I'm tired, cranky now I read Kate Upton is fat?!



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Can't believe nobody have posted this yet


    What makes me sad is if I did those exact same dance moves, someone would call 911. "Some lady's having a seizure!"
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    So this is fat?



    Man I would not mind being fat.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I have NO PROBLEM not being perfect !!!!! We need average models to show what a real person looks like. Screw fantasy, want fantasy, go watch a Disney movie! Kelly Upton is not mediocre art, she looks better than most models on the runway. I suppose the Venus De Milo is mediocre as well since her measurements are wider. I have a friend who's daughter nearly died starving herself to look like these so called art forms. She stopped having her period, and was wasting away. This is NOT the lesson to teach young girls. Or boys for that matter.

    Let's be honest. We don't NEED them. My son is always saying he NEEDS a sucker or he NEEDS to wear his red shirt. He doesn't need those things; he wants them. You want them.

    That's sad about your friend's daughter but there were more factors there than seeing supermodels in the media. Suddenly making all models/actresses/celebrities an average weight would not solve the mental issues that many girls/boys and men/women have concerning their bodies. You need to treat the illness, not symptoms.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    She's not fat, but I do find her weight average and that's not good enough for a model.

    We need more average models. These really thin, airbrushed ones we have are the reason why so many girls have eating disorders.

    What do we need average models for? We have average people everywhere. Models are supposed to represent a FANTASY. We can't handle the fact that we aren't perfect so we have to make art that's mediocre? C'mon.

    Wow! I don't know where you're from, but I see nothing average about Kate Upton. That's why she was on Sports Illustrated...etc. She's not average. She's definitely not the typical thin-as-a-rail model, but she's looks nothing like any woman that I've ever lived next door to, or ran into at the grocery store.

    Don't move to LA, you will be surprised on how good looking the population is.

    Good-looking or plastic-looking?

    Just flat out good-looking, dear.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Can't believe nobody have posted this yet


    What makes me sad is if I did those exact same dance moves, someone would call 911. "Some lady's having a seizure!"

    Not if you were wearing a skimpy bikini!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    So this is fat?



    Man I would not mind being fat.

    The top and bottom are photo shopped, no opinion, just fact that photoshop makes it difficult to assess truthfully.

    She's not the body type I strive for nor would she be able to turn me, but she's pretty.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.

    This is a joke, right?

    Oh I certainly hope so how in the world does she look anything like a plus size model really........... really :noway:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Words cannot explain how sexy I find Kate Upton.


    I would leave my fiance for her. :love: :love: :love:
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.

    This is a joke, right?

    Oh I certainly hope so how in the world does she look anything like a plus size model really........... really :noway:

    Your idea of plus size model and what the people in the fashion world consider a plus size model are most likely different.

    Robyn Lawley is considered the current face of plus size modeling. I tend to drool when I see her.

  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.

    This is a joke, right?

    Oh I certainly hope so how in the world does she look anything like a plus size model really........... really :noway:

    Your idea of plus size model and what the people in the fashion world consider a plus size model are most likely different.

    Robyn Lawley is considered the current face of plus size modeling. I tend to drool when I see her.


    You're right. What people would think of as a plus size model and what plus size models actually look like are quite different.

    But I gotta be honest. As gorgeous as this woman is, she is heavily photoshopped in this picture.

    According to wikipedia (yeah...not exactly accurate but meh) her measurements and weight/height are pretty similar to mine, as I just happen to be extremely tall. Pretty sure my lines aren't as smooth as that.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member

    Well models should also represent health while they're at it. Nothing wrong with fantasy models, just not enough average ones out there. Everywhere you turn you see size 0 models. No wonder girls who are Kate's size think they're fat..

    Models are not making a public service announcement. They are selling ****.

    You seem to have a rather shocking lack of understanding of how the media influences individuals. Wow. Just oh wow!

    The media influences individuals who can't wrap their heads around that fact that it's a fantasy. That's my whole point. Let the fantasy be the fantasy that it is. Don't conflate it with reality and get all bent out of shape because the two don't measure up. They aren't supposed to. That's why it sells. You're the one who doesn't seem to understand.

    maybe YOU dont understand that not everyone's fantasy is what YOU think it is.

    She really doesn't, and that's because she's subscribing to the same fantasy prototype woman that has been drilled into our retinas by modern media. Fancy that.

    Also there are different types of models for different audiences/purposes - runway models, haute couture, editorial, catalogue, plus size, alternative, glamour/men's mag models. The faces and bodies of these models correspond to whatever category their look is appropriate for (unless they hit supermodel status). Kate's look caters to editorial/men's magazines. That's why she is always shown in bikinis about 3 sizes too small for her (which doesn't REALLY flatter her body, but guys don't notice that because boobs) Her face and body is meant to sell to this demographic, and that it does.
  • RunningForeverMama
    RunningForeverMama Posts: 261 Member
    So this is fat?



    Man I would not mind being fat.

    The top and bottom are photo shopped, no opinion, just fact that photoshop makes it difficult to assess truthfully.

    She's not the body type I strive for nor would she be able to turn me, but she's pretty.

    Not at all fat but I really don't like her torso, at all. ~shrug~

    In this thread she looks awesome in the gifs but I don't like the still pictures, at all, the bottom one here is okay but her torso in the others doesn't at all appeal to me. But NOT FAT, lol.
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    She's not fat, but I do find her weight average and that's not good enough for a model.

    We need more average models. These really thin, airbrushed ones we have are the reason why so many girls have eating disorders.

    What do we need average models for? We have average people everywhere. Models are supposed to represent a FANTASY. We can't handle the fact that we aren't perfect so we have to make art that's mediocre? C'mon.

    My fantasy in no way resembles a stick figure, so please dont generalize. And to the person that says "she doesnt work out,,lazy etc" Boo on you, you're wrong. She does work out AND she makes NO apologies for the figure GOD gave her. Im sorry Ive seen stick figures with more cellulite SO>>> she looks healthy to me. Not Body Builder healthy, but healthy. WHATS WRONG WITH HER BODY? Nothing. END OF STORY. Good bye :)
  • aradalj1
    aradalj1 Posts: 23
    She is fat for high fashion...but as long as she sticks to sports illustrated and burger commercials its all good.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Good-looking or plastic-looking?

    definitely good looking....thats why so many songs are written about California girls.

  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.

    This is a joke, right?

    Oh I certainly hope so how in the world does she look anything like a plus size model really........... really :noway:

    Your idea of plus size model and what the people in the fashion world consider a plus size model are most likely different.

    Robyn Lawley is considered the current face of plus size modeling. I tend to drool when I see her.


    You're right. What people would think of as a plus size model and what plus size models actually look like are quite different.

    But I gotta be honest. As gorgeous as this woman is, she is heavily photoshopped in this picture.

    According to wikipedia (yeah...not exactly accurate but meh) her measurements and weight/height are pretty similar to mine, as I just happen to be extremely tall. Pretty sure my lines aren't as smooth as that.

    True on the Photoshop but most model photos will get hit by it, but search her other photos she is beautiful in my book. Saw her in Paris earlier this year, I felt like she was gliding and not walking. :laugh:
  • doowop713
    doowop713 Posts: 268 Member
    When I saw her on the cover of sports illustrated, I was like, "Wow; they put a plus size model on the cover. That's progressive." She's not "fat" for a person walking on the street, but she certainly has at least 2 times the body fat of a standard model. Why does she get paid for that? I think models should have to work for it... Their job is to look good... That's all they have to do. And she doesn't bother to work out? That's just lazy.

    please tell me you're not serious...

    Please? Pretty please?
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I will take that kind of "fat" all day long. Amen.
  • doowop713
    doowop713 Posts: 268 Member
    She's not fat, but I do find her weight average and that's not good enough for a model.

    We need more average models. These really thin, airbrushed ones we have are the reason why so many girls have eating disorders.

    What do we need average models for? We have average people everywhere. Models are supposed to represent a FANTASY. We can't handle the fact that we aren't perfect so we have to make art that's mediocre? C'mon.

    Fashion models are NOT meant to be a fantasy. They are meant to present the clothing in an appealing way to the public. The reason that models are generally thin is because they are displaying the "demo version" of the clothing. Designers want to spend as little as possible on the demo as a means to keep costs low. So the "demo version" of the clothing is made in the smallest size possible. For the most part, this cost is minimal, but since employing this practice, society has embraced this rail-thin model as some ideal for beauty and have put this ideal on a pedestal.

    Pinup models are meant to be a fantasy and generally carry a larger percentage of body fat than a fashion model.

    To each their own. If you feel like the fashion model ideal is right for you, then I wish you luck at it. But that doesn't mean the models with a higher percentage of body fat are lazy or are not beautiful or ideal. Your opinions border dangerously on the line of body-shaming and I think you should reevaluate your opinions because you sound ignorant.

    *standing ovation* Thank you. Just.... thank you. :flowerforyou:
  • aradalj1
    aradalj1 Posts: 23
    I agree with her. Kate isn't for high fashion. But she is a good sports illustrated and burger model.