

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day -
    hm 2 gym- 12.10min, 14.6amph, 147mhr, 2.9mi = 148c
    spin- 40min, 87ar, ?aw, 12g & 15g 134ahr, 153mhr, 14mi est = 384c
    gym 2 dome- 6.35min, 12.4amph, 143mhr, 1.3mi = 98c
    dome 2 hm- 19.20min, 8.3amph, 153mhr, 2.6mi = 241c
    total cal 871
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Katla ... Hope you feel better soon!

    Janetr and Miriam ... Thank you.

    Janetr ... I missed something ... You have goats and llamas?

    Terri ... I thought you were going to say you're busy because you were collecting your lottery winnings! :smiley:

    Sigh. Son still has raging migraine ... He's getting very depressed. School wants him to consider dropping classes and just focus on last HS requirements. He's not keen on idea as the classes they want him to drop pertain to a future major. Assuming he ever gets healed well enough to attend college ...

    Off to bed. Christmas tree has half its ornaments on ... Will finish tomorrow!

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Joyce, your monkey bread sounds wonderful. How dare you write about such things!! I hope you all enjoy the Blue Man performance. What a great gift.

    Janetr, I used to watch football both college and pro but somehow over the years just lost interest. I still am interested in who wins and the standings but not in watching the games. Congrats on your loss. That is wonderful with your surgery and Thanksgiving. I’m jealous!! Way to go.

    Cheri, so glad you are all enjoying each other and that the siblings have made up. Have fun.

    Tamara, welcome. You will find this a very supportive and informative group of ladies. If you come here often and join in, I’m sure you will find all the help you need to have a successful lifelong journey. Congrats on your loss so far. If you do plan to keep dropping in, please tell us more about yourself to help us get to know you and always sign your post with your name so we can respond.

    Allison, I wish I could just take away some of your pain. Both for your cold/flu and for Tracy. Is there any way you can just not read her notes? (((((Hugs)))))

    Betty, a huge CONGRATS on your doctor’s visit. That is wonderful to be able to reduce meds. That was one of my goals also and I’ve cut out my diabetes meds, cholesterol meds and my reflux meds. Ain’t it wonderful???? Keep up the good work.

    Pip, great goin’ on teaching the spin class. Team work is the bomb!

    Beth, I love that you are on a mission and what a lovely thing to do. Helping others is a great way to give yourself a gift. God bless you.

    Heather, you look wonderful! So glad you are having a good time.

    Sylvia, your new roomie is good incentive to clean up and throw out. You will love your organized work space. Oh I absolutely love the “As I’m Getting Older I Realize”. I think they all ring true for me. Thanks for sharing!!!

    Karen, I feel like I’m in maintenance mode only because I haven’t lost anything in almost 3 months. I just don’t want to gain through the end of the year and will do something different after the first to get moving again. I am so proud of you and excited for you. I was thrilled to get under 200 but can’t even imagine how excited I’ll be when I reach goal and can go on maintenance. Way to go!!!

    Vicki, congrats on the loss. Yes, I’d take it too! They do all add up, so just keep up the good work. Sorry your DH has the flu. That really wasn’t too nice to share with him, you know.

    Allison, wow that is a long day and especially when you aren’t feeling well. I sure hope you get a good night’s sleep.

    Beth, that is so cool that you got the warranty free!!! Love the new profile picture.

    Betty, ya gotta love the Beatles!!! Wait until you put on something like “Footloose”! lol

    Katla, sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. I sure hope you ladies don’t spread it around this group cause I don’t want it. I will admit with DH’s COPD, if I were to get sick I’d have to stay at the other end of the house from him. He doesn’t even like to go out to eat in the winter because of all the sick people that go out in public “sharing the wealth”. Feel better soon.

    I had a Women of the Moose meeting tonight and my friend that I co-chair with on the check-in committee didn’t come. Then I had to sub for another committee chairman that was absent and give a report for her. I didn’t mind doing it but felt unprepared with the information I had. It rained most of the morning but cleared up just in time for me to go get my nails done. I got a pedicure too as it had been quite a while since I had one and it was needed. I normally wear the same color all year but switched to a more Christmas red for this time of year. Tomorrow I need to be at my friend’s house by noon to stay with her for 48 hours while her daughter goes home. I don’t mind but will have to miss line dancing. Boo hiss I’ll try to keep up while I’m there. I woke up at my usual 3:30 am for a potty break and couldn't go back to sleep until after 6:00. Then got up about 7:15, so I am tired and headed to bed. Sleep well all my friends and make tomorrow a great day.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Beth, we live next to Jack's best friend. They have 11 acres, part of it runs behind our property. There is a creek back there and a wooded area. Jack takes care of the animals when neighbors are out of town. They used to have emus and pygmy goats. There's a small pecan orchard between our house and theirs.

    Janetr. OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say good night. Had trouble falling asleep last night so am super sleepy tonight.

    Carol in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Beth~ Rec'd your pic today...Thanks...it is in a bowl and I pick out faces each day:-) On Saturday I will take a photo of the tree.

    I also decided to type and print out everyone's thread name and list on each side of the tree :-) If you don't celebrate Christmas, don't take offense. Its just mean honoring you as a friend and an inspiration.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Becca ...that took a long time! I thought first class mail moved faster than that!

    Janetr... I remember now!

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    MichelleNC - I love pierogies. My step-grandparents were Germans from Black Russia. They escaped on a tramp steamer during the reign of Hitler and settled in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Anyway she made the most wonderful food and one of them was pierogies. I can still picture her at our kitchen dinette rolling and cutting the dough circles, mixing the filling (Neufchâtel and sauteed onion) and boiling the perogies. When we were ready to eat she would throw them in a frying pan with butter and serve them with sour cream. Other than her wonderful raisin buns pierogies were my all time favorite food.Thanks for the memories. <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    194904olsgis3xqe.gif Today, I danced with a group of fifteen line dancers at three senior residences (independent and assisted living). We had enthusiastic audiences at each place where we danced one dance to patriotic music (in honor of Pearl Harbor Day), one to Hanukkah music, three to Christmas music, and five of our regular dances. We'll do the same thing (minus the patriotic song) again next week at three other places.

    <3 Barbie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did about 10 minutes of a Butt Lift DVD I have, held my plank for 2 min 45 sec (I can't seem to hold it longer), and then the extremepump class.

    Mary - this cake was getting quite brown. I do have a cake leveler, maybe I'll bring that for when Jess decorates the cake so she can make the layers level before she ices them. Thanks for the suggestion

    Betty - the pierogi are so good, but I don't think I can have them all the time. I remember my grandmother making them about once/week so we could have them on Friday (no meat). I'll probably (as usual) eat them until they're out of the refrigerator. I'll freeze some and then give them to this guy who is Polish who is on my bowling team. Actually, I might wind up freezing whatever is left over and give them to him. I don't know (but this is a good thing) but I'm not as crazy this year about splurging.

    drkatiebug - unfortunately, I find that when I'm cross stitching I need to take my glasses off to see up close

    Becca - you sure do know how to make me drool. Kielbasa, rice, zuchini. Sounds great. Unfortunately, I know that I'd be the only one who would eat it

    Sylvia - I'm really surprised that only one kid showed up at the party, but it's good that it was his best friend.

    barbie - I'm not big on knitting. I do lots of other crafts - xstitch, crochet, latch hook. For some reason, I'm just not into knitting. And I don't find quilting to be relaxing, either. I know lots of people do, and I hand it to them.

    katla - what a lovely tree!

    DJ - A friend of mine was telling me that she drove her daughter somewhere ( I don't remember where) in an old beat up station wagon. The daughter was so ashamed to be in that car that she slunk down. So what did the mother do? she pulled into a convience store parking lot where a lot of her daughter's friends were and shouted "hey, do you know ...... She's right here" Talk about major embarassment!

    Cheri - so glad you were able to reconcile. What a wonderful gift!

    Joyce - I always get the xstitch kits. I'm just not good at deciding which color to use where

    Tamara - welcome! You've come to a great place for help. Congrats on feeling so much better.

    Betty - what wonderful news!!!! What an uplifting post. I'm just so happy for you!

    pip - great way to make lemonade out of lemons

    Exercised, home to make a birthday cake for Vince, went to bowling, then to the post office to send a pkg to Denise, one to Bryan, and to mail christmas Cards. Then home to make dinner, ice the cake, then ceramics, then mahjongg.

    I'm thinking tomorrow a.m. before exercise I want to go to WalMart (before it gets real crowded), then maybe Food Lion, then exercise, then stop to hopefully get Vince some rye bread, need to drop off our aluminum too.

    Joyce - we saw the Blue Man group a few years ago, it was very good show

    Gloria - when I was little, I'd watch "Hogan's Heroes" and could not understand why my grandmother would not come in the living room while I was watching it. Now I understand. She had to leave her family when Poland was occupied by the Nazi's. To come to a country where you don't know anyone (actually, I think her sister might have been here), can't speak the language must have been really really hard. But she was a fantastic cook. The babka, the pierogi, her apple pies even.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - DH says to check the temperature of your oven with a thermometer. Also convection conventional oven? Coated pan can cause it to get darker you're supposed to lower temperature. Do you have a commercial cake mix?


    Mary from Minnesota
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member

    I remember the stirring, we all got a chance. Still have but not on the eve, another celebration!! Yummy!! We use a lot of butter n cream!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    194904olsgis3xqe.gif Today, I danced with a group of fifteen line dancers at three senior residences (independent and assisted living). We had enthusiastic audiences at each place where we danced one dance to patriotic music (in honor of Pearl Harbor Day), one to Hanukkah music, three to Christmas music, and five of our regular dances. We'll do the same thing (minus the patriotic song) again next week at three other places.

    <3 Barbie

    Wow, you are a trooper, Barbie. Don't know how you do all that dancing. I'm sure everyone enjoyed it and appreciated the time you all took for them. You're the best.

    Janetr OKC
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Peach - it's her profile pic. <3
    By the way I'm not in Paris, I'm in Montpellier.

    We were watching French tv this evening and they are very exercised by the local election results - first round. The FN, a very right wing party has done well in some areas, but often the second round sees them off. Lots of coverage. I watch FRANCE 3 for the news, but don't understand a lot. They speak very fast. :ohwell: But even having it on as background noise helps my French.

    One very good thing about France is that you are not expected to leave a tip in a restaurant or café. The waiters automatically get 10% of the order. Makes eating out a whole less stressful. Wish we had that in England. :*

    Had veal escalope for dinner with baby turnips and flageolet beans. I bought some beautiful dried herbs from the market which perfumed the whole thing. Wasn't feeling massively like cooking, but so glad I managed it. :D The great advantage of renting an apartment is that you don't have to spend silly money on eating out, which is never as good as home cooked food or, if it is, costs a fortune! In France it doesn't have to be a chore as there are any number of prepared foods you can buy from the market, or foods that are easy to cook. You could eat like a king just by buying pre made goodies, but I do a bit of cooking because DH prefers it. He does all the washing up and kitchen clearing so I think I have the best of the bargain. Plus he goes out before breakfast to buy bread. <3

    Love Heather in the deep southwest of France.

    That's why I didn't find the apartment. Lovely!! Enjoy!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Betty, congrats on the doctor's visit and the wonderful numbers. That AiC is really good. Doctors like patients like you that they don't have to get stern with.

    Tamara, welcome. I think you may be inspiration to us with how well you have done so far. Just jump right in.

    Heather, I like your shoes. I think I can remember you talking about buying some kind of walking she. What kind are they? I can just smell my Grandma's home made bread baking in the oven. I bet that is what those markets smell like. But it must be a small amount for people to need to go out everyday to get it. But that's OK. Fresh bread, yummmm!

    Well getting up early to make my chocolate chip, cream cheese monkey bread tomorrow morning.

    Love you all. Joce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    Oh My~
    much much worse.. why does this happen right before going on vacation?
    now this junk has moved into my head.. took some coracidin and woke up at 2.. working 9-6 today.. if this is still like this tomorrow, I am going to the Dr tomorrow before work.
    sorry im not feeling well enough to respond to everyone.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Wishing everyone a great day. Putting up the Christmas Tree today. Will have to buy new ornaments. Can't wait to see my grandchildrens faces when they see it. Hope everyone makes smart food choices and has some weight losses.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hey janet, i have not reached goal but am putting nyself on maintenance cause everything is so crazy busy right now. Sometimes I am eating all my exercise calories and even going over calories right now. I dont plan on doing this every day but am easing up on losing weight. I am being careful about this and still making okay choices most of the time and being very honest about logging everything.
    My b.p. is good everyday so far...i know this is a slippery slope and will be careful not to undo and gain back everything i have lost these three months.. and you bet i will get right back on losing in january along with the rest of America o:)
    Karen from ny
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    This morning we had a lazy start and then went off to the market. I bought 4 rabbit legs to make a stew. Along with some salt pork to put in it. You can buy single sticks of celery here, so I did. :D I'm going to cook it in a bit of beer.
    I also bought some Aligote potatoes, which are mashed and mixed with butter and cheese. Just needs heating through for DH. I will be eating green beans and broccoli.
    The man in the market did all the prep of the rabbit for me, so I haven't got a lot to do. I will prepare it all in a minute. Then when I come in this evening I can just give it a bit longer to cook. :)

    Joyce - Bread is sacrosanct in France. It is bought fresh every day. Most places have an artisan baker and if they don't, in rural areas, there is often a "depot" where you can buy bread. In the old days when only baguettes were available it would go stale very quickly, as by law it contains no preservatives. People used to buy it twice a day and still do. These days artisan bread comes in all types. We like the ones with a touch of rye, or the 6 cereals. It keeps better, of course.
    You still see people walking about with baguettes under their arms like in old films. :laugh:

    DH is going off in a minute to get out to the river for a long walk. I am going to cook the stew and then meander round the shops on my own. I will enjoy that. >:):D Nice to please yourself sometimes however much you love them.
    I have seen a pair of glittery boots in a posh shop, but they are FAR too expensive for me. I can lust though. >:) They have silver glitter on the body and multi coloured glitter on the heels. :sad: :love:

    Love to all, Heather