

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mary, I lost friends in the Oklahoma City bombing. That was done by a Christian.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    drkatiebug - no, I'm sorry. It's just too much violence hitting close to home. This needs to be a safe supportive place for all of us.

    Elaine - thanks. My daugher's surgery went well.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hey Gals,
    Oops Mary forgot about your daughters surgery Yesterday? Anyway I am very glad it went well.
    Terri a belated happy birthday.
    Heather..flamingos? Really? Hmm I was always very bad at geography...is France about the same "height (is that latitude?)" as Florida? Your trip sounds amazing and w your latest excursion is definitely on my bucket list!
    Pip have fin in Seattle
    Sylvia nice story about being there (again) for your grand daughter. Your an amazing grandmother!
    Mirriam while I am not a huge fan of painted furniture I admit I do like yours! It seems very whimsical and "happy". I am sorry you lost friends in OKC.

    Planking. Haven't been able to do it since I gained a hundred pounds when I was thirty. Thinking about it though bc I just had an NSV at work yesterday....realized after busting my behind big time that I hadn't had any advil and my body was a little tired but DIDNT HURT! AND IT HASNT HURT FOR DAYS! I think the twenty five pounds I lost has really helped and that I probably am getting stronger by working and staying on my feet for eight hour shifts, pushing lines of carts and lifting a bunch of up to 50 pound items during each shift.. Anyway TOTALLY AWESOME! Off to get ready for my workout (um I mean work). Tee hee.
    Love you all
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    fanncy, glad your daughters time in surgery went ok.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Mindy ~ Congrats on Not Hurting!

    Mary ~ I am glad your daughter's surgery went well. I hope that the doctors were able to repair the damage she suffered.

    NC Carol ~ Your daughter must be one smart young lady. Congrats to her and hope she will find a job that she loves.

    Kim ~ It sounds like your holiday plans are going well.

    I have said that I am a tv addict! So, today I decided while watching The Chew I would spend time walking or picking up things during every commercial break. I am sure I got in 30 minutes. Will try again during another show. Maybe getting in an hour. LOL

    Math ~ I am ashamed to say what my score was when I took the Graduate Record Exam. If I had been in the school system today, I am sure I would have been classified as LD in math. On the other hand, I am very good at Reading, English, Science and History.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Mary prayers for your daughter.

    :heart: Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Mindy - I am glad I have wetted your appetite. If you Google Camargue you will see loads of flamingos! <3 It is an amazing National Park. Beautiful white horses and black bulls as well!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Well this week is flying by. I had the last two days off and got a lot done at home. Christmas cards done (realized I forgot 2 so will do tonight), gifts wrapped. House clean. So now I work the next four days. Beautiful weather up in the high 60's.

    Katiebug--Your folding sounds interesting and I am looking forward to seeing pictures. Taking up less room sounds good to me. Thanks for sharing the picture.

    Kathy B and Dee--Welcome the more the merrier. This is a great group for support and friendship. Come often and be a part of this wounderful group.

    Cheri--Glad you had a good trip and are home and back on the program.

    Miriam--Your day bed looks very nice and the cat looks comfortable.

    Mindy--Your trips sounds like lots of fun. Enjoy hearing about them. Because of you ladies on here I have done more traveling the couple years I have been on here then my whole life and not cost me a dime. Thanks ladies.

    Joyce--Your party and games sounds like they were a lot of fun. So happy your furbaby came home. How scarey.

    Heather--Pray DH feels better soon.

    Penny--Glad to see you back and pray things get settled down for you soon.

    Lisa-- Glad you are taking sometime for you. You have been pushing yourself way TOO hard.

    pip--You take care of yourself also. You and Kriby have been though a lot the last couple months. Your trip sounds like just what you need to relax and remember the good things. Your house sounds beautiful. Growing up I wanted an old house with lots of charcter. Now everytime I see one I think who is going to wash all the windows and pay the heating and cooling bills.

    Carol--Congrates to your daughter and you have every right to be proud.

    Sylvia--How special for your DGD. Your are such a Blessing to those children.

    Janetr--Glad you are having a housefull for Christmas. Sounds like lots of fun.

    Well ladies hope you are doing well and not letting yourselves get to stressed about the holidays. One Day at a Time. We can do this.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
    December Goals
    1. weigh less end of the month then at the first.
    2. log my food, every bite
    3. Take each day as it comes.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    just sat down from 7:30 this morning...went and fed DFIL, then to stop at grocery store and bought 2 more boxes of wheaties,and a box of cat food to take with us when we go, as they leave stray cats at rest area's .. drives me mad..
    then to lowes to get light bulb for outdoor light, and off to get my hair cut... found out my dear friend Ray has colon cancer,he is still in shock and hasnt gotten all the prelimanaries done yet. so dont know what stage..
    from there down the turnpike and to Sams to get candy for staff at nursing home and got gas for 1.95 a gallon.
    from there another resident at the nursing home asked if I would go to the mall and pick up a couple of things, so of course I had to go, then came home picked up the pecan pie and dropped that off to dad,stopped at Doris' and she is madder than a wet hen because I forgot to call her when I got back to tell her about Ray.. (one from the cape)then came home took the dogs for a walk,fed the dogs, and got pizza to heat up for the old boy and packed part of the car... shoulderblade still bothering me took a muscle relaxer and will take some cold medicine before bed.
    starts all over tomorrow I have to go over and get my blood drawn early, then go to nursing home and then am working 9-5, then home to pack the rest of the car and go to bed early.. and Saterday a.m. get up before the crack of dawn and we are off.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Allison - I hope you sit down in the car while driving all the way to FL and don't try to get up and run around :) You won't know what to do with yourself having to sit still for that long. Please take care of yourself too and relax and enjoy your long awaited Florida trip. Drive carefully.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm not feeling so good. :sick:
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member

    Hope you feel better soon Katia49.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for all of the congratulations, everyone. I have not seen her this happy in years! She was grinning from the time we left home until we left the second venue. Even though she took all of her classes online, her professors knew her by name and seemed genuinely happy for her. As we were talking with one of her professors, Katherine mentioned that someday she wanted to be able to wear a "cool hat" like he had. He ended up taking off his PhD hat (I'm sure it has a real name) and insisted that she go have her picture taken while wearing it. She was thrilled! But now we are all exhausted!

    Food wasn't great today. Ate breakfast but was 'starving' by the time we got to have lunch. Didn't make a horrible choice but ate more than I should have.

    I think this evening is going to be spent with my feet up, reading a good book, and sipping on my Arnold Palmer.

    Carol in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    hugs jane
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Heather, you inspired me. Just thought you'd like to know.

    I went shopping today, started by taking my car in for service, where I walked the entire time they were working on it. Then went to my favorite little strip mall kind of place with Marshall's, Old Navy, Ulta, and many more. I was starving, did not want to hit a drive thru, so decided to get something in one of the shops. My choices were a cupcake place (ok, where I really wanted to go), a frozen yogurt place, or an Asian/Southwestern fusion place. That's it. I chose the latter, did not know until I walked in that it was a sit down restaurant. I was expecting a small little place where you ordered at the counter similar to the other two choices. I let them seat me and I ordered a tempura shrimp taco and garbanzo bean salad. The waiter tried to talk me into the three taco plate with a side,but I said no thank you, that's too much to eat. The one taco with the bean salad was just enough and really delicious. I think that's the first time I've ever eaten in a real restaurant by myself.

    By the time I got home I was exhausted, but I think I have finished my shopping. Yay!

    I have a question for you plank experts. How can you tell if you're doing it right if you're doing it by yourself? Any pointers?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Allison I hope you feel better before your trip Saturday morning!

    Carol NC you must be so proud! Beautiful picture! She looks so happy and excited.

    Miriam - I am sorry for your loss!

    Thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes for my DD's surgery. I left her in good hands this evening with her DH. I am heading home before the snowstorm hits tomorrow morning.

    Have a great night everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Finished up with my Christmas shopping and finally got it all wrapped. I'm not the least bit organized about wrapping; just trying to keep things from getting mixed up. HA! That happened last year, no big deal; but, surprising. Hope that I have all of DYS's, DDnL#2's and DSGD's packages wrapped and will put them in a sack for DH and DOS to take with them on Saturday when they go to hunt out in Louisiana with DYS. It'll be a 'man's week' with others coming to the plantation to hunt; always a big party. DH needs to pick up 5 chocolate pecan pies tomorrow and a couple of bottles of Patron for the owner and his employees. This trip is sort of DYS's Christmas present to his DB and DD. They enjoy it so much. I went with DH a few years back when DOS had been working t the jail. That job, unfortunately did not last long because the pay was so bad. He loved the job; but, he had a family to support and one going to college. I'm tired and my back is killing me. UGH! Will miss DH; but, really looking for a week by myself. Makes me realize just how much he does for me; but, he comes back home in such a good mood, spending time with his 2 sons without their women. This year he is taking our plans for how we want our wills to be done, not changing the original wills; but, just being more specific in a hand delivered letter to both of them. Then a copy of the letter will be put alongside of our Wills in the file. Maybe by the time they do inherit the land and money the one who has a hard time with a budget will have figured a way to get his affairs in order; and, it will give the other the wherewithal to divide it like it should be. Hopefully, they won't have to worry about this for many years to come. There's just too much we want to do and see and see done to give up now. Anyway, they need to get wills for themselves and their wives.

    Well, as for any feelings that got trampled on with my remark about this thread not becoming political ... if it was taken as 'sarcasm' then so be it. I had been guilty of voicing an opinion about POTUS; and, I got told that I should not do it. Free speech and all that gives me that right under the First Amendment; but, I can suffer through another year of him. Maybe we will get an improvement. >:) But, I did have to agree, this is not the thread to do so on, too much positive from this group of ladies to be 'banned' so to speak. o:)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member