Over 200 New Year New Me Part 25



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess: Of course you're going to lose more weight by October!

    Pos_Me: The other gals are right. You look awesome!

    Julie: I love the plan on moving where you can't see your neighbors. My boyfriend and I would like to do that, too! Except we'd probably end up in Montana or somewhere else out west.

    I'm not going to lie. Moving home in August is making me freak out. I'm afraid it's going to throw me all out of wack. I will be looking at at least an hour commute each way to work. I really hope I can work it all out. But I'm just so afraid of not getting the dress back in time to get it altered. Hopefully if it really only takes 12 weeks then I'll get a little less then a month to get it altered.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Pos_Me: Girl, you look AMAZING! That 203 does look fantastic on you. Yeah you!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ah October! I have 4 months to lose enough weight to be something slutty for Halloween. :laugh:

    I've never had a slutty Halloween costume before and I WANNA, darn it! :tongue: Hmm. I think I'll set a 175 weight goal for Halloween. Of course I'd like to weigh less but at the rate I'm going, I'm afraid anything more is too unrealistic. 175 is a big one -- it's where I enter "overweight" territory from obese-land. :bigsmile:
    I want to be something ridiculous like a scantily clad Mrs. Pac-Man. :noway: :laugh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Ah October! I have 4 months to lose enough weight to be something slutty for Halloween. :laugh:

    I've never had a slutty Halloween costume before and I WANNA, darn it! :tongue: Hmm. I think I'll set a 175 weight goal for Halloween. Of course I'd like to weigh less but at the rate I'm going, I'm afraid anything more is too unrealistic. 175 is a big one -- it's where I enter "overweight" territory from obese-land. :bigsmile:
    I want to be something ridiculous like a scantily clad Mrs. Pac-Man. :noway: :laugh:

    LOL!! I want to see thie scantily clad Mrs. Pac-Man!! :laugh: :laugh: I am darn sure you will be at 175 soon than October, you going to be a skinny minnie by October!!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    I had my daughter take a picture of me in my workout clothing yesterday..I know I don't show my face but I'm shy..I did take a pic of me and that is me @ 203 pounds...I don't see a difference I still see myself as that 245 pound girl...

    I was looking at your picture earlier after you posted it and was having to take double takes because I couldn't believe you were someone that need to loss weight! You look amazing!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ah October! I have 4 months to lose enough weight to be something slutty for Halloween. :laugh:

    I've never had a slutty Halloween costume before and I WANNA, darn it! :tongue: Hmm. I think I'll set a 175 weight goal for Halloween. Of course I'd like to weigh less but at the rate I'm going, I'm afraid anything more is too unrealistic. 175 is a big one -- it's where I enter "overweight" territory from obese-land. :bigsmile:
    I want to be something ridiculous like a scantily clad Mrs. Pac-Man. :noway: :laugh:

    That's such a good idea!! What a great goal! I love the Mrs. Pack-Man idea!! 4 months I could totally lose another 20 pounds? That's 5 pounds a month. Oh I like the sounds of that!! She got married to her ex husband about 11 years ago...man that's weird! I was 15 and a size 14. I'm going to be 26 and I'm going to order a 16 or an 18 dress. Wow. Maybe I could be a 14 again by then! :tongue:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Ah October! I have 4 months to lose enough weight to be something slutty for Halloween. :laugh:

    I've never had a slutty Halloween costume before and I WANNA, darn it! :tongue: Hmm. I think I'll set a 175 weight goal for Halloween. Of course I'd like to weigh less but at the rate I'm going, I'm afraid anything more is too unrealistic. 175 is a big one -- it's where I enter "overweight" territory from obese-land. :bigsmile:
    I want to be something ridiculous like a scantily clad Mrs. Pac-Man. :noway: :laugh:

    That's such a good idea!! What a great goal! I love the Mrs. Pack-Man idea!! 4 months I could totally lose another 20 pounds? That's 5 pounds a month. Oh I like the sounds of that!! She got married to her ex husband about 11 years ago...man that's weird! I was 15 and a size 14. I'm going to be 26 and I'm going to order a 16 or an 18 dress. Wow. Maybe I could be a 14 again by then! :tongue:

    That sounds like a resonable goal. I think you could do that!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - where are you getting the dress from. When my sister got married (now divoirced but that is another story), i ordered min in October and got it in like 4 weeks (the wedding was like in janury), so 12 weeks was going to cut it close we were all worried.

    well i went to the gym...i feel like a bum...i had great workouts thurs and fri at lunch, awesome spin class, super workout on sat night and super hard spin calss on sunday morning, and today i was soo dragging burned barely 300 cals ..i know that is 300 mor than nothing ..just feeling blah :sad:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess - where are you getting the dress from. When my sister got married (now divoirced but that is another story), i ordered min in October and got it in like 4 weeks (the wedding was like in janury), so 12 weeks was going to cut it close we were all worried.

    well i went to the gym...i feel like a bum...i had great workouts thurs and fri at lunch, awesome spin class, super workout on sat night and super hard spin calss on sunday morning, and today i was soo dragging burned barely 300 cals ..i know that is 300 mor than nothing ..just feeling blah :sad:

    Maybe your body is tired and needs a big of a rest. We are getting them from David's Bridal in Frisco.

    I set a goal...lose 22 pounds by October 23rd!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    well i went to the gym...i feel like a bum...i had great workouts thurs and fri at lunch, awesome spin class, super workout on sat night and super hard spin calss on sunday morning, and today i was soo dragging burned barely 300 cals ..i know that is 300 mor than nothing ..just feeling blah :sad:

    I agree with you last statement. Burning 300 calories is better than nothing. But I agree with Jess that maybe your body is just a little overworked and doesn't want to be pushed as hard as you would like. I of course don't know for sure since I am definitely the wrong person to respond since I don't work out nearly as hard as you do.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    I set a goal...lose 22 pounds by October 23rd!

    I know you can do it!!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ah October! I have 4 months to lose enough weight to be something slutty for Halloween. :laugh:

    I've never had a slutty Halloween costume before and I WANNA, darn it! :tongue: Hmm. I think I'll set a 175 weight goal for Halloween. Of course I'd like to weigh less but at the rate I'm going, I'm afraid anything more is too unrealistic. 175 is a big one -- it's where I enter "overweight" territory from obese-land. :bigsmile:
    I want to be something ridiculous like a scantily clad Mrs. Pac-Man. :noway: :laugh:
    Even at the age of 30 I want to dress as something HOT for Halloween this year too.We deserve to LOOK HOT especially at Halloween
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jess - where are you getting the dress from. When my sister got married (now divoirced but that is another story), i ordered min in October and got it in like 4 weeks (the wedding was like in janury), so 12 weeks was going to cut it close we were all worried.

    well i went to the gym...i feel like a bum...i had great workouts thurs and fri at lunch, awesome spin class, super workout on sat night and super hard spin calss on sunday morning, and today i was soo dragging burned barely 300 cals ..i know that is 300 mor than nothing ..just feeling blah :sad:

    Maybe your body is tired and needs a big of a rest. We are getting them from David's Bridal in Frisco.

    I set a goal...lose 22 pounds by October 23rd!
    I am in I think I am going to try to lose 20 pounds before October if its more great but 20 sounds reasonable.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Everybody now! 20 by october!! Let's do it!! :drinker:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Who's challenging us this week?
    Pos_Me? LilDeb? You were a couple of humongo losers last week. :wink:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Everybody now! 20 by october!! Let's do it!! :drinker:

    Well, technically mine is 20 by November.

    October is only 3 months away. :noway:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am in for 20 lbs by Halloween..given i will stillllll be too FAT to wear anything slutty...

    I am hoping for 35 lbs by thanksgiving , but i know that is super ambitious...but hopefully i can come close...My sister is coming and hadn't seen me since i was about 310 at her wedding this past September.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Everybody now! 20 by october!! Let's do it!! :drinker:

    Well, technically mine is 20 by November.

    October is only 3 months away. :noway:

    Mine's 22 by October 23rd. Soo....it's almost 4 months.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Your thoughts on Halloween echo mine exactly..wanting to dress slutty! When I was thin in high school, I was too shy to dress that way and once I got past the being shy, I was too chubby.

    Ladies: I'm with you on the lose 20 lbs. by Halloween challenge! This is doable for me if I really stick to my guns. Here's why:
    I started my weight loss journey the end of November and by the end of March (4 months), I lost 30 lbs., which is an average of 7.5 pounds per month. To lose 20 lbs. by Halloween 3.5 months, I would have to lose 5.7 lbs per month average. So, yes, is realistic but I'll admit ambitious. However, if I only make it to 10 lbs. total lost by Halloween, I'll still be the lowest I've been since college at 185 and I can be happy with that as a short-term goal.

    Ambitious goal: 175 lbs for Halloween
    Minimum goal: 185 lbs for Halloween

    Now I just have to start thinking of a good Halloween costume. I was Peggy Bundy from Married with Children last year and the guy running the costume contest apparently lived under a rock because he didn't know who that was and therefore would not enter me in the contest even though EVERYONE else at the bar knew who I was and loved it! I'm going to a bar with an older DJ this year so I have a shot!

    Okay, enough of my ranting for now.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Everybody now! 20 by october!! Let's do it!! :drinker:

    I'm in!! I now I can do it. That just means 5 lbs a month. That doesn't sound too terrible unless I never get off this plateau! :grumble: That would be awesome to say I have lost 40 lbs!!!
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