

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Two more Christmas pageants tonight, then came home and made candy for a party tomorrow. The first batch of pralines set up too fast and looked ugly but tasted fine. The second batch look pretty. Hubby offered to get rid of the first batch for me. What a good helper.

    Now it's bedtime. Sweet dreams!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip - they are so adorable! Love the scarfs. Your tree and your house is beautiful!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    CarolNC, I’d be proud of my DD, too. That is wonderful! My friend that I was staying with that just had hip replacement is doing all her PT at home. Her doctor doesn’t normally send his patients to PT or a rehab facility and doesn’t like home nursing care. He things it all disrupts the day and schedule and has his staff P Therapist show the exercises in the hospital and sends them home. I have to admit, she is doing great.

    Sylvia, what a sweet story about your DGD. I’m glad you stood up!! :)

    Katla, good luck with your Christmas shopping. I just love to get gifts when I know of something they will like and/or appreciate but I hate it when I can’t think of a good gift.

    Janetr, any time, my friend. That is why I wear these boots. smiley-devil25.gif

    Joyce, glad your kitty was okay.

    Karen, have a wonderful trip to DC. It is on my bucket list.

    Gloria, I don’t care if scorpions are poisonous or not, keep ‘em away from me. But your picture is cute.

    Penny, cool ginger bread houses. I love that you don’t complain about a lack of seasons!

    Lillian, I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I’ll be thinking about you with all those people.

    Lisa, that thing looks like a handy tool. Thanks for the link because I didn’t know what it was.

    Heather, golly gee, that is a walk.

    Mindy, congrats on being out of pain. It is amazing the health benefits from losing weight.

    Beth, sorry about your DS. I know that was not what you wanted but I hope all will work out in the end.

    Pip, love the pictures of the pups.

    My friend’s daughter came back today so I got to come home. She lives 3 hours away in Columbia and has a sick hubby at home. The HVAC guys showed up about 8:45 this morning to put in the new unit. They were getting close to finished by the time I left around 12:30. It was good to get home. She needs me to come again next week for the same time. Hopefully after that she will be able to stay alone. Her biggest fear is dropping something that she can’t pick up off the floor. I told her if it was anything other than her phone to just leave it. lol I started taking notes this morning at my friends house but that was on a different computer, so those aren't here. I had so many posts tonight that I had to read fast and scanned some. Just know I think of you all and care about you.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Barbie, my daughter would LOVE the penguin stool! Adorable. And so neat that you still have and use your old toy chest.

    Pip, love the dogs, but also your Hoosier cabinet! Mine is a painted one- I love the real wood ones.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Good morning all!
    We were meant to go to Sete today, but woke up to find DH had been up a lot in the night with his diarrhoea again. It must be a bug as he definitely didn't eat anything suspect yesterday. It's such a shame as he was on such good form yesterday. He loves open spaces and the sea.
    Sete is especially famous for seafood - a whole quayside lined with restaurants, so I don't think he would appreciate it today!
    I have been before - when the children were young. My DS#1 threw a hissy fit in the car and wouldn't get out. We left him and walked around for a bit then came back to get him. He hated fish in those days, even kid's fish fingers. When we eventually dragged him into a restaurant he had the only things on the menu that weren't fish - chicken and fries for starters and steak and fries for entrée. :laugh: Boy, was he full up!
    It's going to be nice weather again today so a seaside jaunt would have been nice.

    Drkatie - so happy to have inspired you! I really enjoy sitting down and being looked after. One of my big gripes about the UK is that so many places are self service, especially cafés. In France you sit down at a café, probably outside under an umbrella and someone serves you. I hate loading up my tray with cups etc. Paying good money for that? ? I find if I am dining on my own sometimes the waiters kind of adopt you and are extra friendly. Just occasionally you are obviously not welcome as a single diner, but I have rarely had that experience.

    DJ - the bit of the walk in my pic was only about half of it! :noway:

    Katla - Sorry you are not feeling good. :flowerforyou: Nice card Elaine!

    Beth - I am sure the home tutoring will be a blessing in disguise. :flowerforyou: <3

    I was awake in the night worrying about my tooth filling which is grumbling. Hope it doesn't get any worse before we get home. It isn't hurting, but I know it's there. :ohwell: I do seem to have the start of a cold, so that might have set it off. DH also feels coldy. We will nurture ourselves today. :D Just gentle walking.
    Might go down to the train station to buy advance tickets for Avignon on Monday. We can always get a refund if we buy the Hi flex option. Just saves a lot of time on the day as we can't really understand the machines and the ticket office has a very rigid queuing system which is very good, but you have to allow time. The weather forecast is not good for Monday though. But I anticipate spending time indoors at the Popes' Palace. We've both been to the town before. :)

    Must have breakfast. DH is limiting himself to water again. :ohwell:


  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    Sylvia - my eyes are tearing up at your story about your granddaughter singing with the middle school choir. Maybe part of the power of the occasion was all the mutual respect. She was showing respect to veterans by singing the songs, and when you stood up for "your" song - even though you felt uncomfortable standing up - you were showing respect for her respect.

    Lisa - I note you mention "the cold and the damp" together as being the worst thing about Oregon. I'm not sure you would suffer from the cold here. Before we moved I was expecting to freeze my tootsie off, but it's so dry that the cold is powerless to chill. It still amazes me every time I go out on a cold day and am completely unfazed by it. The best adjective I can find for the cold is that it's "friendly".

    (And I notice that in the post right after yours, Lisa, Elaine calls her weather "cold, wet and miserable". Yep, I'm convinced it's the damp in combination with the cold that gets you.)

    Heather - that causeway out to the cathedral calls to my jogging reflexes! And if there are birds to look at in the shallows on either side I could probably run back and forth for hours on end. smiley-sport033.gif

    Elaine - the detective in me senses you often paint flowers in watercolor. Right? The get-well-soon bouquet for Katla and your profile pic are both beautiful.

    Pip - when your dogs go to France, they won't be told off about not wearing a "foulard" :lol: Also I've been meaning to write that when I first saw the pic of Kirby with his new glasses, I was stunned. They did great things for his face - not that it needed any help. Good choice of frames, girl!

    Today I hope to get some actual work done. We (meaning my computers and I) have recovered enough that it should be possible.

    Meanwhile, here's a picture to show why I love this place. Everyone has heard of the midnight sun, but what about the noonday full moon? This was taken a couple years ago from our kitchen window, looking north. In winter, the moon circles around the sky, just like the midnight sun. On clear days in mid-winter with a full moon, the blue color perfuses our entire world. Even hard-nosed macho miners drive out into the valley away from the lights of the city to admire it.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Morning ladies,
    Well slept well and was asleep at 5:30 last night.got up at 2:45.a.m.,
    Have to wash the floors this morning ,take a shower, walk the dogs and go down to see DFIL.
    Then work 9-5 stop at subway to get sandwiches for the ride..
    Michelle-went to the podiatrist and it took at least 2 shots of cortisone in the heel to fix it.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,415 Member
    I thought things would ease a little as my groups broke up for Christmas and New Year, but so many invitations have filled the gaps. I am reading the posts as often as I can but finding time to comment hasn't happened. I love all the photos, and especially the lovely watercolour done by Elaine.

    It's a lovely morning so I am planning to spend some time outdoors.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.


    Irish Terri harp.gif
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Penny at the pole~ just a stunning picture.... love your stories about your place at the pole and enjoying Heather's stories of her and the DH adventures...nice to travel to different places in the comfort of your own home...
    floors done,and will hop in the shower next..
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    Allison, I must confess wonder about you a bit. This time of day, it's mostly just us Europeans who post, and maybe a night owl on the West Coast saying goodnight. Why are you up so early every day? smiley-confused013.gif I know you're a bird watcher, but geez, even the birds don't get up as early as you do.emoticon-misc-035.gif
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning all... up since 3 a.m., not voluntarily, just the usual insomnia, and my dedication to the proposition of driving up to Midland/Odessa to hit the estate sales is flagging, at best. The only time I've totalled a car ever was on the way back from there two years ago. The total drive is about two hours each way, and through the flat, flat, desolate area of West Texas that most people think is all there is. We had bought it two weeks before, a used Lincoln Town Car, and it spun like a top when I hit the culvert, rather than flipping, because they are essentially tanks. Even when we buy used, we get full coverage insurance, and they paid every dime we had paid for it... one of the few times insurance actually worked for us instead of being an expense. Walked away without a scratch, not even whiplash, as I was asleep when it hit the ditch, so didn't have time to tense up, but the car was unfixable.

    My reluctance is also involved with driving the van. No cruise control for 200 miles makes me really tired by mid-afternoon, and the combination of tired and driving is just not a good thing.

    Mary from Minn - the comments on the table were for you, not for NC Carol... I can be spacy about names.

    NC Carol - how are your nephew and great-niece doing?

    Miriam - the furniture is beautiful and so in keeping with the house! I seldom paint over wood, just because I have stripped so much paint off so many pieces, but yours is well within your house's theme, and makes perfect sense.

    Rori - don't know if you have much time when you're working, but if you sling me the dates when you'll be in Midland/Odessa area, I'd love to have lunch with you while you're in my neck of the woods... er, desert. :wink:

    I'm thinking, instead of driving up, I'll just hit the local sales - there are three or four advertised, and usually that many that aren't advertised... and then I'll just head back to the ranch. But first... since I don't have to drive for two hours, I think I'll go back to bed!

    Warm regards from sunny West Texas (82 degrees yesterday!)
    Love, Lisa
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited December 2015

    Alison - Please have a wonderful holiday! :love:

    Rori - thoughts are with you. <3

    Margaret - And with you. :flowerforyou:

    Well, we went down to the train station and were allocated an English speaking man, so we managed to buy our tickets for Monday. Afterwards I thought I'd see if I could work out the machines in case we felt like a quick trip to Sete, so I had a little play with them and managed it fine. :D
    We shopped for my lunch at the station mini market and then strolled outside to a café I spotted without anyone smoking nearby. I had a coffee and DH had a fizzy water. While we were sitting there I tried to take photos of the famous trams and here are my results. :laugh:


    The blue one with the birds is line 1, my favourite, the yellow one is line 4, which we caught yesterday.


    This one is line 3 which we may try this afternoon as it goes out a long way south. The 2 has big blobby flowers on it. Very cheap and incredibly efficient transport system. :D

    Then we wandered round the arty section of town and loved all the hand made ceramics and jewellery. I saw some more sparkly shoes. :love:
    Then we came home for my garlicky lunch. :laugh: DH had bananas. :'(

    Love Heather
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Did any of you see on the news this AM about the bicyclist ignoring the gates and running into the train? Thankfully, he is alive! Had to have been wearing ear pods or something; but, doesn't he know that the gate down means a train is coming? Duffush!?!?!?
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Heather yellow and blue line what fun. We have a green line here that goes between St. Paul amd Minneapolis. It was quite the undertaking to complete it.

    Gloria my mom grew up in India until she was twelve. She talked about how they had to shake their shoes out every morning to make sure one didn't get into their shoes. She never was one to be bothered by bugs or mice. They had a raccoon in their attic for a couple of years. He would come in when it rained. I called him the critter.

    DH biopsy went well. No complications. He will learn the results today or Monday. Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers.

    :heart: Margaret

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Friday.... need to freshen up the house, cook two medium size turkeys and debone them, make beds, tidy up here and there....and the list goes on!! should have done half of this yesterday but had DGS & DGD and they required a bit of time. DGD is only 4 months old and she was a bit cranky!!

    I think there will be a bit of multi-tasking today!!

    Later everyone!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Lisa - Alex has been moved to another hospital to begin the reconstruction surgeries. He is scheduled to be in surgery now (began at 7 a.m.) and it is expected to last about 15 hours. He had a rough night on Wednesday with lots of pain and being upset. They are drugging him less now and I think he's really beginning to take in just what has happened to him and what is ahead of him. Makaela is doing okay, I think. My mother says she has been being extraordinarily well-behaved (potentially a sign of stress and self-blame), but not really talking about the accident. She is making get-well cards for her dad but, of course, not allowed to see him.

    My shoulder hurts worse this morning than it has in months. It is so frustrating! I am going to try to baby it today and hope that is will ease up.

    Heather - Love your pictures! Hope you and DH are both feeling better.

    I just heard the pastor come in so I need to go give him the bulletin to look over one last time before I print it. Hope everyone has a great day full of good choices!

    Carol in NC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited December 2015
    Husband family was stationed in Corpus Christie, TX and they had to check their shoes every day before putting them on to check for scorpions, too