creepy conduct!!



  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Well, I can't see your forum post...but it's amazing, I read your profile and I'm like this "creepy" guy (lmbo) has a few things in common with myself...minus the creepiness lol. Honestly, I learned this young...there are some women, who think so highly of themselves in a fraudulent way, that if a man says "hello" to them, the assume they're being hit on. I'm not saying this is the case here because I don't know. I grew up being the biggest "tomboy" so I'm pretty much the opposite, I wouldn't know flirting if it came with a sign...but it's also in part because I'm confident that not everyone finds me attractive, not everyone intends to get me in bed...some folks are generally being nice. Either way, compliments have been confused with a "come on" and perversion has been confused with a genuine like. Just try not to go overboard with anything, and if someone is...just address the issue and move on with or without them...after all were not here for love connections.

    Amen sister and runner you are cool bro don't sweat the small stuff bro

    Thanks Mario!!

    I got your back, brah

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

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