Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    wow ...such busy girls this afternoon.
    I made it to the gym and id my 400+ workout i was soo proud...

    WTG on the 400+ workout!!! I am proud of you too!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    My favorite is the calculator humor one... where she types "HELLO" on the calculator and says "I'll be here all week! No really... that was my schedule."

    Woah is my body angry at my lack of calories today (I'm not starving myself, but I didn't start out the day with pancakes, french toast, or sausage... so it thinks there's something wrong). haha. Sorry, self! You're not getting any of that.

    I'm 64 ounces of water into the day (woo!). I'm really hoping to down one more Nalgene full (to make a nice 96 ounces). I had some crystal light (pomegranate lemonade, YUM!) and a grande coffee, so I think that should get me up over 100 ounces for the day.

    Provided I don't float away first!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS NANCY!!!!! I am so very proud of you! GREAT JOB!!!
    smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif smiley-bounce002.gif
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Cris! What do you do in shipping? (I'm in the same boat... and can't wait to get out of it!)

    I work for a NVOCC in Baltimore, we import containers mainly from Brazil (why i take off on their holidays) all over the world. What do you do?

    I work for an electronic recycling company. We pickup equipment all over the country/canada/etc. And ship to one of our three centers. I'm kind of a middle-woman because we use a 3rd party logistics provider. It gets frustrating because I can only get mad and yell at people, instead of actually talking to a person in a truck.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Thanks for the pep talk Awestfall, Heather and Jess: I AM going to get out of this funk ... and I need to come up with something drastic to change! I'm taking the next 2 days off (working just a couple of hours tomorrow morning) ... and the kids and I are driving to Blair, Wisconsin to the family farmhouse that we want to buy to stay there overnight. I will bring a calendar, notebook, cookbooks ... something to make a plan for at least the next few weeks to get me jump started again - I've been down about having to stop my weight lifting class ... but that doesn't mean that I can't add in some walking or other low impact activities. I haven't been told to stop my step class yet - and I'm not going to unless I absolutely have to. It went well this morning and my neck/arm feel pretty good today - maybe the nightly traction is working!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Istpaul - Glad you are starting to feel better. Glad to hear that the traction might be helping. You know you can do this! I think you have a good plan taking everything with you to the farm house and making a good start. When you come back you will be ripped ready to go!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I'm so worn out from being excited all day. Making a big goal sure does give you the energy to do a LOT of stuff you've been wanting to do but have been putting off! :tongue: I am going to go take a nap then work out! :yawn: :drinker: Thanks, sisters, for sharing in my joy today! I love you all! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in:
    calories- under, waaay under
    water- still drinking will get there
    sodium- 1750
    excercise- none...thanks to not getting out of work on time
    proud- nothing really besides that I planned out my day...oh but I am proud of BLUENOTE!

    Night girls!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    cals - 1758
    Water - 90oz
    Exericse - 45 min elliptical - 415 cals burned
    Proud - That i got and did a good workout at lunch after barely makig it yesterday.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    check in
    calories: on target
    exercise: wii sport and resort..basketball, baseball, and tennis..competed with my children, brother, and sister
    water: not enough..need more tomorrow
    proud: staying on track..no junk food for 5 days already...yay me!

    good nite girls
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'm so worn out from being excited all day. Making a big goal sure does give you the energy to do a LOT of stuff you've been wanting to do but have been putting off! :tongue: I am going to go take a nap then work out! :yawn: :drinker: Thanks, sisters, for sharing in my joy today! I love you all! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I am soo soo proud of you sucess! CONGRATS and I am soooooooo Happy for you:heart::drinker: :flowerforyou: :love: :smile: :happy:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    check in for today
    calories - 1250
    water - 80-90oz
    exercise - 20 mins walking, sets of arm weight exercises
    proud - of blue, of course, and that I didn't eat too many of the chocolate covered macadamia nuts in the office today.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just want to say one more time how proud of Nancy I am! You have done so good girl. You deserve it!

    I'm just about all packed up and ready to go. We're heading outta here early in the morning to go drop my dog off at the boarding place, get breakfast and off to the airport. Gonna miss you! I will try and check in when I can. I plan to get lots of exercise with my niece as I can. I would be stoked to come home losing a pound or two.

    I got my dress ordered. I ordered a two piece dress...it's a strapless top that has this mesh thing that you can tie all different ways..it's kind of hard to explain. They said I should get it by August 10th. When I get it I plan to take a picture. I got one that is pretty snug right now. So I COULD wear if it I HAD to...but with big girl panties.....ended up with a size 16 bottoms and 18 top. I'm happy with that! I had to try it on in red so I'm anxious to see how it looks in pink and brown! I really wanna get these 22 pounds off by the wedding! Anywho I'll stop rambling.

    I'm gonna miss you guys!! For those on my fb I'm sure I will be on there more then here so...if anything happens to me y'all will know! :laugh: Miss y'all and hope everybody has a happy and safe 4th of July!! :drinker:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Safe travels Jess!

    Check-in then bedtime...
    Cals - Under. Had a weird day where I just didn't get enough to eat. I'm not hungry. I even ate dessert. It was just a weird day with a dr's appt (just my annual, nothing serious) in the middle and that kind of threw off my eating.
    Water - Good - 80 oz
    Exercise - Pilates in Riverside Park. So cool! I'm loving the outdoor exercising and tonight was just beautiful. A nice breeze, not too hot. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed Pilates!
    Proud - Got in my exercise. Blue is AWESOME!!!!!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Stop already! You are making me cry again! :heart: This has been the BEST day since I started losing in October. And seeing how proud you all are of me makes it even better than the best! :blushing:

    Jess - Godspeed, have fun!!!

    check in:
    cals: great :happy: :happy: :happy:
    water: 100 :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    exercise: took a nice leisurely walk for 40 mins. I just wanted to walk around my neighborhood as a threederville gal and appreciate life! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    proud: that you all are my sisters in this journey. I love every single one of you! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- Ummm... I was a temp at UPS for 6 months, does that count? Ugh, it was awful but I asked for it. I demanded the temp agency put me there because they kept waiting and waiting to assign me to a job telling me I'd be "wasted" on all the jobs that were available. I understand they want to keep their more qualified temps for jobs with higher requirements but I was like "Um.... do you not understand that I have NO JOB and a mortgage? Yeah, that's not working for me -- GIVE ME THIS JOB NOW!" They were right, though, it was a total waste. I still shudder every time I have to type a UPS tracking code to track my own packages. :laugh:

    There's a library assistant job posted at the main branch of my county library (which is one of the top public libraries in the country)! I know I'll never get it because I'm sure they're just moving someone up from the library assistant 1 position into the 2 position but... gah. Why can't hiring managers just understand that *I* am always the *best* job candidate to fill the position? :laugh: Seriously. No one would do a better job. Maybe I should write that in my cover letter. :laugh:

    I took a note from mstahl and ate 3/4 pound of berries for dinner. :tongue: It's what I wanted so I did it. I'm way under calories for the day but that's fine after the last 2 days I've had. Didn't have time for the gym tonight because the manager wouldn't let me off work in time. :grumble: Lame!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    So today I went to my oncologist OBGYN. I have had some pre-cancer issues in the past and so I have to go to this guy. He is very good, actually, I just hate that the word oncology is attached to him. I used to have to get D and C's every two months to make sure the cancer did not form. Ugh. Anyhoo, I have been doing better this past year so I only have to get them every four months. Well, today my doc was so excited about my weight loss! He told me one more D and C in the end of July and if that comes back with no cancer, then he is going to reduce my hormone meds!!!!! He said weight loss will help me big time with my uterine cancer problems. I am so happy! Less hormone meds is a VERY good thing!!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    So today I went to my oncologist OBGYN. I have had some pre-cancer issues in the past and so I have to go to this guy. He is very good, actually, I just hate that the word oncology is attached to him. I used to have to get D and C's every two months to make sure the cancer did not form. Ugh. Anyhoo, I have been doing better this past year so I only have to get them every four months. Well, today my doc was so excited about my weight loss! He told me one more D and C in the end of July and if that comes back with no cancer, then he is going to reduce my hormone meds!!!!! He said weight loss will help me big time with my uterine cancer problems. I am so happy! Less hormone meds is a VERY good thing!!!

    So glad to hear that everything went well. That always great to hear that you will be on less meds!!! Once again Congrats on Threederville!!! :heart: :heart:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I just want to say one more time how proud of Nancy I am! You have done so good girl. You deserve it!

    I'm just about all packed up and ready to go. We're heading outta here early in the morning to go drop my dog off at the boarding place, get breakfast and off to the airport. Gonna miss you! I will try and check in when I can. I plan to get lots of exercise with my niece as I can. I would be stoked to come home losing a pound or two.

    I got my dress ordered. I ordered a two piece dress...it's a strapless top that has this mesh thing that you can tie all different ways..it's kind of hard to explain. They said I should get it by August 10th. When I get it I plan to take a picture. I got one that is pretty snug right now. So I COULD wear if it I HAD to...but with big girl panties.....ended up with a size 16 bottoms and 18 top. I'm happy with that! I had to try it on in red so I'm anxious to see how it looks in pink and brown! I really wanna get these 22 pounds off by the wedding! Anywho I'll stop rambling.

    I'm gonna miss you guys!! For those on my fb I'm sure I will be on there more then here so...if anything happens to me y'all will know! :laugh: Miss y'all and hope everybody has a happy and safe 4th of July!! :drinker:

    Hope you have a safe trip! Have fun camping and spending time with your family! We will miss you!!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Check in for yesterday
    Calories : Over
    Sodium : Over
    Water: 120 oz or so
    Exercise : 0 - stupid rain!!!
    Proud: That I really tried to find something good for me to eat for dinner but when I pulled it in it wasn't so good. I know that doesn't sound like something to be proud of but I am proud that I did try. I usually just get whatever I want and suffer the consequences.

    Hope Everyone has a great Wednesday!! My last day of work before vacation!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
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