*!* JANUARY 2016 Walking Challenge *!*



  • m1cbry
    m1cbry Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in! I've never joined a challenge before...is there a way to flag this thread or do we have to search for it every time?
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,946 Member
    m1cbry wrote: »
    I'm in! I've never joined a challenge before...is there a way to flag this thread or do we have to search for it every time?

    There is a star in the corner (right) you can click that to favorite the topic. It will always be on the right when you enter the community area. You can click the star once back in the forums and it shows you the topic you starred.
  • ABhende
    ABhende Posts: 2 Member
    I am in too. Made a concerted effort to go to gym on first day of the year and walked for 30 minutes. Will try to continue it every day.
  • shesback1
    shesback1 Posts: 8 Member
    This will be my first challenge. I am a scared... I really want to do this. I walked a mile this morning
  • stratos17
    stratos17 Posts: 3 Member
    4.94 miles on 1/1/16
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Jan 1 --30 min walk
    Jan 2 --40 min walk
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    Count me in!! I walk for 90 minutes at least 3-4 times a week because walking is my meditation!!
  • jasperann
    jasperann Posts: 136 Member
    I would like to join as well. I just finished 40 minutes in the cold Michigan weather. 4740 steps so far today. Yesterday I did not do much... Hangover plus two hour plus movie. ;)
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    60 minute run/walk done today,i.e., saturday evening. Will get back to routine(90 minute) from monday.
  • Anniepi66
    Anniepi66 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in. Just checked my weight for the first time in a couple of weeks. I gained weight during Thanksgiving. Just 3 pounds and got it off before Christmas. Yay me. However! However, I just checked it this a.m. and I have gained 9 pounds since Thanksgiving! Gained 3, lost 3, didn't weigh in and now up 9 total! Good grief. My goal in the first place was/is 100. So now I have 68 to go. I know with the help of you guys, walking and water aerobics I will get there! It's January 2, 2016! I am ready to begin again - or is that CONTINUE? Yes, I lost 43 pounds in 2015. I can - I WILL LOSE 68 in 2016! Ready, set, GO!
  • RVGirl10
    RVGirl10 Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday I did 9,967 steps for 3.92 miles.

    Today I want to get 11,000 steps. To get there, I'm going to do a lot of house cleaning and organizing with a Leslie Sansone walking DVD thrown in at some point.

    Have a great day!
  • kskrieger381
    kskrieger381 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in with my first week goal 2500 steps...wanting to end with 10000 steps by January 31.
  • rlwart
    rlwart Posts: 47 Member
    quiarga wrote: »
    jodyg308 wrote: »
    Just logged 25 minute walk in the Indiana c-c-c-c-cold.

    That's where I am. You're braver than me!

    Can't figure out how to post by myself on a Nook but I'm in....def. not going outside (sorry dogs) its Iowa, its about 12 degrees out. Scared to fall on all the sidewalk ice! Need to teach dog to use treadmill too. Walking with Leslie Sansone & on treadmill. Charging up the neglected Fitbit.
  • rlwart
    rlwart Posts: 47 Member
    Ooooh found it, now I know how to post without quoting someone else.
  • julieann1215
    julieann1215 Posts: 35 Member
    1/1/16 - 10,450 steps; 4.2 miles - Great start to a new year!
  • liahill850
    liahill850 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in :smile:
  • LoveLacy
    LoveLacy Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in - this is my first week on the site - my walking is not going to be anything drastic but this challenge is a way to motivate me to do something rather than nothing. Today I have been out walking at a leisurely pace for 120Mins.
  • KnordRW
    KnordRW Posts: 319 Member
    Hello all! I just found this thread, but I'm definitely in for this month. I walked 4.14 miles in 1 hr 22 minutes yesterday. I'm gonna set myself a goal of 62 miles for January.....with how cold it gets up here in the Pittsburgh area in January, I'm gonna need all the motivation and accountability I can get!
  • MelFoulds
    MelFoulds Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in. I did just over 10000 steps yesterday and today I've walked approximately one and a half hours with our dog Lucy and managed over 12,000 steps. Good start but I'm worried when I get to work next week that I won't achieve it as I work in an office. I'm going to have to force myself to walk the steps I haven't achieved in work with the dog in the evening!
  • MelFoulds
    MelFoulds Posts: 13 Member
    I should also say I'm new on here so would appreciate linking in with anyone for support - both ways!