

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Heather, you passed on hot bread in france!!! My you are stronger than me...
    Dee, i floss and brush to avoid late nite eating, if stuck i will eat a few walnuts and rebrush, this gets old fast so i leave the kitchen alone! Cheers to you for coming back onto logging on mfp, sounds like you had a lot to deal with as well as giving yourself time to deal with grief and relief from the challenges you've had with your mother. It is going on three years this january for us, i miss my mother so, but the last years were really tough on all of us. My mothers gift to me lives on and the pain she went through is becoming less heavy, her loving kindness is the memory i hold close.
    Karen from ny
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Good afternoon ladies: I have been working hard this morning. Two of our horses got into a part of the barn they are not supposed to be in and made a horrible mess. They dumped a box of things we were going to take to hazardous waste, walked on it and broke and spilled some things. They pooed and peed all over and on a table that my DD was working on, sanding and gluing, dumped a tool box and a cart of tree branches. Got it mostly cleaned up and sawdust on the floor to absorb the liquid but that will have to be cleaned up later. The horse who opens gates and gets in trouble was abandoned where my DD was boarding her horse at the time and she got the horse for free but I am thinking she may need to find a new home because this is the second time she has gotten a door open and set them free to get into places they should not be. She also destroys things like feeders and fences and has broken one of our pasture gates but luckily they did not get out that time.

    My DM arrived Sunday and is staying with us through the 29th. It is fun to have her here and the first time she has seen our new place. Of course it was raining when she got here and has been raining ever since so she has not been able to see much besides the inside of the house. This is the first time we have had lots of family at our house for Christmas since the 70s, making me a little anxious but it will go fine, just need to concentrate on having fun and celebrating.

    Who was it came up with that term premature maintenance? I like that, LOL.

    Heather - Sounds like you are having a wonderful trip.

    Happy Hannuka to those of you who celebrate!!!

    Need to go practice cantata music before rehearsal tomorrow.

    Take care all, Sue in very wet WA
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sue in WA ~ Wow, I had no idea horses could make such a mess (other than pooing and peeing). :o
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dee and Kathy ... Welcome! Yes, we're a large group, but always have room for more. Just chime in when something interests you. Some of the ladies respond to everyone, but that's not necessary. Few of us can do it

    Beth near Buffalo, NY

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :) drkatie, I am waiting patiently for Marie Kondo's book from the library....I am currently number 10 in line.

    :)Heather, I love reading your travel adventures. You look awesome posed with the matador

    welcome.gifKathy from Concord, CA, we welcome you and hope you'll come back daily.....daily reading and posting were a huge part of my weight loss journey and have kept me committed for several years of maintenance

    welcome.gifDee, my husband has cardiac problems and has had his ups and downs getting his diet and exercise the way the doctor would like it. I have had to work hard to mind my own business and just take care of my own plans. One way I helped myself deal with nighttime snacking was to plan all my eating for the day including a nighttime snack and then stick to the plan, no matter what. This has been a matter of life and death for me.

    :'(Katla, sorry you still aren't feeling well....I am grateful that my cold that started awhile ago never got too bad.

    :)Beth, My legs held up fine for the performance yesterday---18,000 steps in all including dog walking but today I am taking it easy to balance. Tomorrow Jake has a doctor appointment 90 minutes from where we live so I'll be missing dance (boo hoo) :'( and spending a lot of time seated in the car and at the appointment so that will be more resting time. Interestingly, my legs feel best while I'm dancing and worst while standing or when doing stop and start walking.

    125348s4vbqulv93.gifI plan to make latkes later today. Jake will help because they are very labor intensive. Our friend who came for Thanksgiving will come over later for a dog walking lesson and stay for latkes.

    125347fa3fzrtcfh.gif Barbie from rainy NW Washington
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    I found a latke recipe that is baked instead of fried. It looks pretty good. I'm trying to decide if I want to make a batch and take them to my MIL's house for our family Hanukkah get together. MIL and BIL always make the latkes.

    Mia in MI
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I have been folding my shirts like that for years. Its call the military way, and my husband taught me! :-)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue: Your lock picking horse made me think of this. I hope you enjoy it. At the very end there is a dumb add on & I just stop the playback. :flowerforyou:

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Miriam ... I would've cried too ... I know they're just "things" ... But they hold a lot of memories too. Thinking of you as I put the last of my old ornaments on the tree.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Beth – Hugs for your son and his headaches

    My Powerball ticket only matched one number, and it was not the Powerball, so no winnings this week. I am picking up my Screening Passes to see “Sisters” before it is released, but I don’t know the date of that screening. Since my Dad also won tickets, I can take a guest, so let me know if you are near Milwaukee and want to see that movie.

    Since I am 6 pages behind, I will start on the final page, attempt to read and respond since I have a bunch of paperwork and people are crazy today, then start working backward on the pages, and hopefully get caught up soon. I hate missing out on anything.

    Last night’s Heart concert was very nice and fun. Since my Dad uses a cane, he asked for ADA seats, and we were upgraded to 8th row. Probably not any better, since everyone in front of us was standing, but we could see a little between people (and we weren’t way up high). We had supper at Ward’s House of Prime. They gave me a piece of carrot cake for my birthday. Everyone all day long asked me about the tiara, so I got plenty of birthday wishes (and no one asked my age, which is good, since Saturday a High School Bowler’s Grandma asked me which bowler is my grandson). I’m not convinced there will be enough coffee for me to make it through the day, and tomorrow will be worse (another concert tonight – this time Michael McDonald Christmas. I have third row seats for tonight, and we are going out for Mexican, so I think I will wear my tiara again during supper).

    I never got much reading done, sorry. It just has been another one of “those” days.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Beth, I inherited all my aunt's old ornaments. One year I hung them on ribbons in the window. The spring loaded rod didn't hold and I lost a bunch. I cried. I also hang them from the chandeliers. I am thinking of making a wreath of just old bulbs, but haven't decided.

    I also have family that escaped Hitler's Germany. My mom's third husband was 16 when his parents sent him to the US to live with an uncle who was single. The parents did manage to get out later. Luckily they saw the writing on the wall and left when their business was converted to the state. So many did not want to believe what was happening or lacked the resources to leave or there were no countries willing to take them in (sound familiar?). We cannot allow people to be judged by their religions! or skin color for that matter. So many people do not study history so do not truly understand what has happened or how easily it could happen again. I study history every day in my reading. There is so much that is not taught in textbooks or discussed in the media. One thing I wish everyone understood was that Fascism and Nazism which we all basically know were wrong, were supported by big business and the wealthy. So much of the rhetoric we are hearing in politics today comes straight from the mouths of the Fascists and Nazis. It really scares me. Years ago it was the Jewish people under attack. Today it is the Islamic. Jews were "babykillers". Muslims are terrorists. Neither statement is true. Sorry. The stories of people having to flee for their lives triggers me. There are good and bad people in all religions. There have been just as many terrorists and killers that are Christian. It isn't the religions that are the problem- it is angry young men who lack access to resources such as jobs. That is the cause of terrorism. Believe me. I have made intensive study of this subject since my college years when Otto joined our family and I started to hear the unsanitized version of history.

    A few years ago I had a Jewish Tutor and she said that her family have always had suitcases packed incase anything happened again. She has a fabulous, beautiful family and she never forgets the family members and everyone that did not survive. It is heartbreaking. My husband and I visited Prague and visited a Ghetto, we saw the paintings in the school that the children had completed of their visions of outside the gates. I was really emotional because we were told that all the children did not survive. On the way to the Ghetto we saw a steam train and I was thinking of all the Jewish families they would have seen the beautiful countryside and thought they were going somewhere safe. We visited some of the graves and placed stones on them and said a little prayer before we left. We must never forget what happened.

    Your message above where you said "It really scares me" I feel the same way. The things that are happening are terrible, I am really scared for my children, grandchildren and future generations.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    A quick good evening~ I am feeling much better.. think I have turned a corner. ggoing to work at 10:30 tomorrow... and my DFIL was in a super mood this morning... so that was a plus...
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited December 2015
    Heather, it is so interesting that you think I have too many PJs. It may look like more than it is because the tops and bottoms are different colors. I really only have three pairs of summer capris and tanks, one pair of mid weight long sleeved ones (the black), and one pair of warm fleece ones (the red with little dogs). Then I have one extra white top and a black tank top that I wear quite frequently with the red bottoms instead of the fleece top. I get too hot in it.

    You can watch you tube videos on how to fold Kon-Mari style. The main idea is to make it a neat rectangle that will stand up and that it be the height of your drawer. Annr, I googled military fold to see what it was. It is slightly different, more of a roll than a rectangle, but equally fascinating. I am going to remember that technique for packing to travel.

    Miriam, heartbreaking story.

    Barbie, it is an interesting book, and apparently very popular. Lots of good ideas and some that were a little weird for me. For example, she empties her purse every day when she gets home and stores the wallet, keys, etc. in a box under her bed. I guess she carries a different purse every day. I don't know. I'm strange when it comes to storing stuff under the bed. Nothing can go there. But it likes anything else - I take the part that works for me and discard the rest.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Looks like I have some catching up to do! We are back home after being in South Florida visiting my MIL and family. We had a wonderful time. Not much sun as it rained most of the days we were there but it was nice to be out of the cold NE Ohio weather. Looking forward to getting back to "MY" way of eating. It is hard to refuse a Jewish MIL when she specially prepares brisket, potato latkes, chunky applesauce, bagels, lox, whitefish salad and the list goes on. I did my best understanding that this makes her happy. Unfortunately she had no coffee which made my mornings cranky and no WiFi which made keeping up on-line nearly impossible. Sigh.....

    I will try and back read all your posts tomorrow. In the meantime you were all on my minds and wishing the best to everyone.

    Happy 3rd night of Hanukkah (if you celebrate)!

    Cheri back in chilly NE Ohio
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love seeing other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening My Friends,

    Kathy, aka eastbaygal, Welcome. We always have room for more. I'll scoot over and you can squeeze in here. There is no better board for support and information. Come often and join right in.

    DrKatie, cool drawer. Now you need to tell us how to fold them? Is it different or just the way you put them in the drawer. (later) I did look it up on u tube. Cool.

    Dee, welcome to you, too. If your DH will do what his doc tells him, it will be a good work out buddy for you. Mine should work out but doesn't. We are happy to have you join us. At night I just try to stay away from the kitchen after dinner. If I really feel it calling, I go upstairs until bedtime.

    Katla, so sorry you are still not feeling better. And I won't type on your keyboard. I can barely type on mine.

    Sue, bless your heart. What a deal to find the mess the horses made.

    Allison, so glad you are finally feeling better. I hope you continue to improve.

    I am at my friend's house to help her for two days while her DD goes home to help her sick hubby. My friend is doing great after her hip replacement last Wednesday. She is doing her exercises each day and staying up longer and longer. I have to admit she is doing better than I expected. The nice thing for her is that she has one of those beds that you can adjust the head or feet, so that is helping a lot. I've read all even though I only responded to a few.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Love, <3

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Heather: No worries, I’m doing fine. My laptop however had a bit of a meltdown which is why I’m behind in reading and posting. Thank you for sharing the pictures, sites and customs of Montpellier. Really expanding my knowledge of France and giving me a super huge urge to travel there. Who wants to come along?

    Katla: I love the current trend towards mid-century modern decor. My living room is furnished that way and your metallic tree with the original ornaments and color wheel would fit right in. If you ever sell it, be sure to research. I believe it’s highly collectible. Get well soon.

    Betty: Doing a happy dance for you. Great job.

    Grits: I love oysters but can’t recall ever having a stew like yours. Sounds yummy. I have reduced my decorating significantly, but still put out a crèche every year. I’ve had it for about 30 years and it has moved to many locations with me. Recently on DH’s suggestion, I added a little cat to the manger scene because to us it seems inconceivable there could not have been a cat alongside the sheep and cow.

    Janet: Great job with the baking and food planning. Congrats on dropping 3 pounds!

    Sylvia: As I get older I realize…that list is a KEEPER! Thanks.

    Vicki: Yay for getting the scale to move down.

    Mary: Glad you found a new kettle bell. 10 pounds for 20 minutes single arm…wow! Do you wear gloves for weight training?

    Beth: Your philanthropic gesture will come back to you many times over. You look great in new profile pic.

    DJ: A pedicure sounds divine. I'm heading in tomorrow to get my nails in holiday shape for my trip to NYC next week. Christmas red or a festive metallic? Always hard to chose.

    Barbie: Wish I could see your dance troop do it’s holiday routine. Hope the meds are helping your legs.

    Katiebug: I love beautifully organized drawers. My closet and drawers are tidy, it’s my office that needs major help. Does the book address organizing papers and files?

    Kathie and Dee: Welcome and keep dropping by. Great support for you here.

    Sue, Katla and Barbie: Hope you and yours are not adversely affected by the big storm rolling through the northwest.

    Terri: Happy Birthday! I have loved Michael McDonald since the days of the Doobie Bros. Enjoy the show and his wonderful voice.

    Grandmallie: So glad you’re feeling better. Now onto to your well deserved vacay.

    I made a shrimp curry tonight and splurged on a cup of brown rice. I’m in a better mood today after getting a wonderful performance review at work. My boss gave me higher ratings than I gave myself. I feel very supported by her. Validation of my contributions on the job could not have come at a better time.

    Next month is my birthday, the big 6-oh. Today I decided my gift to myself is a Reiki course I have wanted to take for the past 3 years. I’ve benefited from energy healing. Now it's time to learn to apply it to myself and loved ones. Really looking forward.

    Stay well. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills

    Goals for December
    • Try 5 different you-tube workouts
    • Eat mindfully
    • Smile more – act like I enjoy the holidays
    • Embrace the changes at work
    Word for 2015: Mindfulness
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening ladies! Well, one little mousie is toast! Hubby found one in the trap under the sink this evening. I hope he was a bachelor.

    Today was the chemistry department Christmas party, so I set up a baked potato bar, which went over very well. I baked about 15 pounds of potatoes in my new turkey roaster and they turned out great. I took the roaster up to hubby's office and cooked the potatoes in it there (for about 2 hours) instead of trying to carry it up there hot. People were coming down from the biology department on the second floor because they could smell food cooking. I had bowls of grated cheese, sour cream, Smart Balance margarine, and broccoli for people to put on the potatoes, and another guy happened to bring a crock pot full of chili, so we parked that right next to the potatoes. Several people remarked on what a good idea it was, so I was pretty happy. Hubby was skeptical that it would work, but even he said it turned out great. He should not doubt me!

    At the studio I moved my big chalkboard from the back studio to the "classroom" today. That gives my new roomie more wall space and it just seems like a better place for it anyway. It's going to be nice having that available to use for any "classes" I wind up doing. My friends who are working on setting up the coop think they might want to do classes once in a while too.

    Well, I have laundry to do. Sweet dreams everybody.

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Tried BeachBody P90X3 today which is 30 minutes a day. It was hard but doable with modifications. It's a 90-day program, but I'm going to do a week at a time. (maybe 15 minutes at a time!).
    I'm really tired, so going to bed early.
    Stayed on track with food.

    *Mary from Minn*....you inspired me to do more strengthening. I always opt for cardio, but the strengthening is really necessary at my age.

    Good night...
    Kimses in MA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:
    hm 2 gym- 12.18min, 14.4amph, 148mhr, 2.9mi = 151c
    skip/sidestep, walk, treadmill- 3515min, 14.41ap/min mi., 4incl, 4-4.6sp, 2.40mi = 345c
    gym 2 dome- 7.57min, 10.4amph, 146mhr, 1.3mi = 111c
    dome 2 hm-19.50min, 8.2amph, 152mhr, 2.7mi = 225c
    total cal 832
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    For those with 'old' ornaments; my mother used to have some hand painted balls that were probably 5 - 6 inches around, painting with snow scenes. We always had a 11 foot tree that A&P (when have you seen one of them) would order special for us. Tree was huge, so dinky balls would not have looked good on it. We had some killer looking lights as well. Big balls with crystals; and those bubble ones that are making a comeback. The tree limbs were far enough apart that all the ornaments hung straight down (something they won't do on an artificial tree).

    When we sold the house (actually a long time before) she gave my middle sister all these ornaments because they had a vaulted ceiling and big tree. Her 'little less than 2-year-old' was in there and she was in the kitchen; and she heard 'crash-tinkle' and 'WHOOPS' by the time she got in there to him, he had busted 6 or 8 of them and they had been put 'out of his reach'. He had pulled over his little stool and was able to reach them.

    The only decorations I have out are 4 manger scenes and the macramé tree that my Mother made with 6 brass bells on the ends of the rods that run through it. I poked LED lights through the holes and it looks wonderful. I don't think I will ever put up another 'tree-tree'. Especially with Cracker running around the house. We moved her crate into the living room area since she has to stay in it most of the time so her foot will heal; and tonight she found her 'bed' which was over behind it. She had to crawl through 3 wires to get there. I guess if she continues getting in it we'll have to move the crate back to the other end of the house.

    Katla - I'd love to see how to do that special folding. I'll check out YouTube for it. I have limited space for clothes and I am always cramming things into my drawers. I've got to get DH to sand the tops of the sides of the drawers and put wax on them so they will slide. My closet is small because when we drew the house up; we did not consider closets when we handed it over to the builder. Thankfully, we were able to put 'small' closets in and still have room for the furniture. However; it prevents me from playing 'musical furniture' ... how I miss that!

    Pip34 - I've never know anyone other than my Mother who could reach around and fasten her bra. I end up buckling mine in front and rotating it around to the back and then putting my arms in the arms of the bra. Not so bad, unless bra is a little snug; or if you haven't dried off completely. I usually use my hair dryer to dry my back so this won't happen.

    Yeah, Miriam, try to keep this thread a political free zone. I got told to do so and I've tried not to voice my 'political' or 'religious' beliefs on this thread anymore. Sometimes I have to hit delete when I go back and read things. I did work with an older lady who, along with her husband, escaped the death camps (liberated). I saw the tattoo on her arm one day and asked her what it was. OOOooooooo, wish I had not done so. Sad, sad story; but, it made me try to understand her weird ways a lot better. Once went to their apartment and everything was dark and old; and they had the windows covered. I asked my boss why that was and he said it was because they were used to having air raids all the time. I can't imagine all the bombing that went on and trying to live through it all and the mess it created.