon cancer, and I would be curious to read the entire study, and that article does not link to it.

    eat your bacon and be happy. If you were eating a package a day then you might have something to worry about.

    /sigh the who did not do a study. They analyzed around 800 studies. This isn't based off one study. I think a lot of people just read the title without actually reading what the WHO released. Blood work does not generally test for cancer, only one I know off hand is prostate, admittedly not an oncology nurses. Most is detected through other means.

    i never said blood work tested for cancer….my point is that bacon can be part of a healthy overall diet…

    A lot of factors lead to cancer and singling out one is utterly ridiculous. I would like to review the studies to see what was actually studied, without that the information in the article is useless.

    I was not aware that there was a report saying that eating processed meat is the one and only factor contributing to cancer. Are you sure you are referring to the same report?

    where in any of my quotes did I say that?

    My point is that to try to point to one cause of cancer is ridiculous.

    Why is it ridiculous?

    because it is impossible to point to one cause of cancer as some people may be genetically more inclined to getting cancer and processed food would have nothing to do with that. Unless, you want to claim that processed foods now affect genetics?

    take the example of skin cancer. You can have moles that are never exposed to sunlight and they still develop into a melanoma, because of ones family history or other factors.

    But they aren't saying it is guaranteed to cause cancer or that it is the only cause of cancer. Personally, I appreciate that they share information on foods that are carcinogenic. Why would anyone not want to know this information?
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    amberlyda1 wrote: »
    I love my organic bacon! Its not so much the bacon and meat...its the processing. Lots of people will defend processed foods, diet sodas, GMo etc. They will say they are totally safe. I personally believe that our bodies were not designed to handle and metabolize these science experiments we are putting into our bodies. Study after study has come out and shown that some of these artificial ingredients cause cancer or significantly up our chances of getting cancer. I dont have time to pull them up right now, but the studies are easy to find. I pulled up a snap shot of Oscar myer bacon ingredients. If you cant pronounce it, it probably shouldn't go in your body.


    can you pronounce all the ingredients in an apple?

    Is it Po-TAY-to or Po-TAH-to?

    Does my answer change whether or not I may consume it?
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I once had someone tell me that if you can't pronounce it, your body can't process it.
    I thought it was horrible that I got fat just because I'm a cunning linguist, but people that can't pronounce sucrose get to eat all the cake they want calorie free.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    i eat two strips a day and blood work comes back perfect every year.

    sounds more food fear mongering by the folks over at WHO, just like they do with sugar.

    Also, a lot of things are related to colon cancer, and I would be curious to read the entire study, and that article does not link to it.

    eat your bacon and be happy. If you were eating a package a day then you might have something to worry about.

    /sigh the who did not do a study. They analyzed around 800 studies. This isn't based off one study. I think a lot of people just read the title without actually reading what the WHO released. Blood work does not generally test for cancer, only one I know off hand is prostate, admittedly not an oncology nurses. Most is detected through other means.

    i never said blood work tested for cancer….my point is that bacon can be part of a healthy overall diet…

    A lot of factors lead to cancer and singling out one is utterly ridiculous. I would like to review the studies to see what was actually studied, without that the information in the article is useless.

    I was not aware that there was a report saying that eating processed meat is the one and only factor contributing to cancer. Are you sure you are referring to the same report?

    where in any of my quotes did I say that?

    My point is that to try to point to one cause of cancer is ridiculous.

    Why is it ridiculous?

    because it is impossible to point to one cause of cancer as some people may be genetically more inclined to getting cancer and processed food would have nothing to do with that. Unless, you want to claim that processed foods now affect genetics?

    take the example of skin cancer. You can have moles that are never exposed to sunlight and they still develop into a melanoma, because of ones family history or other factors.

    But they aren't saying it is guaranteed to cause cancer or that it is the only cause of cancer. Personally, I appreciate that they share information on foods that are carcinogenic. Why would anyone not want to know this information?

    because then people like the OP think they are going to get cancer if they eat two strips of bacon a day...

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    amberlyda1 wrote: »
    I love my organic bacon! Its not so much the bacon and meat...its the processing. Lots of people will defend processed foods, diet sodas, GMo etc. They will say they are totally safe. I personally believe that our bodies were not designed to handle and metabolize these science experiments we are putting into our bodies. Study after study has come out and shown that some of these artificial ingredients cause cancer or significantly up our chances of getting cancer. I dont have time to pull them up right now, but the studies are easy to find. I pulled up a snap shot of Oscar myer bacon ingredients. If you cant pronounce it, it probably shouldn't go in your body.


    can you pronounce all the ingredients in an apple?

    Is it Po-TAY-to or Po-TAH-to?

    Does my answer change whether or not I may consume it?

    you are forever banned from eating apples...
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    edited October 2015
    amberlyda1 wrote: »
    I love my organic bacon! Its not so much the bacon and meat...its the processing. Lots of people will defend processed foods, diet sodas, GMo etc. They will say they are totally safe. I personally believe that our bodies were not designed to handle and metabolize these science experiments we are putting into our bodies. Study after study has come out and shown that some of these artificial ingredients cause cancer or significantly up our chances of getting cancer. I dont have time to pull them up right now, but the studies are easy to find. I pulled up a snap shot of Oscar myer bacon ingredients. If you cant pronounce it, it probably shouldn't go in your body.


    Is there any data showing organic bacon is less carcinogenic than non-organic?

    Curing and smoking changes meat, even if it's done naturally and organically. It is just as much a science experiment as synthetic food additives.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    i eat two strips a day and blood work comes back perfect every year.

    sounds more food fear mongering by the folks over at WHO, just like they do with sugar.

    Also, a lot of things are related to colon cancer, and I would be curious to read the entire study, and that article does not link to it.

    eat your bacon and be happy. If you were eating a package a day then you might have something to worry about.

    /sigh the who did not do a study. They analyzed around 800 studies. This isn't based off one study. I think a lot of people just read the title without actually reading what the WHO released. Blood work does not generally test for cancer, only one I know off hand is prostate, admittedly not an oncology nurses. Most is detected through other means.

    i never said blood work tested for cancer….my point is that bacon can be part of a healthy overall diet…

    A lot of factors lead to cancer and singling out one is utterly ridiculous. I would like to review the studies to see what was actually studied, without that the information in the article is useless.

    I was not aware that there was a report saying that eating processed meat is the one and only factor contributing to cancer. Are you sure you are referring to the same report?

    where in any of my quotes did I say that?

    My point is that to try to point to one cause of cancer is ridiculous.

    Why is it ridiculous?

    because it is impossible to point to one cause of cancer as some people may be genetically more inclined to getting cancer and processed food would have nothing to do with that. Unless, you want to claim that processed foods now affect genetics?

    take the example of skin cancer. You can have moles that are never exposed to sunlight and they still develop into a melanoma, because of ones family history or other factors.

    But they aren't saying it is guaranteed to cause cancer or that it is the only cause of cancer. Personally, I appreciate that they share information on foods that are carcinogenic. Why would anyone not want to know this information?

    because then people like the OP think they are going to get cancer if they eat two strips of bacon a day...

    I don't see anything in the OP that suggests that, but even if it were true I don't see how it would be relevant. It sounds as though you are suggesting public health organizations should only share information that will be correctly interpreted by every person on Earth. THAT would be ridiculous.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    I once had someone tell me that if you can't pronounce it, your body can't process it.
    I thought it was horrible that I got fat just because I'm a cunning linguist, but people that can't pronounce sucrose get to eat all the cake they want calorie free.

    Is it only the sucrose in cake that makes us fat?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    i eat two strips a day and blood work comes back perfect every year.

    sounds more food fear mongering by the folks over at WHO, just like they do with sugar.

    Also, a lot of things are related to colon cancer, and I would be curious to read the entire study, and that article does not link to it.

    eat your bacon and be happy. If you were eating a package a day then you might have something to worry about.

    /sigh the who did not do a study. They analyzed around 800 studies. This isn't based off one study. I think a lot of people just read the title without actually reading what the WHO released. Blood work does not generally test for cancer, only one I know off hand is prostate, admittedly not an oncology nurses. Most is detected through other means.

    i never said blood work tested for cancer….my point is that bacon can be part of a healthy overall diet…

    A lot of factors lead to cancer and singling out one is utterly ridiculous. I would like to review the studies to see what was actually studied, without that the information in the article is useless.

    I was not aware that there was a report saying that eating processed meat is the one and only factor contributing to cancer. Are you sure you are referring to the same report?

    where in any of my quotes did I say that?

    My point is that to try to point to one cause of cancer is ridiculous.

    Why is it ridiculous?

    because it is impossible to point to one cause of cancer as some people may be genetically more inclined to getting cancer and processed food would have nothing to do with that. Unless, you want to claim that processed foods now affect genetics?

    take the example of skin cancer. You can have moles that are never exposed to sunlight and they still develop into a melanoma, because of ones family history or other factors.

    But they aren't saying it is guaranteed to cause cancer or that it is the only cause of cancer. Personally, I appreciate that they share information on foods that are carcinogenic. Why would anyone not want to know this information?

    because then people like the OP think they are going to get cancer if they eat two strips of bacon a day...

    I don't see anything in the OP that suggests that, but even if it were true I don't see how it would be relevant. It sounds as though you are suggesting public health organizations should only share information that will be correctly interpreted by every person on Earth. THAT would be ridiculous.

    to review, here is OP's OP:

    "Having recently found out that I can have bacon and eggs with baked beans every day and still keep my deficit, I've just read this report regarding processed meats increasing likelihood of colorectal cancer http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34615621.

    Could someone please put this into non-scaremongering terms for me, because I've just bought 3 packs on offer!"

    so OP obviously had some fear from the report...

    And please find the direct quote where I said anything about public health organizations only sharing certain information that can only be interpreted by everyone. I simply said that there are many factors that lead to cancer. Please stop trying to attribute quotes to me that I have never made.
  • JustaJoe00
    JustaJoe00 Posts: 777 Member
    Tastes like chicken? just kidding...tastes like salted from the gods goodness...lol
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    amberlyda1 wrote: »
    I love my organic bacon! Its not so much the bacon and meat...its the processing. Lots of people will defend processed foods, diet sodas, GMo etc. They will say they are totally safe. I personally believe that our bodies were not designed to handle and metabolize these science experiments we are putting into our bodies. Study after study has come out and shown that some of these artificial ingredients cause cancer or significantly up our chances of getting cancer. I dont have time to pull them up right now, but the studies are easy to find. I pulled up a snap shot of Oscar myer bacon ingredients. If you cant pronounce it, it probably shouldn't go in your body.


    can you pronounce all the ingredients in an apple?

    Is it Po-TAY-to or Po-TAH-to?

    Does my answer change whether or not I may consume it?

    you are forever banned from eating apples...

  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    I once had someone tell me that if you can't pronounce it, your body can't process it.
    I thought it was horrible that I got fat just because I'm a cunning linguist, but people that can't pronounce sucrose get to eat all the cake they want calorie free.

    Is it only the sucrose in cake that makes us fat?

    I like that your problem with my statement was complaining about sucrose and not anything about the idea of digestion being dependent on what rolls off the tongue rather than what goes onto it.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    What I am getting from these discussions is that everything increases my chance of getting cancer.

    except fresh fruits and veggies, but they come with higher risks of food poisoning by bacteria like listeria...

    There's also some plants in the Carcinogen class 1 list, but those are almost exclusively used in parts of Asia.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,645 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    I once had someone tell me that if you can't pronounce it, your body can't process it.
    I thought it was horrible that I got fat just because I'm a cunning linguist, but people that can't pronounce sucrose get to eat all the cake they want calorie free.

    Is it only the sucrose in cake that makes us fat?

    nothing in cake makes us fat...
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    i eat two strips a day and blood work comes back perfect every year.

    sounds more food fear mongering by the folks over at WHO, just like they do with sugar.

    Also, a lot of things are related to colon cancer, and I would be curious to read the entire study, and that article does not link to it.

    eat your bacon and be happy. If you were eating a package a day then you might have something to worry about.

    /sigh the who did not do a study. They analyzed around 800 studies. This isn't based off one study. I think a lot of people just read the title without actually reading what the WHO released. Blood work does not generally test for cancer, only one I know off hand is prostate, admittedly not an oncology nurses. Most is detected through other means.

    i never said blood work tested for cancer….my point is that bacon can be part of a healthy overall diet…

    A lot of factors lead to cancer and singling out one is utterly ridiculous. I would like to review the studies to see what was actually studied, without that the information in the article is useless.

    I was not aware that there was a report saying that eating processed meat is the one and only factor contributing to cancer. Are you sure you are referring to the same report?

    where in any of my quotes did I say that?

    My point is that to try to point to one cause of cancer is ridiculous.

    Why is it ridiculous?

    because it is impossible to point to one cause of cancer as some people may be genetically more inclined to getting cancer and processed food would have nothing to do with that. Unless, you want to claim that processed foods now affect genetics?

    take the example of skin cancer. You can have moles that are never exposed to sunlight and they still develop into a melanoma, because of ones family history or other factors.

    But they aren't saying it is guaranteed to cause cancer or that it is the only cause of cancer. Personally, I appreciate that they share information on foods that are carcinogenic. Why would anyone not want to know this information?

    because then people like the OP think they are going to get cancer if they eat two strips of bacon a day...

    I don't see anything in the OP that suggests that, but even if it were true I don't see how it would be relevant. It sounds as though you are suggesting public health organizations should only share information that will be correctly interpreted by every person on Earth. THAT would be ridiculous.

    to review, here is OP's OP:

    "Having recently found out that I can have bacon and eggs with baked beans every day and still keep my deficit, I've just read this report regarding processed meats increasing likelihood of colorectal cancer http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34615621.

    Could someone please put this into non-scaremongering terms for me, because I've just bought 3 packs on offer!"

    so OP obviously had some fear from the report...

    And please find the direct quote where I said anything about public health organizations only sharing certain information that can only be interpreted by everyone. I simply said that there are many factors that lead to cancer. Please stop trying to attribute quotes to me that I have never made.

    Yes, I read the OP twice and now a third time. Can you please highlight the direct quote that says they believe they'll get cancer if they eat 2 strips of bacon per day? Forgive my ignorance, but I still don't see it.

    And what are you saying exactly? Why is the WHO's information on processed meats and it's relationship to cancer "ridiculous"?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    I once had someone tell me that if you can't pronounce it, your body can't process it.
    I thought it was horrible that I got fat just because I'm a cunning linguist, but people that can't pronounce sucrose get to eat all the cake they want calorie free.

    Is it only the sucrose in cake that makes us fat?

    nothing in cake makes us fat...

    Correct, my bad. I should have said "Is it only the sucrose in cake that has the potential to make us fat if overeaten?" Because apparently cake without sucrose is calorie free. Stupid evil sucrose!! :angry:
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I'm gonna go eat bacon now. And lots of it. Like i've been doing for 30+ years.
  • alexjvolk
    alexjvolk Posts: 22 Member
    emyaj_xo wrote: »
    What about switching to organic, uncured bacon? I imagine that is significantly healthier than your standard, nitrate laden bacon.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    i eat two strips a day and blood work comes back perfect every year.

    sounds more food fear mongering by the folks over at WHO, just like they do with sugar.

    Also, a lot of things are related to colon cancer, and I would be curious to read the entire study, and that article does not link to it.

    eat your bacon and be happy. If you were eating a package a day then you might have something to worry about.

    /sigh the who did not do a study. They analyzed around 800 studies. This isn't based off one study. I think a lot of people just read the title without actually reading what the WHO released. Blood work does not generally test for cancer, only one I know off hand is prostate, admittedly not an oncology nurses. Most is detected through other means.

    i never said blood work tested for cancer….my point is that bacon can be part of a healthy overall diet…

    A lot of factors lead to cancer and singling out one is utterly ridiculous. I would like to review the studies to see what was actually studied, without that the information in the article is useless.

    I was not aware that there was a report saying that eating processed meat is the one and only factor contributing to cancer. Are you sure you are referring to the same report?

    where in any of my quotes did I say that?

    My point is that to try to point to one cause of cancer is ridiculous.

    Why is it ridiculous?

    because it is impossible to point to one cause of cancer as some people may be genetically more inclined to getting cancer and processed food would have nothing to do with that. Unless, you want to claim that processed foods now affect genetics?

    take the example of skin cancer. You can have moles that are never exposed to sunlight and they still develop into a melanoma, because of ones family history or other factors.

    But they aren't saying it is guaranteed to cause cancer or that it is the only cause of cancer. Personally, I appreciate that they share information on foods that are carcinogenic. Why would anyone not want to know this information?

    because then people like the OP think they are going to get cancer if they eat two strips of bacon a day...

    I don't see anything in the OP that suggests that, but even if it were true I don't see how it would be relevant. It sounds as though you are suggesting public health organizations should only share information that will be correctly interpreted by every person on Earth. THAT would be ridiculous.

    to review, here is OP's OP:

    "Having recently found out that I can have bacon and eggs with baked beans every day and still keep my deficit, I've just read this report regarding processed meats increasing likelihood of colorectal cancer http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34615621.

    Could someone please put this into non-scaremongering terms for me, because I've just bought 3 packs on offer!"

    so OP obviously had some fear from the report...

    And please find the direct quote where I said anything about public health organizations only sharing certain information that can only be interpreted by everyone. I simply said that there are many factors that lead to cancer. Please stop trying to attribute quotes to me that I have never made.

    Yes, I read the OP twice and now a third time. Can you please highlight the direct quote that says they believe they'll get cancer if they eat 2 strips of bacon per day? Forgive my ignorance, but I still don't see it.

    And what are you saying exactly? Why is the WHO's information on processed meats and it's relationship to cancer "ridiculous"?

    Again, stop attributing things to me that I never said.

    what I have said is that attributing once cause to cancer is ridiculous, I never said anything about WHO, except that they fear monger sugar. OP clearly found the article disturbing or OP would not have created this post to ask if eating bacon was OK.

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    i eat two strips a day and blood work comes back perfect every year.

    sounds more food fear mongering by the folks over at WHO, just like they do with sugar.

    Also, a lot of things are related to colon cancer, and I would be curious to read the entire study, and that article does not link to it.

    eat your bacon and be happy. If you were eating a package a day then you might have something to worry about.

    /sigh the who did not do a study. They analyzed around 800 studies. This isn't based off one study. I think a lot of people just read the title without actually reading what the WHO released. Blood work does not generally test for cancer, only one I know off hand is prostate, admittedly not an oncology nurses. Most is detected through other means.

    i never said blood work tested for cancer….my point is that bacon can be part of a healthy overall diet…

    A lot of factors lead to cancer and singling out one is utterly ridiculous. I would like to review the studies to see what was actually studied, without that the information in the article is useless.

    I was not aware that there was a report saying that eating processed meat is the one and only factor contributing to cancer. Are you sure you are referring to the same report?

    where in any of my quotes did I say that?

    My point is that to try to point to one cause of cancer is ridiculous.

    Why is it ridiculous?

    because it is impossible to point to one cause of cancer as some people may be genetically more inclined to getting cancer and processed food would have nothing to do with that. Unless, you want to claim that processed foods now affect genetics?

    take the example of skin cancer. You can have moles that are never exposed to sunlight and they still develop into a melanoma, because of ones family history or other factors.

    But they aren't saying it is guaranteed to cause cancer or that it is the only cause of cancer. Personally, I appreciate that they share information on foods that are carcinogenic. Why would anyone not want to know this information?

    because then people like the OP think they are going to get cancer if they eat two strips of bacon a day...

    I don't see anything in the OP that suggests that, but even if it were true I don't see how it would be relevant. It sounds as though you are suggesting public health organizations should only share information that will be correctly interpreted by every person on Earth. THAT would be ridiculous.

    to review, here is OP's OP:

    "Having recently found out that I can have bacon and eggs with baked beans every day and still keep my deficit, I've just read this report regarding processed meats increasing likelihood of colorectal cancer http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34615621.

    Could someone please put this into non-scaremongering terms for me, because I've just bought 3 packs on offer!"

    so OP obviously had some fear from the report...

    And please find the direct quote where I said anything about public health organizations only sharing certain information that can only be interpreted by everyone. I simply said that there are many factors that lead to cancer. Please stop trying to attribute quotes to me that I have never made.

    Yes, I read the OP twice and now a third time. Can you please highlight the direct quote that says they believe they'll get cancer if they eat 2 strips of bacon per day? Forgive my ignorance, but I still don't see it.

    And what are you saying exactly? Why is the WHO's information on processed meats and it's relationship to cancer "ridiculous"?

    Again, stop attributing things to me that I never said.

    what I have said is that attributing once cause to cancer is ridiculous, I never said anything about WHO, except that they fear monger sugar. OP clearly found the article disturbing or OP would not have created this post to ask if eating bacon was OK.

    Was your 'ridiculous' remark not about the WHO's information at all? It was just a random off topic remark?

    And yes, the OP was concerned, which is not even close to believing they will develop cancer from 2 strips of bacon per day. But to be fair you did say "people like the OP" so perhaps you think the OP is not like the OP and meant other people who are like the OP when you made that statement. :p