

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Well here comes the first challenge of the Christmas season... and I am ready!! Not.... I bought sugar cookies yesterday by mistake - I wanted shortbread cookies.... I ate one ( oh good grief) and do I every have a headache this morning!!! We are done with sugar for a couple months....

    Finally a bit of snow to make everything look clean. I should still be able to walk in my shoes though, and it is really nice weather wise. Now just to get out there!!

    Our family 's annual Christmas tree hunt is this weekend, so 29 people and 5 little kids under the age of 4 in my house .... no only 9 of them are staying overnight!! And my little granddaughter is one of them... she is pretty excited about coming to Grandma's house!! Me too!! I have a bit of control over the food.... I am cooking a turkey and supplying the vegetables and the fruit. There are a couple of salads coming and only 1 desert!! I better get in a couple more walks before the weekend!!

    Have a great week everyone, hugs to all!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Penny – love your pictures. Not sure I could stand living in the dark for that long. My vitamin D tanked during the three years we lived in Oregon, not unusual for people there, I gather. We missed the West Texas sunshine so much, but the worst of it was that the cold and the damp was just so painful for both our joints. We both need the warmth and the heat. I respect your love for it, as our desert isn’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea, either.

    Heather – So enjoying your pictures and the feeling of being in France they bring! Pleased for you, too, that you aren’t letting anything stop your own enjoyment. Sitting in a room looking at someone who’s feeling like ca-ca was never my forte, and utterly useless in most minor ailments. My DH would much rather be left alone when ill, as would I, so it’s exactly what I hope I would do as well.

    Sylvia – so pleased you stood up for your granddaughter. Those were tears that were worth it, indeed. I feel the same way you do—I get ten percent disability for one of my knees, which was essentially ruined by jumping off a ton and a half truck while I was in the AF. Doesn’t exactly feel like a war wound, and it isn’t. It did make the payments on my early student loans, which was great, but standing up during events like that is usually beyond me. I’m pleased, too, that your DGD’s other grandparents made the time to be there. Hope those relationships do some healing.

    Rori – how’s your hubby? And you?

    Pip – so pleased to see the smiling pics of Kirby, and to see you posting stats again. Means things are better in Pip-World. Hope your next adventure in Seattle? is amazing.

    Allie – this has been going on for so long - many hugs, hope you feel better soon.

    Joyce – glad you found Melody! I’ve taken to calling the kittens “The Children of the Corn,” and have gotten used to the noises they make in the warehouse while I’m trying to sleep at night. Tried letting them sleep in the bed with me, but they used my face as a racetrack one too many times… They love to sit at the warehouse back door in the sunshine, never go too far away, and when I go to shut the door at night, they zip right in.

    JanetR – thanks for the kind words.

    Dr. KatieBug – I have so much respect for folks who have math and organizational mindsets—they don’t always seem to go together. Have known more than one mathematician who was utterly absent-minded and chaotic.

    Carol – congrats to your daughter! I was seriously contemplating the MLS, but leaned over to communication and never looked back. Hers is a huge accomplishment, and sorely needed.

    Betty – without music, working out just wouldn’t even be an option for me. Keep it up!

    Miriam – love the day bed, having similar issues with the foam couch I bought to sleep on at the warehouse… It looks like a bed no matter what I try…

    DJ – thank you for the hugs. They mean more than you know.

    Irish Terri – love your images.

    The plan for today is, as soon as it’s light, head in to town and work out. Then do some outside cleanup work at the warehouse, and stay there tonight so I can be out of there at first light and off to Midland/Odessa in the morning. Want to check out the estate sales and garage sales, and see if it will be worth the diesel in the van to go in once or twice a month. In particular, I’m looking for wood furniture I can refinish and resell. It’s something I love doing, and am good at. My DH is thinking of buying me a Sonicrafter hand tool for Christmas. I think he wants to play with it too. If you don’t know what they are, here’s the link: https://www.rockwelltools.com/en-US/Sonicrafter-F50.aspx This is the highest-powered one, they have less expensive ones. But I know my husband…

    I wouldn’t mind designing and building furniture. Here at the ranch, we built our bed and headboard (including built in nightstands), entertainment center, coffee table/storage chest and end tables, all rustic, stained with walnut oil, built from tongue and groove pine. Did all the trim in the warehouse office in pine, as well. While it is a soft wood, beat-up, well-used, wood furniture is one of my favorite things in the world. And I have an idea I’d be good at making some of the smaller pieces myself. Every piece of furniture I refinish, I learn something more about how things are put together.

    Also working on an afghan for my DGS, in blues and golds and maroon… already have one finished for the DGD, in white… need to decide on a border, probably a pink variegated. This will be her more grown-up one, she already got a couple baby quilts… Can’t wait to see them the last week of December! Fingers crossed for good driving weather from here to Missouri and back.

    Ah, there’s the sun peeking out. Supposed to be 80 degrees today (27C). Feeling a bit sunnier myself, though the old health issues continue—way TMI for anyone, even me, to discuss in polite company. Just really tired of it, and it's not life-threatening. With a $3,000 deductible before they will even support a co-pay, though, seeing the doc before January is a no-go, so self-medicating. Not working much, but sometimes time alone is sufficient.

    Have a grand day, all...
    Lisa in sunny West Texas

    December Goals: Just keeping it simple.
    • Weigh less at the end of December than I did at the end of November.
    • Log every calorie every day.
    • Keep my calories under 1500 every day.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    The weather is cold, wet and miserable today. Just been to the doctors surgery this morning to have my flu and pneumonia injections. Writing lots of christmas cards. Will be wrapping some presents later. Going to mums 5.00pm today, my sister-in-law is there until 3.00pm. My sister is going on a works outing so I will give mum her late night time medication and help her to put her clothes on for bed. I still have lots of presents to buy and wrap, must de-frost the freezer and re-stock it for Christmas.

    Wishing everyone a happy day and best wishes to everyone.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :)Katla, we love living out in the "boonies" on the Olympic Peninsula and one of the prices we pay for it, is having to drive a distance for some of our medical care....all of Jake's defibrillator and stent surgeries have been done at a hospital in Seattle which required a 90 minute job followed by parking the car, walking onto the ferry and taking a cab to the hospital. Our primary care doctor is local. Jake's cardiologist comes over here one Friday a month so a lot of our medical appointments are local.

    :)Michele, our anniversary is January 14. When we decided to get married we wanted to get married in a month neither of us had been married in before (this was my second and his fourth marriage). We chose January and then chose Saturday morning of the MLK long weekend so we'd have an extra day for a get away together.

    :)Karen, your weekend getaway to DC sounds like so much fun. Going to a big city for the Christmas weekend and driving there instead of dealing with air travel is so smart.

    :) I always said that I love math, but when I got to college prepared to major in math, I was totally flattened by calculus and realized that what I loved was arithmetic. I love to balance my checkbook and do other arithmetical tasks.

    :) I continue to be grateful that I can walk the dogs (I'll be doing that in a few minutes) and go to my dance classes (I'll be dancing this morning at 9:00) and sleep through the night in spite of what ails my legs. I am also grateful that how we live our life doesn't include holiday gift exchanges, decorating, and cookie baking.

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtont116008.gif
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited December 2015
    Lisa, I have my absent-minded chaotic side, too.

    I'll let y'all in on a little secret. I'm not really that good at math. Above average math ability, well yeah. Super duper math nerd. Not so much. I did not like it as a child when it was mainly arithmetic. What I'm good at is logical thinking, arguing, noticing patterns. I like being able to figure things out. As a result, I am slow and deliberate with my thinking. That is why I like Common Core, because it emphasizes thinking about how things work. I totally agree with Gloria, however, that there is way too much emphasis on testing these days. People feel compelled to follow a script, when it really isn't necessary. But try to tell that to the powers that be. I will shut up about that, lest my post take a political turn. Zip, zip, zip my mouth!

    Even my organizing craziness has its ups and downs. And when I take those left brain/right brain quizzes, I am always straight up the middle. But I like being known as the organized one, so I work at it.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good morning ladies. I feel some sarcasm for asking that we refrain from politics. If you would have lost a loved one in 9/11 or in France you might have a different opinion about immigration until we have ISIS under control.

    My daughter is in surgery now. Hopefully all will go well.

    Joyce - I'm glad you got Melody in safely! My daughter's cats always are trying to sneak out when I am there. I have to be very careful.

    Allison- I hope you feel better! 2 more days and you will be in the warm sunshine!

    Gloria - scary story! Now I'm curious about the frogs though!

    Karen - it sounds like you have a nice weekend planned for Christmas. I loved sightseeing there.

    Penny- they showed the Northern Lights on my weather app. Beautiful! I can see why that gingerbread house won!

    Lillian- what fun you are going to have! Enjoy your family!

    Lisa - I wish you could come over and advise me on how to refinish the top of my antique dining table. Hopefully I will be able to match the stain. What do you recommend for sealing it? An oil or a polyurethane? You are so talented!

    Barbie- you are so inspirational! I hope they find out what will relieve the pain in your legs.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Just got through coloring my hair. The color varies from time to time...sometimes light blonde and others light brown according to what mood I'm in. Right now it is light brown because I saw a recent photo of myself with the blonde and it actually looked whitish gray. Ugh!

    We only buy presents for our son and his family. My son keeps asking me what I want and he threw out the suggestion of a new mail box ( I think he was wandering around the home store at the time). I said that's terrific because mine is truly showing its age. Then he suggested I get his wife a dog kennel for their giant dog. I don't think that qualifies as a Christmas present but will see what she thinks. I hate buying things that they might not use. Last year I got her SnL to go shopping and bought her a lot of clothes that she has really enjoyed. Now he is saying his son needs a certain baseball bat so we will see about that.

    Good wishes for all who need them!

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Carol in NC - I always advise an oil on any hardwood, tung oil used to be the best, but it's hard to find around here. Most of the wood oils will do pretty well. With pine or soft woods, I'd use a stain and then an oil. I almost never use varnishes, just because they're so hard to redo--so it's a furniture refinisher's answer. With an oil, especially if you use a super-fine steel wool in between three or four coats, you will get a nearly impervious finish that, if it gets water marked or something like it, you can sand down and reapply as necessary.

    Also - please note that refinishing can seriously diminish the value of a true antique. I pick up non-valuable pieces and try to turn them into things of beauty, seldom actually work over an antique unless it's on its last legs...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    morning peeps -

    bwcetc - hahahaa!! i hated math too. that was funny
    godmomkim - i could just picture sewing like crazy and a pot of coffee right by u to keep you wired for sound! lolool
    drkatiebug - uh yeah, you're smarter than me... i am cool with that. however, i am probably more street smart than you and maybe more exercise smart, but YOU ARE DEFINATELY more smart than me.
    grandmallie - hope you are doing ok, feel better.
    lagopus - purdy pics, like the lights!

    GLOWORMIN - this is a proper plank, see how her but is not sticking up. the way that other lady was doing it, you could hold that position a lot longer than if you were doing it properly.


    today, I used the rope pull machine for the first time, I had it on the easiest resistance and did it for a short time but baby steps peeps, baby steps.

    type to ya later.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lisa and DrKatie, you might be interested in the fellow a friend of mine dated in college. FULL professor or mathematics at the age of 22! Could not figure out how to make orange juice from concentrate.

    Joyce, glad Melody came back. When I was a kid, our Siamese got out. He had a collar on. Never came home. Six months later, we hear through the grapevine that a woman down the block had a "new" older Siamese. We went to knock on her door and could see her gather up OUR cat and put it in the bathroom before opening the door. The cat STILL HAD OUR COLLAR ON! She had coaxed it over and basically stolen it. He would have come home if he could have gotten out of her house! It was really hard not to egg her house that Halloween- I was still fuming. The cat, Beethoven, lived to be 22, he was only about 10 then, as was I.

    Lisa, I like to get old furniture and redo it too. I paint that orangy maple from the forties. It just never looks good otherwise and is nice hard wood. I have painted some really battered antiques. And I have about five projects waiting for me including two Victorian wood chairs with a padded seat. I have seen them done in white with new upholstery and they are stunning. p00aa5xrtc1e.jpg
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Good morning -- day 3 of the P90X3 and my muscles are sore. It's hard and tempting to give up early, but it's only 30 minutes so I can get through it. Also added 30 min of elliptical today.
    I feel solid today and on track with exercise and food.
    Will check back later.

    Kimses in MA
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    edited December 2015

    Best wishes for your daughters quick recovery.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member

    She has her diploma!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member

    miriamwithcats - i love your talent!! great colors.
    kimses- great job!! sore is good!! keep it up!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi girls!

    Back from our mammoth trip to Maguelone Cathedral. Phew! It was a tram and a bus and a LONG walk over a causeway and a swing bridge to get there. But it was worth it. Built on an island in the delta and marshes of the Camargue in the 12th century it grew rich on salt and alliance with the Pope in Avignon. Then it fell into disrepair until a local business man rescued it as an act of piety and also planted a beautiful garden round it. The setting is amazing and I will post a photo of the causeway. Grey herons and flamingos all around.

    On our way back we went into a fabulous ceramics exhibition. Too expensive for me though. Then a little antique shop where DH found a Leah Stein brooch in the shape of a cat for his cat mad, vintage mad, daughter.
    I suddenly saw a blue glass salt and pepper container from the 50s. Cheap! So I bought it, to match my blue accented kitchen/diner. :D<3
    My kitchenalia purchases are growing!

    Penny - lovely photos! Not sure how I would cope in the dark. :*

    Lisa, Miriam - I love all that craft furniture and I have put a coat of paint on a few things, but I have zilch patience. :ohwell:

    Love to all, just waiting for my photo to arrive. I take them with my phone and then email them to myself to download onto my tablet. Then I can share them easily. :D

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Mary, I'm sorry that you took my comment about refraining from politics as sarcasm. I didn't mean for it to be offensive. I actually agree with you. It is obvious that many of us hold conflicting views on politics, and that many of our views are influenced by our life experiences. I tend to joke to deflect myself from getting too serious when I know my political view is not the norm, as in Common Core. I haven't even figured out my position on immigration. It is way too complicated for me.

    And yes, Pip, I guarantee that you are street smarter than I.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Here is my photo of the causeway out to the cathedral, through the huge, wetland nature reserve that is the Camargue. We had a beautiful day for our walk. The cathedral is the sticking up blob in the distance. :laugh:


    Happy to be back now and looking forward to the left over rabbit stew. :)
