
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Happy Thursday Friends,

    Janetr: I agree with Fancy, can you go to Urgent Care? Ours are open till 8 pm here in CA. Getting treatment early for shingles prevents the rash spreading and long term nerve pain after the rash heals. I am worried. Perhaps it is something else if the pain is manageable with over the counter pain relievers. Take care :'( hope you feel better soon.

    (((Hugs))) to all the migraine sufferers and Silvia.

    Joyce - The Blue Man Group sounded like a good time.

    I got in all my steps this morning walking by the beautiful Pacific. It took some planning and driving to get there but so worth it as I feel renewed and energized. Today will be a little of this and that finishing up, or bringing the tasks I've started to the "calling it done" stage! Just the last bit of wrapping, cards, and yes shopping with friends later in the day. The shopping bit is more to spend time with the girls then buying :) This weekend I will start to relax and enjoy the season with my family, I hosted Thanksgiving so I'm off the hook for Christmas dinner :D Still tracking and recording all my food. I'm hoping January will bring no weight gain o:) to us all.

    Sending prayers to all that need them.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    PIP - love the present for Kirby; neat idea!

    Elaine - praying it is not a full-blown migraine. I went to the MD yesterday because starting day-before-yesterday having a migraine and none of the meds I was taking (Max-Alt & Skelaxin, Advil Migraine, and starting over) was working. I have 'light sensitivity' and 'nausea' with my migraines and they feel like someone is trying to chop my head off at the base of my skull. >:) When I wake up with one or it wakes me up during the night - I always have to have a shot of Tordol and sometimes a Prednisone shot. Got a week of Prednisone to take -ugh; but, that bad taste will go away if I drink a LOT of water. Thankfully, they had a cancellation yesterday and I could see my regular MD; I would have been chewing up nails if I had to have waited until today to see anybody. I was 'in tears' when I called his office. Told him I felt like someone had grabbed me by the neck, thrown me up against a brick wall, then hit me all over with a brick, and used me as a 'dammit doll'. He'd never heard of a 'dammit doll'; but, he doesn't ever look like he'd need one. Has the best bedside manner of any MD I go to. My back and shoulders were also so tight that he said there was little wonder that I hurt all over. I could not even 'cry myself to sleep' night before last. Last night I ran a tub of 'hot as I can stand it' water and laid down in it as long as I could ... until it started turning lukewarm. OMGoodness, how wonderful was that!?! Heating pad on back and shoulders; then turned the temperature down in house, and covered up in bed and peacefully (w/C-pap) slept all night long until "Cracker" woke me up wanting to go outside. It'd been a long time since I had had a migraine that bad and I don't look forward to any one in the future. IF I have a headache (of any kind) that starts early in the AM; or if it wakes me up during the night) I always have to get this shot (Tordol) to knock it out. Generally, I go to sleep when I get home and sleep several hours. Wake up feeling very drained but a lot better. I have a lot of sympathy for those who suffer from migraines. o:)B)

    I thankfully didn't have a full migraine. My vision was mostly affected. It was a dull headache and nausia. It seems to start just around the eye and the zig zag colours and gets larger, I feel that my eye is one my cheek. I know It sounds strange, it is a rerrible feeling. I was at my mums so couldn't go to bed like I would have done at home for a short while. It lasted about 30mins before I could see properly.

    The very first time I had a migraine was after I gave birth to my eldest son who is now 41. I had high blood pressure and the doctor told me just to rest and try to sleep, they kept checking my blood pressure every 15 mins. It was really scary because I couldn't see properly in both eyes.

    Hope you are feeling a lot better, it sounds like you really suffer badly. Did the doctor ever tell you what the cause is? I have no idea what causes mine, I can have a really good day out and then it suddenly hits me and I just want to curl up.

    Wishing you well.

  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Thanks Vickil57 for the well wishes, very grateful.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    edited December 2015
    Pip That's one beautiful design you have had done for Kirby. I'm sure he will love it. Oooo...Hairy legs! Nice tat! Keeping my fingers crossed for Winkle and surgery.

    Janet I took shingles in my left armpit in 2002. The doctor saw me immediately, and had my bloods done. He gave me some medication to zap the infection, but I treated the blisters with lavender and geranium oil, and they cleared up fairly quickly. Both oils can be applied directly to the skin, but you can also make up a dilute mix in a light carrier oil. I use a lot of aromatherapy oils.

    Elaine i hope the migraine eases soon. I've never suffered myself, but believe they can be very debilitating.

    Heather So sorry that you came home to some problems, but pleased that you are on the mend. You will soon get the kitchen shipshape again. What a cutie pie DGS is with his host of angels.

    Katla So sorry that you are both under the weather. Take care of yourself and DH and get well soon! I am rereading some old books before donating them to charity. It's been so long since I first read them it was like finding a whole new library of books.

    Vicki Prayers for your family at this sad time. My DFiL died 13 December 1993, and I still miss him. He was a wonderful husband, dad and granddad. We have been to 4 funerals this month and DFIL is very much in my mind. Take strength from each other over the coming weeks. I'm guessing he was your mum's brother.

    Allison Is't it just Sod's law that you are too ill to enjoy it, when you have a few days man free. Hope you recover quickly.

    Sylvia You are such a godsend to those children. I say, well done for letting them chose. It's difficult enough for them without having to wear some dreadful utility frames, like the onesI had when I was a child. I hope all goes well tomorrow, or is it today, already?

    Barbie Neat Lynas cartoon.

    Mindy Did you knit the dog coat? I love your flowers in the background.

    Joyce My DYD bought a dozen bracelets for her Fitbit from Amazon, and gave me three of them. I blinged them up with stick on diamanté that I use on cards and they look class. I couldn't access the photos on Facebook.

    Miriam What a wonderful picture to celebrate the settling of your adoption process. It's clear that those girls are now in the bosom of a loving community.

    I have written and posted cards, and have a few left to hand-deliver. I am working on framed hand-drawn zentangled names for my family along with gift tokens and other gifts that need to be wrapped. All my activities are in abeyance until January, so I can concentrate on getting things done. (Zentangle - Google or do search on Pinterest)

    I attended another funeral yesterday morning.

    The reaper makes the cut.
    The sands of time run swift.
    We have no way of knowing.
    Those whom death will lift.

    Another friend gone home.
    Another shadow passing.
    A kind and goodly man.
    Treasure in heaven amassing.

    I have lost 4 friends this month, two of them very unexpected. At my age, I have bitter-sweet feelings about this. Sorrow for their passing, relief that I am still here. So many good memories to keep them alive in my heart.

    Still sitting on 163. I'm happy with that. Although I don't see myself reaching my 156 goal by the 31st Dec, 57lbs in total lost is quite a good result.

    I'm up to date for the moment. Apologies if I have left you out.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.


    Irish Terri harp.gif
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    :heart: Margaret
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    4 hours on my feet and running around for the 60+ seniors at the Senior Luncheon is so tiring. Great bunch of people though. It's good for my heart mentally and physically.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    Mary and Rosie - Thanks ladies for your concern, its appreciated. I thot it was shingles, now I'm just not sure. Whatever it is definitely has blisters now and hurts much more than it was, not unbearable, but then I have always had a high tolerance to pain. I did call my doctor's office back and the receptionist was snippy with me and I asked if she knew what shingles are, she didn't answer. I then asked to talk to the nurse, she put me on hold came back said she is busy with a patient, I said I'd like to leave a message for her to call me, big sigh put me on hold again, finally came back and asked for my information and said ok I sent your request to the nurse. Guess what no call, surprise surprise. I'm nothing if not stubborn, so I just decided to wait because the pain is not unbearable. Today it is much more painful tho. I will tell the doctor in the morning of the situation and let him know I was unhappy with the non-caring, can't be bothered attitude I received.

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    o:) - Lenora - migraine gone. Think they started when I had a head-on collision nearly 20 years ago. Got worse when I became "Lithium Toxic" although I was taking it as Rx'd. Now off it; have seizures; but, I don't think they are connected.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm back home. My procedure was a huge waste of time. They found some scar tissue inside the colon and could not get their instruments past it. Also, the small intestine is attached at a strange backward angle and they couldn't make the turn. So, my options are to have full blown surgery, which will only create even more scar tissue, or to just try to live with it. That would mean a very limited diet with only soft foods. So, I feel stuck. I'm too tired to think about it now. The anesthetic hasn't quite worn off. So, I'm going to lie down for a little while.

    The funny part is that my son called about 1:00, while I was still in the recovery room, and asked if I was going to pick up the kids from school. I told him several times that this would take all day. He has no short term memory left at all.

    More later.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    janetr - sorry to hear about your itchies.... sound painful, hope you get help...
    whippet - sorry to hear oabout your procedure.. take it easy...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :)Katla, This is how I get a picture from Facebook to post on MFP (it may not work for commercially produced stuff)....first, click on the picture, you want and it will get bigger...then right click on the picture and choose the option that says "save image as".....then it should show some weird code name for the picture and under it say that it is a jpeg which is what a picture is.....then change the weird code name to something short like "photo 1" and save it on your desktop to find easily (or if it's something you want to keep, then save it in one of your photo files with your other pictures)....then you can post it on MFP just like any picture you have on your computer. This is what works for me......if you have a different operating system, it may not work for you, or the language may be different. I just found out by experimenting and trying different things.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sylvia, what a drag!

    Janet,I would definitely complain.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Grits, our doggie door fits thirty pound dogs, so an adult human can't get through it. But other animals can. I think spanking your dog is counter productive. That's not the best way to train a dog. Positive reinforcement works SO much better.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening, Ladies.

    Sylvia, that "is" great custome service on your doggie door. I'm glad you responded about the infusions because that did confuse me. (which is not always hard to do. LOL)

    CarolGA, the little dresses sound so cute. It must be fun to shop for those.

    Cullie, welcome. You will find this a great place for support and information. If you make this a lifestyle change I'm sure you will be successful. Congrats on acknowledging that life is great.... many people just don't see it. Come often and join right in.

    Terri, that is sad for your Dad to be cold in Arizona. lol

    Vicki, a huge congrats for not having any of the Christmas goodies at work. Sorry about your uncle.

    Rosi, I agree that the gym should be a temptation free zone.

    Mary, I hope your DH had a good birthday. I also hope it was a good day for you.

    kimses, I laughed about you saying the specialist asked if your husband was thin. When we are FAT, we act so insulted that someone incinuates that we are overweight, but we know that we are.

    Sylvia, I have been reading rather quickly lately so must have missed why you are in a hotel for your prep? Are your tests in KC?? I'm betting that is it. Sounds like fun taking all 3 kids at once. You are the best!!

    Michele NC, you know when you are on the board of any group that you will never please everyone. It is sad how much some people complain.

    Mindy, such a sweet picture. I love the sweater.

    Heather, so glad the water wasn't worse.

    Lillian, sorry you can't leave the house but you know what they say. "You play, you pay!" Feel better.

    Heather, sounds like you are going to have some visitors? Try to enjoy!

    I'm only at the top of page 33 but too tired to read more so I will post what I have so far. My friend that thad the hip surgery is doing great. She is walking without a cane and getting around great. I had a board meeting this afternoon and we have so much to get done in the next few weeks. Not easy at this time of year but we will do what we can. I'm off to bed but wanted to share a quote I heard today:

    "Life is like a book with many chapters. One bad chapter doesn't mean it's the end of the book."

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor: I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity: Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Love you,
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Evening ladies, long long day..will check in tomorrow
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Made messy greasy burgers for the son and husband, and fries...so I am typing here with you all... lol!!

    MFP Advent Calendar

    Dec 17th~ A man named Joseph greeted them, his face was worn and thin.
    "We have been quartered here", he said, "for there's no room at the Inn".

    Rain rain RAIN that is my life for the next couple of days.... Coastal weather has its charm, don't get me wrong, but steady downpours have a way of dampening not only your life, but your spirit. I listened to happy sunny music before I went to volunteer and that helps :-) There was a gentleman there that was playing on his electric piano, and had it on "calliope" mode, so I felt like I was at a circus....but he switched to "piano" mode and did Christmas music so that was nice. He let me play on it before he put it back in his car. While I like the convenience of it, I like the FEEL of a real piano better.

    When I was in California, there was a thrift store in our town. Pianos would come and go, but I played about 10 or so of them, before they went to their new homes. Each one with a personality, and some were such old souls, to play them was an honor. Silly I know, but that is how I feel about pianos.

    My Mom re-furbished an old player piano. The player piano part was long since gone out of its innerds, but the upright piano still was quite grand. My middle sister played exceptionally well, being the accompanist for all the different glee clubs at her high school. I remember her learning "Rachmaninov's Prelude in C Sharp Minor", for her piano teacher. That echoing around the house, freaking out my cat, and putting a lump in my throat, (its quite awesome to see someone play that firsthand) is a memory I won't ever forget :-)

    Talked with some of my TOPS friends today. One is the lead person coordinator for the volunteer serving. She had picked me up this morning. One of the other gals has been taking a "leave of absence" from TOPS like I have been. The cook today is our TOPS leader, and she hugged me saying I am missed. She whispered in my ear, "You don't have to play the games you know". I answered, "Life is a game :-)... But I did say its nice to be missed. I will probably start attending again in January. I feel like these past months I haven't been attending, is like I have been on vacation. I have to admit, that I do like the comradery of the ladies, and I have missed that strength, and that drive I felt to succeed.

    Be well every one.
    My husband is moaning in the living room because I turned on all the Christmas things, then I leave the room......he is my SCROOGE hahaha.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did 1-1/4 hr of Stephanie Vitorrio Body Target DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do exercise in the water.

    barbie - loved your pic about worrying. How true!

    Joyce - it looks like you really enjoyed Blue Man Group. How great you had such great seats. I remember the year we went to see TSO when Jess was training the service dog, they put us in a box. I must say, it was really nice. The dog slept thru the entire concert....lol I, also, thought about how I donate the cookies to the soup kitchen. You know what they say -- GMTA. Good find on that band for your fitbit

    This am after giving Loki his medicine, went to Aldi, brought things home and am now making two of those spinach/feta quiches to take Sat (I'll freeze them). Hopefully, this afternoon we can do wrapping, got everything out in the kitchen ready to do it.

    Sylvia - thinking of you

    Lisa - glad you got your Internet back. I hate when ours goes out

    Betty - I keep reading how this Christmas it's supposed to be unseasonably warm. I'm hoping I got everything needed to do the cooking Christmas Eve

    Lenora - feel better fast

    pip - you have some wonderful coworkers. They decorate and now this lovely gift.

    Elaine - I do hope you feel better fast

    Barbara - welcome!

    Was waiting for Vince to start wrapping, but it never happened. He said he thought I'd do it. I used to do it all when he was working and it took days. Of course, the kids were smaller so got more presents. Last year (and I think the year before) we did it together and it went so fast. I'm hoping that tomorrow we can do it before I have to go to get my hair done at 3:30. Update: he's going to go shopping around 10, after exercising I'll go to WalMart then home. Maybe I'll start wrapping things that are already in a box. That's the one part of wrapping that I'm not crazy about, finding a box the right size.

    If it weren't so close to the holidays and I'm going to get my hair colored, I'm thinking that next time I need to get my hair trimmed, I just may try the gal Vince goes to. I originally went to one gal but she was booked so I booked it with another gal. Today she called to say that she won't be in until the afternoon. I'm sorry, the reason I started going here was because they were right on my way home from the Y and I could get my hair done after exercising. Now with all these schedule changes.......I can probably get my hair done after volunteering at the Green Room if I go to the place Vince goes to. I can just walk there from the Green Room. Vince says he thinks that I'll get along well with the gal since she's into exercising, too. I may give it a try, maybe in Feb. before we go to FL

    Sylvia - so sorry to hear about your procedure. What an awful choice you have to make!

    Lenora - I agree with Sylvia, positive reinforcement for doggie training. That's how we trained the service dog.

    DJ - so glad you friend's surgery went so well.

    Michele in NC