

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Just dropped by to wave and mark my place. We're dry here but friends and family in Houston are wet and I'm still running back and forth to help get my dad moved. Stress level very high, but there's a hummingbird outside my window.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Welcome, Russianalmond! I think if none of the six pounds lost the first week came back the second, you can count that a success. Six is a lot for one week. Keep on keeping on and you will see consistent success over time.

    I am mad at DH. Usually so easy going, he snapped at me this morning. Like the country song, I'm going to have to be mad for a while.

    Our garage door broke. The cable is hanging loose. The woman at Overhead Door said it was probably a broken spring. I closed it on my way to the gym. It was still down when I got back and would not open. I parked outside, assuming the power was off, but I could hear the garage door humming as I got out of the car. It never occurred to me to get back in the car and push the remote. I was hurrying to get in the house to push the button beside the back door. Apparently, DH had to get up from his coffee drinking/paper reading to push the button. He could have opened the door for me while he was up but instead he started yelling at me for breaking the garage door as soon as I got in the house.

    I get that he is upset that the door is broken and who knows how much it is going to cost to fix. But, seriously, how is it remotely my fault? I called a repairman. He'll be here tomorrow afternoon to fix it. We have plenty of money in our emergency fund. There is no need for a hissy fit! This is inconvenient, for sure, but no disaster.

    The good news is that the lawn mower is in the garage, so the grass cutting will have to wait until tomorrow. Shucky darn!

    Onederland is still elusive, but less than a lb away. This week for sure.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    looks like another sunny day, so guess I'm gonna ride home again!!! :0)

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Prayers and good wishes for all who are dealing with ailing family members.

    17761776 ~ I know that you are upset about your mom's health and hope you will stay strong. My mom is on my mind constantly.

    Wonderful weather here today but high pollen counts keep me in.

    Kim ~ Thanks for sharing your hiking photo. I know you feel like you have achieved a lot climbing that mountain/hill.

    Heather ~ Love Bea's cute chin and wonderful dark hair.

    Marcylyn ~ So glad you are on high ground. Good of you to help those who are going through the floods.

    Noreen ~ Are you in the middle of a forest? House on stilts to stay safe from the creatures. How about snakes?


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Katla (Dr) Yes sounds like a broken spring. We had to have that done at least twice since we moved in 25 years ago. We do not have a door to the garage and with all the gardening I do I open and shut the garage quite a bit. It is dependent on how often you open and shut it. The last time it was done it cost around $230. It is a job for professionals because they are replacing the high tension spring and if done incorrectly someone can get seriously hurt. We just got a new door with a coded entry. (simple pleasure) We should be good for at least ten years.

    Too bad about the lawn! lol DH will get over it. As the cow in Wisconsin says "Chips Happen".

    :heart: Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Sue - I guess most of us have done the secret eating thing. You will find lots of help on here. We have broad shoulders and compassionate minds. :bigsmile:
    I've had my hair cut. :drinker: Love my hairdresser. She feels like an older granddaughter. :D

    Best wishes for all the flooded people. Miserable business. :flowerforyou:

    Drkatie - something bothering him? Men are a mystery. ;)

    Love Heather UK
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    A hundred and ten new messages? I cannot keep up with you ladies :smile:

    Yes to juicy details from Chris :sunglasses:
    Yes to controlling RA with diet...it works for me; I have almost no symptoms at all.
    Yes to practice runs....I even got three good book recommendations, and a basic understanding of what mathematical symmetry has to do with particle physics. Throw in a little flirting, and it might have been sexy. :tongue:
    Yes to family pics! :heart:
    Whoa to flooding!

    I'm still on prednisone and curtailing exercise, from my big 'crash' a week ago, but I'm not gaining weight at least...and when I binge eat from the prednisone, I make it celery and raw peppers and turnips and such, so I'm calling that a win. :sweat_smile:

    Y'all are my heroes! :smile:

    Larisa in Seattle
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did about 1-1/4 hr of a HIIT DVD today. It wasn't as intense as I'd expected. The plan for tomorrow is to do a step DVD.

    Just got back from volunteering at the Green Room. Will probably go work outside in a few.

    Gayle - I'm so sorry for all that's been doing on in your lifePenny - how sad about your friend. What kind of cancer is it?

    everyone - be sure to check out my homepage. I posted something about how you can earn money for your charity

    Lisa - I'm sure you'll make the right decision about the job.

    DJ - it just gets frustrating. When I started this "no driving" thing, Vince kept going on and on and on about how he was going to show me how to combine trips. Well, I've kind of decided that I'm going to tell him how these are things that I normally do. Hopefully, he'll realize that I do this on a regular basis (try to combine trips). Like just now I made a hair appt but the first time the gal has open is 2:30. That's the day I'm at the Green Room. Personally, I would have tried for another day when I'm at the Green Room. So now I'm volunteering, we have to come home, then go back. But oh well...he's going to do the driving

    Welcome everyone new! You're doing awesome!

    katie - I agree, sounds like a broken spring. If you go into the garage, you will probably be able to see it.

    Michele in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Welcome, Sue! My previous post makes it look like I totally ignored you, but I think you were posting at the same time I was whining about my husband.

    Thanks, Margaret, for the ball park figure on the repair. We can probably handle that. Our door is 22 years old and never been worked on, so if that's all it needs, we will be lucky. Also, by the way, Katla and I are too different people. It flatters me for y'all to confuse us, but Katla may not feel the same.

    Michele, I'm going to go look for that spring.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I had a pleasant surprise last night when I got my mail. I use a credit card for gas and trips that is linked to reward gift cards at a certain woman's clothing store. The store had gone out of business, filing bankruptcy a year or so ago. I just kept using the card, figuring it was too much hassle to change it for a new one. In the mail I got a letter saying now that the store is back in business, I had $380 in reward due me! In the past, I always stretched the gift card money by using the outlet store, but since they are newly back in business, I have to find things in the regular catalog. It is pricey clothing, but I think I am going to purchase two pairs of jeans in MY NEW SMALLER SIZE 18, and two blouses and a tank top. But I always wait a couple of days before placing my order to mull it over.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »

    Where are you??? Im missing your smile.

    Janetr okc

    aw Im here, just bein' quiet, and absorbing all of your auras'. :-)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »

    Where are you??? Im missing your smile.

    Janetr okc

    aw Im here, just bein' quiet, and absorbing all of your auras'. :-)

    OK, but don't keep quiet for too long, we miss you input.

    Janetr OKC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I have been writing a novel.....something silly but here is the beginning....

    I sit on the hard sand, and it's cold and unforgiving. It has rained earlier in the morning, coastal fog hugging the horizon, slowing wrapping the skies in a gray billowing quilt. Oregon is known for its' damp weather, but we try not to make it a big deal. I bundle my sweatshirt around me, shuddering. I recall the past year. "So much damn stuff", I curse aloud to no one but my own ears, and some seagulls overhead making lazy eights in the sky. Why did he have to take in everything he saw? "He" meaning my recent ex-husband, Leroy. He took in, but never gave back anything, that was his problem. The fact that he was a full blown, all-exhausting hoarder, made it a great excuse. Our split-level, artisan inspired, love nest slowly had imploded. With this disease, the house stopped being a home, and spent its unending hours devouring our relationship in its wake of useless crap.

    As I pick up the gritty sand, letting the cold particles pass through my fingers, I am reminded by his glassy-eyed stare, as I had packed. "I can't live like this anymore Leroy", I had said, so exhausted the world spun as I tried to focus on his expressions. The fact that his face was framed by an assemblage of odds and ends, literally filth, didn't help my temperament. His world had become stacks of things he treasured, objects and items that reminded him of events and places. Things he would never read, places he would never go, and so this had become his existence. Items still in their original boxes had made inner walls inside our quaint "House of Cards". He had routinely drilled into my sub-conscience mind, the routes I had to take to maneuver through his self-made world. Sadly, I had always forgotten. It wasn't like I tried to forget. I did have the reoccurring dreams. In them I was in hell, but it was my own home, and I could never escape. I would never divulge to him this dream, because my hell was his heaven. I had driven straight from the home to a lawyers office and filed for divorce that same day. Change comes hard to hoarders, and I was not sticking around for the messy aftermath.

    (well...its kind of rambling, but its a nice foundation).

    writer wantabe in
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    annr don't inhale too deep, u might gag
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    annr don't inhale too deep, u might gag

    lol TRUE....I have a piece of mint gum in my mouth too!!!!!
    ((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs Pipster))))))))))

    taking shallow breaths like a dog on a sunporch in
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Hey there!
    While I have a few minutes and my mind thinks of it...

    Sue...welcome fellow sugar addict. Sweets are my downfall. I was told by a nutritionist that the more you eat sugar you more you crave it. She suggested I limit my sugar to 50 grams/day and only get those from natural fruit. Sure enough, it worked. Since I hit my goal I eat more sweets than I did when I was actively losing, but not nearly the amount I did before. I was an ice cream fanatic, had it almost every night and have substitued plain greek yogurt and add stevia (a natural sweetner) and cinnamon. Sometimes I add some vanilla extract or cocoa powder or fresh fruit. It has become a successful substitue. I still eat ice cream, but not nearly as often.

    Marcelynh...so happy that your homes excaped the floods. I can't imagine what devistation flood waters can do. Be safe and kudos for helping those who were not as fortunate.

    Katla...speaking of men and their clothing, PB is a fashion plate. I thought I had a certain sense of style, but cannot hold a candle to this man. Everything matches, the shoes, the belt, watch, sunglasses all are the same metal. He wore a linen shirt to Newport, I would never dream of even owning a linen shirt (too much maintenance). He told me he has 27 pairs of shoes and his sport coats are tailored so they taper in. I just had to marvel. He does look damn good...His mother was a seamstress and he learned how to make patterns and sew. I thought one of his pictures on his dating profile was a fake, it looked like it was out of a GQ magizine. I found out it was all real.

    Dr. Katiebug...1 lb. to onederland!!! Congratulations in advance. Make sure you let us know so we can all dance. Extra exercise for us all!

    Heather...the picture of Bea earlier was just so precious. It reminded me of my own son who was born 33 years ago today. Thank you for allowing me to relive happy memories.

    Miriam...Score!! Gift card and smaller jeans!

    Chris in MA

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ Me thinks we have another writer among us!

    DH is going off with college pals for the next couple of days to celebrate/pay tribute to one of the guys who died this winter of Alzheimers (sp?). This is the first time he has ever done this and I'm not too happy about it but won't let that be known. My college girl friends have taken weekend trips and I have never gone. Guess I like staying in my own little house.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,

    Heather – thanks! That is my NSV for today

    Lisa – you used mercurial in today’s post and I heard it on the radio twice today, while I had the gist from context… I wasn’t exactly sure so for everyone else…from google:
    a person subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.
    "his mercurial temperament"
    synonyms: volatile, capricious, temperamental, excitable, fickle, changeable,unpredictable, variable, protean, mutable, erratic, quicksilver,inconstant, inconsistent, unstable, unsteady, fluctuating, ever-changing, moody, flighty, wayward, whimsical, impulsive

    So that being said – what a complement to be approached. You’ll make the right decision when the time comes.

    Sue – welcome

    Katiebug - sounds like DH has pms!

    Miriam – what a great surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Becca – great start…. Will we get to read this like the serial books that used to be in Good Housekeeping that my mom got when I was a kid?

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member