I'm tired, cranky now I read Kate Upton is fat?!



  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    OK so I live under a rock apparently, but I was looking up my girl crush, Kate Upton, and read she is considered fat.

    Who said this and in what context?

    She has higher bodyfat % than most female models who take their clothes off.
    She has higher bodyfat % than most male models who take their clothes off.

    She's still hot. :love:
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member

    Well models should also represent health while they're at it. Nothing wrong with fantasy models, just not enough average ones out there. Everywhere you turn you see size 0 models. No wonder girls who are Kate's size think they're fat..

    Models are not making a public service announcement. They are selling ****.

    You seem to have a rather shocking lack of understanding of how the media influences individuals. Wow. Just oh wow!

    The media influences individuals who can't wrap their heads around that fact that it's a fantasy. That's my whole point. Let the fantasy be the fantasy that it is. Don't conflate it with reality and get all bent out of shape because the two don't measure up. They aren't supposed to. That's why it sells. You're the one who doesn't seem to understand.

    Yes. Advertising is such a waste of time! We are obviously not affected at all by the media! Especially not teenage girls. *eyeroll*
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Can't believe nobody have posted this yet


    This is what caused me to fall in lust with her. My boyfriend understands that if she ever wants to pitch for the same team he has to accept her. As someone else stated I guess I'm a chubby chaser.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Can't believe nobody have posted this yet


    I keep waiting for a nipple to pop out and it never does. I won't lie. I'm disappointed.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.


    ...to try to understand how body fat is correlated with laziness.
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    Can't believe nobody have posted this yet


    That is one hot mama!
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.


    ...to try to understand how body fat is correlated with laziness.

    well, its like this. I used to work like 4 horus a week but still got paid for working 50+ hours. I would literally get paid to play World of warcraft at work. I got fat. I was lazy. I got paid.

    I can't really pin point but I think theres a corelation there somewhere...
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Can't believe nobody have posted this yet


    See your Kate Upton .gif and raise with Kate Upton and a cheeseburger.

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.


    ...to try to understand how body fat is correlated with laziness.

    well, its like this. I used to work like 4 horus a week but still got paid for working 50+ hours. I would literally get paid to play World of warcraft at work. I got fat. I was lazy. I got paid.

    I can't really pin point but I think theres a corelation there somewhere...

    IDK some of those raids can get pretty intense you have to be on your A game if you want get a decent rank.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Can't believe nobody have posted this yet


    That is one hot mama!

    Oh, wow, this is so adorable. I take it back, Kate! I <3 you!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.

    WHAT? She looks better than 99% of the walking sticks on the runway!! Curves, feminine, beautiful. She doesn't need to change an ounce.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.


    ...to try to understand how body fat is correlated with laziness.

    well, its like this. I used to work like 4 horus a week but still got paid for working 50+ hours. I would literally get paid to play World of warcraft at work. I got fat. I was lazy. I got paid.

    I can't really pin point but I think theres a corelation there somewhere...

    IDK some of those raids can get pretty intense you have to be on your A game if you want get a decent rank.

    US top 10 guild at one point. (Gentlemens Club). Had to keep a pee bottle when new patches/expansions came out.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Can't believe nobody have posted this yet


    See your Kate Upton .gif and raise with Kate Upton and a cheeseburger.

    I see your cheeseburger and raise you a boob adjustment!

  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.

  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    OK so I live under a rock apparently, but I was looking up my girl crush, Kate Upton, and read she is considered fat. What the freakers? She's fat?! If she's fat then there's no hope for the rest of us. The epitome of femininity and she's considered fat, wow... :grumble:

    I was already tired and cranky and now I'm po'ed.

    Who considers her 'fat' and what have you invested in the opinions of these people?
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    Definitely PHAT!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.

    please tell me you're not serious...

    I know right??^^^
    I didnt know you had to be RAIL THIN with hollow legs in order to be models. This is pure BS if you ask me. Kate looks great, and yes she is average but why are you hatin' on that? Uh, really. I do everything in my power to teach my daughter that those models and celebrities are not who she should want to be. She should want what is best for her health.... but I would MUCH RATHER my daughter see KATE as a model which shows her hey its okay to be 'normal' than my daughter use hollow legged models as her role models for body image.

    go kate! we love you.

    The Irony of this is so delicious, I'm salivating!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Mondays, eh?
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    Can't believe nobody have posted this yet


    I keep waiting for a nipple to pop out and it never does. I won't lie. I'm disappointed.

    At first, I thought she was going to remover her top. I am disappoint.