

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good Morning!

    Lenora ... I inherited some bubble lights that I tried putting on my artificial tree. They have the screw type bases that used to be in old light strings ... Which I also inherited. My artificial tree is plastic (very strange but looks authentic). Those lights got so hot they melted a branch on my tree. I wonder if the new bubble lights are safer.

    Alison ... Take it as easy as you can today so you can continue to get better.

    Miriam and Elaine ... I often ask my husband to turn off the news ... Not to remain ignorant of what's going on in the world ... Because I become overwhelmed with man's inhumanity.

    Instead I put a smile on my face and do what good I can in a day. From all of your postings, I know I'm not alone in this.

    Have a good one ladies!

  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Thanks Beth, I agree with you. I try to do whatever I can to help others as I am sure people on this site do the same. It is things on the news that get me feeling anxious at times. Love and best wishes to everyone.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    I missed a whole page before I posted ... Sheesh!

    Mimi!!! Welcome back! You've been missed!

    Heather ... Love the photo of the French street!

    Becca ... You ARE strong. "Go go power ranger!"

    Terri ... Happy belated birthday!

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Gloria, I tried that technique of clothes folding with my girls, and they still made a mess of their drawers. Maybe even moreso because they would leave unfolded shirts on top of the folded ones. I don't think they could see enough of the shirt to make a decision. Maybe with boys it would be different.
  • Getupngo66
    Getupngo66 Posts: 6 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hello ladies I'm 49 1/3 ;) so I figure I'm close enough to join the over 50 group yah? I'm relatively new to MyFitnessPal but not to weight wars but thankfully I've settled into a healthy eating pattern and love how MyFitnessPal shows you all the nutrition in what you eat because I'm focused on making healthy choices. Anyhow I don't know how often I'll post but I'll poke my head in to see whats happening :)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2015
    I would think that any 'new' light would be better than using old ones; especially if they melted your tree branches on an artificial tree; try to imagine what they'd do to a live tree that maybe was not soaking wet all the time. Of course, I turn my lights off, Christmas and the magnifying light by my chair (because I just don't feel good about leaving them 'on' while away from the house). Looking around house, see that I need to pick up a little more; but, next week DH and DOS are going to see DYS for a hunting trip that will be a week long time with just me at the house. I think that maybe I can get a few more things done without having to try to do them, when I don't feel like it. Sometimes I am a 'real' night person and can get things done better when I am alone. DOGD comes home Friday from college; maybe she'll come over to help and earn some money to buy Christmas presents on her own. Going to look up how to do the folding of clothes to see if that helps me any. Should receive the 'other' half of the manger scene that was missing the most important pieces in one of my manger scenes hopefully this week. At the latest by next week. These last 3 weeks have just flown by. Got to get 'gift certificates' for my DYS, DDnL#2 and DSGD today. Have a couple of things that I will wrap up. So that DH can take them with him when he goes.

    Yesterday to attorney about things to go into Will. He laughed and said 'trying' to set it out like we wanted to do could make it a lot easier if we just listed our desires in a separate list and attach it to the Wills. As a 'this is what we want to be done, pursuant to the dictates of the Will'. I understand one son not wanting to inherit a undivided interest in land; but, don't see it being a problem. They have a good relationship with one another and DH is taking them the 'letter' I typed out for them which spells out what we intend for our wills to mean, making it a lot easier for them to do the same. Just have to make copies to attach to both; and then take them to the financial advisor so he'll have a copy of it.

    Bought a 'cute' cross bracelet yesterday to replace the one that broke. Wish I could find someone who could fix the other one. Don't know if when it broke, if any of the crosses came off. It was a stretchy band. This one is a big cross on a thin piece of leather. Buckled in the last notch. I cannot believe that anybody needing it any tighter could wear it because of the size of the cross that is on it. This one so much better made than any that I have had before. Gold outline of a cross rather than a solid cross. I have not worn a watch in several years so I am wearing it on my left wrist.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Heather love the photos.

    Finished decorating the tree, got newsletter done and printed, and sent off packages to St. Louis. Getting over sticker shock of how printing and mail has gone up in price. For my newsletter I make a collage from comics I collect. For DH I found one where the character was hitting some bumps in the road. For DSons I found one with A little George Washington chopping down a cherry tree saying to his father let's not play the blame game.

    DH goes in for biopsy today. Thank you for all your prayers and support during this wait time.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi all

    I'm still in the land of the living but gosh it's been an awful slog for the past month. I think I wrote one single message in November, something optimistic about "Now I'm back in Stockholm and in control of my own food." Turned out that was wishful thinking.

    Hectic? That's putting it mildly. I was teaching three different courses more or less simultaneously with a total of about 60 students. (I teach scientific writing at PhD level.) My computer had an accident while I was in Singapore so it had to be sent for repair. Meanwhile my dear husband lent me his, so I could teach those courses - which is important, as they will provide about a quarter of my total earnings this year. But I couldn't do much more than show Powerpoints on his computer because I didn't have administrator privileges and he couldn't help because he and I were in different parts of the world. *sigh*

    "...in control of my own food". No way was I in control of my own food! Some days I was either preparing or teaching from 8 am to 8 pm and didn't have any alternative but to eat whatever I could lay my hands on. The only thing I did well was to jog to and from lectures all 10 days. (Yay me!) Nonetheless, the entire trip to Asia plus the two weeks of teaching left me about 3 lbs heavier. I'll draw a veil over November and the first bit of December, get back on board and look forward.


    I have a mouse story of my own. This was way back when I was expecting my second child. We were spending Christmas at our summer place, an old farmhouse in northern Sweden. My father-in-law had constructed a nice cosy bedroom for us in a tiny room under the eaves, with a bed that went right up to the walls on three sides. If I got up at night I had to climb over my husband, but he didn't mind.

    So we were sleeping peacefully, nice and snug under the down comforter. Lying flat on my back, I felt my husband run his fingers up from my ankle along my leg to my waist. I'm ticklish and he knows it, so I was furious! I jumped straight up to standing and yelled at him "Stop it!" He fell out of bed, turned on the light and stared, bleary-eyed and a bit insulted, because he'd been fast asleep. It was a mouse that had run along my leg!

    We cornered the mouse on the bed and my husband carefully extricated it from the bedclothes. Quivering whiskers and beady black peppercorn eyes: it sure was cute! But we weren't having any more of that, so I opened the window and my husband tossed it out. This was from an upstairs window but there was a good three feet of fluffy snow on the ground so we didn't think the mouse would be hurt in the fall.


    We don't do a whole lot for Christmas, as it's just the two of us, but I always like to have advent candles. Our four-candle advent stand is in another house so this year I'm making do with a single candle in a bowl. But Swedish tradition calls for the advent candles to be decorated with lichen, moss or greenery. We don't have access to anything like that way up here, so the last day I was in Stockholm, I went out in the woods with the grandkids and gathered material. I packed it all in an empty plastic ice-cream tub so it wouldn't be crushed en route. And here it is: twigs of fir and pine, a few pine cones, lowbush blueberry stalks, mountain cranberry leaves, dry ferns, and a couple twigs with lichen on them.

    /Penny, happy to be back at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »

    Katiebug: I love beautifully organized drawers. My closet and drawers are tidy, it’s my office that needs major help. Does the book address organizing papers and files?

    The book does address organizing papers and files. I haven't followed her advice in that department because my system is working for me right now. She would probably tell me to toss 90% of what I am holding on to.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Mary from Minnesota
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all...

    Welcome to Kathy B--she contacted me from Thinner Times forum (where I was LisaM), a place that is terrific for the newly surgerized gastric bypass patient, but the denizens have little to no patience with any GBS person who gains any weight back or struggles to maintain their losses. I invited her here, and even if she doesn't stay with us, I think there is much value to be found in MFP in the groups/threads that are welcoming and supporting, as well as simply using the program. Hope you find what you need here, dear heart!

    I have kept reading, and apologize for my lack of input the last couple weeks. Been doing a lot of "head-ology" (for those who read Terry Pratchett) to try to figure out what is going on in my curmudgeonly brain. Finally came to the conclusion that I never took the chance to debrief, defuse, and deprogram my expectations of myself after the "Restaurant Impossible" consulting position that was so so stressful, but fairly lucrative.

    Instead, I jumped straight into getting the warehouse ready for the ribboncutting, and forgot to remember that my worth is not tied to dollar signs. Tried to make the warehouse into a money-making venture immediately, forgetting that's not why we bought the place. We bought it because: 1) We need the place in town for me/us to spend the night when we can't make it to the ranch. 2) We need to own something--the ranch supplies our every need (would even give us beans, tortillas and beef if we could survive on the ranchhands' diet!) but we don't own it and never will. 3) We need the fallback position. If everything blows up in my husband's job, we need that place we can go stay and someplace he can work from...

    Is it likely? No, they love him--he works all hours, and can fix anything with wheels or tracks, engines or motors. With more than 100 pieces of rolling stock, from dirt bikes to dirt movers, and small equipment like lawn mowers, chainsaws, etc., plus the fact that he is a great rough carpenter, plumber, electrician and everything else maintenance-wise except heating/air conditioning, he's the perfect employee for this place, where everything breaks. Still doesn't mean we're safe--working for someone else is always uncertain at one level or another. So the warehouse is our backup plan.

    Self-inflicted pressure there was part of my cranky cranium--and the other part was beating myself up over the sequel to my mystery story. I should never participate in National Novel Writing Month--it puts expectations on me (50,000 words in a month) that I'm fully capable of completing, but makes me feel as if I have a gun to my head to do so. I know better--didn't participate last year for exactly that reason.

    All of this makes me eat. A lot. Well, often, anyway. Struggling to maintain my weight, gained back the seven or so pounds that I lost in the last week of November to get down to 167. None of this makes me feel better. It's why I put up simple goals for December, and I'm going to keep to the KISS principle... Keep It Simple, Silly (preferred over Stupid :))

    I love y'all... and I'm back. Just stayed a while in the Slough of Despond (for the Little Women readers), and am now trudging up the hill. If you'll remember, the book opened at Christmas time. Kinda missing my Marmee, which hasn't helped at all. Christmas at home was always horrendous, so it's not the holidays I'm missing. Just my Mama. I'll turn that corner again, always do. She's been gone for 16 years now. Not from my heart, just from my arms. I miss her still.

    Best regards,
    Lisa in West Texas

    December Goals: Just keeping it simple.
    • Weigh less at the end of December than I did at the end of November.
    • Log every calorie every day.
    • Keep my calories under 1500 every day.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member

    DrKatie - I'm sure those who have been on forever know the answer to this but I don't - are you an MD or a PHD?

    It's actually an EdD in Curriculum Studies with an emphasis in Math Education. I was a math teacher and then worked with math teachers to help them implement new curriculum. Please don't throw wet noodles or rotten eggs at me, but I am a huge fan of Common Core. :o
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Katla I'm going to learn that folding for my grandson's clothes. It's so frustrating when I fold their clothes and then they pull something out from under other folded things and everything ends up a big mess. This way they would be able to see everything and not have to look under stuff. You get the Best Tip Of The Day Award from me!won-the-trophy-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Gloria, I tried that technique of clothes folding with my girls, and they still made a mess of their drawers. Maybe even moreso because they would leave unfolded shirts on top of the folded ones. I don't think they could see enough of the shirt to make a decision. Maybe with boys it would be different.

    Maybe the military roll would work better in this case. My DH thinks I'm crazy. He said, maybe you should have taken a before picture, too. Then take an after, after picture a week later and see if it still looks that good. He thinks he is so funny. :p
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Notice I went a little crazy with quoting since I can post from my computer again. Sorry!

    Heather, loving the pictures from your trip.

    Margaret, prayers and hugs for you and your husband.

    Penny, good to see you posting again. The mouse story was hilarious, and I love your advent candle.

    Yesterday was an especially good day, followed my boundaries and logged every bite. I've hit my 10,000 steps for two days in a row. It feels good to be back on track. I'm going to try not eating any of my exercise calories to see if I can jump off this plateau in the right direction.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    A mouse story

    Over 40 years ago we moved from an old cottage which was to be demolished into a council house (which we bought and still live in). The house was being rewired and new plaster work being done. We had holes in the floorboards and outside walls etc. One evening I had prepared a casserole and after it had cooked I turned the oven off. When my husband arrived home I went to get the casserole out of the oven and was about to carry it to the table and as I was about to put it down I noticed a live mouse sat on the lid. I screamed dropped the casserole dish on the table and the mouse ran towards the door. The cat got hold of the mouse and I carried the cat holding the mouse and took them to where the council workers had a porter cabin. The cat dropped the mouse on the step of the portacabin, I picked it up and dropped it on their desk. The workers had their mouths open. I informed them to get to my home and block all the holes and finish their work. They did. My husband was really amused, I wasn't I was fuming. To this day I have no idea how I picked that mouse up, I am terrified of them.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lisa ~ I finally finished This Little Pig and really enjoyed it. The last couple of pages enlightened me as to how the title was construed. Looking forward to the sequel.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    morning peeps and new peeps -

    grits - i never thought of that option of fastening the bra in front then twisting it around. it's just automatic on how i do it, lolol, i agree janetr - fastening in the back, is quicker (when i have a good shoulder)

    miriamwithcats - l love the day bed and the covers on it, i like that dedroom look!

    glowormin - i am also a believer of things happening for a reason. that job will work out or it won't.

    mtowne - congrats on your loss!!

    annr - have you told your club why you stopped going?

    glowormin - the lady with the orange shirt has her butt up too high for the plank, she needs to be more level. they are hard to hold. that's the basic plank, there are variations to it.

    grandmallie - sorry to hear about your shoulder, take it easy.

    cityjanelondon - i love paris, that purdy pic makes me miss Europe!

    getupngo - 49-1/3? wow, i've never heard of someones age that way b4. doesn't this mean you're dreading the 50? even if you were 48, i'd let you in, close enuf. you'll get alot of support here, welcome

    drkatiebug - you're too smart for me, thinking makes my head hurt, ESPECIALLY math poop. without a calculator, i'm dumber than a brick!

    this weekend we have the Seattle Jingle Bell Run that we are going to do, because of his situation, we are going to walk it. I had borrowed a friends wheelchair so if he got tired, he could ride but he says he's pretty confident that he can make it the whole way. we spend the night there. we check in (Sheraton Hotel on 6th ave) as soon as we can, unpack and go out and walk around and see the lights and have some drinks, spend the night, get up do the walk, go back to the room, take a hot shower, then go have breakfast at the place where we first met then go home. we drop the kids off so they can spend the night with the sitter.

    I think this shoulder issue of mine and Kirby's accident is finally catching up to me, I'm feeling like I'm running on adrenaline. this weekend will be nice, just walking around in Seattle, I miss living there.

    as I was leaving the gym this morning, a lady stopped me and told me, "you have the coolest lights, I love that I can see you and your jacket too!" I thanked her and told her that was the intention and thanked her for noticing.

    type to ya later
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    Allison, feel better soon!

    Heather, what town are you staying in again? I really need to try to visit such an enchanting place!

    Miriam, I want to take a nap on your daybed (with the kitty, of course!)

    All this talk of latkes, etc. is not helping my motivation but it is putting happy images in my brain.

    So...here is my story of managing expectations -- for several years I have been wanting to leave the cold weather to celebrate our 40th anniversary. As the date is approaching next month it turns out that every warm place with an ocean that is within budget and striking distance is going to be subject to this yowza El Nino pattern. Too rainy, too windy, mudslides predicted. I even looked at deserts with swimming pools (not interested in Vegas, tho) but there too there might be flash floods. Decided that a beach vacation was not in the cards if it was going to mean rain rain and more rain. So now the plan is to spend a long weekend in the beautiful cold northeast and try to find a beach later in the year instead. Are we crazy to spend time in Boston in January? It cannot be worse than upstate NY for weather!!! I figure if we stay at a fairly large city there will be stuff to see indoors if the weather gets bad. We visited Philly last year, Toronto this year and don't consider D.C. sufficiently romantic lately, although I know there is lots to do. NYC is way too familiar for this former Jersey girl. Once we did go to Montreal in the winter and between the underground shopping and the Biosphere we were able to get out of the snow quite a bit.

    If you look at a weather forecast map the entire south region of our country is going to have heavy rains and winds next month. Some times I wish we had not married in January!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Pip - I'm not in Paris! I'm in the south of France. Montpellier. I love the idea of all your lights. People must think it's Christmas!

    Margaret - I am thinking positive thoughts for your husband and you. :flowerforyou:

    Penny - glad you're back in the swing! And you Lisa! You powerhouse women have to give yourselves a break once in a while! I'm in awe of all you do.

    This afternoon we went out riding around on the trams. The suburbs we saw were very depressing - lots of apartment buildings for poor people. We were glad to get back into the "Ecusson", what they call the historic centre here. At least they have the very fine tram system for getting about. It was very educational though. Lots of guards checking tickets and a police sweep with a sniffer dog!
    We arrived back just before the cleaner was about to finish. I suggested we have a coffee in one of the squares and people watch. DH said it was too cold to sit outside (he meant he didn't want to sit near smoke) so I marched off in a huff. >:) Anyway we came back and the cleaner (very nice) was still here, but we had a cup of tea. I bought DH a 'pain chocolat' for his evening meal (his tummy is on the mend, but not up to rabbit stew) and firmly stated that I was going out for a meal on my own. >:) So I will go out soon, have an aperitif under an umbrella and then have a light meal somewhere. :D Hooray for me!

    I was starving on the tram, but luckily I had a Quest bar in my bag, so ate that. I am now really hungry again. :ohwell: Did some laundry today so got to fold that, but maybe not Drkatie's way! :laugh:

    Lots of love, Heather
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    cityjane - but your pic REMINDED me of paris wee wee :0)