

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,753 Member
    morning peeps -

    mtowne - congrats on your loss!

    have a good day all - carry on....
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,837 Member
    well the coffee hour was a nice time, I won a poinsettia plant , and I took that and a couple of donuts to our next door neighbors.. poor Harold is on hospice and he looks very frail his wife Esther is a peach ,this woman goes to all the functions and with Harold on hospice care she is sticking close to home, so i figured why not cheer her up.. so I went to see Harold, thye have him in a hospital bed in the sunroom out back.. Esther said he probably wouldnt remember who I was, but he did....so I chatted just for a few minutes the visiting nurse was there, so didnt want to stay to long... Harold and Tom are buddies, and Tom is sorta taking it hard.... he will go over and visit with him in a little bit...
    our friends from the east coast will be driving in ,and will probably get here around 2-3 a clock.. they will be tired so dont know what I can whip up for dinner. but have enough stuff here, and have some cheese and crackers, and they will bring wine.. I know we have wine glasses..
    and we might just drive around the park and show them the lights..
    Tomorrow will be sanibel island..... my favorite place on earth...
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, I don't really know what you were talking about, saying somebody else had to die for my son to get infusions. The meds he is on are synthetic. And he's not on a transplant list because he is not well enough to survive it.

    Today I'm on my clear liquid diet, and boy am I hungry! So far I've had a cup of tea and a glass of white grape juice.

    I found a new Fitbit band at Walmart this morning. It's black with tiny white hearts. My blue one is getting pretty grungy, so this will be nice.

    I don't know if I mentioned that our doggie door was broken, but I called the Andersen door company on Monday morning and they had a replacement door on my porch at 3:00 Tuesday afternoon. And at absolutely no cost to me! Talk about good customer service! Wow! They have a great warranty because this us the second time they have replaced the doggie door that is built into our storm door.

    Well, I have to run errands before I pick up the kids and take them all to get their eyes checked. Then I'm off th Kansas City. I hope you all have a great day!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Good luck with your tests Sylvia.

    Janet ~ You are such a good person to help your friend.

    Alison ~ when I first met my DH, his family went to Sanibel in their air stream in hopes of buying a building lot there. But, I think they decided that it would be too expensive. They also loved it there. Sorry about your friend.

    Kimses ~ The cookie swap sounds like fun. Maybe you could regift the cookies instead of eating them.

    Mindy ~ It was on the news this AM that there is going to be a tax change that might help you refi your house.

    Got to get off my behind and get something done. I've just about finished my shopping. Bought the 4 yr old 6 dresses on eBay over the weekend. Her mom says she loves the fancy Easter dress I had bought her and these are more suitable for cold weather. You can get some really good deals on children's clothing on eBay.


  • cullie
    cullie Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, ladies -
    I'm delighted to have found this wonderfully supportive group of 50+ women! Don't think I fit in with the younger crowd who can actually get up from the floor without a derrick to help them! I'm 69, 5'5" and about 45 pounds overweight. Goal is just 1 pound a week, and right now I really don't care how - diet, exercise, fasting - I hope to get it more together, and stop smoking, but I just need to get started already! Since Dec. 1, I'm down 4 pounds (I know, I know, these are the easiest to lose).

    I hope to read all your posts and offer whatever support I can. Luckily I am blessed with pretty good health, 3 sons, 2 daughters-in-law and 3 grandsons and I'm going to school music concerts tonight and tomorrow, and the baby's first birthday party on Saturday - life is wonderful right now (and until I just typed that, I didn't realize HOW good it is.)

    Peace and health to you all!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Cullie - welcome! It does sound like you have a wonderful life. You have come to an excellent thread of very support of and motivating women! Have fun at the concerts and birthday party.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Janetr, et al - When each of my parents had shingles it was like a burning along a nerve line for a few days prior to the rash. Then the rash started and was painful. Then it blistered. I don’t recall either of them taking an anti-viral, but they did each get a pretty hefty dose of pain medication (like vicoden). Hugs and quick healing for all ! ! ! // I’m also on Joyce’s side right now. The path of your rash is not typical of shingles.

    Sylvia – Hooray for a good day. Luck with your procedure.

    Miriam – I had to look back, but yes, our PT’s each told us different. I think it is the RA that I’m supposed to avoid too much added weight when I do things. I started with a pretty good muscle base, so just keeping moving is my daily challenge. And supposedly the RA medications I take are supposed to cushion my joints a little, so I really should be doing yoga, but I haven’t gotten that desire going yet. I guess that’s the nice thing about variety in the world – we can all do what works for us, and still support each other. Someone with OA knees said his Dr told him to walk backwards down the steps whenever possible, because it uses a different part of the muscles and joints and hurts less; I’m going to try that as soon as the RA flare leaves my left ankle. // Thanks for sharing the picture of you wonderful family ! ! !

    Michelle – I hereby grant you use of my luck until you win that FitBit ! ! ! (but I need it back next week when they do the drawing for the Patti LaBelle tickets)

    Barbie - Thank you for sharing the sentiment, and thank you to you, too ! ! !

    Joyce – I love trying to follow your train of thought; it is so much like mine. I have to work to stay on task, as my mind is always active (and full of music). My DH laughs at me all the time. I hope you don’t mind that I am laughing with you right now. Thank You ! ! !

    Mindy – Do you deserve the trip? And if it is already paid, how much would be the benefit of cancelling? If you have activities planned, can you find any of them on discount sites like Groupon or LivingSocial? I also purchase gift cards in advance of my trips from www.giftcardgranny.com . I love that site, because they offer so many options, and they guarantee the gift cards that people sell . I have never been ripped off by any of their companies . I also hereby grant you some of my luck, so you may win something, and therefore lighten your burden (but I still need it back for Patti LaBelle. She is here the weekend my DD turns 25, and DD has agreed to come here to see it with me).

    Everyone is coming back after lunch, so I have to get back to work (plus the phone will be ringing crazy with the Holiday around the corner). So . . .

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (44 and raining, but my Dad is in Arizona where he awoke to sunshine and 32 degrees, ha ha to him, thinking he could escape winter for a week.)
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,821 Member
    Well here it is Wednesday already. Not sure where the time is going and feel like I am busy, but ??? Was off the last two days and kept busy at home, my uncle passsed away Monday and the funeral is Saturday. He is the last uncle on my dad's side. All that is left on dad's side is his sister. Has me bumped out, but is part of life.

    Rori--Great news about DH. Men and doctors can be such a pain. My DH has an appointment with the doctor on Friday afternoon about a lump in his neck. He keeps telling me it's nothing, but he is having trouble eating. I am going with him.

    Beth--Whats the info on ordering those laser lights? I realize it might be to late for this year, but could check it out. Saw in this mornings paper that 6 different ones have been stolen around town the last couple days. That is so sad.

    Penny--Sorry you couldn't find the house for the gingerbread bake, but what a nice thing you did for the lady and her water jug. Sounds like your friend is really sorry about the wrong address.

    Sylvia--So sorry you have so much stress on you right now. You are a lot like me and feel better if I have a plan and most the time I get over whelmed also. Please just take it One day at a time.

    Heather--Sorry to hear DH is still not feeling well and your tooth is giving you pain. Pray things get better soon. Love the picture of you and the bridge. So glad you did not burn down the apartment, how scary!!

    Barbie--How scary, glad you were ok and able to dance the last couple places.
    mtowen--Nice picture thanks for sharing.

    Well to the top of page 30 and about time the "boss" and I are going to sit down and do the new schedule. I just wish she would let me do it and get it over with. It just stresses me out. But at least when we did it last month it was not done over even once and everyone pretty much got their hours. They had our dept Christmas party here Monday evening and have all kinds of goodies left and sitting around. I am so proud of myself as I have not had one bite today. I can do this.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    December Goals
    1. weigh less end of the month then at the first.
    2. log my food, every bite
    3. Take each day as it comes.
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Happy Wednesday. So I worked out at the gym this morning as planned and just got home. I feel like time is moving in slow motion. Made calls to fence companies and now I'm just waiting for them to get back to me so we can schedule times for them to come and look at what needs repairs and give me quotes.

    Winter break starts on Friday for my kiddos so all 3 will be home for two weeks.

    Helped my neighbor move all their pantry and freezer items back to their home yesterday so at least that adventure has come to an end :s

    I'm working from home this afternoon making phone calls and paying bills. Still have my cards to address and mail. Ug!

    Best get to showering now. Had 3 Hershey kisses at the gym :'( bummer right! That should be a temptation free zone IMHO.

    Welcome to all newbies! Be well my friends,

    <3 Rosie in So Cal
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    :)Kimses, I gave up baking when I started this weight loss journey. I decided that I would have to be famous in my life for something other than baked goods. I gave away most of my kitchen baking tools and all the supplies like flour, sugar, coconut, etc.....when I'm invited to an event that features food above all else, I ask myself why I'm going. If all I can think of is the food temptation, then I decline the invitation. If I am eager to see the people then I carry a glass or bottle of water around with me and talk to the people and stay completely away from the food.

    :'(Heather I am so sorry that you and your hubby have both felt somewhat under the weather during your magical trip. Whenever we travel, we ask ourselves "What if we lived here?" and we always figure out why home is a better place....except when we first visited the place we live now in 1990 we asked that question and in 2004 were finally able to make the move.

    :'(Mindy, I am so sorry to hear about your financial troubles.....I guess what I would do would be to list the reasons for taking the trip to Key West and match it with what it will cost when you get there. If the benefits are greater in your mind than the costs you'll incur, then take the trip, otherwise just accept the loss of the plan fare money and don't add to it by going and spending a bunch more money when you get there. It always helps me to write these things down to help me with the decision making.

    o:)Vicki, congrats on staying away from the treats....I've found that if I don't take even one, then I can resist the rest.

    <3 Barbie
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited December 2015
    Internet still down, may be days, but am able to pop up here to the cantina once a day and log in. Still crazy noisy up here, which makes me tense, but I don't stay long, just long enough to read y'all's stuff, take care of bills, etc. Reading everyone's messages... safe travels to those traveling, hope the health woes start improving... a few days of forced inactivity on my part have helped A LOT. No bleeding for nearly two days now... just trying not to reaggravate everything. First morning that I've woken up with energy in a long time. Just finishing up a boy-colored afghan for the DGS and just finished the border on a white afghan with pink/black border for the DGD...

    Beautiful, sunny, 60-degree days coming up for a week... really hoping for reasonable weather between here and Missouri from the 28th to the 3rd. Fingers crossed!

    Lisa in West Texas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,753 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Celebrating DH's Birthday today! Started off the day with his favorite Lemon Bars I made last night. I'm getting ready to take him out to his favorite restaurant. I preplanned my meal. I may end up eating more by the end of the day though!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Advent Calendar
    Dec 16th~ "Where is the King that is to be?" they asked in great surprise.
    The donkeys and the cows and sheep looked on with wondering eyes.

    Rec'd a nice phone call from eldest son at Widbey Island in WA state. He had just dropped his little truck off at the repair shop. Sad thing is that when he was here in October, it was during that time when the squadron gus were given the option of having leave or not. So no Christmas leave. He does have 4 days off anyway, so hopefully he can just come down. Hoping his truck will be fixed by then and he will have that option.

    Nice day today of just doing the laundry with husband and watching some shows that we had recorded. I am so easily satisfied. Trying to lay low and not really go to the store at all, so I won't get down on being poor. Just keep telling myself I am rich in love and happiness, stuff is just stuff. It is kind of scary to be down to $30 bucks, with 3 presents under the tree, but this Saturday is a food bank, so that will tie us over until January. I am volunteering as a server for the Senior Luncheon tomorrow, and they always have breads and pastries for you to take, so I might take some, if there is some leftover. I also get a free lunch so its totally worth it. Last month was roast beef with all the trimmings so yummy!

    Well Peace to you all ((((hugs))))
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Checking in before I turn in.
    Thanks for the ideas on the cookie swap. I really wouldn't feel comfortable suggesting something else because the hostess is the supreme baker of our church -- totally unbelievable and it's her claim to fame. But oddly enough, she lost 30 lbs on WW and kept if off because she gives her baked goods away! (well, her hubby may intercept it before it leaves). So I think I'll swap them, box them, then put them in the garage for my son and husband. My daughter is gluten-free and can't eat them anyway.

    Right, Barbie? -- I ask myself if I should even go. So much incredible food in addition to cookies. But I love the group so thought about declining but decided against it. Still wavering a bit, though.

    Swam 40 laps today in 30 minutes (smallish pool) and am beat.

    I ate slowly at dinner and kept pace with my skinny son. It seemed to work. I didn't overeat or have seconds.

    Both my kids have been treated for being underweight. They got that from my husband. Genetically thin.

    The specialist I took my son to years ago looked at me and said "Is your husband thin?". WHAT? (are you saying I'm fat!?). So much for having discretion. It cracked me up though.

    Off to NYC tomorrow...will be out of touch for a few days.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hoo boy! This stuff is NASTY! I'm sitting in a hotel room in Kansas City trying to gag down the first round of the MoviPrep. I'm 3/4 finished with the first batch and feel like I might throw it back up. Yuck! I have to get up at 3am the take the second batch.

    This afternoon I took all three kids to get their eyes checked. That was a treat. Next time I try to take all three at once I will get my head examined. The youngest needs glasses all the time, the oldest only needs them in class, and the middle one is perfect. She felt a little cheated because she didn't get glasses, but at least she got to brag a little bit because the doc said she was "golden". They each got a huge cookie after their exams. The little guy said, "how come the dentist never gave us cookies?" He's so cute. When he was trying on frames, he kept saying "I don't want those, I can't see out of them." No matter how I explained that the lenses weren't real. He just didn't get it. The frames he wanted were girls frames, so we convinced him to try some others. He wanted red frames. No luck on that, but he got some sort of reddish tortoiseshell ones.

    Well, gotta go drink the rest of it. Sweet dreams!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,401 Member
    Did 43 minutes of Gilad Elite DVD. The DVD didn't download properly and the very end of it got cut off, so I threw it out. No biggie especially since it was mostly kickboxing and that's not something that I really enjoy. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Stephanie Vittorio Body Target DVD.

    Miriam - wonderful pic! I'm just so happy for you and everyone else.

    Joyce - yup, it was Vince who had to go to the hospital in Switzerland. Fun times (not!) Thank goodness I was able to stay with my friend and wasn't in a hotel. In a way, at least it was in Switzerland so Vince was able to sort-of communicate with the people in the hospital. His French did get better, tho. He took French for 5 years in high school. Have fun at the Blue Man Group. We thoroughly enjoyed them when we went to see them a few years ago

    Mindy - my heart goes out to you and your worries

    A friend just invited us to an open house at her house. She has something like over 200 nativity scenes. I feel like we should go, but honestly I'd really rather not. It just means one more thing that I'll need to make to take with me. When we had the pool social, she really liked the spinach/feta quiche so maybe that's what I'll take her. At least it won't be more cookies!

    Cullie - welcome! Fasting doesn't really work in the long run, portion control and eating healthy for you foods do. Good luck

    Well. went to the Newcomer Board meeting. See, last month I brought up the fact that this one gal (my mistake, I should not have used her name, just said "a member") suggested to the Green Room that they put information about their shows on our weekly newsletter. In the meantime, I've been talking to them and saying that as a courtesy to our advertisers, we will advertise their upcoming shows. An ad is $35 ($3 a month, and the newsletter goes out to over 100 members 4 times a month). She got so insulted, said it was extortion, that she even questioned the legality of it. I can possibly see other advertisers for same things (community theaters) pulling their ads saying "why should I pay for an ad, I'll get free advertising just like Green Room does". Well, the Board decided that we should include their information even if they aren't an advertiser. If we lose advertisers, can't say I didn't warn them. This isn't extortion and there's nothing illegal about it. Well, we shall see what the future holds. The lady who will be president next year said that she agreed with me.

    Terri - I know that I won't win the FitBit. Honestly, I question when they have these contests if anyone ever wins. There's nothing that goes out to the members saying who won. In the past there were contests for gift cards for gas and things like that. I remember when we first moved to NC there was some sort of contest and the person who exercised the most won a free membership. He never got it. He moved and nothing was done, not even giving him the amount of a membership to here that he could apply where he moved to

    Just took empty egg cartons to the bowling alley and got a gift certificate to a restaurant for Ken & Lynette. The nice thing was that by buying this gift certificate, I got two $5 certificates and Newcomers is going there for lunch next month

    Vicki - so sorry about your uncle

    Mary - happy birthday to your hubby

    kimses - have fun in NYC

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,753 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.57min, 13.8amph, 154mhr, 2.9mi = 153c
    spin- 42min, 84ar, 156aw, 13-16g 123ahr, 147mhr, 17mi = 342c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.31min, 12.6amph, 145mhr, 1.3mi = 90c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.37min, 9.3amph, mhr155, 2.7mi = 200c
    7 different stretch exercises - 3 sets of 10 each, mhr91 = 51c
    total cal 836
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,007 Member
    smiley-happy023.gifMiriam, what a happy group of family and friends to celebrate the legal completion of your family.....best wishes to you and your new daughters