Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @CariTJR your pizza sounds yummy. Enjoy your lunch. it sounds like you've got this :smiley:

    I thought i'd mention it here as it might be an idea for others who like their pizza (like me!), just trying to pass along the low calorie alternatives people have shared with me. :smile:
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    @CariTJR your pizza sounds yummy. Enjoy your lunch. it sounds like you've got this :smiley:

    I thought i'd mention it here as it might be an idea for others who like their pizza (like me!), just trying to pass along the low calorie alternatives people have shared with me. :smile:

    what a great idea :smiley:
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ShyCush6 lol I would totally be the meme on the internet! It's such a great workout though and my dog only slightly judges me for bouncing around like a madwoman

    @CariTJR great NSV on eating out! I definitely recommend trying Zumba, it really is a lot of fun

    @Fereshteh65 and @blackdiamond Welcome!

    @GillianSmith2 I hope you find plenty of healthy comfort food substitutes to get you through the day. Chicken soup, banana and vanilla protein powder smoothies, homemade mac and cheese with cauliflower and whole grain noodles, etc. I hope you feel better soon!

    @ChangeIsADecision sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead! You'll have to tell us all about the concert!

    I'm getting antsy this week for my birthday weekend! I can't wait to go out dancing with the girls and spend the day with my Mom. We always hit up her 90 minute cycling class before shopping so it's going to be a very active weekend! I love it that my family and friends are always trying to be healthy and active too, I feel so fortunate to have such an amazing support network (and MFP as an outlet too!)

  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Good morning! Well, I haven't gotten to 15,000 steps yet this week but I have been hitting at least 10,000. I'm still sore from the Skyrobics class at the trampoline park. That was fun, but it killed me! My back and my knees are not meant for this. But-I am going to keep going I think. Next week is closed because of Mardi Gras, so I am glad I have two weeks to heal my body before I go back. I have heard that the back pain goes away the more you do it because of the different muscles you are using that you don't normally use. I am hoping that is true! I convinced my 18 year old son to come with me, and he was the only guy in there. But I think he liked it, because he wants to know when we have to go back. LOL... He has gotten himself into working out and lifting weights lately, so I am trying to learn a few things from him. Well, the weekend it coming again. I know I will be having a few drinks, but I am going to convince myself that if I want to drink, then I need to get a workout in to earn some extra calories to work with. I will push for my 15,000 steps this weekend. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so I can get a walk in outside. It seems to take a whole lot longer getting the same amount of steps in standing in front of my TV. I had to laugh at the zumba stories! I think its fun, but I don't think I would be caught dead in public trying to do it. I don't even want my family to see me try! I can't keep up with them, and my moves probably don't look anything like what it is supposed to! Welcome to everyone who has just joined in with this group. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @Rachel0778 thank you and some of those suggestions sound so scrummy, especially the mac and cheese but unfortunately i have found that pasta is my biggest enemy :( so im going to improvise and have cod steak with an homemade cheese sauce with new potatoes and peas :smiley:
    it sounds like youve got a great birthday weekend planned, its my birthday in a few weeks and i have a girls night out planned so i need to save some extra calories so i can indulge :wink:

    @danan01 you are doing great on hitting 10000 steps. keep up the great work. Its great when the family get together to keep active. My son is at college studying to be a sports coach so i keep asking for his advise. he thinks it is great that I appreciate his input :smiley:
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    @CariTJR your pizza sounds yummy. Enjoy your lunch. it sounds like you've got this :smiley:

    I thought i'd mention it here as it might be an idea for others who like their pizza (like me!), just trying to pass along the low calorie alternatives people have shared with me. :smile:

    I use weight watcher pitta breads for my pizza, I cut it in half and top with tomato sauce, low fat cheese, basil and whatever else I'm in the mood for! They're nice and filling!

    I love Zumba!! I go to a class once a week, it's great fun!!! And it's made me a way more confident dancer when I'm out, give me a couple of vodkas and I think I'm a pro!!!! :D
  • adidasa
    adidasa Posts: 5 Member
    Let's do it;))
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    @zenjen13 hope your feeling better soon. Love your profile pic :smiley:
    CariTJR wrote: »
    You guys are making me chuckle with your 'zumba disaster' stories, I've never tried it, maybe I should for the laugh.
    Just to let you guys know (who aren't on my feed), I tried a new 'pizza' last night, using a tortilla wrap as the base, I put chicken, peppers, mushrooms and cheese on it (low fat stuff, not quite as nice, but far less calories) and it was only 540 cals for the entire thing. Was really yummy and filling. Will be trying them again with different toppings soon.
    I'm off out for lunch with a friend today, I have checked out the restaurant menu already and chosen a dish that is under 500 cals and worked it into my goal for the day - i'm slowly getting better at this, and not letting eating out become an issue. :smile:

    @GillianSmith2 : That's our little Boston Terrier! She's the best dog in the whole world (SorryNotSorry dog owners). :)

    @CariTJR : I love making pizza alternatives! We use lebanese pitas for the base bc they are only 90 calories and HUGE! I haven't been able to bring myself to buy low fat cheese (abomination!) but I really should bc I love cheese and have been avoiding it because it's so calorie rich.

    Welcome to all the Noobs! This is a great forum and if you need support this is the place to be.

    My weekly check-in: I'm starting to feel a little better - still really drained. All I've been doing is a little walking - no intense exercise. I even missed my yoga class (You know I don't feel well when!). This means my weekend doesn't have a buffer (cos wine) so I may have to do a little working out this weekend.

    You all are killing it this week and I'm so proud of y'all! There's a Zumba class that I can take (it's paid for in my yoga pkg) but I'm so afraid of making a fool of myself! I think I'd need a buddy so we can laugh about it afterwards. Is there a lot of bouncing? Part of my weight loss goal is to shrink 'the girls' so bouncing is still not in the cards for me yet.
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Today was just horrendous food wise! I ate my body weight in junk :s that's what a day on the couch with Netflix does to me! :#
  • goffma
    goffma Posts: 3 Member
    I have been watching my weight for years but after a heavy Christmas, i have about 15lb to lose to get to my ideal weight. Work gas made it tough to lose weight and work life balance nog good at the momeny. Could do witb some inspiration to get be started.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    zenjen13 wrote: »
    @CariTJR : I love making pizza alternatives! We use lebanese pitas for the base bc they are only 90 calories and HUGE! I haven't been able to bring myself to buy low fat cheese (abomination!) but I really should bc I love cheese and have been avoiding it because it's so calorie rich.

    I've never heard of Lebanese pittas....something to look for. See, this is why I mentioned the pizza, because then you can swap ideas with other people and try things you'd never have thought of. Like Tazzy saying she uses WW pittas too. Next time i'm in Tesco (big supermarket for all you non UK'ers) i'll look out for these things and give them a go.

    Totally agree about the cheese, it's not the same at all, but I love cheese so thought i'd give it go. It's ok, but what I wouldn't give to eat a massive chunk of strong mature cheddar.

    @tazzy2911 - A day on the couch eating junk and watching Netflix sounds divine. Don't worry about it, it's 1 day, regroup and move on. :smile:

  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    Hey-I'm a noob, but can I hang out with y'all? I need daily(sometimes HOURLY) support and accountability. I started 2015 at 300 pounds. I got down to 190. Then Christmas happened. Then before I knew it, I was at 220. WTF???

    Then, I was forced to buy insurance. But because of my numbers, I am on "probation" for three months. Nothing like a slap in the face (or fat *kitten*) to get you back on track!

    So I'm back at it. I'm hitting the gym for cardio & lifting, and I'm eating clean. Down 5 pounds so far. I have a mountain hike planned for April, so I'll be training for that, too :-) I got sidetracked for a few months, but I'm feeling strong, motivated, and determined. I WILL do this.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Hey-I'm a noob, but can I hang out with y'all? I need daily(sometimes HOURLY) support and accountability. I started 2015 at 300 pounds. I got down to 190. Then Christmas happened. Then before I knew it, I was at 220. WTF???

    Then, I was forced to buy insurance. But because of my numbers, I am on "probation" for three months. Nothing like a slap in the face (or fat *kitten*) to get you back on track!

    So I'm back at it. I'm hitting the gym for cardio & lifting, and I'm eating clean. Down 5 pounds so far. I have a mountain hike planned for April, so I'll be training for that, too :-) I got sidetracked for a few months, but I'm feeling strong, motivated, and determined. I WILL do this.

    hi and welcome aboard. Im usually hanging around here at some point during the day so feel free to add me if you like.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    happy Friday everyone.

    I have not done to well on my steps this week as i have a cold but i have managed to stay on track with my calories and lost 0.6lbs this week :) so i am happy with that.

    have a happy weekend everyone :)
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    happy Friday everyone.

    I have not done to well on my steps this week as i have a cold but i have managed to stay on track with my calories and lost 0.6lbs this week :) so i am happy with that.

    have a happy weekend everyone :)

    Woo hoo! I lost .5 lbs this week without an y exercise. I'm celebrating alongside you. I'm finally feeling better today so I'm doing an elliptical and a dog walk later on.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    Hey-I'm a noob, but can I hang out with y'all? I need daily(sometimes HOURLY) support and accountability. I started 2015 at 300 pounds. I got down to 190. Then Christmas happened. Then before I knew it, I was at 220. WTF???

    Then, I was forced to buy insurance. But because of my numbers, I am on "probation" for three months. Nothing like a slap in the face (or fat *kitten*) to get you back on track!

    So I'm back at it. I'm hitting the gym for cardio & lifting, and I'm eating clean. Down 5 pounds so far. I have a mountain hike planned for April, so I'll be training for that, too :-) I got sidetracked for a few months, but I'm feeling strong, motivated, and determined. I WILL do this.

    Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend too! Are you logging and weighing your food? That's the first and most important step. What do you mean by clean eating? This group is so supportive - you'll love it.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @zenjen13 congrats on your loss! Your puppy must be so excited for the walk, he is so cute! And don't let me scare you off of zumba, it's totally worth going because everyone but the girls in front are equally flailing around.

    @irishjeepgirl1969 and @goffma welcome!

    @tazzy2911 don't beat yourself up too much about it. Everyone has those days sometimes and today is a new day to start fresh on your goals! Also, do you think my gym would frown on me taking vodka shots in the parking lot before zumba class? Because that sounds like my new strategy for success lol

    @GillianSmith2 your cod steak sounds delicious! I have straight up food envy! Congrats on your loss as well!

    @danan01 it's so cool that your son is active with you. It sounds like a blast being able to bounce around together!

    I'm having a really body positive day today which is awesome. At the gym this morning I was definitely checking myself out in the mirror while lifting and loving the work my muscles were doing! The previous time I lost weight I was constantly critiquing my body. This time around I'm really loving my new outlook of body positivity. Why would I take care of something that I hate? I'm already awesome, the weight will come along in time.

    I'm also about to dive into a 5 day eating out streak (birthday, superbowl, work events) so wish me luck on making sensible choices!

  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @Rachel0778 it sounds like you have got the perfect attitude to be going in to the next few celebration days. stay positive and most of all ENJOY :smiley:
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Friday, lovely ladies!!! Well, I have to admit, I'm feeling a teensy bit hung over today. Lol! I guess too much wine last night after my dry month. Ha! But it was SO good!
    I love it that we are still talking Zumba, I'm going to go to a class next week because of this chatter! I'll laugh at myself again!! It's not a ton of bouncing, @zenjen13...but lots of swinging your booty around! Lol! Just wear your best sports bra and try it! It will be fun regardless. It's not like a step class where you are up and down, so should be ok!
    Hope everyone has a great day today, I've been packing and getting organized to leave, so haven't had much time to exercise. I will make up for it this weekend though! Lots of outdoor activity planned!!