

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue in Wisconsin: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Larissa: You are doing a great job managing the prednisone! WTG!!! :smiley:

    Dr. Katie: I feel very flattered to be confused with you. You have so many skills and talents that I admire. :bigsmile:

    Miriam: Congratulations on your good luck. Smaller clothes are the best measure of progress. They prove that we're successful. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: I've been thinking of you, too. I'm glad janetr spoke up about it. It is good to see you post. :wink: I absolutely love the writing you have shared. I think you have an interesting beginning and I want to read more! :flowerfoyou:

    We went to get our sailboat but were way too early, so we did some grocery shopping and will head back in a few minutes. We're meeting a man who may do some work on our dodger and boat canvas & I don't want to miss him.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Kim from N. Carolina and Pollance – I’m on less than 1000 calories a day; MD ordered and MD supervised. I was told today, since I have upped my exercise to up my protein by making one of the meal menus given to me when I started for one meal. I had to be under 1000 calories to ‘lose weight’. Mainly because of all the medication I take that have the side effect of 'weight gain'. The range that a lot of us see; 1000 – 1200 or 1100 – 1300, is usually the caloric intake you want to ‘maintain’. I’ve been dough-popped with my comments before; but, I could not do it with cooking meals alone. I had to get a bit drastic. I have not been hungry and I don’t ‘eat by my calories I earn by exercising’. That’s where I am in my journey; and, I would not be doing it without a MD’s input. Too many other health issues to deal with. Hopefully, this will lower my cholesterol; because I cannot take any cholesterol-lowing medications.

    My DYS and his bride went to Hawaii for their honeymoon; on one of the northern islands; they saw Pearl Harbour from the airplane. They took a smaller plane to the island that was not commercial like the big island. They went on a fishing trip one day; went on a zip line excursion; and they have bought her daughter a zip line. They got it finished and she was going to try it out yesterday. I can’t wait to hear how it went. They had a great time; but, they said the water was cold (in early May). I’d love to see all the flowers and jungles; but, I think I would prefer the Caribbean.

    Lawn mower is in the shop; tractor w/mower is also needing to be worked on; so my paths have grown over and the only place to walk out here is up and down the dirt road. I won’t do that alone.

    Marcelynh – We are all so ‘praying’ for all y’all in Houston and the surrounding area. We called DYS and DDnL#2 in Vidalia, LA to see if they have gotten any of the rain (yet). Apparently, it is slow moving so they have not gotten any yet. They might be moving furniture out of their house and storing it somewhere ‘out of the flood areas’. His bosses were dealing with flooding up around Monroe, LA. a few weeks back; so they are watching the Mississippi and the rains. Their lake house sits a bit higher than their house in town which is only a little bit off the ground. There is a certain level at which they move their furniture if the Mississippi gets that high. It rises and drops many times during the rainy season and all the snow melt coming down from the north. Just ‘praying’ they don’t have any damage. The only time that I’ve seen flooding that bad; was after we came home from Miami (had an extra week of vacation because of it); when they opened one of the bridges to cross the Flint River; we could go about 100 miles out-of-the-way and get home. Boss would check our house; but, only the end of the road (on this 2 block street) flooded. When we came over Lake Blackshear; the water was right up under the roadway; a week later, the dam broke and all the water was out of the ‘lake’. DH and DSs said that would be a good time to go mark fishing holes. I thought … gee, and we ski and boat over that? Once they got the dam fixed it did not take long for it to fill up. Supposedly, it was the ‘best’ fishing they had had in several years. People living on the creeks were being picked out of trees during the middle of the night. Nobody expected it; and, people were using their personal boats to help save people and whatever else they could. It has looked ‘horrible’ on TV and it will be ‘horrible’ for months.

    CJ – I let my sons walk through the house and tell me the things they would like to have; those things I put on a list and attached it to our Wills. I want them to get what they want; the rest, if none of the DGDs want it, they can sell it, give it away, or burn it … I won’t be around to care. We divided up my Mother’s household goods when she was going to live in an A.L.F., that way she got to see who got what. We did it on a rotating basis; after we got what we wanted we went down a generation and did a rotating ‘pick’ for each of them. 3 sisters, 6 grandchildren. The only one that had a house with ceilings tall enough to be Mother’s pier-glass mirror (and stand). It would have fit in my house; but, our house is decorated more like a ‘hunting cabin’ and it needed to be in a more ‘formal’ house. I think everybody was happy; and, after the fact … we did do some exchanging with one another.

    Nb1959 – The video about the alligator growling – I sounded like that before being diagnosed with ‘sleep apnea’ and got a C-pap to sleep with. WOW! I never knew what it felt like to get ‘good sleep’.

    Lisa – When I lived in Atlanta (going to art school) there was a place called the “Wrecking Bar”; they’d go in and dismantle old homes of anything that could possibly sell. I enjoyed going there looking for ‘neat’ stuff to draw. I don’t know if it is still ‘in business’ or not. Like the “Salvage Dawgs” on the DIY station.

    Well, today was 'weigh-in day'. I did not go 'down' any; but, I did not go 'up' either. All numbers were exactly the same. Still happy about it.

    Cracker could not get in her 'spa day' on Saturday because she had a puncture hole in one of her pads; so we had to 'doctor' on it and I am taking her in tomorrow with the hope that they'll be able to do it. I'm going to continue with the shampoo they use on dogs to 'de-skunk' them. She seems to like her new haircut as well. If that dog could talk, she'd do it ... she is so 'funny'. I waste my cell phone battery keeping it on, trying to catch her sleeping on her back. She and the cat have finally decided that neither one of them are going anywhere. So, they are kind to one another.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Sue Welcome. :) I have always been a lone wolf myself but I find that just one group keeps me on track and motivated. If only to have someone to come and cry with. :smile: My sister lives in Hillsboro, WI and my brother-in-law just recently got a job near Madison. A bit of a commute for him but he was just happy to get a job. Seems that being 63 with a head of white hair became quite a disadvantage when up against a lot of 40 somethings with families. He understood but it was still difficult. He's always been employed so being laid off was a new experience for him.

    I finished helping my friend with her house and then took my grandson to the museum to see the dinosaurs. Still water high in many areas. The creek by my house crested at 90 ft. and is expected to stay that high for another day. Flood stage starts at 81 ft.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Katla, thanks for the definitions. I am definitely doing a memoir, then. Up to age 13, which was a landmark year for me. Just have to remember where I put the notebook I bought to write in haha.
    Marcelyn, you stay high and dry--Houston really got dumped on! Hope all your loved ones are safe!
    Well it is primary day here and I have to go vote. First time ever I have felt like bringing a coin to toss--that's not really political, just frustrating for my mixed up brain.
    Bra is just so precious -- would she like a whole bunch of mfp grandmas?

  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Hello ladies.

    Went back to gym today it felt good. Could not do my entire workout because of shoulder tattoos still healing. I alway feel like I lose my hope love and faith during hard times, but now that they are permanent artwork on my body they will always be with me. Only faith has to be finished. Every tattoo I have gotten has been for a specific reason.

    So many new names and posts.

    Sue from Wisconsin where do you live? I live in Wisconsin also. Southeastern corner.

    Sylvia I am so happy you have progressed in such a small amount of time. You are amazing. So happy for you.

    Marcelyn so happy you did not get any water that created a huge amount of damage. I remember being younger living on the Mississippi River and when it flooded it was a nightmare.

    Keep fighting the good fight ladies.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • Millerxll
    Millerxll Posts: 10 Member
    Got some sobering news at the doctor's office yesterday--my kidney function is even lower than before and I'm feeling anxious. That was with the GP; seeing the Nephrologist on the 22 and hope the GP's lab work was wrong. So, I'll sit down at the loom and try not to dwell on it right now. I've started a set of dishtowels called English Garden, done is 100% cotton threads, two to a heddle instead of just one.
    Patsy in North Georgia at the foot of Lookout Mountainjsvpce4erimf.jpg
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Millerxll wrote: »
    Got some sobering news at the doctor's office yesterday--my kidney function is even lower than before and I'm feeling anxious. That was with the GP; seeing the Nephrologist on the 22 and hope the GP's lab work was wrong. So, I'll sit down at the loom and try not to dwell on it right now. I've started a set of dishtowels called English Garden, done is 100% cotton threads, two to a heddle instead of just one.
    Patsy in North Georgia at the foot of Lookout Mountainjsvpce4erimf.jpg
    Patsy, I hope your health will be fine!
    So, you are threading two through each heddle? How many shafts do do have and what kind of loom? Also what pattern? I don't know English Garden.

    I have an 8 shaft Baby Wolf that has been collecting dust since I started working full time several years ago...Took lessons for about five years and really should dust the poor thing off.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    <3Patsy, I'm sorry to hear that you got bad news from the doctor, but happy to hear that you have a way to comfort and soothe yourself that doesn't include food :)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited April 2016
    Patsy, I'm so sorry that the doctor had bad news for you. Please take care of yourself as best you can. Allison (Grandmallie) has kidney disease, too, I believe. You and Betty are making my eyes glaze over with all this weaving talk. Don't make me start talking Calculus or something. LOL! Y'all should know any talk of anything remotely related to sewing makes me twitch.

    For those of you from Wisconsin, I miss your state. When the in-laws were alive, we'd drive through every year on our way to Northern Minnesota where they lived. There's a little town of maybe 300 people off Hwy 53 between Eau Claire and Superior close to Bear Lake that has my last name, although as far as I know, none of our relatives live there.

    Kay, in Northeast Georgia.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather, that's how I do my hair also. I have had the same hairstyle for so many years, Tina just cuts it and does a quick blow dry. I have told her she doesn't need to even blow dry but she still does it. So I just come on home, rewet it put my mouse on and blow dry. I am not going to pay some one else to fix my hair and she doesn't fix it the way I do.

    Had a wonderful day today with my nurse friends. There was just the hostess and Janet and I but that's OK. We had fun. She fixed chicken enchilada/ It sure was good. I tried to take a small serving and left off some of the cheese and salsa. She estimated it to be 400 calories. She buys canned Amish peaches at Rural King and it sure was good. Then we went to her daughter's goat barn. She has anywhere from newborns to 8 year olds and each age group has their own pen. She takes the babies away as soon as they are born so that they are hand raised and can be shown and easier to handle. The new babies are kept in hat looks like bit plastic crates you buy at Lowes. So she had 2 sets of newborns, one set born yesterday and one set born Sunday. The youngest pair didn't want to be bothered so we picked up the ones born on Sunday. I had one who just wanted to cuddle. She put her head up by my chin and just settled in. Eventually after making a lot of little newborn sounds, Heather will recognize those, she was sound asleep. Janet's baby was different. There was no way that little baby was going to settle down. She had a look of there is a world to see, me lay down , oh no you're not going to get me to lay down. Plus she peed on Janet. Plus I loved all the cats. But I left my iPad at her barn so we will drive there tomorrow and pick it up. I'm just glad it was found.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dcdbeetlelover
    dcdbeetlelover Posts: 11 Member
    Hey, I'm late to this April Goal Party for 50+ ers.....
    My Goals:
    1. Get real and log all food & drinks I ingest!
    2. Exercise
    3. Yoga Stretches & Stay Positive
    4. Need to get some inspirational friends on MyFitness Pal to keep me real! :smiley:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Wow, I finally got caught up on all the reading. It is so easy to get behind with this group. We are having septic problems and it keeps getting more and more involved. The guys have been here three days now and still have to come back with a mini excavator this time, apparently broken pipes from settling. The septic was put in when this house was built in August 2007. We have only been here since June last year and had the septic inspected then. They told us we were good for three to five years. I guess not.

    The days have been sunny and warm for WA so I have been doing more outdoor work. I have done over 9000 steps nearly every day so far. Food has not been too bad calorie-wise but way too much sodium. I am drinking lots of water so had to get up three times last night. Boo!

    Margaret - Have enjoyed your reflections on the book.

    Heather - My DH thanks you for the information on your DHs new book. He has enjoyed the series.

    Sylvia - Glad you are making strides with your recovery.

    Cheri - My Fitbit always counts steps when I am horseback riding. LOL

    KJL - If you are serious about going back to school you should check out grants and loans through P.E.O. It is a women's group that is seriously into women's education. When my job at the hospital was cut from full time to part-time I went back to school and P.E.O. gave me both a loan and a scholarship.They have a college in Missouri and first started out providing money for divorced women to go back to school in the 50s and 60s.

    Found this quote on my horse calendar. "Food is an important part of a balanced diet." - Fran Lebowitz

    Take care everyone and a special hello to the new Sue from Sue in WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.12min, 13.4amph, 139mhr, 2.9mi = 108c
    ELIPTICAL- 35min, 90avstpmin, fat burner program, 125mhr, 3.51mi = 251c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.17min, 14.1amph, 139mhr 1.4mi = 68c
    ride wk 2 hm- 52.23min, 11.6amph, 154mhr, 10mi = 519c
    total cal 946

    another great weather ride home
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) Beautiful weather here today---perfect for lots of dog walking1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif

    Barbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited April 2016
    Becca thank you for sharing your talent with us. You caught the essence of the horror of hoarding well. Seeing what my brother did to my childhood home with his hoarding still give me nightmares.

    Woke up early today and worked so I am tired and am calling it an early night. I got to practice some of my dealing with anger skills with the fourth grade class I worked with today. The biggest improvement is I don't carry the anxiety home with me like I did before. I put it behind me much more quickly.

    when I have that many posts to catch up on I skim or just read the last page and join in from there. We love to have you, so please don't let the number of posts discourage you. A number of the posts are just a quick Icon. I do this too sometimes just to get a reference point of I have read to that point, so the number can be misleading.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Patsy: Your loom is amazing and I love your color choices. I hope the next doctor is more helpful. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I'm happy that you had a wonderful day with your nurse friends. :smiley:

    Sue: I'm sorry you're having septic problems, but really happy to see your post. You have been getting tons of exercise. I hope there is some fun mixed in. I love your quote, "Food is an important part of a balanced diet." Fran Lebowitz. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Pip: We're having amazing weather, too. Enjoy your bike rides. :flowerforyou:

    We took our sailboat into the boat yard for work about two weeks ago and we got it back today. We motored all the way home and were happy with that. The channel is too narrow for comfortable sailing unless your very physically fit, and we don't currently meet that description. We saw bald eagles, osprey, fishermen and trees. It was delightful. We'll go back to the boatyard tomorrow and pick up our car. DH is way over tired. I hope he'll be feeling better after a good night's sleep.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2016
    Katla wrote "We went to get our sailboat but were way too early, so we did some grocery shopping and will head back in a few minutes. We're meeting a man who may do some work on our dodger and boat canvas & I don't want to miss him."
    Did you end up having the bottom of the sailboat painted? I remember you had mentioned you might when you did the other repairs and maintenance. I've never been on a sailboat in my life. I'll have to drop by some day :)

    Patsy - We have missed you and your beautiful loom work. What striking colors your are working with now, please be sure to post a picture of one when finished. So very sorry to hear your discouraging news. I'll be remembering you in prayer that perhaps results will not be as bad as first thot.

    Pip - I read your stats daily and as always, I am in awe. But I'm glad you had a beautiful sunny day for the ride home. I'm sorry you missed the wind. :(

    Becca - You better be writing as fast as those "getting skinnier" fingers can go cuz we are ALL waiting for more :) Great job, girl friend!!

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Hey, I'm late to this April Goal Party for 50+ ers.....
    My Goals:
    1. Get real and log all food & drinks I ingest!
    2. Exercise
    3. Yoga Stretches & Stay Positive
    4. Need to get some inspirational friends on MyFitness Pal to keep me real! :smiley:

    Welcome, come back often and join in. Sounds like you have goals and plan in place for moving forward. Way to go.

    Janetr OKC