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  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janetr, love it. That's about how it is in my house. Hope you get the issue with this rash,taken care of.

    Sylvia, I feel I had sympathetic diarrhea for colonoscopy tonight. But I guess I had it to late. I don't know what I ate, nothing unusual but my heavens, pooped in my britches 3 times. Luckily I was at home all 3 times!!! TMI?????? I don't think you should say the procedure wasn't worth anything. At least you do know now that you have scar tissue and that your natural anatomy is kind of messed up. Hope you get your rest now so you can continue to be super Grandma.

    Barbie, can I change the weird code to something like blue man #1 and then #2? Or does it have to be picture 1? I know on forums on face book and other groups you can 'pin' notes. An explanation of how to put up pictures would be a very helpful 'pin'. I will try doing that, but not tonight.

    Heather, glad you are safely in your home and then the wonderful (????) news that you are having a group for Christmas! I don't particularly love the smell of a freshly painted room but i love that it is freshly painted and how ti looks, it takes on a new life.

    Lisa, glad you have all your internet up.

    Pip, I absolutely love your design. The dog with the halo, is that one that has died? It almost looks like Kirby's bike is pulling your Airstream. Is that intended??? I know he will love it.

    Took a long trip to Walmart all by myself to try to finish up my shopping. I put ornaments in all the ladies stockings so I got those. I tried to pick each one for the individual. They were only $1.94 so I liked that. I have always thought that stockings can hold wonderful little gifts that mean a lot. Charlie has never been one to look at the check book or to ask me what I spend or even to notice that a daughter is wearing a new ring. So they have always known not to let him see everything they get in their stocking. I know this isn't honest but he can be so giving at one time and then a pincher another so this is the way I have always given something extra. So after they got to be adults, I always put a $25 gift card to a favorite restaurant in the stocking. Christina loves Steak and Shake and her hubbie doesn't so in order for her to use that it is not only a gift from me it is also a gift of love from her husband. Michelle doesn't go out at all unless she is with us and we always pay. She had several small things on her Amazon wish list that I didn't get her and I don't know if anyone else did either. So I ordered her a $25 gift card from there. I love it that you order the one to be printed off at home. So I am almost all done. I went downstairs to the laundry room tonight and it reminded me that I haven't put the tree up yet. I think if it wasn't for the fact we have the big family Christmas here and I have young grand kids, I wouldn't put one up. We don't have room in our living room where it would be seen from the outside. So it goes in the family room, which is Charlie's man cave and I never see it unless I am doing laundry. He cleans up after himself and vacuums down there so I rarely have a need to go there and see the tree. So it is lit on Christmas day, well Jan 2nd, only.

    Nite nite my friends, Joyce, Indiana where it is finally getting to be cool enough to be December.
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU and hope you have a wonderful time with family or friends. I will be away in Birmingham from tomorrow and so will not be able to post anything (not allowed internet access while there!). I hope to get back on track in the New Year.
    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Morning everyone. Wishing you all a great day.

    Will be doing some bulk cooking today - vegetable curry using lots of different vegetables including things I am not keen on ie celery parsnips. I use Mayflower Curry Powder which is tasty and I love it. Will also be trying to eat more vegetables for snacks instead of fruit. Will make a dip using quark mixed with curry powder, black pepper and a little rock salt.

    I usually only cook one meal at a time for my husband and myself, I am going to start cooking bulk meals and freeze them. Hopefully this will save time and be able to eat good prepared meals and this will stop snacking on sugary foods.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    Well the Christmas dinner is over. Sort of. Its spirit lingers on in my house and both my refrigerators. My husband was worried there might not be enough food but in the end I think we had three times as much as we needed.
    I'm posting pictures of some of the food. I forgot to take a picture of the dessert table.

    First the main buffet with the cold food. Turkey bottom left, salted and dried meats top middle, salads in the big bowls, left to right: beet, shrimp, Waldorf, and potato.

    Here's the cold food that didn't fit on the same table. Roast beef and head cheese, veggie platter, and two kinds of salmon (left to right).

    MFP thinks that's enough and won't let me upload any more pictures of food. smiley-eatdrink021.gif I'll have to continue in a new post.
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    So here's the warm food.

    First the pork section: spare ribs, bratwurst and burgers, served with cooked prunes and apple slices.

    Here's the same stuff along with mashed rutabaga and stewed purple cabbage (the only two things this dinner had in common with what I serve on my own Christmas table).

    And last but not least, the crowning glory of any Norwegian Christmas dinner, the one item no red-blooded Norwegian can imaging not eating on Christmas Eve: pinnekjøtt. This traditional dish is made from sides of mutton (sheep or lamb). They are soaked in brine for a couple weeks then hung up to dry for 6-8 weeks. At that stage they keep essentially forever. When Christmas comes, the ribs are soaked in water overnight then steamed until the meat is tender, 3-5 hours. The name pinnekjøtt literally means "stick meat" and that isn't because the bones look like sticks, but because you steam the meat on a nest of peeled birch sticks.

    When everyone had eaten themselves full, but before dessert, this is what we had left over on just one of the tables.

    And at the end of the evening we were all so exhausted that NOBODY took any food home with them! Luckily some of the leftovers were transported to their workplace for lunch the next day. But I still have plenty left...
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    ...and having all those leftovers may be a good thing because we're in for a humdinger of an Arctic storm! The wind has been shaking the house all night and is predicted to continue increasing steadily for 12 more hours, reaching hurricane force at midnight.

    Here's what our door and one window looked like this morning. That's real snow, not the stuff that comes in a spray can.

    My husband went off to work as usual this morning but he said he'd keep an eye on the weather and come home if it started to look really dangerous.

    Hey, I LOVE it!
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    The Governor's office has implored people not to go out unnecessarily. All flights in and out of Svalbard are cancelled today, including the extra flight that most families with small children intended to take this afternoon after school ended for the term. The school festivity marking the start of the holiday break has been moved from the church to the school itself so the kids don't have to go outdoors, and busses are being arranged to transport every child to his/her door. Last but not least, the postal service has cancelled delivery of all mail, though we're welcome to stop by the post office in person and ask for our letters.

    Now how did it go again, the creed of the US postal service?

    Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Wow Penny!

    Pip, I love your designs!

    This is for all of you that struggle with overeating over the holidays, like I do:
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Penny - Wow thank you so much for the pictures and the description of all we were seeing. Stay safe in your home during the storm. :)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,811 Member
    edited December 2015
    Penny ... Love the food photos! Funny ... Every time I enlarged one of them for detail (I'm on phone) and then tried to go back to your post ... It took me to Miriam's cat photo!!! MFP has a sense of humor!

    Miriam ... Love your post too!

    Remember our vitamin D conversation a while back? Well I haven't been taking my 10,000 vitamin d3 ... Ran out a couple weeks and decided to stop. Bad move I think.... My knees are throbbing with inflammation. Started vitamin back this morning. Will see if they get better. I believe it helps my joints.

    Have a great day ladies!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Pip... that is a very nice present for Kirby
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Penny - VERY cool pics... inspired me to add mine... We've already sent off 15 pounds of pecans, 6 pounds to each kid, and 3 pounds to my best friend, but more remain on the tree... so I convinced my amazing husband to climb up and shake a branch or two. And ended up with ten more pounds. He's nine years younger than me, at 46, and less breakable. One hopes.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Penny - thanks for posting the traditional Norwegian Christmas dinner. My maternal great grandparents came from Norway, so maybe they would have had some of these dishes for their Christmas.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lisa aka Cougar! LOL Love the food photos from all!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    This morning my entire left hip is on fire. Will be glad to get to the doctor's appointment at 9:30. I'll let you know the out come.

    Good thots to all you special ladies.

    Janetr OLD
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mollywhippet - we don't whip Cracker if she poops on the deck; because, we don't catch her. We 'try' to get her to come to us so we can show her that 'it is not the place to poop'; she's gotten better about it. I tell her to go 'out into the grass' to pee and poop. She's done much better; about the only time that we know she is going to do it is if it I raining out. We tried a raincoat on her that did not work at all so I took it back to Pet Smart and got my $$$ back. We spray the area with a pet spray that is supposed to make it so it doesn't smell like a place to poop. Same thing if she pees or poops in the house; and, I tell my DOS, DDnL#1, and my DGDs not to come into the carpeted area until Cracker greets them in the kitchen and does her piddling because she is so excited to see them. Normally, she does not piddle if she has gotten it out then. About the only time we pop her on the butt is if she poops in the house and tell her 'no, go outside'.

    Gave her a bath last week in the tub; and I think I was wetter than she was afterwards. She smelled good, I smelled like a dog. She likes to be blow dried and that is the only thing she likes about bath time. I dread the times that Louis will bathe her outside under the hose. But, he is calmer than I am with making her stay calm. She loves to run and play and be outside with him. He keeps talking about how much she likes it outside; but, I keep telling him that being inside makes her the companion dog that I want her to be for me. I guess it will depend on how 'doggy smelling' she is when he comes home.

    Migraine seems to have gone away; sure hope so because after NOON there will be 'not a MD to be found in town unless I go to the ER'. My GP doesn't go to the hospital to see patients. He'd only see me afterwards as a follow-up. I try to stay away from the city hospital if I can do that. Don't even feel comfortable going to its "Convenient Care" spots. Although if you have insurance, they will take you in before those who do not have insurance.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,977 Member
    Morning ladies~
    Yesterday and the day before were long long days... we had our old next door neighbors from Ct, who have a place on the east coast over for a couple of days...had a marvelous time.. we went to Sanibel Island yesterday and it was a long long day left around 9:30 yesterday morning and didnt get back until almost 7 last night, leaving the dogs that long almost drove Tom crazy.. the dogs were fine and lucky the didnt go in the house...
    Bought Tom a national parks senior pass at Ding Darling Wildlife refuge.
    If any of you live near a national park and are over 62 do yourself a favor and get a senior pass it is 10.00 and will get the senior and 3 other people into any of the national parks..yellowstone, grand teton, grand canyon, everglades.. and it is a lifetime pass..rainy here today so have nothing much planned thank goodness...
    will go down to see Toms aunt and uncle in Ft Myers later on.
    then tomorrow night we are going out to dinner with our friends here in the park...
    I just want to hang out for goodness sake..