Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Ok so this is the last week that I will be here before vacation and then I will be gone for 1 week and back on here after that.So who wants to take over switching the thread while I am gone this weekend until I get back? Anyways I am doing so much better this week no binging and no late night snacking and I have lost 5 pounds back from the weight I gained when I was on my funk week.Anyways who was the biggest loser??? There was too many post for me to catch up on SORRY !! I weighed in at 219 today and was so relieved that my weight was going back the other way.Basically I have been eating nothing but chicken,eggs,fruit,and veggies.Yesterday my puppy Bella and I devoured a mango together.She loves any kind of fruit or vegetable.She is half pit bull and half black lab. I love her even if she is a crazy weird dog.She sure fits in my family well.Anyways ready to kick some more butt this week before I go to the beach on Saturday.


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am sooo tired , i could of slept more..I am very tired...at this point not sure if i will go the gym today....but i know i will end up going as i can't work out fri - monday this weekend....

    I am up almost 3 lbs ...i didn't eat bad, not even real high on sodium or anything, i had 2 killer workouts this weekend , so hoping it is just my muscles retaining water...I was horrible on water for the last 2 day, so drowning in water

    Such a busy week this week.

    I have to take serena back to the pscy on wednesday, not taking off work but am going to work early, no lunch to take her, which means no lunchtime workout :sad: but will go to water class.

    Thursday taking 1/2 day, taking dog to kennel and abby to her followup ent for her ears and friday leaving at like 5 am...

    So short work for me...YAY!!!!

    I would take the thread but i won't be here either..I will be back on monday night .
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Deb sounds like your a busy ladies this weekend too.And its ok that you can't take the thread.I just need to find someone to take it for one week because I will be gone from July 3rd to July 10th
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Uggg...the little one has been soo horrible this morning...this is usally waht i get after a weekend at nana's they don't sleep and are super cranky..

    Little one slept later than usual (that would be 6;15 insted of 5:30), through major fit cause i won't let her have a 2nd bowl of ceral...throws bowl at me (that is why she gets a plastic one :smile:) then sits down throws a fit and pees all over herself...

    Never wanted her to go to day care sooo bad...then putting her in the car she felt a little warm , hoping it was jut cause she was throwing a fit and i don't get a call :sad:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bump for later!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Ok.. so, I had a rather so/so weekend in the line MGD (making good decisions). Saturday, I physically could not workout as I normally do. I just could not keep up. So, I figured I should listen to my body. Saturday night we ate dinner at the neighbors which started out healthy but, by the end of the night.... I did not do to well. Sunday was a bad day for me. Did not exercise, drink my water and ate CRAP I normally stay away from. I have not had one of those days where I crave crap for quite some time now. :grumble:

    Today is going to be better! I am heading to workout now then we are off to Denver to pickup a Engine for a customer of my husbands and stop by his mothers so, I can see the kitchen that has consumed all of his days off for the last 5 weeks!

    Deb.. you are looking sooooo great! I love the before and after pics on FB. You should be so proud of yourself!

    Well, girls I need to get moving here so, I will check back in later! Have a great day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Tag for later.
    Got very little sleep so I'm in zombie mode this morning. :indifferent:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good morning..

    Bumping for later..I am so tired I want to go back to sleep. I could not sleep all night and when i felt I the need to sleep it was time to get up becasue kids want to eat.

    be back later
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    couldnt wait for the freaking weekend to end. Bobby has such a big family that there is alwasy some party or event that we are going to on the weekends. Its fun to see the family but all the gifts add up, plus I never have a weekend where I just sit at home and do NOTHIN anymore. There are two more games in baseball season and they arent until the 11-12th, I can NOT wait for baseball to end. Its getting to hot to be sitting outside for those games and it consumes most of our week and weekends between practices and games. Plus Bobby was a coach and I never got to see him anymore since I was home with the baby and he was off coaching. My step son had a friend over this weekend for a sleepover. I HATE sleep overs. I hate other peoples kids...sorry, but I really dont have the patience for other kids, they are cute and dandy as long as I dont have to take care of them, lol..ok I sound horrible. Anyway, they wrecked my hosue there is food crumbs everywhere spilled juices, etc. All the toys are out of place...ugh. Then my son hasnt been himself lately. Hes really cranky and whiny and slept very little last night so I brought him into bed with us, and at that point he slept but mommy didnt because he took up my whole side I was nearly falling off the bed. So now I am sitting in my office with no a/c (broke over the weekend) and its like 100 degrees outside at 9am, I had about 3 hours of sleep, my muscles hurt from my workouts and I just feel like bursting out into tears out of sheer exhaustion.

    Next weekend we have a bday party saturday, 4th of july party sunday, and im sure someone will pop up with some kind of cook out on monday....tired jsut thinking about it. I get more relaxation at work then at home.

    Ok enough b-ching. I needed to get it all out there.

    On a good note, the scale was at 195.6 this morning. Which means I may actually be able to weigh in this week and have it count!! Hooray!

    ok b back later to stalk

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - sorry you are having such exahusting time...you make me tired just talking about it...no air is the pits...hope they can get it fixed asap.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    awestfall-Yay for the scale showing you are down. Keep it up! I would take over the thread but I wont be here as well. Hopefully my Mom's computer will work but no guarantees.

    lildebbie-I'm tired just reading everything you have to do! Sheesh! Get lots of rest if you can girl! Sounds like you had one heck of a rough morning. HUGS!

    Co Girl-So glad you cleared up the MGD because I was thinking Miller Genuine Draft beer. Where is my brain this morning!?

    POS Me-Hope you get some sleep!

    Cris-You amaze me how you are so strong and can handle so much! Wow! You had quite a weekend. Hope you can get some relaxtion in at work! Crossing my fingers the 195 sticks around!

    So I did some shopping this weekend, had to buy ANOTHER swimsuit since mine ripped at Hurricane Harbor. I found a pair of work pants that fit good. Unfortunately they are a size 20 and not 18. I just say they run small! :laugh: But either way they fit good. Feels so weird to wear clothes to work that FIT! I can't remember the last time my pants fit this good. Pretty sure I've been wearing 22's and 24's. :tongue: I'm so cheap. I'll look like a crazy bag lady at work but not when I'm out with friends. I hate buying new work clothes. But these were only $12. Yeah that's the most excitement from my weekend! Happy Monday ladies!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Sounds like a lot of us are going to be taking a vacation this week. I can't take the new thread either because I won't be able to really get on until Tuesday (My bday!!!). We are leaving Thursday morning to head up to Dallas (Deb & Jess too bad you won't be there:cry: ).

    Check in for yesterday
    Calories : Under :happy:
    Water: Not good only about 60 oz
    Execise: Cleaning for 90 mins.
    Proud: Even though I was hungry all day, yes ALL DAY, I did not over eat and I got some exercise from cleaning in. I probably did more than 90 mins of cleaning but these were probably the hard core 90 mins that I did.

    Well, today I plan to be better and get my butt some real exercise in. I couldn't get motivated this weekend to get on the elliptical or on the wii. Oh well, it is a new week. I weighed this morning and I am at 264.5 which is 1 lb gained since Friday. I really want to get off the tetter totter on these low 26#s!! :grumble: I won't probably get too much exercise in this weekend and I won't be able to weigh in this week either because I don't think my inlaws own a scale. My MIL is a toothpick so she needs to gain some weight!! I only wish that was my problem. :tongue:

    Ann - That is great that you have lost those 5 lbs!!! Hope more falls off before vacation for you!!

    Deb - Sorry for the rough morning! It will hopefully get better soon.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh yeah! And I'm down to 212.8 this morning! That's 2 pounds from from Friady and 2.8 to go to my lowest!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I'll make the new thread, is Sunday or Monday ok?

    Depending on my son and hubby's needy level I may only get to it on Monday :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Jess- yay on 212!!! I was drinking that beer on saturday as I was running around the house packing up the car for the party..when you have kids you have to take a gazzillion things to keep them entertained, and comfortable. Plus making taco dip at the same time. It makes me upset that I dont even think anyone realizes how hard I work to make the household run smoothly. thanks for acknowledging me!

    deb- the a/c is already fixed, there was a guy in here when I got in working on it and its up and running! Yay, things area laready looking up!

    raider- get ur butt excercising!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Sorry to hear you're exhausted and HOT. I would hate having no a/c when it's that warm. Congrats on being back at 195.2, though. We're only about a pound apart, so we can work on getting under 190 together!

    Julie: Your neighborhood is definitely entertaining. Both my neighborhood and my boyfriend's are rather boring. I love that your friend has dropped 8lbs. together with your expert advice and that your hubby is jumping on the MFP bandwagon. Now you're inspiring others along with us on this thread!

    Cogirl: Bummer about the mix-up with your mortgage company; I know how stressful that can be. Hopefully it will all be resolved soon. Jason's Deli sounds delicious, but we don't have them in Minnesota.

    Raider: We'll miss you while you're gone and look forward to hearing about your vacation!

    Bluenote: Way to go on keeping everything in check during those parties! I'm proud of you!

    lildebbie: I like the new profile pic because it more clearly shows your face. I'll be sure to check out the before and after pics but I'm sure they're awesome! I never took any true "before" pics, so I don't have anything great to compare with.

    Ann: I can't commit to taking the thread this week, either, as I don't know how much internet access I'll have between Thursday night and Wednesday morning. Sorry! I love your attitude about kicking some butt with the workouts this week before hitting the beach this weekend.

    As for me, we didn't get to go camping on Friday because of the severe weather, but we had a gorgeous (but hot and humid) day on Saturday for the fundraiser. We camped on Saturday evening, but tornado warning sirens went off once so I was on the phone with my mom since we didn't have a tv, the radio wasn't giving any info (no weather radio) AND I couldn't get my Blackberry to connect to the internet. We didn't end up getting anything other than some heavy rain and wind. Stressful, but not terrible. Yesterday, we were recovering from sunburn and the stress of bad weather, so we ended up taking a drive while eating Culver's ice cream. Terrible!

    The weekend eating was horrible, mostly due to excessive amounts of sodium (thanks to the brats we had for three of our weekend camping meals). However, I did drink more water than normal AND we took two walks Saturday and one last night. Hey, it's better to exercise after eating bad even if I'm still over calories than to be over calories and not do anything about it.

    I really, really wanted to be under 190 by the 4th, but I doubt I'll be able to lose 7 lbs. in a week. I'll certainly try, though! I have a date with Jillian Michaels tonight after visiting my horse. The boyfriend and I had a chat during our walk last night about getting back on track and I think he's ready to get back to it, too, which makes it much easier for me to stick with it. We've noticed our energy is zapped from the junk food and lack of activity. I think sometimes we need to truly feel the difference to know how good we were doing. Weird, right?

    Back to work, but I'll try to stalk a bit today!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    raider-Get in some exercise before you leave. It will make you feel better about not being able to while your gone!

    Cris-It just amazes me how much you do! I hope your fiancee knows what he has! You're like wonder woman! Glad they got the A/C fixed though. I don't know if you are like me but I'm quite cranky if I'm all hot and sweaty just sitting. YUCK!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I guess I forgot to refresh because after I finally posted I had missed a few of you.

    Pos_me - Hope you get some rest. Maybe all the kids will take naps!

    Cris - How do you do it? You are Super Mom!! Hopefully today at work you will be able to recoup some. Sorry the A/C is broke, I think I might die without mine. I am in the A/C now and I have a fan on. I am ALWAYS hot!

    Jess - Yea!!! On the 2 lbs down!! That is awesome! I am the same way on buying clothes right now. I figured that I shouldn't buy too much with the size I am now because I don't plan on staying here. Once I fit into my 20's I will have a lot of clothes to wear. It will be like I went shopping since I haven't worn them in such a long time! :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I'm totally with you on you have to exeprience the junk again and see how crappy it makes you feel. It gives you the boost that you need to get going again. Also helps that your bf is going to be on board again. Sorry your camping trip didn't quite go as planned. Pouring down rain...were you in a tent!? I'm about to go spend 6 days camping in Wisconsin. I call it "camping" its really just a house on wheels! :laugh: But I do enjoy the campfires at night that's for sure! Enjo your date with Jillian! Stay in check all this week, you just may see those 7 pounds gone! :drinker:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- I hate hate hate hot weather, I am a fall and winter kind of girl. I dont want anyone touching or even breathing on me because it adds to the hottness, lol. Oh and I hate being sweaty. I think during my c25k runs the point I want to quit is when the sweat is pouring down my face and into my eyes, ugh thats so gross , hate it hate it hate it. And yes Im a complete biotch if I am hot.

    Heather- I had to do the whole eating crappy food and realizing how it made me feeel. I distinctly remember sitting on my deck feeling awful and telling myself, "now you remember how this feels, eating all this junk is making you sick" and sure enough I do. After awhile the food starts being repetitive and the yucky feelings just makes you say enough is enough. Its hard to get back on track without getting to that misery point that made you start this in the first place. I would love to get into te 180's with you...so lets do it!

    julie- I forgot about your neighbor, read it on the old thread...omg I can only imagine the profanities Id be screaming at that lady! WTF?!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Heather - Sorry your camping trip got distrubed from the weather. I didn't even think about meeting my goal that I set for my birthday. I won't be losing 6.5 lbs in a week either. But we both will get to them no doubt about that. Glad to hear that your bf is getting back on board with you. It would be so much easier if my dh would start being better. He really needs to lose some weight too but nothing has been convincing enough to make him really do something about it.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'll make the new thread, is Sunday or Monday ok?

    Depending on my son and hubby's needy level I may only get to it on Monday :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Jess- yay on 212!!! I was drinking that beer on saturday as I was running around the house packing up the car for the party..when you have kids you have to take a gazzillion things to keep them entertained, and comfortable. Plus making taco dip at the same time. It makes me upset that I dont even think anyone realizes how hard I work to make the household run smoothly. thanks for acknowledging me!

    deb- the a/c is already fixed, there was a guy in here when I got in working on it and its up and running! Yay, things area laready looking up!

    raider- get ur butt excercising!
    Thanks Cris and Monday will be fine!!
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